Better Suited
Remus had just gone to get Augusta and the house was starting to settle down, at least for the moment.
Harry was sitting in his room looking out of the window when Hedwig landed on the window ledge.
She had been hunting and felt a sense of distress from her human so she left her hunt and headed back straight away. She jumped off the ledge and onto Harry's shoulder.
"Hedwig, "He sighed, "Probably my only real friend the last four years."
She looked up at him questioningly. "Dumbledore was draining my magic girl. The Weasley's were in on it too." He stroked her feathers absentmindedly. "It makes me question everyone. Who was a plant and who wasn't. Who was put in front of me and who wasn't?"
Harry let out a huge sigh.
"Ron claimed there was nowhere else to sit on the train when he found my compartment. What are the odds that I found the last empty compartment on the whole train to sit in and all the others were totally full? It wasn't even five minutes later he knocked on the door. He must have followed me." He had stopped petting Hedwig and was staring back out the window in a bit of a trance. Hedwig looked at him wide eyed.
"Hermione just kind of barged in without asking and never went away. If Dumbledore could get to the Weasleys surely he could get to the Grangers, they don't have any magic to defend themselves against him. But Remus and Sirius said something about the Weasleys they didn't say anything about the Grangers."
"On top of that what other friends did I really have until Neville? I let Hagrid and Ron convince me that all the Slytherins were bad before I even got to school; I have to admit that before last year only about five of them were actually mean to me. The rest just kind of treated me with a bit of spiteful indifference but I wasn't exactly the King of Kindness myself."
Harry sighed. "I've been really stupid actually girl." Hedwig nipped his ear affectionately. "Everyone who really tried to talked to me from the other houses I discounted as fan girls or boys."
He leaned back hard into his chair. "But what else could they be really? I never really gave them anything else to know but what they read other places. I never had real conversations with them so what else would they know. So I guess that I really don't have anybody else to blame to but myself."
Hedwig hooted a little angrily.
"Ok, it might not be all my fault but I certainly did not do myself any favors did I?"
Hedwig hooted her agreement.
"I didn't need you to agree with me. I was berating myself just fine lady." Harry laughed as his owl glared at him. Harry gave her an owl treat to appease her. "Only joking love."
Then he heard a knock at the door, it was Neville. "Hey Bro, just coming to check on you." Harry waived Neville into the room.
Neville came in and sat on the chair next to Harry, but when he saw Hedwig he started to feel kind of nervous. She didn't look very happy with him. Harry followed his eyes to his owl.
"Oh sorry about that Neville." he smirked, "We were talking and it's usually a private conversation." Neville got up to leave when Harry grabbed his arm and held him in his place.
"Hedwig, before you glare a hole in him, I found out Neville isn't just a good friend. Neville is my God Brother." Owls eyes got big.
Harry laughed at her expression."That's right he is family so please don't make him wet himself."
Hedwig jumped off of Harry and onto Neville's lap and analyzed him. Neville sat there looking back at her. After about five minutes Hedwig nodded her approval and nipped his finger in an apology. Neville seemed to understand and scratched under her beak.
"Don't get too friendly over there Neville." Harry mocked. "She's mine."
"Keep your knickers on Harry, it's not my fault I'm likable." Neville laughed.
"So..." he looked at Harry expectantly.
"I'm looking back and thinking about what was real and what was fake. To tell you the truth Nev, I have no bloody idea. If the Weasleys were in on it, it makes a lot of coincidences seem like thought out plans. If Ron was in on it then who is to say Hermione wasn't. Then it just snowballs from there."
"Well we know the Weasleys knew but no one said anything about the Grangers. Seeing as they are non magical I can't see what real purpose they would serve. Have you ever even met them?"
Harry nodded, "Just one meeting at the train nothing more than that."
"As far as Hermione goes, I really don't know what to tell you." Neville said.
