Six: Artemis - 5 years later

It took time, but I got help and I've been doing much better.

The urge to cut still came to me, but I was strong enough to fight it. Wally helped me be strong. We got together a few months after he found me cutting. I was going to school, had a decent job, and I had a great place to live with my perfect boyfriend.

I still struggled with feelings of depression off and on, but never to the point that I resorted to cutting. I now knew that I mattered, that my feelings mattered, and my true friends would always care about me and be kind to me. I was finally happy.

AN: I'm sorry that that was so short but I just wanted to wrap this up. It's been years since I've started this and, much like Artemis, I've been feeling much better. I don't have a boyfriend or anything and I'm not going to school, but I do have a good job and a safe place to live. I have good friends. I'm taking care of myself. I hope you guys are doing the same. Thank you for reading. Loves.

3 Lyndea