Hey people! My second story so far, this is a sequel to Back To The Old Country. So reading that one first would be useful I guess ;P


-Chapter 1-

The hospital, Chicago

It's been a month. Tinka was still pale, and looked more dead than alive. Kashlack and Squitzza just left. But Gunther never left Tinka's side. He always held her hand and sang to her, hoping she would wake up. Her hand was pretty cold. But so far, nothing had happened. The room was filled with bouquets and cards. Gunther sighed, there was nothing he could do. He just listened to the rhythmic squeaking of the monitor next to her bed.

Someone knocked on the door of the room. It was Ty, he visited as often as he could. "Still the same?" he asked. Gunther nodded. "Don't you worry man, she'll be alright. The doctor said she's strong, remember?" Gunther, still staring at his sister, said, "I know, she is strong. She defeated Schultze, protected our country, but for a high price. It's not fair. I should be the one laying here, not she. She doesn't deserve this."

Ty nodded, "I agree, she doesn't deserve this, but it's not your fault. We can't do anything at all. Just... hope." Ty walked towards Tinka's bed and softly gave her a kiss on the cheek. Gunther couldn't believe Ty was being so sensitive. He always thought Ty was 'the bad boy', 'the ladies man', a rapper without a sense of emotion, selfish. But apparently he was more than Gunther gave him credit for. He could see Ty really loved Tinka. But what would she think about it?

Another knock on the door: "Hey, hey, hey!" Rocky chirped, followed by Cece. "How's everything going?" Cece asked. Gunther shrugged, "Still the same, but the doctors believe she can wake up every moment. So I'm just staying here until she does." They nodded. Gunther laid his head on Tinka's stomach, he was still holding her hand. Cece and Rocky decided to leave them alone for a moment.

It was quiet for a while, until Gunther suddenly sat up startled. "I felt her move." he said. Ty looked at him. "What do you mean?" Ty asked. Gunther stared at Tinka's hand. "She... she moved her hand." "How do you know," Ty asked, "you're holding her hand all the time. Maybe it was just you." Gunther shook his head. "No, no, no! I felt it! She moved!" He looked at her, "Tinka, Tinka, wake up! Ty, get your dad in here, quick!" Ty nodded and ran away to find his dad, he was a doctor.

Gunther felt tears coming up, not from sadness, but from hope. He saw Tinka blink, and this time it wasn't his imagination. It was real, she was waking up! But unlike his imagination, her eyes were mat. Not sparkly, as they should be. But Gunther was so happy he could just pick her up and run outside, screaming with happiness. "Tinka..." he whispered. Tinka looked at him, she looked like a little child. Now the tears were really coming.

Ty came back with his dad. He also informed Rocky and Cece. "Gunther..?" Tinka whispered. Everyone smiled, she was awake! Doctor Blue walked towards the bed and felt her forehead with his hand. "Amazing," he said, and then looked at Gunther, "we'll see how it's going. She can leave when she wants to. I know you want to take her home right now, but she needs some rest." Gunther nodded obediently and doctor Blue walked away, followed by his children and Cece.

"What's going on?" Tinka asked softly. Gunther stroked her cheek. "You woke up, you've been in a coma for a month or so." "A month?!" Tinka sat up. "Shht..." Gunther softly pushed her back on the bed. "Yes, you remember the battle?" Tinka nodded. "Well, Felix hit you in your shoulder area with a... knife." Tinka's eyes grew wide. "And... We had to bring you to a hospital. Your condition was critical. But the doctor said you're a very strong girl. And I agree." He smiled.

Tinka looked a bit confused, "I can't even remember that..." Gunther nodded, "Hmm, yeah. The doctor said that when you wake up, you won't remember most of the things. But your memory will come back within a few days, it depends on how long you were in coma." Tinka nodded and gave Gunther a hug. "I promised you, we will be together for ever and ever." Gunther whispered. And his sister nodded softly.

"But I do remember you singing, every day I heard you sing and I felt you holding my hand." Gunther grinned, "That's because I love you, Tinkerbelle." "And I also heard Ty." Gunther froze. "What did he say?" "He has a crush on me. I remember every word he told me." Gunther looked her in the eyes. "What did he say?"

"Well, it was kind of a... poem. Or a song..." Tinka started to whisper:

"Girl when I am with you,

All my dreams come true

When I am with you,

The grey sky turns into blue

When I am with you,

I can't describe the feeling, you just don't have a clue

The feeling is so sweet,

When it's cold you are my heat

When it's dark you are my light

Oh yes I can feel it deep inside

Although I'm blind in love, so I can't see

I do know that you belong to me."

Gunther was impressed. "How did you remember?" Tinka became as red as a tomato. A color Gunther hadn't seen on her face for quite a while.

"Well," Tinka said, "since we went on that date... I kinda have a crush on him too." She expected Gunther to become mad, but instead of being angry, he grinned. "I know, he actually told me." Tinka raised an eyebrow: "And you're okay with it?" Gunther nodded, "Yeah, I mean, he makes you happy. And nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy." Tinka smiled, "Thanks, Gunther."

A few days later

"Well, miss Hessenheffer. Looks like you're completely healthy again, and your shoulder has healed. Only your memory isn't fully back yet, but that's going to be alright. You're free to go!" Doctor Blue said. Tinka squealed with joy and gave her brother a hug. Then she walked over to Ty and gave him a kiss. Ty was surprised. "What's going on?" Tinka told him what she'd heard and that she had a crush on him too. Ty was smiling and gave her a big hug. Gunther thought he hadn't seen Tinka happier in her entire life.

Rocky and Cece were just standing there awww-ing. "This is so beautiful." Cece squeaked and whispered to Tinka: "Hey, if you're ever considering to choose me as one of your bridesmaids, don't pick yellow." Rocky rolled with her eyes. She didn't really like the idea of Tinka becoming her sister.

The next morning, Gunther and Tinka's room

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Tinka screamed at her brother and threw a pillow at him. Gunther woke up, he was surprised, what was going on? He suddenly realized that Tinka may have got her memory back.

-Tinka turned around, "Gunther? You're standing? You can? Then why do you let me fight alone?!" "I-I…" He didn't really continue. Seeing his sister twin like this, tore his heart out. He didn't want to look into her eyes, she was extremely angry. He didn't want to do this, but it was Tinka's only chance to survive.

"You were just too weak and scared, weren't you? That's why you want me to fight alone?" Gunther nodded, it hurt him. Tinka was disappointed and angry: "Then I'll do it alone. I'll prove I can do this!" Cece's plan worked, Tinka was so angry that she forgot how scared she was, and ran towards Felix. Flexing the bow, she ignored the pain. Felix ran towards her too. He had a knife, which was shining in the sunset.-

"You don't understand!" Gunther defended himself. "I really wasn't able to fight, Cece helped me to stand up and... and it was all a plan so you would forget that you were scared!"

Tinka angrily shook her head, "You really were too weak, and you just let me fight alone. And I was almost dead, Gunther. DEAD!" She slapped him in the face and ran away, shutting the door as hard as she could.

Gunther never saw her that angry, certainly not at him. He put his head in his hands, sitting on the ground. He heard the doorbell. He put on a bathrobe and walked towards to front door. He yawned as he opened the door, and immediately shut it again. Running back towards his room as fast as he could. What was HE doing here?!

First chapter of the sequel! Right out the top of the head. A lot of thing happening in just one short chapter. What do you think? Who did Gunther see? And where is Tinka?

Please review! :)