"Yeah, that would just be the end of things between her and me if she did. I still haven't responded to that letter she wrote." Harry said reaching on the desk to retrieve it. "Right now I don't even know what to say. Yesterday I would've been trying to forgive her for making a mistake. Today I'm wondering if it really was a mistake or if this is part of some plan."
"You trust people until they give you a reason not to." Neville said. Harry looked at him blankly.
"Dumbledore has given you reasons not to trust him and has never once admitted a mistake. Ron has given you reasons not to trust him time and time again. He apologized but you and I both know the apologies weren't sincere. Up until last year has Hermione ever really given you a reason not to trust her? And the time that she did she at least had decency enough to try and apologize for it."
Harry raised his eyebrow curiously. "That is sure a pro forgiveness speech from a guy who doesn't like Hermione."
Neville threw his hands up. "I am not blind Harry, I can see you miss her. I saw it all last year. Just because I don't like her previous actions doesn't mean I would tell you not to forgive her." Neville pointed his finger at Harry's chest. "My liking her has nothing to do with this, and for your information with me it is just a conflict in personality. Hermione is closed minded, she thinks with blinders on. She can't accept things she can't verify with a book or a set of rules. Shocking to me really when you think about the fact that we live and work with magic. Especially seeing as until her eleventh birthday she did not even know magic existed. But, up until last year she tried to be a good friend to you. As your friend and your brother I want you to be happy. Right now whenever she is involved you don't feel happy. You need to fix that."
"I don't know how I feel about her anymore. Every time I think about her I get upset and angry. It just wells up inside me and it is so hard to control. I want to yell at her and scream at her, but at that same time I want to hug her and keep her with me. It's so frustrating."
"But that is what I am saying Harry."
"Just what are you saying?" Harry asked.
"I'm saying you feel something Harry, and if you feel something then there is something there. Deal with it, if for no other reason than to be done with the feeling. No one feels that much anger and hurt unless they actually care. You care about her, you are emotionally tied to her, but at the moment you don't trust her. Talk to her; yell, cuss, scream, then ask all the questions you want answers to from her. Once you talk to her then you'll know if whatever feelings you have for her are strong enough to move on with your friendship. If not, then you'll know all you need to know before you drop her and move on. But don't ignore the feelings because you don't want to deal with them, and don't put off writing the letter that you know you want to and need to write."
Hedwig gave a supportive hoot to Neville after he finished. She knew she liked him.
The two boys sat there in silence for a while. Harry was trying to get through what Neville had just said to him.
"Alright Neville. I'll write it tonight and send Hedwig out tomorrow."
"Good, I'll leave you to it then." Neville left the room.
After about half an hour later Harry was interrupted in his writing by Tonks. Remus and Augusta had just arrived, about two hours later than when Remus left, much to the relief of the others at Black Manor. Neville was the first to his Gran to give her a hug when she entered. Followed next by Sirius who came to met her.
"Welcome to my home Lady Longbottom." He said taking her hand.
She waived him off, "Let the nobility stuff pass this time Sirius we have important things to discuss." She said making her way to the couch in the sitting room.
Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Neville, and Harry all followed her into the room. Once they all took a seat Tonks was the first to speak.
"Two hours later is hardly immediately Remus." She spoke anxiously. "What happened?"
"Dumbledore is what happened." Augusta said with disgust. "The old man chased me out of the Atrium at the Ministry and hounded me for thirty minutes. Then when I finally left he called my flow constantly until I would talk to him."
"Why was he so persistent?" Sirius asked.
"He doesn't have the support he thought he had." She explained. "First of all his allies in the ministry are few and far between. The little speech he gave today did not endear him to anyone. He came in going on and on about Voldemort being back and how terrible it was. It was really just a waste of breath if you ask me because half of them supported Voldemort the last time, but that was just par for the course. He really got started when he began the smear campaign on Sirius and Harry."
"Me?" Harry said shocked "He tried to smear me?"
