Disclamer: I do not own disgaea

A/N: I am very sorry for the long wait of chapter two but I have been busy with things at home so I hope you all forgive me and here is chapter 2.

Chapter 2: Meeting the dad and aftermaths

Almaz was running for his life and he didn't even know why. He made a small comment and now he was being chased by a Majins daughter at her school. It didn't even help that Aurum was yelling in his head.


"That's easy for you to say since your in my head I have to do all the work! Beside why is she trying to kill me?"

'You are still immature if you don't know why Almaz...'

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Almaz turned around to see Stella chasing him with a sword drawn and a dark aura around her body. As he saw her he only screamed from fear.

"Ahh! Don't kill me I barely came back to life not too long ago!"

As he tired to run he fell face first from the lack of strength and food since he had been asleep for a month and then began to crawl but it did no good when someone grabbed him by his scarf.

"I got you!"

'I have lived a good life and have no regrets...' Said Aurum as he closed his eyes waiting for death.

'Speak for yourself Aurum I am still young and I still haven't lived my love life!' Almaz cried in his head as he saw darkness.

"Wake up Almaz!" Yelled Stella as she began to try and shake him awake to punish him. But it didn't do any good as he was out.

"I must have overreacted. I mean, he was still weak and I ended up chasing him. He must have tired himself out. I hope he forgives me, wait, why do I care if he forgives me or not?"

Stella just called over some of her pets to carry him back to the nurse office and a picture fell out of his pocket but was a little ruined from the clothes being washed. As Almaz was carried by the zombie she looked over it.

"Who are these people?" She saw Almaz standing next to people she didn't recognize but saw Almaz smiling standing next to a white haired girl smiling.

"He looks happy, but why was he in the middle of nowhere?"

She only put the picture away and followed her pet.


Almaz began to stir in his sleep as he woke up a few hours later he was only on his knees saying sorry to Stella for what he said earlier and she forgave as he commented that she was kind person. They only left the nurse office as Almaz was hungry and had questions.

"So Stella, do you have anything to eat around here, I am so hungry, and I need to ask a few things as well if you don't mind."

"Well we do have the cafeteria near here if you're interested in getting a meal." She replied as she saw Almaz taking in the sites of the new school.

As they made there way to the cafeteria Almaz saw that the school was almost empty and wondered why.

'This place seems rather empty.' said Almaz in his mind.

'Maybe it's a rundown school? I mean this place seems like it could use some work and I only saw one prinny so far.'

'How could you see anything if you're in my head?'

'...shut up! I just did Almaz.'

'You're getting old Aurum if you're starting to see things that aren't there and when your in my head. Your mind is playing tricks on you.'

'I'm not old!'

'Whatever you say...old man.'

Almaz just ignored the screaming in his head about Aurum not being old and arrived at his destination. As the door opened he saw the cafeteria there were only a few students in there. He saw a shaman, beast tamer and a male and female warrior. Almaz saw that Stella looked a little down at the site and was sadden by her look.

'Poor Stella even though this is a school, I have barely seen any students, could this school be doing bad?'

"Ok we're here. Since its kind of my fault you're tired allow me to treat you."

Almaz just put his hand in front of him and spoke.

"No! I can't let you do that for me Stella since you were so kind enough to forgive me and save when I was out in the middle of nowhere. Allow me to treat you."

"Don't worry about it. Since I'm the deans daughter I get-"

"Even if that's so, I won't let you pay. Please, allow me to be the one to pay since a hero always does what's right. And..."

"And what?" Asked Stella.

"It's because a man usually pays for his date right?" replied Almaz with a blush causing Stella to blush as well.

"This isn't a date you fool! Just meal between friends."

"So I'm a friend? Awesome I'm moving up the latter." Almaz said as he jumped in victory as he ignored Aurum.

'Smooth... This will end badly for me I just know it!" replied Aurum.

"Never mind, anyway how are you going to pay for the meal?"

