Do They Know

By Shaz1

None of the recognised characters belong to me, and I will return them as soon as I am able to…

Please review- I really do thrive on them!

Very brief guest appearance from some of the NCIS team- I don't watch the show so forgive my vagueness!

Just a little Christmas story, although not particularly festive! This does include the events of my other story Cure or Disease- although can be read as a standalone.

Do They Know

The man walked down the snow covered street, hunched down in his jacket as he battled through the December weather to get to his destination. He had only moved to Washington three months prior, and was yet to get used to the harsh winter weather. He moved quickly, blinded by the whirling snow as he made his way to the navy yard. He knew who he had to speak to; he just didn't know exactly how to find him. It had been years since he had seen him, in fact the other man had been a small child- and he knew that the other man would barely remember him- yet somehow he knew he would be the only one that could help him- he just hoped he would be willing to.


G Callen had no feelings for Christmas- he felt no bitterness towards it, yet he never looked forward to it. For him it had always been just another day- another day not knowing anything about his past, another day without a family and another day that he risked once more moving house. He could remember one good Christmas as a child- it was the sole day that he had received a present and had a full Turkey dinner. He smiled at the thought, it was the first time that he had felt part of a family- and probably the last, but he still felt fondness towards the Millers. He had only lived with them for two months- yet it was the most secure he had ever felt. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, not even sure where they had sprung from. In the last twelve months he had nearly lost his life twice- once by five bullets ripping through his flesh and once by a deadly toxin ravaging his body. He didn't often stop to consider his own mortality, he had been in the national security game so long that he just assumed he would die on the job- he didn't stop to think about how, or when- it would drive him crazy if he did. He sighed again as he headed into the office- knowing that his partner would yet again invite him to spend Christmas with his family, an invite that he would again decline. He arrived at the office a mere ten minutes later, shaking his head at the mass of decorations surrounding him. He couldn't help the small grin that lit his face at the sight of his colleagues beaming like small children that still believed in Santa. He dumped his trusty bag beside his desk and surveyed the year's efforts.

"Not bad" he commented lightly.

"You like it? Nell must have been flat out all night" Sam responded with a smile. Callen couldn't help but return the gesture as he saw his partner looking so happy.

"The Christmas elf herself" Callen stated with a small smile. "Have you managed all your shopping yet?" he asked his partner as he poured them both a cup of coffee.

"All done and wrapped- a new record for actually being ready" Sam responded with a big grin. He was pleased with the gifts he had selected for everyone. "What about you man are you ready for Christmas?" he asked his partner as he accepted the coffee he was handed.

"You know I don't do Christmas Sam" Callen responded with a sigh- well used to his partner wanting him to be more festive.

"I take it you aren't planning on joining us on Christmas day then?" Sam asked with a sad smile as he knew the answer before he even asked the question.

"No Sam, I have other plans" Callen replied with a smile wandering away as he spoke.


Gibbs whistled as he walked into the office, he was feeling unusually festive and was actually looking forward to getting home and working on his boat for the evening, he glanced at his watch and noticed that he was even earlier as usual. He approached the gates and found himself face to face with a young man who was clearly looking for someone.

"Can I help you?" he questioned in suspicion, the man looked him up and down before taking a step back.

"I am looking for someone, and I think he might work here" the man replied softly, his eyes flicking around him nervously.

"Who are you looking for?" Gibbs questioned, his hands on his hip- the comforting weight of his service weapon on his belt.

"An old friend" the man replied as he stood up a little straighter- deciding that he had to ask if he was ever going to get the help he needed. "A very old friend actually. His name is Callen" he stated. Gibbs set an appraising glance over the other man.

"I've never heard of him" the old navy man replied, his protective streak cutting in immediately at the merest mention of the young man's name.

"Are you sure? I mean I am pretty certain he is somehow linked to this place- in the navy or something" the man stated, his face the picture of desperation. "Please I really need to see him it's a matter of life or death" he finished his plea with passion as he looked at the older man beside him. Gibbs sighed deeply before taking the other man by the arm.

"Come inside before you freeze to death, I'll see if anyone can help you" he instructed as he lead the other man into the building. He sat him down on the ground floor and took as much information about the man as possible before heading upstairs to make some calls.


Callen groaned as his pile of paperwork refused to get any smaller despite the two hours he had already spent on it.

"I'm going to do the lunch run- anyone want anything?" he offered as he got to his feet stretching his back and hearing the pop with a wince.

"Want me to come with you?" Sam offered with a wry smile- knowing full well how much his partner despised paperwork.

"I'm good, you keep going" Callen responded, shrugging on his jacket as he headed out of the door. Just as he left his desk phone began to ring, Sam shook his head at the timing as he got up and answered it for him. The voice on the other end of the line and the information it was providing to him had his stomach churning. He perched on the edge of the desk as he listened to everything that was being said and felt his worry increase with every second. Within a few minutes the call was ended and Sam was frantically dialling his partner's cell phone number- only to feel the bile rising in his throat as he was diverted to voicemail.


Callen stretched his back as he walked along the beach, his shoulders were tense and his whole body ached from being sat behind a desk. He had only returned to work a month ago after his brush with botulism- and he was feeling it in every muscle. As he walked he pondered what to pick up for lunch, deciding to bow down to his partner's wishes he decided on the salad cart- mind made up he began walking towards the street vendor. He never made it as half way there his World became a blur of light and his ears were ringing as a loud explosion rocked him to his core and turned his world to black.

End Chapter One

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