"In a way dear," Augusta gave him a sympathetic look. "He tried to slaughter Sirius. He called him a menace. He talked about how on top of the Dementor security he had to put up extra precautions to try and keep him away from the school after he escaped. He claimed you made multiple attempts on the lives of the guards he had posted undercover."
Sirius was visibly irritated. "He claimed that since you have escaped there has been three wizard killings. He said he had documented proof that your magical trace was the only one around when the bodies were found."
Sirius pinched his nose in annoyance."Just who exactly were the three wizards I killed?"
"Travis Knott, Sylvester McNair, and Joseph Parkinson."Augusta answered.
"Why that no good snake!" Remus banged on the table next to him. "Those were the three Death Eaters we killed in the Order raid on the McNair mansion. Dumbledore said we were going there because he believed they had the magical artifact that allowed Voldemort to survive outside of a body."
"Yeah it was the only raid he let me go on. I remember him saying he wanted me to go on that one specifically." Sirius added.
"I offered to stay and get rid of all our traces before the Aurors arrived," Tonks spat, "but he assured me that he would take care if it so I didn't risk the chance of being caught by Amelia and losing my job."
"Hold on a second." Harry chimed in. "Voldemort used Unicorn blood to keep himself alive, that and other people's bodies. When I was in the forbidden forest first year for detention we found one drained."
"So we raided the house for nothing!" Sirius said.
"Well not nothing." Augusta said, "Obviously Albus got what he wanted. He got three more murders to put on you should you try to step out of line."
"Bastard." Remus snorted.
"He also informed the ministry that Sirius sent Harry letters claiming falsely that he was Harry's Godfather."
"But he is my Godfather!" Harry yelled.
"Yes, but Dumbledore had your parents' will sealed when he became your magical guardian, so there was no actually documentation of that being so." Sirius said.
" Albus tried his best to convince us that with Harry being a very kind and forgiving child who desperately wants a family, he might actually believe Sirius would do him no harm."
"So he painted Harry to look like he was easily manipulated?" Neville asked.
"Well he wouldn't be that far off." Harry sighed. "Look at the last four years."
"He also alleged that it would take magic of the most dark sort to break the defenses he set in place to protect Harry at home. Magic that would surely be against the law to use."
"He had that right, it took us hours didn't it Moony. But we weren't the only ones using dark magic. Some of those wards were of an awful sort." Remus nodded.
"Dumbledore claimed that last year Harry was so overcome with anger at being chosen for the tournament that he started taking an interest in the dark arts. And now that he was potentially in the hands of Sirius he might be taught the dark arts and fully embrace them. He tried to scare us into believing that with Sirius influence you might become a dark wizard."
"Well isn't that just great." Harry scoffed. "Can't imagine what the papers will say about me now after all this. Headline reads, Harry Potter New Dark Lord."
"Please Harry, in the papers you go from Hero to Dark Lord every other week." Neville said. "That is hardly the important part."
"It did not have its desired effect, seeing as there are Death Eaters on the Wizengamot that would love to hear they had new allies in Black and Potter. And Bones and Scrumigar wanted to know how he knew about the three murders when that was highly classified and sealed information. His objective was to increase aruor presence and observation to get you two, he wanted unspeakables to go be assigned to your case, and he called for Sirius to be kissed on site f found. We blocked theunspeakables and the kiss but Amelia was adamant about sending extra aurors out.
"Ok not bad." Remus said, "the press will kill Harry but we can deal with that."
"I can try and get Moody, Kingsley, and myself to get stationed wherever I know you guys need to go. "Then he tried toconnivence me to join the order again. He said he could use my diplomatic influence."
"What did you say Gran?"
"I told him as diplomatically as I could to go get bent." the group laughed.
"So Sirius that means no outside for you unless absolutely necessary, and if you do we are going to have to do some major glamour work." Tonks said.
"Is their anyway we could get to Amelia?" Sirius asked. "Try to make her see the light."
"Amelia is Ministry through and through. She is not going to admit the ministry is a sham until she has no other choice." Tonks answered.