Almaz just smiled as he pulled out a small poach that contained all the HL he had gotten from always being put on the front line. Even when Mao had put a target on his back that said: 'Kill me first! I am a hero and I am easy!' Lets just say some people got the wrong idea when they saw that when he was approached by some male demons and even some women demons. Almaz just went under the prinny statue with prinny mask until it passed. But when he left prinny mask's home he was upset that Sapphire was starting to question if he played for the other team and that he refused that comment. But was a little shocked that Raspberyl and lackeys were starting to talk to him about it.

"That would make him the first hero that plays for the other team in this series. Can we have your autograph?"

Almaz just kept denying the claim but they just wanted to help him and kept on trying to help him come out into the open, they even set him up with someone. But Mao came out and said he was the one that spread that rumor with that sign. Raspberyl and lackeys apologized for jumping the gun like that but he was happy they understood, but was saddened that Sapphire didn't even try to say sorry.

'That's just sad for you Almaz, and stuff I really didn't want to know. Remember I am in your mind so I can see your thoughts.'

Almaz just mentally sighed as he remembered his former life.

Stella only saw all the HL and asked.

"How do you have that much HL?" asked a surprised Stella as she saw Almaz smile.

"I will tell you later but first what would you like? It's my treat."

Stella just ordered what she was getting as did Almaz as he ordered her some dessert and was happy for it as she went to take her seat at a table. As he went to pay he saw a male gunner but looked different then all the others he had seen. He was wearing his shirt open and had some goggles and gloves on.

"That will 7,000 HL." Almaz was about to ask why so much but knew the school was doing bad and just paid much to Aurums chagrin but Almaz needed to know something.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I ask something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What type of class of demon are you?"

"Well I'm a geo gunner." he replied with a smile.

"Geo Gunner?"

"That's right I am able to use guns but also control Geo symbols as well or Geo cubes since I am in this netherworld."

"I have never heard of your type of class before." replied Almaz with interest.

The geo gunner only smiled and spoke.

"Well I would be surprised if you did. I am a very special class that lives in one netherworld since we are hated by others since we are good with guns and geo symbols."

"That's kind of sad to hear but I can relate to being hated by others."

"Well I would love to talk more, but you can't leave the deans daughter waiting. Trust me you don't want to make her mad."

Almaz just nodded and said he would talk to him later if he could as he walked over to Stella with his own meal. As he took his seat he decided to ask something that was on his mind.

"Stella, I hope you don't mind me asking, but if this is a school why are there barely any students at it, and what kind of school is this?" Almaz asked bluntly.

Stella looked down at her dessert. She knew he wasn't trying to be mean he was just curious.

"Well, at the moment the school is doing bad but I know that my father and mother will keep this school open we just have to be patient then the students will start to come." She said with hope in her voice.

She is in denial; she doesn't want to believe that this so called school will fail.

"This school is also exclusive so we only accept those that have potential to become Majins."

"Huh Majins?" asked Almaz.

"Yes, this school is to train students to become powerful Majins like my father!"

Almaz only looked at her with a smile since she wasn't giving up on her school and tried to see if he could help anyway to repay her kindness.

Stella saw that Almaz was just listening to her not making fun of her. She then decided to ask him something that she had on her mind.

"Almaz, I have been meaning to ask you something as well you said you would tell me why you where in the middle of nowhere, and why you keep saying there is an old guy in your head.

'I'm not old!'

'Of course let me explain but it might take awhile and I will also tell you a bit about my past."

She only nodded and listened to him explain about how he ended up in the middle of nowhere and about how is old life was. She asked what he meant by his old life and he replied that he had died but somehow was brought back to life much to his displeasure he told her about his old friends.

"You mean this people in this picture?"

Almaz saw her pull out his picture and show it to him.

"Yes, how did you get that?"

"It sort of fell out of your pocket when you fainted again and you where carried to the nurses office again."


Almaz took the picture from her and began to explain about his friends, Stella listened in and was a bit upset the way his so called friends treated him mostly this Mao who she found out he was the dean's son of Evil Academy. The last one made her feel uneasy how he spoke about her how he had liked this girl called Sapphire, the princess of where he came from.

"Umm, Almaz if I may ask why do you care about this princess so bad and your other friends so much?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well by the way you have talked about them the only ones that where really your friends were this master person you talk about, along with the small demon and her friends."

