As Katniss and Primrose were getting ready in the morning, brushing their hair, Prim looked and saw Katniss staring blankly into the mirror. "What are you thinking about?" asked Prim as she walked up to Katniss, getting a nothing but a questionable stare as a reply. "I can tell something is bothering you."
"I don't know," said Katniss, "Something doesn't feel right about this entire situation."
"I don't think things will ever feel truly right," said Prim walking up to Katniss to embrace her, "but I'm glad we still have each other. I know we'll make it out of this mess eventually, things are changing, snow has been brought down, we can start a new life."
"I know but I feel like something big is about to happen" said Katniss.
"What do you mean?" asked Prim, "the government was just taken down, what else could possibly happen that is bigger than that?"
"As I said before, I don't know" said Katniss, "but whatever it is I don't think I'm going to like it."
"Well whenever that thing does happen, I'll be right here waiting for you" said Prim, reassuring her sister.
"I know, you always seem to be waiting for me. You waited for me to come back from the Hunger Games, the victory tour, the quarter quell, and then waited for me when the rebellion was going on. I feel like I always keep you and mom waiting lately" said Katniss guiltily.
"Yes but you only did those things to protect us Katniss, to protect me from going into the Hunger Games. I would never have been able to win the them" Prim replied.
"Don't say that, you and I both know you're clever enough to win them" although Katniss didn't quite believe that. Prim was very smart and could heal injuries better than most adults, which could help her in the games but winning took more than that. Winning meant putting yourself first, not getting emotionally attached to other tributes, and losing part of your humanity, something Prim could never do. She was too young and innocent, thought Katniss, as she thought about how the games stole her sanity and ability to trust anyone, not that she really had that ability before them but they only worsened it. Even if Prim had gone to the games instead of her and somehow miraculously won, she would in no way be the person she was now, she would be a mere shell of the the beautiful, smart girl who loved life and everything around her. The bright look in her eyes would be gone, the smiles she would wear would be half as sincere, her sister would be destroyed.
"Sometimes I think about what would have happened to me had I gone into the games, but I know for sure it wouldn't end well. When you were in the games, I would try to watch and imagine what I would be doing in your situations. But it seemed like in every situation the only way to get out of them was to kill someone and I could never have enough strength to do that."
"No Prim, killing doesn't take strength, killing has nothing to do with being strong" said Katniss looking in her sister's innocent eyes. "Prim, don't ever change, please. You can grow up, just don't change who you truly are inside" said Katniss.
"I promise" said Prim.
"Thank you" said Katniss giving her sister another hug. After a moment of hugging they let go and went back to brushing their hair.
"Katniss, what district is Harry from?"
"He's not from a district, he from another place far away from here."
"Doesn't he have to go home sometime?"
"Yes" said Katniss truly realizing that sometime Harry would have to leave her and that was what she dreading. She would miss him, his messy hair, his green eyes, even though he had not been in the hunger games he still had experienced death like Katniss. He was one of the greatest friends she ever had and she had only known him for a short while. She gave him her trust, something she rarely did with anyone she knew and soon he would leave her life. She had no clue when and for how long; she didn't know if he would ever come back once he left or if he would be gone forever. If he never came back it would be like he was basically dead and he could join the list of all the other that were close to her who died, but she didn't want that. In a way Harry was like Peeta, he deserved everything good in the world and she would do anything to keep him alive.
"I wish he could just stay here" said Prim.
"Me too" said Katniss.
"To stay or not to stay"thought Harry, lying in his bed while staring up at the ceiling. But he knew the answer, he had to go back. He was the chosen one and it was his duty to help save the Wizard world as much as he wanted to help save this world. Although how to even get back he had no clue, he had thought back to that crazy night so many times and every time he couldn't find an answer. Eventually after going through the night at least ten more times sleep overtook him and he drifted off to dream world.
In his dream he was sitting on a bench in Hogwarts surrounded by tons of young wizards and witches rushing off to charms or potions class, talking to their friends about the most recent quidditch match, or discussing their future plans for their next visit to Hogsmeade. It seemed so real to Harry, so specific like he wasn't dreaming, like he was actually there. Then suddenly Ron and Hermione came walking down the hallway, it seemed to Harry like they were quarreling again, probably about Ron not doing his potions assignment again.
"Ron, Hermione!" shouted Harry and ran up to his two friends. "Guys what's going-" said Harry but stopped mid sentence as they both seemed to walk through his body.