"I agree." Augusta said. "Amelia worked from the bottom up through the Ministry to get where she is and you don't just break that kind of loyalty."
Sirius let out another sigh.
Then she jumped as the ring on the pinky finger of her left hand began to heat up. It turned yellow and Tonks knew what that meant.
"Dumbledore is calling an emergency meeting now. I have to go." She said rising.
"Tonks," Remus said turning to her "mental shields at full strength and be careful."
Tonks smiled at him a small blush coming onto her cheeks. "Don't worry Wolfe, I'll be alright."
"Cheers all. I'll be back tomorrow to update you." With that Tonks left the room.
"Remus where do they meet now that the order is banded from here?" Harry asked.
"Hogwarts." Remus answered.
Augusta sighed. "You know we are going to have to start training these two." She pointed at Harry and Neville.
"They might be in for a fight every time they go outside." She added.
"Well between the three of us we should be able to teach them a couple things." Sirius said smirking the two boys.
"I don't like the sound of that." Neville said to Harry.
"Yeah but it might be fun." Harry said back.
"Lady Longbottom, can I offer you a room for the night?" Sirius asked.
"You sure can Sirius. Something tells me Albus won't be giving my flow a break anytime soon."
Everyone then got up and went to their rooms.
2 am that night.
Everyone in the house was asleep but that was about to end. Nymphadora Tonks was irate and everyone in Black Manor was about to know about it. She threw open the door and stalked into the house. Flaming red hair to match the currently crimson red eyes made her outward appearance appropriately match how she was feeling. She slammed the door behind her and went straight to the kitchen.
Remus and Sirius because of their animal instincts were the first to awake. Harry and Neville were awaken by the sounds of dishes slamming on the counter, and Augusta who was awake anyway was in the library when she heard Tonks enter.
They all came down the stairs with their wands drawn, all while Tonks was yelling below them, and entered the kitchen carefully.
"Tonks what are you doing!" Sirius said breathing a sigh of relief when he saw his cousin.
"I am trying to calm the bloody hell down!" she yelled. "And that lousy good for nothing house elf of yours won't answer me. Kreacher!" She yelled towards the door.
She threw up her hands when again the elf didn't answer her. "To hell with it, where do you keep the bloody tea Sirius." She turned and glared at him and Sirius took a few steps back.
"Umm allow me won't you." Sirius replied. "Kreacher!"
The elf popped into the kitchen. Bowing he mumbled, "Someone worth answering finally be calling Kreacher."
Tonks dove at the elf but Remus caught her and pulled her over to the kitchen table. "I am a Black by blood you stupid elf. Did you not hear me call you? I know you did you big eared hunchback back!"
"I don't haves to answer to you red haired lady. Do I looks like I takes orders from mudbloods?"
Tonks jumped out of the chair Remus had just put her in. "I'll chop of your head and put it next to that old windbag of a mistress you love so much, and I will pull out the three hairs left on your head before I do.
"Would you please get us all some tea please?" Sirius said calmly to Kreacher as he tried his best not to laugh at his cousin and the elf.
Remus forced her back down as the others joined her at the table. "They have to go at it all the time. My goodness this is a bother."
"You aints gots no say here Nymphadora." Kreacher said with emphasis as he dodged a hex she sent his way as he placed the tea on the table.
"I'll cut your tongue out you wrinkly old pisser. Call me that again."
Kreacher mumbled something unsavory under his breath.
"What?" Tonks yelled.
Neville, Harry and Augusta looked on with shocked expressions. Remus was rubbing his temples and Sirius was chuckling.
"Would you like some sugar in your tea?" Sirius offered the assembled group. When no one answered him he went on dishing some out to everyone.
"You not a Black, how dare yous insult my mistress." He ducked another hex from her and sent one flying himself.
"Sirius aren't you going to do something about this?" Augusta asked.
"Surely," Sirius said grabbing a bottle off the table. "Would you like some milk?" He asked offering it to her.