"They have names you know..."

"Anyway the other two Mao and Sapphire didn't even see you as you more. More like a person they could use and push around."

Almaz only stayed silent as she continued.

"You even died for this so called friend of yours and he didn't even thank you, he only wanted you back to be his punching bag again. If... If you stayed here at this school I think you would have better life here."


'What do you think Aurum should I stay? I mean it would be a chance to start again and think of a way to get back at them.'

'What's this now? Thinking about getting revenge are we? That's not the way of the hero Almaz...'

'It might not be the way of the hero but... the way of hero never did anything for me expect always get me hurt. Beside I will still be a hero after I settle something with Evil Academy. Mao is still evil and will no doubt also call himself the new overlord. I also made a promise to Mao's heart keeper before I was brought back look inside my memories.

"Stella I will be right back I need to show something to the old guy in my head for a bit."

She only nodded and saw him smile as he thanked her for being patient with him and closed his eyes.

'Ok Aurum, look for a recent memory.'

"Ok... I think I found it."

Aurum was blinded by a light and saw Almaz and a green Mao standing in front of him.

"You want me to make a promise?" asked Almaz as he saw the other Mao nod.

"Yes my friend. Even though my other self called you a friend and opened his heart, I believe this won't last and he might still go down the wrong path near the end of your travels and facing the super hero."

"What? Why?"

"Almaz I am going to tell you something important, its true I am part of Mao's heart but I never had a body of my own since I wasn't strong enough. My father saw that his son had hate for him and knew his son might lead to his death."

"Wait he knew that? Then why didn't get ready for any dangers that Mao may throw his way?" asked Almaz to Mao's heart.

"Almaz he wanted to believe in his son and that I would help him through it. But I failed when my father was killed by that hero I heard my dads last words before he went to into hiding."

"Last words?"

"Yes he gave me some of his power and I was able to get my own body and watch over Mao and keep his heart under watch. But as I gain a body so did the other Mao's you met them."

"I did, the dark Mao had nothing but to use power to get what he wants and use force and not care about his friends,"

"Indeed he has always been a problem but I have always dealt with him by having my crazy experiment emotion using him in his research or just have some fun." Heart Mao replied with a grin.

"You mean there is a Mao that in here that is the cause of his love for experiments?! I knew there had to be a reason he loved to do that to people."

"You should give it a try Almaz it really fun once in a while."

"It's not fun when you're the Victim!" replied Almaz and a voice in the darkness.

Almaz and Mao's heart looked to see evil Mao but he had a robot arm.

"What happen to you?" Asked Almaz

"You're worried about me? Even though I didn't care about you dying, what a loser but thanks for thinking about me now out of my way!"

Evil Mao just ran past them in a hurry as a new Mao appeared, he was all blue with a wicked grin and his glasses where foggy as he drooled a bit.

"Aww my test subject has escaped but I still need to make more modifications."

He just ran past them chasing evil Mao as Almaz and Aurum just looked at heart Mao who had a grin.

"Was that?"

"Yes... any way Almaz since you're my friend and my other half won't admit it please I want you to kill me...

"What?! Kill you why?"

"Almaz I almost gave in to my darkness and that would have led to a lot of deaths including people I see as friends but won't admit it. *Sigh*... I don't think I will be able to control myself if I feel the power again, and my dad doesn't want me to give into the darkness either."

"But I can't kill my friend even if you ask me to."

"Almaz you're a good human not a lot of them like us but your different then others. Please I beg you if it comes to it will you keep the promise since it's also a hero's duty to protect the weak and stop evil no matter what. I might even go after the princess just to hurt you."

Almaz just stayed silent as he took his friends words to heart and just nodded as he pulled Heart Mao into a hug and shed tears as he made the promise with him.

"I promise, no matter what happens if you go down the wrong path I as a hero... NO! As your friend I will do what ever it takes to kill you..."

Almaz continued to cry and parted from hugging his friend and saw small tears in his eyes as well.

"Thank you Almaz my friend it's about time you return to the world of living and please don't tell anyone you can't trust about what we talked about."

