Chapter 31

The soft scent of smoke drifts by as I inhale the chilly air, continuing my work. My hands are tired from building my new fence that surrounds the cabin. The roughness of the wooden posts and driving them into the frozen ground has taken days of hard work. Luckily I have Jack around to help with the needed renovations. It would serve to keep the wolves away from the new green house I could hopefully use year round. I don't really need food the same way I used to, but I want to grow flowers like my mother did when I was young.

"Come inside! I got the fire going for ya."

I turn and see Jack aloft above the snow, casually draped across his staff as it keeps him levitated. He smiles softly and looks at my work.

"Looks solid. Don't think you'll have to worry about any unwelcome guests for some time."

I lean close to the post and nod.

"I think it'll do just fine."

Jack nods towards my cabin.

"How about a break?"

We head back towards the little home, where a steady stream of smoke rises out of my chimney. I walk to hear the satisfying crunch of the snow under my feet, he floats along as is his custom to do. There's a happiness to our companionship out in this wilderness together. He opens the door for me, and I take off my boots. The fire makes the space warm and inviting, with the flames dancing back and forth in the hearth. There's a strong smell besides the firewood.

"Do I smell coffee?"

Jack touches down to the ground beside me as he closes the door. He pads over softly to the kitchen where he emerges with a speckled mug with steam rising out the top. I take it gratefully and have a ginger sip. It's good, as usual. He's improved in his brewing skills since the last time we shared a pot.

We slump down, backs against the foot of the couch, siting on the rug in front of the fire. Jack has hot chocolate beside me now, happy to have a sweeter drink hidden under a quilt of marshmallows. I laugh very quietly to myself.

"And what do you find so entertaining?"

I collect myself and recall many months ago his first experience with coffee.

"Oh, nothing."

He doesn't seem to believe me, but smiles anyway and continues sipping at his cocoa, eyes forward looking into the fire.


I turn to face him better.


He keeps his eyes forward, but flicks them to me over the rim of his mug

"Have you given what North said some more thought? I mean, with finding your center and all that. It's been 2 months since that night at the North Pole."

I bring my own eyes to my cup, and look into the dark liquid, wondering if the answer will float up to the surface. After a moment, I answer.

"I thought about it… but I still don't have an solid answer for him."

Jack looks at me empathetically. He's been here before.

"It'll come to you."

The sun seems to have started it's descent, I see a gold tinged stripes cross Jack's face from the window behind me as its light cuts across the room through the blinds.

"Yeah, I know it will. I just wish it would hurry up."

I draw my legs closer to my body, and rest my chin on my knees. The coffee is gone, and so is the sun. I still have more fence to finish tomorrow.

"Maybe your center is… something to do with family?"

I crack a slight smile, and let my eyes rest on the ground in front of me.

"That would be nice. But I don't think that's it. Thank you though, you're sweet."

I lean into him and he leans back, and I notice soft radio music playing in the background. I take his hand and bring it up to my face to plant a kiss on it, and he meets my eyes with a playfulness that still makes my stomach do a little flip. I kiss his nose, and then his forehead, and then his cheek. He knows I'm teasing him and waits patiently. Finally I lean further over and kiss him on the mouth, and he feigns shock before deepening the kiss. We sit there for a moment, happy to be together is this small cabin, away from the pressing duties of being eternal. A thought comes bubbling up to the front of my mind out of the content daze I find myself in.


Jack searches my face for further explanation to my outburst.


"Yeah. That has to be it."

His brow furrows and then lifts as he understands what I'm getting at.

"Your center."

I nod and grab his hand.

"It makes sense to me. Just now. Thanks for that by the way."

"Oh, for the kiss?"

I roll my eyes.

"Yes, and for helping me relax and not overthink my center like I have been for the past two months. It just all makes sense now."

He seems satisfied to have gotten a complete eye roll out of me, and rushes forward to plant a kiss on my lips.

"Hey, you're welcome, anytime."

I decide to surprise him and kiss him right back. I'll blame it on the caffeine later. He seems to want to kiss me again as he leans in, but I interrupt.

"I mean, peace just makes the most sense, ya know?"

He nods vigorously and goes back to leaning closer. I counter by explaining my thoughts further, and startle him back a few inches once again.

"A guardian angel would of course have peace as her center. That's what she provides to the children she protects and watches over!"

I can see his eyes narrow slightly as a small grin forms.

"Yeah. That makes sense to me."

I chime in again, thwarting his plans.

"I mean if you look at everything and evaluate-"

He cuts me off and I smile as he kisses me, laughing inside at his slight annoyance. It's healthy to return the favor I believe, just once in awhile.

We wake up the next morning on the floor, covered in quilts where we stayed by the fire. Even guardians get to sleep once in a while. Jack stretches his lanky arms out by his head, and stands. I roll out of my blankets and join him in the kitchen. We head out after cleaning up the stuff from the night before, and I finish the last part of my fence before noontime comes around. We stand leaned up against the fencing after the last nail is driven.

"When do I get to tell North that I think I've found my center?"

He looks up to the sky a moment, pondering my question.

"We can tell him today if you like. Lock up the cabin and visit the arctic circle."

"Okay, let's head out tonight."

After making sure the doors and windows are locked, we rise up high into the sky, where the sunlight is fading quickly. My wings spread out beside me as I glide alongside Jack, cutting swiftly through the chilly air. There isn't a single light below us. We head northwards and see gradual little twinkles fill up the ground below. We pass several clusters of lights on our way to North. Finally, we see the top of the base. A quick knock and we are admitted inside, to the delight of the yetis that greet us.