She glared back at him. "Fine, fine. I thought since we had to get up at this ungodly hour we should at least get a good show out of it."
He put the tea down and stood up. "Kreacher leave the now kitchen and do not return until everyone has left." Kreacherpopped away.
"Tonks calm down before I hex you." He looked at her with the glare only a Black could give and Tonks begrudgingly sat down.
"See, nothing to it." Sirius said calmly going back to his tea.
"Tonks do you want to explain now why we are up so early and why you look like a cinnamon lollipop?" Remus asked.
"Albus, leader of the light my ass, Dumbledore." She answered. "You won't believe what has ordered us to do." Then she went on to tell the story.
Hogwarts 4 hours earlier.
Dumbledore sat at his desk impatiently. He had called an emergency meeting twenty minutes ago and all his order members had arrived except Tonks. She was the person he wanted to see most. She was the closest to Sirius other than Remus and she was close to Remus as well. If Sirius was in hiding it was a pretty good bet Remus was with him and the odds were pretty good Tonks knew where they both were. She was also on patrol the night before Harry left with Sirius.
Tonks was certainly involved somehow but she was making it increasingly hard to get to the facts. She had, after Sirius and Remus left, stopped talking to him about anything that did not directly involve the order. He knew she had answers. He could not probe her mind or put traces on her because she was an auror and knew occlumencyand probably could detect tracking charms. On top of that if the order found out he was doing these things to one of them he could have a mutiny on his hands. Well, for some not all. TheWeasleys, Hagrid, Minerva and others would stay, but Kingsley, Moody, and Diggery would leave for sure and he needed them. Still, he needed to prod her tonight after the meeting, he needed Harry back and he needed him back immediately. He also needed Sirius dead as soon as possible.
The floo network lit up with green light and Tonks entered the office.
Dumbledore quickly adjusted his face to look happy as he greeted the young metemorph.
"Hello Nymphadora." He smiled but Tonks did not acknowledge him. That agitated him.
"I said hello Nymphadora." He said a little more forcefully.
Tonks turned to Minerva and spoke loudly so all could hear. "Professor do you like it when people call you Minnie?"
Minerva eyebrows rose two levels. "People have been cursed for doing so." She replied.
"Do you answer to it when people call you by that?" Minerva shook her head. "Do you think someone calling you a name you have constantly asked them not to call you is a lack of respect or the failing mind if an Old man?"
"Miss Tonks," Albus said correcting himself. "You are late." Tonks then turned to face him.
"Oh, hello professor." She faked a smile, though not very well, and took a seat. "I'm not late professor."
"Yes you are Tonks." Albus argued. "I called this meeting twenty minutes ago."
"Please understand that I am an auror and sometimes I have business to attend to that, heaven forbid, takes priority over you. I am putting my job at risk doing this and sometimes Albus you might have to wait. Twenty minutes isn't that bad considering you called out of nowhere. And since you're taking this time to argue with me instead of starting the meeting; it must not be that much of an emergency."
Moody chuckled out loud. "She's got a fire to her she does." he leaned over and whispered to Kingsley. "I like it."
Molly Weasley had a look of absolute disapproval on her face. "Young lady that is Albus Dumbledore you are talking to. It would do you well to show some respect to your elders and superiors. If you cannot do that maybe you should leave."
"Bye." Tonks said rising out of her seat.
"No!" Dumbledore quickly said. "It is ok Molly we are all a little bit on edge. Please take your seat Tonks."
Dumbledore cleared his throat and began his monologue. "Now as some of you know, I went to the Wizengamot to try and get them to help us find Sirius and get Harry back. They have agreed to put some extra Aurors on the case but that was the only request I made they agreed to."
"What other requests did you make?" Tonks said looking angry at him, knowing he asked to have Sirius kissed on sight.
"It is not important at the moment as none of them were agreed to." Albus answered smiling at her. "The point is that it falls to us do to whatever is need to get Harry back safe."