"I wont, beside no one would believe me they see me as a loser still maybe when I come back from the dead things will be different." Almaz said with a smile

"Maybe I wish you luck."

Aurum saw as the memory faded and Almaz just opened his eyes and was in reality again.

"Sorry about the wait Stella."

"No worries Almaz."

"Umm Stella I was wondering if I could talk to the dean of this school?"

The reaction was not what he expected but he heard two yells.



"What?" asked Almaz as he grabbed his head.

"You want to meet my father?"

"If he is the dean then yes I have a few things I want to talk to him about and I might have a way for him to out shine evil academy and make this school even better, and save it from closing down."

"The school is not closing down!"

"Whatever you say Stella but can I please see the dean?"

"Nooooooo! We can't meet him no matter what do you hear me Almaz!?"

"I hear you loud and clear but why not?"

"It's my business but if things don't go well then I will tell you later. I have a small history with him let leave it at that."


"If you really want to meet my father that bad then fine I will take you to meet him."

Stella only led Almaz to the dean's office not saying a single word. But Almaz could tell she was nervous for some reason but didn't know why.

"Stella... if you don't mind me asking why are you so tense?"

"...well since I see you as someone I might be able to trust... my father is a hard man to please he barely even spends time with his family... I always try to gain his approval and he never sees me even when I increase in power."

Almaz felt that she felt hurt he wanted to commuter he was about to reach for her hand as they walked but he stopped himself and didn't know why.

'Why did I?'

It was for a moment but he saw the princess image and just reached his fist. Normal thinking about the princess would fill him with hope and the power to fight. But now he wanted nothing to do with her always using him. He even took the curse for her and not even a thank you just a; don't die.

'I was a fool. She liked having me around but she didn't really like me for me just what I did for her. Yet I can't stop thinking about her when there is a girl even more beautiful then her in front of me. I need to let go of her.'

'Yes you do, I may have been evil but at least I watched over my friends even if I used them in the end.'

They came to a stop and Almaz looked to see himself in front of an office with door that looked like they could feet Mao's father.

"Holy crap!" Almaz yelled as Stella just looked at him. "Umm... Stella...?"


"Umm, your father wouldn't happen to be three hundred feet tall?"

"No, He is just a normal powerful Majin, why?" asked Stella as she saw Almaz just lean on a wall grabbing his chest for some odd reason.

'Thank you god. I don't think I could stand meeting another dean bigger then a house.' Almaz thought to himself.


'shut up! If the dean hurts me you get hurt.'

'Not really I only die if you die but if you get hurt I feel nothing, ha ha ha ha.'

Aurum just started laughing as Almaz hated the man in his head even more.

'I am starting to miss being dead sometimes...'

'Really?' asked a surprised Stella.


Almaz just took a deep breath and just told Stella he would be back as he just pushed the door open and saw an Omega Sentinel Majin sitting at a desk who looked up at him with red eyes.

"Who are you and what do you want!?"

"I am Almaz and I am a hero! And I need to talk you about a few things and about the rival school, Evil Academy."

At the mention of evil academy Stella's dad slammed his fist on the table.

"Don't ever mention that school in front of me again, do you hear me human!?"

Almaz had to summon all his strength not to runaway.

"I hear you sir loud and clear!" Almaz said as he bowed to the head master,

"Good to see that you know when to listen."

'Suck up...'

Almaz just stood back and walked over to him and took a seat in front of him.

"What do you want to talk about and what do you know about that school?"

Almaz just went into an explanation about how he ran away from that school and about the death of the current dean, and that his son will take over soon. He also explained that he had a few ideas how to help the school from closing down and maybe even get more students and get the school a free makeover.

Unknown to them the door opened a bit to show Stella and an unknown women looking and listening in.

"What's your full name, human?"

"My name Almaz Von Almandine Adament!"

"A long name, but why would you try and help this school and turn on the old school you went to even if it's to get revenge. What else is driving you?"

"*Sigh* Listen dean... I'll be brutally honest, I want to get back at that school for the hell I went through being pushed around, looked down on by most of my friends and even my love interest." Almaz said in sad voice.