I walk beside Jack across the warm wood floors to North's office. The massive creaking doors reveal that he isn't at his desk after all. We end up finding him at the globe, where he stands talking to several yetis. The words "deadline" and "eve" float up to our ears from below.

I swoop down to the level with the globe, and Jack follows close behind. We walk up to North.

He turns and smiles, happily surprised by our visit.

"How are you, little one? Jack?"

I answer eagerly for both of us.

"Not too bad! What about yourself?"

"Oh, I am marvelous! We are planning for Christmas Eve."

He smiles and motions to the globe, which is brighter than ever with its many lights all glowing strongly in unison. Without warning, the memory of Pitch and his dark creation, the one who resembled Jack so closely, flood into my memory. The image of Jack's scar from his fall through broken glass also permeates my mind. The stitches I had to sew. Those golden eyes watching through the dark sand.

"Would you like to go up to my office and talk? I'm done here I believe."

North's words bring me back to the present. I notice that Jack has a muted look of concern playing across his pale features. He had to have noticed me zoning out there a moment, and I wonder if he'll ask about it later.

"Sure, that sounds good to me."

We all migrate back to the office and sit down by North's now roaring fireplace, much more grand and ornate than my modest hearth back home. North looks at me expectantly, smiling gently to encourage me to speak. I find my voice.

"I found my center. I mean, at first I thought I did, but the more I think about it, the more sure I am."

North breaks into a boisterous smile, and throws his hands down jubilantly onto the top of his desk, rattling the dozen or so ice sculptures that permanently reside there.

"What wonderful news! I am proud for you, little one!"

He stands and rounds the desk to pick me up in a bear hug. My feet clear the ground as I'm lifted. I can't help but let out a laugh.

"I know! I know. I'm so happy to have- North… I can't breathe-"

He loosens his hold and lets me drop back to the ground, laughing sheepishly.

"I am sorry! I am just so excited for you! You can be inducted as a Guardian! Oh, this is joyous news!"

"Jack smiles at me from where he lays lazily across one of North's great leather armchairs. I look back to North and we talk about inviting the other Guardians to the ceremony. Tooth will be ecstatic, and Bunny and Sandy will be excited for me as well. We stay at the base that evening and wait for the others to show up. North doesn't waste any time preparing the workshop for the great procession.

That morning we all gather together by the globe. Bunny and Tooth stand beside North and Sandy, and Jack joins them as I walk into the wide open space. The towering arched ceiling, where wreaths and lanterns hang suspended in the air by ribbons and garlands, lets in the natural daylight from the circular glass window at the top. I can see the moon pale and ghostly, but full. It sits directly above us.

North steps forward, producing a thick, leather bound book from his coat. Everyone stands a bit straighter as he reads the inscriptions out loud, words that are heavy with responsibility, but also joy as I take my oath to be a Guardian of Peace. North's words echo up into the cavernous space, all the way to the top where the moon resides. My final words repeat what North has uttered, and there is a dazzling, sparkling light that begins to filter down from the moon, descending all around me and lifting me into the air several feet. I feel a warmth in my chest as my body begins to glow. Everyone is watching me intently, probably reliving the moment when they took their own oath. Jack keeps his eyes on me as I continue to brighten, until finally, I drift gently back down to the floor. The sparkling light fades away from my skin and recedes upwards once more, and the atmosphere returns to normal. Onlooking elves and yetis clap happily, as do the other Guardians. Tooth gives me a huge hug, and jumps up and down enthusiastically. Bunny slaps me on the back gently and laughs before congratulating me. Sandy shakes my hand with both of his, smiley faces and fireworks conjuring above his head in golden sand. North raises me up in another hug, careful not to press the life out of me this time. Then there's Jack, who slowly strolls up, his hands in his hoodie pocket with a pleased grin on his face. He steps a bit closer, and kisses me in front of everyone, resulting in a giggle from Tooth and a look of shock from Bunny.

We celebrate together in the workshop before Tooth decides she must head back to her palace. Bunny has own business to attend to as well, and bids us goodbye before hopping into one of his tunnels. Sandy floats off to spread good dreams in a village nearby, and North wishes us a safe journey home as we head out.

Once we make it back, I begin to think of how I can be the best Guardian I can. There are so many little villages and towns that I could travel to. It would be easy to start there, somewhere where I can get my bearings. I could follow the cold wind Jack moves with, and we could spread happiness as we go along together. I feel content with that idea in particular. Plus, we'd always have the cabin to return to.

Once again I find myself in the living room with Jack, thinking over all these plans that have yet to happen. He notices my pensive expression.

"What are ya thinking about?"

"The future."

"That's nice and vague."

I laugh once in a little huff of air.

"Yeah… I just don't want to overwhelm myself I guess. I'm trying to plan to some degree, as silly as that may sound to someone who travels with the wind."

He finds that bit amusing. But there is still a distant look of worry present. I feel like I know what's coming.

"Earlier, before the ceremony at North's workshop, you seemed preoccupied with something. I guess I want to ask if everything is okay with you. You had this look in your eyes."

He remembers.

"Yeah, I zoned out I think."

He can tell I'm skirting around what he's getting at.


We sit in silence for a moment. And then another long moment.

"I think that I'm still dealing with what happened. It comes back to me sometimes. The worst parts. I just let them pass, though. It'll get better, I think."

He looks at me with a intense seriousness that is rare for him. His eyebrows are slightly drawn together in concern. He brings a hand up to my cheek and holds it there.

"I'm always here. Don't forget that, okay?"

He has a very slight smile now. I put my hand on top of his, happy to have his support. I know I'll get through these rough memories of what it took for me to make it here. To be a Guardian. To have such wonderful people in my life. To have a greater purpose. We lock eyes for a moment and share in the peacefulness we've found together.