"What makes ya think that he ain't safe? Sirius is his grandfather why would he hurt Harry?" Moody asked.
"He took him from the place he was safest Alastor and at the most dangerous time. Now that Voldemort has a body he is going to come after Harry and Sirius can't protect him."
Tonks snorted earning her a glare from Molly. "He's doing a good job so far, even you haven't found him yet." She thought.
Dumbledore glanced at her but chose to ignore it. "It is my fear that all those years in Azkaban did more damage than originally thought. As we know Sirius was in the last few months very moody and emotional and prone to outburst. We further know he has knowledge of much mark magic and has used some of it recently. Some of the spells he used to get by my wards were very dark."
"Well if I were locked up for a crime I didn't commit for twelve years, then forced into hiding, then made a prisoner in my own home I'd be moody too. Wouldn't you professor?" Tonks asked.
"Yes I quite agree but if I then became reckless and a danger to others I would be as guilty as Sirius is now." Albus countered. "Now since the ministry won't give this matter the attention it really needs it is up to us to do so."
"What is it that you are suggesting we do?" Kingsley asked.
"Find Harry by any means necessary." He then pointed to a red head that was leaning against the door to his office. "This, as most of you know, is Bill Weasley. He is a professional curse breaker. He and I along with a few others that I have asked are going to go to Number 12 and try to get by the charms on the house and break in."
That statement gained him many sideways glances and raised eyebrows. "I know this is extreme but none of us have been able to enter there since the day Harry was taken correct?" He asked staring directly at Tonks.
"Well then because of the wards and charms on the house it is quite possible to believe that he and Harry are there."
"And what if Sirius smarter than a fifth year and figured out that was the first place any of us would try to look." Moody asked.
"That is a definite possibility." He sighed. "Which leads me to my other plan of action, we need information and leads. I am lifting the ban on non lethal and legal spells."
Everyone gasped. "Albus you can't be serious?" Molly said. "We can't use the same weapons that we are fighting against."
"It is for the greater good we can and will. Harry s going to play a key role in defeating Voldemort and we need him safe until the time we need him to act."
Molly looked like she wanted to argue but she did not.
"I want you all to carry truth serum on you at all times." Albus said levitating about twenty small bottles to himself. "I want you to track down anyone who has seen Harry, Sirius, or Remus in the last month and give it to them to get whatever information you can."
"Hold on a minute." Kingsley said, "I did not join up for this group to baby sit Potter. I joined to hunt down Death Eaters and Voldemort because I don't think the Ministry is doing enough. This wasn't in the game plan. You know this is absolutely illegal Albus. We are Aurors we can't do that, we took an oath to protect." Kingsley said.
"Precisely, we are doing this to protect Harry. The greater good is for the whole community and we are protecting that also. You all joined the order to make sure we stopped Voldemort. Harry is essential to doing that. So we must be willing to do everything to get him back."
Albus was getting angry he was not accustomed to having his commands questioned. He took a second to collect himself. "However, I do not want you to worry about that Kingsley. I don't want you, Alastor, or Tonks to be a part of this, I have other jobs for you."
"As for the rest of you, anyone who won't take it willingly; bind them, stun them, even imperio them if you must." Albussaid.
"Albus that is extreme." Minerva said.
"For the last time I KNOW it is extreme but is has to be done!" Albus lost control and his magic flared temporarily. The flare however quieted the objections for the moment.
"Now you, Kingsley, I need you to step up your work in the DMLE. Anything suspicious that has to do with Death Eaters or Sirius I want full copies of not just verbal reports anymore. We need more information."
"Albus I don't know if..."
"JUST DO IT!" Albus yelled interrupting him. "If anyone catches you obliviate them."
"No." Kingsley said back.
"Excuse me?" Dumbledore asked as he clearly hadn't heard right.
"I said no, I am not going to 'step up' anything and I am not going around obliviating people who don't give me what I want. You have no right to ask us to do these things and no authority to authorize it. I know I vowed to fight Voldemort but I did not vow to do things like this. I will not be party to any of this."