With Stella and the unknown women. Stella only clenched her fist as she heard Almaz talk about his old love, she felt a little jealous. The women just looked at Stella and only smiled as she looked at the two men talk.

"Is that all?"

"Well I have also taken a liking to your daughter, heh heh."

Almaz let out a small laugh as the room went silent and the dean only looked at him with wide eyes along with Stella.

"What was that?"

Almaz stayed silent as he felt the gaze of the dean. He did the only thing any normal person would do at the site of a major foe.

"Please don't kill me I just came back to life not too long ago!"

Almaz got on knees and started to beg for his life.

'Some hero you are. Even with your power you might stand a chance against him... But begging works since you're still weak. So beg with all you got hero.' Aurum said

The people watching Almaz all felt a sweat drop going down their heads as they saw him beg for his life.

"Are you sure you're a hero kid?"

"Well... My title is hand made so you could say that I am a hero in training..."

"I see... Anyway stop begging and I won't kill a weakling like you."

"I'm not weak! I may look it but I can hold my self in a fight and win most of the times and with the training I got from a real old super hero I have gotten stronger and may have even come up with a few new moves." Almaz said as he had fire in his eyes and just stood back up. "I would also like to talk about your daughter dean."

"I know you like her what else is there to say?"

Almaz just frowned and got a little angry with the dean since if he didn't fix his attitude his daughter could turn out like Mao and want him dead. He would not let this family fall apart like Mao's did and see pain again, and if all of it happen again he would die again and he didn't want that... again.

"Well I want you to start paying attention to her she is your only daughter and you do not even pay attention to her."

"I don't know what you mean?"

"Really have you even talked her lately? Or watched her in fights even though I myself haven't seen her fight I can tell she has power in her. Since she is also the first female Majin I have ever seen and she tries to gain your approval and you just ignore her."


"Why? Don't try to spend time with her? Is there a reason or maybe you just don't like to spend time with her because she reminds you of your late wife?"

All three of them just looked at him like Almaz was crazy.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean why else would you ignore her?"

"I have to focus on keeping the school open for her, I may not show it but I love my daughter very much and I have seen her grow well. I know of her power since she gets it from her mother and if you really can help me keep this school open I could spend more time with her and my wife."

"Your wife is alive? I thought she was dead since you don't spend time with your daughter."

"Well you were wrong Almaz." the dean said with a dark smile.

"Hey cut me some slack. It's not just me blame the old guy in my head."

'I'm not- oh forget it I don't care anymore. Call me old or young just leave me alone...'

"Old guy in your head?"

"I will tell you later just hear me out ok and you will get a lot more students coming in no time. But first do you have a prinny?"

"A few of them why?"

"I need one to deliver a message to a friend I made at the academy."

A few moments later a prinny ran in ready for work.

"Ok listen up prinny I need you to go to evil academy and give a letter I just wrote to your hero prinny mask."

"Prinny Mask? DOOD! He is all Prinnies heroes next to big brother Kurtis Dood."

"I know, so take this letter and go Evil Academy and when you get there give it to him he will be hiding under a prinny statue. Tell him Almaz says hi."

"Aye aye Dood."

The prinny only left in a hurry, as Almaz just looked at the dean and spoke.

"Now I have a few other ideas but one of them includes me teaching a hero class."

"Huh, why?"

"When I was at Evil Academy I met some super hero's called masked heroes who look like prinny mask, But they always look up to him and hero's. If I taught a class the might start to show up and learn from me and will also get students with prinny mask. I also have to talk to some one before I can down to the other ideas but please just wait for a bit, ok?"

The dean only nodded.

As a week passed and Almaz got to know the school more. Met Stella's mother and Almaz had to admit the dean had it rough with a wife like that. Sure he may have been a good spear but his samurai wife kept him in line when she found out how the relationship with their daughter was. Almaz just laughed at the dean, which ended with him in detention and Aurum yelling at him for being an idiot. As the week ended, the next day they awoke to find more Prinnies at their school and a new statue in the middle of the school.

"What the?"

"So he did come after all."

