Hey! This is actually more of a test for Libre Office. I'm trying to get used to not only it, but my new laptop. Though I need to get to bed I have to wake up early. Eh, Family Guy is on so I don't care.

Inspired by Divergent by Veronica Roth


Republic City. No one knew what it was anymore. It changed so much. Along with it, people changed. They became isolated. So when I was born, I only knew the world for what I was given.

It didn't take me long to realize that I hate it here.

School sucked. It was boring, study study was all they taught. In the end would it really matter? My job would have nothing to do what I'm learning in here. I need to be out in the fields, learning of foreign affairs.

But I'm stuck in Math.

In a couple of weeks that will change. In a couple of weeks I'm leaving the city for the South Pole. The rest of my life will finally focus on what I want to do. A job in government. Learning about the rest of the world, handling the duties of other societies.

I just have to endure. Soon I'm going to be out of here and into the Choosing Ceremonies. From then on I will live my career from now until the day I die. That is the freedom that comes with living here until I'm sixteen.

However, something still bothers me.

I have a feeling I'm leaving something behind. Unfinished business. My family, well I don't have much of one. My father has a job in government and my mother is gone. I wish I knew where she was. She used to come back every six months for two weeks.

I haven't seen her in three years.

Friends, I don't have many. I don't believe in keeping friends close and enemies closer. Don't care, don't need them.

Then I turned. I looked over and saw him. That boy. The one with the green eyes. Since the beginning of the year I saw him, he always looked at me. Why, I had no clue. He gave no hints in his eyes. Today I decided to put an end to it. Maybe this is the thing tugging my stomach that I'm missing. Finding what he wanted.

Waiting for the bell was tedious. Then again we still had about thirty minutes in class when I was thinking of this. I'm positive about one-hundred notes popped up on the screen. I was fine with my notebook being empty. While I looked at this boy looking at me, I offered him no sort of expression. Then again, neither did he.

Finally when the bell rang I marched over to his desk while he was packing up his things. I placed my hands on his desk and leaned closer to him. He turned and looked up to me.

Finally I spoke. "What?"

It came out much more harshly than I intended.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"What do you want?"

"Don't know what your talking about."

He stood up, about the same height as me. Maybe a bit taller. As he stood, he straightened his short, jet black hair and tried to walk off. However I matched his pace.

"Why are you always staring at me?" I asked him.

"Don't know," he put. "You're interesting to look at."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks for not being vague."

We walked out into the hallway. Swarms of teens rushed out of the class piling into one another in a graceful yet chaotic way. All were dressed a different way. Some dressed as they were going to a fancy restaurant while others looked as if they were going to a late night party. The chaotic part, the groups.

"Don't know what it is about you. You look like your paying attention, but I the same time I know you aren't." The boy spoke.

I blinked at him. "Where are you going with this?"

He shrugged. "I just-"

"Hi Bolin!" A blond shouted and waved, dressed in the same dull green Bolin was wearing.

Bolin smiled and waved back. "Hey Tera."

The girl blushed so much her faced turned into the color of a ketchup bottle.

Bolin then turned back to me. "I just think you seem like someone to get to know. We only have so much time together when you think about it."

I nodded. It was true, there were six more weeks until the Choosing Ceremonies.

"Okay." I told him. "Korra."

I shook his hand. He gave me a firm handshake back. "Bolin."

"Fight!" I heard in the distance. "The cafeteria!"

The hint of gracefulness in the crowd turned to brute rage. People forcing themselves into others with no regard to feelings. People enjoyed action. I had to know that didn't just happen here.

"Shit." I heard Bolin say.

"What?" I asked him.

"I know who that is."

He grabbed my wrists and rushed me to the cafeteria. On the way I tripped and was being practically dragged between the crowds of people's shoes and pants. When we reached the destination he pulled me up.

When he looked on his shoulders dropped. "Of course."

I looked to the center of the circle and noticed him. They called him 'hot-head'. Three fights on the year, no losses. When I saw him my heart skipped a couple of beats. Then my brain questioned itself. It didn't matter the looks, he was awful. A terrible person. Still it was impossible to look at him and not get tense. He was the perfect specimen.

"How do you know him?" I asked Bolin.

Bolin took a heavy sigh. He then rolled up his sleeve. Tattooed on his wrist was the number 382, and my eyes widened. Everyone in Republic City had a marking. It is how you are kept and coded. Mine was 500 exactly. Everyone had a separate number except if you were a sibling. This was rare in Republic City, so it was weird when you found someone with a brother or sister.

I zipped back to the battlefield and looked at Mako's wrist. 382.

"He's your..." My words trailed off in complete shock.

Bolin sighed again. "Yeah." It wasn't just me. It couldn't be just me.

I heard disappointment in his voice.

The crowd chanted loud for Mako. Fire spread to his fingertips as fireballs were darted toward his opponent. His opponent dodged quickly, raising a wall of water from the cartridge on his belt. Even I saw his weak spot at the bottom.

So did Mako.

He took advantage of the situation and bounced a fireball off the ground and into his enemy's cover. While the guy staggered back Mako launched himself at him, throwing unarmed punches at his face effectively knocking him out.

Before I could make sense of what was happening Bolin rushed to Mako, pulling his brother off the unconscious man. Before leaving Mako reached for his signature scarf and walked through the crowd pushing people out of the way.

I walked behind Bolin who was walking behind his speeding brother.

"What was it this time?" Bolin asked.

"He took off my scarf." Mako said sternly, rushing into the locker room.

Bolin stomped on the ground, causing it to have a mini earthquake.

"What's the-"

"Every time, it's about stupid shit like this!" Bolin shouted.

"Calm down. Where is Mako going to be?" I asked.

Bolin took a deep breath. "The gym."

"We can meet him there, I'm sure there is an explanation."

Bolin, still scowling nodded and walked off. I looked toward the locker rooms before walking away too.

I walked to the gym and noticed Bolin and Mako hitting a punching bag.

Mako noticed me first. "Bolin. We are graced by the Avatar!" he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes at the man throwing a towel over his shoulder. Then I looked toward Bolin.

"Hey Korra." He stated.

"Hey." I looked back at Mako. "What was that today?"

Mako ignored me. Bolin then spoke. "He tried to steal the scarf."


We all knew the story of the scarf, it was his father's. Before he was killed, he gave Mako his scarf. On the hottest of days he wears that thing. Though I understand, you won't catch me in one of my mom's old necklaces.

"Korra, if you are going to be in here you have to train." Mako said. He stared daggers at me.

"I figured."

As I walked to get my bags I bumped shoulders with him. He was a couple inches taller than Bolin, so he had to look down at me. Those amber eyes. He looked for a second but it felt like years. They wore a stern look, but they had a hint of softness.

I ignored him. I have to be in shape for PT. Required course, don't know why. It was my favorite course though, practicing bending mad me feel at home.

When I walked out of the locker rooms from changing I felt their eyes on me.

I'm about to whup their ass.

Oh, weird place to end it? Well the next chapter will be a direct continuation of this so it isn't.

Anyway, review if you want, no pressure.

Review though. ;)