
I watched him saunter over towards the classroom door locking it behind him. I take a few steps back until I hit the wall behind me. My heart is beating wildly in my chest, I'm sure he can hear it.

Finally he turns towards me, his brown eyes travel up and down my body with a smirk which makes my legs feel weak. He walks over and puts both his hands on either side of my head trapping me. "Do you know how much you torture me?" He asked his voice low.

I shake my head slowly; I didn't trust the words that might come out of my mouth. His smirk widens and he leans forward until our lips are only inches apart. "I want you Ally Dawson." I could feel the heat of his breathe and see the hunger in his eyes.

If it was any normal boy I'd already have my eyes closed waiting for the kiss, but I try resist by turning my head away from him. If it was any other normal boy this wouldn't be as complicated, but he wasn't a boy he was a man who happened to be our music teacher; Mr. Moon. Austin Moon to be exact and I had fallen madly in love with him.