"Who came Almaz?" asked Stella

"Well the letter I sent was a note to Prinny Mask saying his great skills in fixing and repairing where needed. At the old school he would always come out at night and fix the school up or replace some things, since I knew this school need help I knew he would help and you can't meet him. He only comes out at night and he has a lot of prinny admirers."

As weeks went by Almaz spoke to the geo gunner and the dean about letting the geo gunners here since if they are not well liked they would be welcomed here and they would be better then the monks at evil academy. They agreed the geo gunner spread the word to his friends and the school had more students with a new class to this netherworld along with a new class Almaz had never seen before a male thief. The thieves made a great improvement as they made a base at the school and began to attend the school. They paid the full price to join the school since they had a lot of stolen money.

The dean was happy with all the new students he was getting but just laughed when masked hero's showed up ready to learn from a hero and prinny mask who was spotted around the school. Almaz spent more time with Stella getting closer to her telling her he liked her and was forgetting his old love for the princess. Stella and Almaz decided to take things slow for now. With the young thieves around they attracted the Succubus class since the thieves were men and they wanted a taste of the new class and the geo gunners.

Things where awkward as the thieves and gunners traveled in with a partner just to be safe. But Almaz found out things where getting better for them and worst for Evil Academy since they had lost a lot of Prinnies and masked hero's for some unknown reason. Stella's father's school was growing and was better then before they where still far from being like Evil Academy but they were getting there and it was thanks to Almaz. The students started to talk when they saw Almaz and Stella hand in hand as Almaz was seeing her now some students where jealous of Almaz. One student had started to talk about the problems that Evil Academy was going through since they where losing students and where not getting anymore, Almaz felt happy to hear that but felt bad for the real friends he had there but he would worry about that later.

*Few months later at Evil Academy*

At Evil Academy, the halls where filled with a students but many where talking about the new school that was getting more students. Rumors spread about the school being better and having new classes that the evil academy didn't have. Walking down the halls was a student along with her friends who where collecting donations and handing out fliers as well.

"Please donate and help us find our missing friend."

Her plea fell on death ears as they ignored her calls.

"My lady, they just don't listen to us when we ask for help." replied Kyoko

"She is right my lady, we have been asking about his whereabouts for months and have not found any new leads." replied Asuka.

"You girls may be right, but we can't lose hope. He is our friend and we need apologize on behalf of Mao as well since he won't do it. Since he was made the dean by his father only because his father couldn't hold on to life anymore, his dad even said he felt he wasn't ready for the title. As his rival I need to bring back his friend and they will work things out." said Raspberyl as she picked up the fallen signs of her friend Almaz.

"Let's go. We need to go talk to Mao since he will be talking to the princess again or best to say she will talking to him... again."

They only started to walk to the dean's office and noticed that a lot of masked heroes and Prinnies had left Evil Academy for who knows where. They some demons thought they left because of the rumor of prinny mask leaving the school. Some of them didn't believe in him but Raspberyl and lackeys knew he was real and knew he lived under the prinny statue in the middle of the school. But a few moths ago it was just gone. They arrived at the dean's office aka Mao's room and heard arguing like always. Raspberyl only knocked on the door and heard more yelling and only let themselves in. As they entered the room they saw Mao's three Prinnies just standing at the ready as Princess Sapphire was yell at Mao and he was doing his best to ignore her.

"Why won't you listen to me? We have to go and try and find him!"

"No, we need to breath, eat, drink and expel waste from our bodies, everything else is optional. Plus, why bother at all? That loser hero is better off not around, look why the hell do you care at all if I remember your one of the people that mistreated him and caused him to save that superhero scum from my wrath. I know my dad would of have been happy if I killed that super hero that took his life. *Tsk* That Almaz, always getting in my way."

"Excuse us for interrupting Mao."

"I am the dean and you should show me respect by calling me dean."

"Whatever you say Mao you're still my rival no matter what so calling you by your name is good enough for you, since you didn't really earn the title."

"What was that!?"

"Our lady speaks the truth even your father thought you weren't ready for it but gave it to you hoping you would change, but we haven't seen you change one bit."

