Okay, so this is my very first FF, but I'm an experienced reader, so I'm pretty confident in my abilities compared to the fact, that this is my first story. I might have some mistakes, but I guess that's inevitable...

So a bit about the story; it's based off the idea of PDM, but I'll change some of the things, so it might be a bit AU. This first chapter is just the prologue, giving you an idea of the world this is proceeding in. The plot is inspired from different stories I've read, plus some of my own ideas. The chapter is short, but I would like to get this started, and it's a prologue anyway, and they are not supposed to be to long...

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon...

It's said that creatures knows as humans, once could live peacefully on this planet. A place where it was possible to live under civilized orders with yet a great amount of freedom. The leaders of that ancient time are thought to lead their people to greatness, unlike today where it's corruption because of their own selfish dreams of power and wealth. The value of each individual life was also believed to have greater importance. Death is of course inevitable, but some more than others. Intended killings or lethal violence was assumed to be a minor problem at that time. There's of course much more than that, but all this is supposed to be under a recent term called "civilized life".

Pokemons today are trying to adapt this style of living, but is this really a good idea? But then you could say, that the humans were at this stage too, and they were improving their way of life to benefit themselves. That's at least what passed through to nowadays, from the first rumors that started centuries ago. But knowing the different individuals it passed through, the rumors are surely altered and distorted a lot from the original one.

It started centuries ago, where it's believed that strong psychic-types saw visions of the past; the visions of the world we are trying to adapt today. Reasonably, the rumors started to spread; the rumors of the "perfect" world. When enough people were convinced that it was a good idea, the first forms of society started to form and slowly began to rise. It was actually functionally decent at one point, but then something happened.

At the most important point of the construction of the new societies, new rumors began to spread; rumors that said, that this was the doing of the gods. This was actually a reasonable theory for the new members of the different societies; "Of course, only the gods could come up with a brilliant plan like this", which was a pretty sound argument that time.

The people who knew the truth were accused for blasphemy, and sadly, most of them were assassinated.
This ignited the first civil wars, and in the end, the misguided "citizens" came out as the victors with yet another problem. They could fight together as believers of the gods, but when they were done, they couldn't agree on which one was the superior.

The larger amount of the "citizens" believed that Arceus was the superior, while some others believed in the god to their own respective type. Arguments became fights, and in some situations; fight stated to turn into small-scale civil wars, but also a holy war. Innocents were caught in the crossfire, while a few others were brutally sacrificed for rituals. Are they all really doing this for the gods? Or for their own selfish purposes?

Some people still know the truth, but they live outside these places, hiding themselves disguised as "wild" pokemons. It's among these individuals we find our heroes…

Author's notes:

Okay, so this is my first chapter. I hope it gives you a good picture of the world and situation we are in. I will try to update as fast as I can, but I can't really promise anything... the characters will be introduced in the following chapter. I will also have a OC submission later. I really like to submit OCs myself, so I would also like to give others a chance! But not right now...

Please review and thanks for reading!