Sonic: Iiiit's time to begin a brand new part of Sonic Adventure 3! I'm the one and only Sonic the Hedgehog here to commentate on the story! Welcome to Part TWWWOOOO!
Shadow: Please shut up, Faker! I'm starting to regret doing this with you and the demon boy.
Yuki: Don't call me a demon. Please don't.
Shadow: If Sega let me still have guns I'd get the AK47 and fire away!
Sonic: If you haven't already, please go and read Part 1 first, as this picks off where that left. You'll find it by going into the author's profile and look at his stories. If you have finished watching it, go ahead with this one.
Shadow: Who is this guy anyway?
Sonic: His name is Yuki. You called him a demon so you know that much.
Shadow: Yeah, he's a demon. A demon!
Yuki: I'll never be able to enjoy a nice ordinary life, will I?
Sonic: Let's get started.

Yuki woke up from his peaceful slumber. He didn't know when he went to sleep, nor how long he had been sleeping, but far more mystifying was that he had been sleeping on top of the clouds! He got up to see he was high in the skies, high above the city. Before he had any time to ponder, he came across a handful of griffins, and they began firing laser beams out of their eyes! Yuki easily defeated them by slugging them. Then, all the clouds around him vanished, and he was sent falling down to the ground.
Upon impact, a hole in the ground opened up and when he came out the other end, he was in an upside-down version of the city. In order to get back right-side up, Yuki jumped and flipped the other way around, then fell into the sky and landed in a right-side up world.
But then, he was almost crushed by a giant foot. He looked up and saw an enormous man wandering the city. He saw Yuki, and fired an energy wave out of his mouth, exclaiming 'YOU'RE TOAST!' Sure enough, when the attack hit Yuki he found himself in a kitchen, on a plate with bacon, eggs and other breakfast foods being prepared. He literally did become a piece of toast. He thought to jump back into the toaster, and it launched him up into outer space. He reverted back to his hedgehog form, and caught a rocket flying up into space.
It collided with Saturn, and fell back down to earth taking Saturn with it. Yuki let go and could float through space. He grabbed Pluto and, using it as a basketball, slam dunked it through the rings of Saturn, and won the NBA championship. However, at that moment he lost the ability to float in space and came plummeting down to earth, a living meteor. When he hit earth, he destroyed half of it from the impact.
As he stood in part of the ruined earth, a letter floated down, and he caught it. It read; "Yuki, before you woke up, and any of this happened, you did something to sign away your own existence. While you still think and perform actions, you don't actually exist in the universe. In order to start existing again, you must survive in the world until your next birthday. Survive until 1pm, January the 18th, 2016, and you can get back your existence."
Sadly, another meteor came in collision with earth, and finished it off. Shortly afterward, the universe imploded.

"Yuki! Wakey Wakey!" He could hear. "Are ya waking up?" His eyes struggled to open, but once they did he could see Kaori the Cat standing right in front of him. "Morning sleepyhead!" the cat cheerfully greeted him.
Oh... the daydreaming hedgehog thought to himself. It was all just a dream...
"You just kept sleeping and sleeping for ages! We all thought you'd never wake up!" Kaori explained as she wandered off into the sunshine. "Isn't it just a lovely day today?"
Yuki got up and interacted with Kaori. "Kaori, I've been meaning to ask you this... what happened to your parents?"
"Hm?" She simply responded as she turned her head to Yuki.
"When I first saw you, you didn't seem to have any parents or home, so I've been wondering what's the deal behind that..."
Kaori was deep in thought. She seemed upset thinking about it. What really happened to my dad... No, I have to lie. Yuki would just laugh at me. "My dad choked to death and my mum disowned me because she thought it was my fault."
That sounds 40 per cent realistic, but I honestly don't believe that 40 per cent. Thought Yuki in response. She's lying I bet. Oh well, just play along. "That's... a sad story... Although to be honest I have it worse."

"Hi Yuki-kun and Kaori-chan!" Tails greeted happily.
"Hiya Teirusu-chan!" Kaori replied.
"Are the two of you doing anything now?"
"I woke Yuki up from a dream, and then we talked. So, not much."
"Well there's been no news of Hakai since January 18."
"Yeah, that's something that annoys me. You'd think that in the past few weeks he would've attacked somewhere, somehow!"
"Maybe we've defeated him and we've won?"
"Hm... Nope!"
"Whatever he's up to, I guess now it's safe to take some time off. Let's all go out into the street and hang out today!"
"Aww, sure I'll hang out with you hun!" Kaori accepted. "Sonic, Knuckles, let's go out!" She looked at Yuki gleaming. "I'm only going if Yuki goes."
"I'll let the five of you go by yourselves, no fun havin' me around."
"I think having you around is what makes everything fun in the first place, Yuki-san!" Kaori complimented Yuki. "Aside from when you're all nasty, but I think I've come to like you."
Yuki sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Alright, it's settled!"
Sonic came over and joined Yuki, Tails and Kaori in their conversation. "Yuki, I'll race ya up to the Shibuya!"
"Sonic, don't be silly. Yuki may be a little stronger than you are but no way he's any faster!"*
"Don't worry Yuki, I'll try not to use my full speed."
"What, now?"
"Well then... let's go!"

January 18, 2015 (This is a few days back)
Eggman's Base, Takashima

The malevolence Doctor Eggman had returned to his new base in Takashima having found something that could potentially crush Sonic once and for all. He had come across it in Shikokou when he was floating above in the Egg Pod looking for something to help him defeat Sonic... or rather he came across him, because he had found Hakai and was upgrading him in his unconsciousness with technoligy.

"This time, I've found out how to crush my sworn enemy Sonic after all these years! I can tell that this being has the highest power I have ever seen! I'll harness him to use as my ultimate weapon! Do you hear that, Sonic? I'll finally skewer you! Skewer! Ho ho ho ho ho!" As he was carrying on with his usual laugh, Hakai had woken up and found himself being upgraded in the base.
"Who the heck are you?" Was the first thing that he said to Eggman.
"I'm Doctor Eggman, the greatest evil genius to exist! I took the liberaty of upgrading you to be even more powerful!"
"Well, I guess I should just go with it." He continued to stay lying down as the upgrades continued. "When are these upgrades finished?"
"Give it about 15 or 20 minutes tops. After this I might go and get a Quesadilla."

Sonic: Sorry it was a bit short, this was just to kick Part 2 off. After this the chapters will go back to longer length.
Yuki: What the heck is an Eggman?
Sonic: He's that fat doctor who's been trying to defeat me for ages now!
Yuki: Well he's teamed up with Hakai now.
Shadow: Heh, I'll be in the next chapter! And I'll have guns!
Sonic: You will be in the next chapter, but no guns.
Shadow: My own game needs more love.
Sonic: Well move on from it, nobody likes a moaner.
Shadow: Faker!

*I wish to state loud and clear that Sonic is still faster than Yuki - Yuki is fast, just not as fast as Sonic. I wish to make Yuki as little a Gary Stu as possible come the end of Part 2.