"What's in the world is going on?" said Harry. Ron and Hermione couldn't see or hear him. In fact, no one could see or hear him. Eventually the hallway cleared and Harry was alone, standing in the middle of the hallway, not knowing what to do.
"Hello Harry, I've missed seeing you around school." Harry turned around to see the head master Dumbledore. As soon as he saw Dumbledore's familiar face he was filled with joy and warmth. He was wearing one of his stereotypical robes and half moon glasses, and of course, a huge grin on his face. Harry could even see a little twinkle his eyes.
"Dumbledore!" shouted Harry and ran with open arms towards the old gentleman but stopped two inches in front of him, afraid he would run straight through him.
"I see you have realized the circumstances your under while being here" said Dumbledore.
"Yes headmaster, why can't anyone see or hear me?" asked Harry.
"Because you're not here physically Harry, you're here only spiritually. Your spirit came here because it is lost and needs guidance."
"Dumbledore, I'm not lost, I know where I am, I'm at the Capital in Panem."
"Well if you're not lost Harry then why is it you can't seem to figure out how to get home?"
"He has a point" thought Harry. "Okay well you're right, so can you tell me how to get home? Or at least tell me how far away I am from home?" Honestly Harry had no clue where Panem was in relation to England or that the county existed at all.
"Harry the reason you can't get home is because you're hundreds of years away from us here."
"What?" asked Harry.
"Panem is the United States hundreds of years from now Harry, that is why you cannot get back to here. Hogwarts still exists sure, but all of the people here do not, we're all dead. An unfortunate thought but we all must meet our end eventually."
"How did I time travel hundreds of years into the future without realizing it?" asked Harry.
"When you were walking in the forest that one night Harry someone must have used dark magic to create a time portal that you eventually stumbled into."
"But wouldn't I have still stayed in England?" asked Harry wondering how the time portal also transferred him from England to the United States.
"Not necessarily, depending on the skills of the person who casted it you can change time and place. It is not easy to do; when a witch or wizard castes this enchantment they are disrupting nature and playing with fate. I believe when you were in the future you met a nice young lady named Primrose?"
"Yes, I saved her during the attack on the capital" said Harry.
"Well Harry, Primrose wasn't suppose to live. Fate had planned that she was going to die on that day."
"No! Prim deserves to live, it's not fair for her die, she's too young!" yelled Harry, knowing that Prim deserved to see another day of life.
"Fate is not always fair Harry. You deserved to have parents, to brought up with love but fate did not have that planned. I'm sure your friend Katniss deserved better than to put in the Hunger Games and then forced to fight t=in the quarter Quell, and all those other innocent child tributes as well.
Now, whoever casted that portal was a very experienced witch or wizard and wanted you gone very badly."
"Well, how am I suppose to get back to here?" Harry asking the biggest question.
"It is going to be vey difficult,. Because you have changed fate significantly, creating a spell to get back will be harder. It will need an even more advance spell."
"Do you know of one sir?" asked Harry.
"I will have to do some research," said Dumbledore, "but I know there is a spell out there. In the meantime Harry, I will let you get some rest, you have had some tiring days."
"Sir, will I be able to get back in spirit, to talk to you?" asked.
"Yes Harry, you will. When you need me again I will be with you."
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled as he turned around to walk away, "I have my ways. Good night Harry."
As Harry woke up he remembered everything that happened between him and Dumbledore, wondering if it actually happened. As he thought of all the tiny details, the design on Dumbledore's robe, the way the air smelled, the coolness of the stone bench he was at first sitting on he knew it had happened.
He got out of bed, changed his clothes, and tried to press his hair down. After failing to do so, he walked out of his room wondering what time it was. He saw some other people walking around and looked into the room next to his, seeing Bella still sleeping it meant it must have been around mid morning. As he walked down the hall some more he saw Prim. The fact that he knew she should have been dead right now suddenly made him stop and stare at her; he admired everything about her, her sense of caring, he generosity, the life in her eyes.
"Harry?" said Prim, making him realize he was staring at her.
"Oh sorry," said Harry, "I was spacing out."
"It's okay" said Prim smiling back.
"Hey Prim"
He suddenly hugged her, "I'm so glad you're here right now."
"Me too."
Well it has been a lot longer than two months but I haven't quite this story! This was a very Prim focused chapter I felt she deserved to play a larger part than what she was playing. Hope you all enjoyed!