"*Tsk* whatever like I care what any of you think. Beside I know why your here you came to ask to help you look for Almaz again."

"Then why don't you help us?" asked Sapphire.

"Why should I? He was always holding back telling me to show mercy on our enemies even the super hero that caused all this."

"Almaz was just being a good person as your friend by doing all that."

"Really? What about the way you ignored him and always like getting into fights?"

"What do you mean?" asked a stunned Sapphire to Mao's question.

"All you did was use him as well. I studied the two of you to get a how loved worked but all you did was get in danger when ever there was a fight coming knowing he was there. But I saw how hurt he looked when ever he fought on the front lines. Even his demon friends agreed with me."

"What demon friends?" Asked Sapphire

"Mwahahahaha! You don't know? Some of the demons he hanged out with in our party he hung out with them when ever there was a battle to get some rest and spoke his heart out to them, I myself was there hide behind a tree listening in. who knew the princess really was heartless."

"What did you just say?" asked an in raged Sapphire.

"You heard me. Heartless. Princess. I may have been mean to Almaz but I saw his worth and I made sure he was alive in battles getting his back but you... All you said was you liked him and he protected you from all dangers taking hits for you, you say you didn't want him to die why? Did you love him? Or maybe you just loved pushing him around like he said all those months ago?"

"MAO! Why are you talking like that!? She is your friend." Yelled Raspberly

"Who ever said I wanted friends? Besides I know you and your lackeys will try and say I am wrong or I'm sticking up for Almaz, but I'm not. I am just talking and thinking like anyone with a high EQ would do you know I am right his demon friends said you where heartless but he spoke up for you saying he was fool in love trying to love a women that won't even talk to him unless she wants something or wants to something."

The room remained silent as Sapphire felt hurt by Mao's words and wanted to cry but couldn't. Mao only took of his glasses and began to clean them and put them back on before speaking.

"If we are done I have to figure out why so many students are leaving Evil Academy and talking about this new school that is making a huge impact, and why do you want find him princess?" Mao asked not caring for the answer as Raspberyl and lackeys listened in.

"Because I want to say that I'm sorry and that I love him." Sapphire said with low voice.

"You humans have a funny way of showing love but if that's what you believe do what you want. You can help my so-called rival and her friends help you in your search. I doubt you will get far finding the old washed up teacher since he comes and goes as he wishes. But you're like myself princess maybe you even have a darkness in your heart and hated your kingdom since they treated you like a cold person and you couldn't take out your hate on them so you switched to monsters but that wasn't enough for you was it?"

Sapphires eyes widen as he spoke.

"Mwahahahaha you craved to hurt someone like since they hated you and you didn't cry at your mother's death, you only cut a part of your hair."

The room was shocked ho Mao knew this as for Raspberyl she had no clue and wanted to sop Mao but he just continued.

"You look surprised I know let's just say listening in on the super hero loser talking to you has its rewards. You could hate your kingdom so you took out your pain on the only man that loved you from afar he even came here to fight in your name, and what does he get he gets his title stolen by me gets shot when you first meet and he takes a deadly curse for you and what do you do?! Nothing! You don't say thank you. You just say you're sorry you can't even love the only man that will only love a women like you, no not a women or demon? No even though we demons hide it we still fell emotions and cry, but you don't, that it's a monster for you. That's a good name for you Mwahahahaha."

Mao just started to laugh as Raspberyl, Kyoko and Asuka stood shocked at what Mao had said and he just started laughing at the princess who had a dark look of sadness and hate on her.

Mao you bastard, how could you say such things about her? She's your friend. Almaz will come back for he loves and a hero's love will always come through just like we read about and..."

She didn't get to finish as she saw the princess just raise her fist and hit Mao who went through a wall shocking the whole room.


Sapphire only walked over to the hole in the wall and picked Mao up by his shirt.

"Don't ever call me a Monster or I'll..."

"You'll what? Kill me? Hurt me? Now that your old punching bag Almaz isn't around you moved on to me? Sorry to say I don't like you and i am not dumb enough to be a punching bag.

Mao said with a wicked smile as blood went down his head and he saw the look of Sapphire's darken.