Kingsley grabbed his wand from the holster and headed towards the exit.
"And if I hear of any of you going around giving truth serum to anyone I will do my duty as an Auror. Albus I am no longer an order member." And with that he stormed out of the office.
Dumbledore wanted to go out after him but he still had things to dictate to the rest of them. He would deal with Kingsley soon enough.
"Tonks I want you and Moody to track magical signatures for me. Remus, Sirius, and Harry. If there magic shows up anywhere I want it known. I also need you, now that Kingsley has declined to be are lead intel collectors at the Ministry.
"Wait a minute." Tonks said holding up her hands. "Are we just suppose to move on like that didn't just happen."
This was not what Albus wanted to discuss and he was really becoming enraged. "Yes we are going to move on! Kingsley has obviously lost perspective and doesn't understand that the Greater Good is at stake here. I know the means might seem extreme at the moment but the ends will justify them."
"Sounds rather Maciavellian to me." Tonks retorted, "Wasn't Hitler the last one to use that?"
"Enough!" Albus shouted. "I know the things I ask if you may seem immoral or unnecessary at the moment but I remind you we are fighting a dangerous foe. We are the people standing against genocide and total dictatorship by an evil person. At times like these we have to pick and choose our weapons but rest assured you cannot walk into a sword fight with a butter knife. I know all of you can understand that."
He looked around and saw many faces that looked like they did not understand that but all of them stayed quiet.
"Now if you feel like Kingsley did then get out, give up on the fight on the light side, but remember that we are the only group that is making any progress and we are standing for what's right whatever you might think of us." He was glaring at Tonks. "Make sure if you do leave you consider what exactly it is you are leaving."
When no one said anything or moved he calmed down and continued to talk.
"Well then, that is all I have. Now I am sure you all have much to do just like me. So you are all dismissed, please bring me some good news as soon as possible." With that everyone left his office.
"Tonks would you please stay for a while?" Albus asked.
"No I don't think I will. I'm doing enough for you as it is." With that Tonks left the office as well.
End of flashback.
Everyone at the kitchen table looked angry enough to do some serious damage to Mister half moon glasses.
"I don't get it, are we fighting a Dark Lord or supporting one?" Remus said out loud.
"He can't possibly do this." Neville said "How can't he even try to represent himself as a light wizard and then do something like this?"
"We have to take this memory to the ministry." Augusta said.
"Why?" Remus asked. "They won't even entertain the idea of Voldemort being back, how much stock do you think they would put in this?"
"I was ready to quit right then and there but the look in his eyes and the things he was saying, Albus is diving into very dark Territory and we need to know what he is really thinking about." Tonks said.
"What did Moody say to you after? Sirius asked.
"He said he was going to do try and get enough evidence of Dumbledore's snooping that they can finally take him down. But until then he is going to stay and try and lead him down false roads."
"Well it is clear to me that there is one side who is trying to rule with violence and another side that is trying to rule with manipulation." Remus said. "We need to fight both of them."
"How exactly do you plan on doing that?" Augusta asked.
"When I had to go underground all those years I met some very interesting beings who are not inclined to follow Voldemort but would fight against him if they food a leader or group they could trust. You'd be surprised how many people dislike Dumbledore." Remus had a very determined look in his face. "It's time I made contact with some of my old friends."
"I agree" Sirius said with a sinister grin. "There are a lot of old families that didn't fight with us specifically because of Dumbledore. With this information I'm sure they would happily burry him and then stand with us to fight Voldemort."
"I agree and I know many as well." Augusta said. "It's seems as if we are better suited to lead the resistance than Albus is."
"I am also going to call in a few specialists I know to help us train and teach these two some things about fighting." Sirius smirked.
The group stayed up the rest of the night amassing people and creatures they could call on. Neville sat there very interested in learning about all the people who didn't like Albus Dumbledore.