A/N: I'm trying to update my stories. Apologies to my readers.

Disclaimer: Nope.

"Is she going to be okay? I feel horrible about what I did." Jean said sadly

"She should be fine. We're more worried about you and your mental state." Charles said

"I'm fine. She's the one we need to be worried about. She's the one who took the Phoenix. She ripped it out of me." Jean said solemnly

"That would explain your demeanour. It was with you through much of your development stage. The lose of its presence would send you back a few years." Hank theorized

"Please can I see her? I want to see that she's okay." Jean insisted pouting

"Fine. The others will all be there. If you make one wrong move they won't hesitate to stop you. Permanently." Charles warned

"Any change?" Hank asked

"No. They seem to have finally passed out though. But she's the same as usual." Ororo said

"Its been five days. Shouldn't something have changed by now Chuck?" Logan asked

"I can't tell. There's a barrier around her mind. She's trying to contain her battle." Charles said

"She's alive. She should win. She's good. The Phoenix is evil. She'll win. That's the way stories go." Jean decided sitting next to her

"You need to be careful Jean. We're not sure if her powers are active. Her taking yours could cause problems." Charles warned

"She could take my powers?" Jean asked cautiously

As Charles nodded she moved her hands away from Anna. If she were to take her powers she could view it as a threat. Or the Phoenix could take them. She couldn't cause Anna to lose this fight. It wouldn't be good otherwise. It was all her fault in the first place. And if she could do anything to help Anna win she would. Even if that meant not helping her at all.

"Just give in child. You won't win against me. I have millennia of experience. You're an inconsequential bug to me." Phoenix snarled

"Then why haven't you won yet? You're only telepathic and telekinetic. I have more power than you could ever hold. I will not give in. Especially to the likes of you." Anna argued

Anna swiftly dodged the telekinetic blast thrown at her. Both of the opponents were tiring. Yet Anna had dozens of other people to pull on from her mind. She had so many psyches contained in her. She could go on for days. That was the only way she was still in the fight right now. Phoenix was pure power. It kept her going. Yet she was soon going to run out. And if she hadn't defeated the girl by then, she was dead. The girl would take the power and the Phoenix would become a part of her. Another tool to be used.

They were close to their final blows. The ones that would end one of them. It would only take a lucky shot for there to be a victor. And once there was, the body would reawaken. Surrounded by allies or enemies.

Anna threw one last telekinetic blast as did Phoenix. The two invisible forces clashed in the air. Pushing against the other. Trying to make them give in and lose. One started pushing the other back with alarming force. Then a bright flash of light overtook them both.

The mutants watched as the eyes slowly opened. They were all there. Somewhat defensive as they didn't know who would be awakening. The girl smiled as she saw the worried faces of her family and friends. They were what she had fought to protect. They were the reason she had won. Anna smiled weakly as she was trapped in hugs from the X-Men.

"You're okay." Scott said happily

"Yes. And if I wasn't tired I'd probably scream at you." Anna said

"Why?" Pietro asked

"He kissed her before running off." Laura informed

"We're going to have to lecture and threaten you now." Pietro said

"Yep. This is going to be fun. You want to help Blue?" Todd asked

"Definitely." Kurt agreed

"Anna. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." Jean said hanging her head

"I know Jean. It'll be fine. Look." Anna said lifting a hand

On her hand a tattoo of a fiery phoenix materialized on her hand. It signified Phoenix having been defeated and contained. A trophy of sorts. Proving that Anna had won the battle. Jean carefully and gently hugged the girl. This caused everyone in the room to tense up. But once Anna returned the hug they settled down. Realizing that Jean no longer posed a threat to Anna or themselves.

"So how much school have I missed?" Anna asked

Anna watched from the front room quietly. The others were playing outside. It was a few weeks after the incident but she was still on rest. She was worried about everyone. Things had seemed to returned to normal. Or as normal as they can get for a household of mutants. But she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that the Apocalypse event had brought up.

Other than that things were going well. There hadn't been any problems with mutants lately. And everyone was getting along. Especially her and Scott. They were now dating. And he had survived the many threats he was given by their housemates. It seemed that everyone had threatened to destroy him should he hurt Anna. She found it endearing. He found it scary. Since even Kitty had threatened to kill him slowly and painfully. She had also teamed up with Wanda and Laura to torment him for a day.

Though they had all been forced to be extremely careful when it came to their powers lately. While they could normally get away with minor displays at school and while they were out and about. But now with the Apocalypse incident the governments were watching even more for mutants. This meant they could rarely even use their powers at home for fear of being found out.

Anna was pulled out of her thoughts as someone's arms wrapped around her waist and their head rested on her shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" Scott asked

"Just worrying about everything. I'm fine." Anna insisted

"Good. I love you Anna." Scott said

"I love you too Scott." Anna said kissing him