"Shut UP!"

She swung her fist again only to be stopped as the room was filled with a yell.


They only saw as Sapphire fist was caught by the home EC Teacher and just made her release her grip on the dean.


Out of my way or do you want a hell strike to! Yelled Sapphire AS champloo only took a fighting stance.

Princess why are ruining your perfect calm dish by adding all this spice into it? Its just Wrong! You have clearly lost control of your own kitchen and have let the ingredients get out of control as well. Think with heart of cooking would my last student chief like to see you like this?

What hell are you talking about! Speak normal will you!

Princess I think what teacher is saying is why are you getting so out of control! Your losings your self and your letting your emotions get the best of you and cloud your judgment, and...

and what? Asked Sapphire as she just ready herself.

And Almaz wouldn't want to see you like this about to hurt the person he saw as a friend and his master.

Sapphire only softened up as she remembered how when Mao was turned into a baby Almaz talked to Champloo and started calling him master, he always asked him for advice and would always talk about food. Which confused her a bit but Almaz seemed to understand him at times and felt better when ever he was down.

"It seems that you have gotten your kitchen back in order before it exploded. Now enough of all this saltiness in the group we must find my student before it's too late!" BOOOM!

"What do you mean teacher?"

"Before Almaz left I felt that his own heart was battling it out before since he was trying to decide on something."

"Maybe he was trying to decide whether or not he should turn on us and rescue his idol super hero."Mao said as he just cleaned the blood off his glasses.

"Indeed I was worried he would do something that would throw the school into chaos but all he did was save a man that was seeking death, my student also used this as a chance to run away. But now's not the time to think what he is doing we have to find him who knows what he is doing right now. BOOM!"

"Teacher is right we have to expand our search maybe even ask that new school that's making an impact all of a sudden."

"Kyoko, Asuka, please take princess to our room and see that she is taken care of."

"Yes my lady."

Kyoko and Asuka just nodded and took a sadden Princess away by their ladies orders as Champloo just walked off screen leaving the rivals alone.

"That was low Mao, even for you."

"So? I spoke the truth and before you go on and saying that speaking the truth is not very Honor student like your wrong. Truth can be used as a means to hurt people as well I just proved it right and you probably wanted to say something to her as well. But you're too much of a goody two shoes to do that."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on I saw how you looked at Almaz when he came here you where his first female Friend and you were happy."

"He was just a friend..."

"Really is that all? Did you maybe like it when the princess blew him off and he sometimes went to you also talked things out sometimes. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?"

"Maybe you wanted to commit the taboo of marrying Almaz and be a true delinquent."

Raspberyl only turned red and just spoke again.

"Marry?! Why would I do that?"

"Why not? If a delinquent like you married a hero then that would be the true path to a delinquent."

Raspberyl only stayed silent as she left the room but said one final thing.

"Mao you're a jerk."

The door only closed as Mao grabbed his head in a bit of pain as he felt his heart try and talk to him but he ignored it.

"I don't need friends."

Majin Academy

Almaz was sitting in the room he was given by the dean for his help in getting new students for the school. He was happy to help but still felt hate for Evil Academy and something that was bugging him.

'I don't get it. I want my relationship with Stella to move from hand holding but I don't know how to it! I mean sure we have kissed but now what do I do? Aurum?'

'Why ask me? Its weird you never had the guts to even hold the princess... sorry I mean Sapphire's hand but now you do but with a new girl?'

'Times change and I do like her and she even said she has a plan for Evil Academy that she will have to do soon if she is lucky. What ever she has planed I will help her!"

They suddenly heard gun shots and the sound of men screaming.

"Get away from us! Every man for himself!"



'Let's get to work then before the succubus' get them.'

Sorry for the long wait but here you go. I hope you all like the chapter I have been busy writing other storys but I will never give up on a story so never lose hope. Tell me what you think about this chapter and yes I brought back the geo gunners why? Because I love them they are awesome and use guns way more better then the magic users geo monks as for the male tief I love the female thief but the male was first thief and he grew on me and his final class is awesome the space pirate. Well later!