Dawnkit squealed as a dark shape came hurtling towards her, pinning her to the ground. She did not understand Badgerkit's obsession with battle moves, but her denmate's eagerness was contagious and at the lofty expression on his face, she just had to laugh.

He got off of her and nudged her gently to her paws. "Your turn, Dawnkit!" he urged her; "You try now!"

She smiled, but shook her head. "You know I could never pull a move like that off," she pointed out, "I- I'll stick to… other things… thanks."

Badgerkit looked disappointed. "You have too little faith in yourself, Dawnkit. You can't be the mouse every time!"

She gave a resigned sigh and bunched up her haunches to pounce halfheartedly at him.

"No, no, no!" Badgerkit wailed, "You have to try, mousebrain!"

She rolled her eyes. "Fine."

Dawnkit backed up a few feet to give herself more room, and bunched up again, this time in decent form for a pounce. Come on, Dawnkit, she thought, Maybe you can actually do this! Maybe you can-

A small snort sounded from behind her. "Is she really trying to play, again?"

Dawnkit turned meekly around to face the speaker. "Hello, Wolfkit," she muttered, then, nodding to Wolfkit's brother, "Redkit."

Wolfkit smirked. "Why do you keep trying?" she laughed, "Clearly, you're never going to be a warrior!"

Badgerkit bounded up to them, bristling. "You take that back!" he yowled, "Dawnkit will be a great warrior!"

Wolfkit just puffed up bigger, "HA! What do you think, Redkit?"

Redkit snorted. "I bet she won't be a good anything at all!" he mewed.

Wolfkit shot Dawnkit another of her nasty little signature smirks. "Well, then what will they do with her? Make her live in the elder's den? Exile her? Kill her?"

Dawnkit looked away, choking back a sob. What if they were right? She really wasn't good at anything! She was to small, frail, uncoordinated… and also, there was her fear.

Badgerkit was livid. "You leave her alone! She'll be a fine warrior! She'll-"

"Don't be daft, brother!" Redkit shot back at him, "She's a dead weight in our clan! Another mouth to feed, and she'll never be anything more!"

"Yeah!" Wolfkit agreed, yellow eyes shining maliciously, "Cats like her are the reason Thunderclan is starving and dying of greencough!"

Dawnkit let in a sharp intake of breath. That was going too far! Her brother, Kestrelkit, had died just within the moon of a severe case of greencough, despite the abundance of medically trained cats in Thunderclan, who were unable to save him.

She could still remember her brother's voice, the way he actually enjoyed playing Shadowclan in their games, but yet how you couldn't have found a nicer cat in all of Thunderclan. How he had been her shoulder to lean on, her confidant, the moss to her elder, the dog to her twoleg, the fangs to her fox. How his little brown body had laid at Jayfeather's paws, limp and lifeless.

"I'm sorry, Dawnkit," Jayfeather had told her, in an uncharacteristic exhibition of sympathy.

"Don't. Ever. Say that," Dawnkit breathed in Wolfkit's ear, in a soft and strangely calm voice, all the warmth gone from her normally submissive and compassionate pale green eyes.

Wolfkit looked startled and staggered backwards, gray tabby fur on end. "I…"

"I mean it," Dawnkit continued in that same soft, threatening tone. "Or else I'll…"

Wolfkit's eyes gleamed. "You'll what?" she challenged her.

Dawnkit's expression fell. "I- I- I'll… kill you," the little black kitten muttered, but her heart wasn't in it.

Wolfkit raised her eyebrows. "I'd like to see you try, mouseheart!"

Dawnkit gulped. How in Starclan had it come to her challenging Wolfkit, who already fought like an apprentice at four and a half moons? Especially when Dawnkit was so weak at three?

Badgerkit put a tail over her shoulders. "Come on," he whispered, "Let's just go."

Dawnkit gave him a gratified look, but shook her head. "I have to teach her a lesson," she said softly, "Or she'll never stop picking on me."

Badgerkit just stared at her with his big, topaz eyes. "Dawnkit-"

"Please," she whispered, "Just let me do this."

Badgerkit nodded, slowly, and he and Redkit backed away.

Little did the kits know, but their antics had attracted the attention of a large portion of the clan. Nobody stepped in, however. This was between Dawnkit and Wolfkit, and they needed to learn to fight their own battles.

"I'll even let you have the first strike," Wolfkit meowed, smugly. She sat down in the snow, unmoving.

Dawnkit squeezed her eyes shut, feeling queasy with apprehension and slowly bunched up her haunches and…

She opened her eyes again, her green ones meeting Wolfkit's yellow. Her resolve quickly melting like the snow was said to in newleaf; she prepared to leap, and lifted her paws ferociously in front of her to bat at the air.

Suddenly, thousands of images flashed before her eyes.

Blood, and claws, and teeth whirled through her vision, mixed with the agonized wails of hundreds of cats, the whole scene washed with red. She looked about, here, there, anywhere to escape, and a giant gray shape landed on her, tearing with her claws. "Come on Dawnkit," the more sinister than life version of Wolfkit sneered, "Fight me!" She suddenly morphed into Tigerstar, the notorious cat from the nursery tales, who tore at her, tearing out her fur, biting so deep, it hit bone, shredding her to pieces.

Then, Dawnkit fought back. Suddenly, the air was freckled red with blood, like the spots of the great Leopardclan. She felt flesh beneath her claws, warm and soft, and tore and tore and tore, the blood tangy and metallic as filled her mouth and drizzled down her throat…

Eventually the horrified shrieks of the cat in her claws ceased and she looked down at her victim's limp and lifeless form.

It morphed into Kestrelkit. "Dawnkit…." Came his voice's whisper from the air, "Whyyyyyyy?!" and then his eyes were lifeless too, and his stare was blank.

"YOU'RE NO WARRIOR!" the voices of hundreds of cats chanted at her, "YOU'RE NO WARRIOR! YOU'RE NO WARRIOR!"

Suddenly, a lithe tortoiseshell cat with stars in her fur touched down from the sky in front of her. "There are no warriors, now," the cat whispered in a deep and mysterious tone, "Only killers, only death."


Kestrelkit lay looking frail and broken in Dawnkit's claws, shredded and soaking in a pool of blood.

"No," Dawnkit whispered, putting her paws back on the ground and shaking her head slowly in horror as she backed away. "NO!"

Wolfkit snorted as her opponent's eyes grew ever wider, and then, suddenly, Dawnkit had completely frozen over, shuddering, a glazed look in her eyes.

A small gasp sounded form Dawnkit's mother.

"Not again," her father sighed.

Wolfkit sniffed snootily, strutted up, and cuffed Dawnkit in the head. The smaller kit want limp and fell to her knees.

"Your turn," Wolfkit chided.

Dawnkit blacked out, collapsing pathetically to the floor of the camp.

Badgerkit sighed, sadly. Why did it have to be like this every time she fought?

So, what did you think? This is my first OC fic, so... any feedback on my characters would be much appreciated. Yes, this takes place after the Last Hope. There weren't spoilers in this chapter, but there may be later on... ;) I would explain what will happen in great detail, but I don't want to give everything away... Let's just say that Dawnkit's destiny is a great and... unexpected one, that will change the clans forever.

Well, anyhow. Next chapter the adults will discuss what to do with poor Dawnkit, because, although Wolfkit is a little jerk, she is totally right: Dwankit would clearly be a terrible warrior. So, let's play a game. Guess what will happen to Dawnkit and post it in your review! Thanks for reading everybody, I'll try to update soon! Please review!