A/N: Thank you for reading this and reviewing! You guys are fucking amazing! This whole fic was for you guys and everyone who wanted me to continue. The first chapter of the sequel is up if you want to check it out! It's called "Always You" Thank you again for this journey. Now lets start a new one

More and more glee kids poured into my house with more liquor than I think we could all drink. Quinn eventually sauntered in with her arms crossed, "Hey."

I comically walked over to her like Berry did at her own party a few years back, "Hey girlfriend! Having fun?"

She glared at me with her lips pursing. I could tell she was trying to cover her laugh with annoyance. "Do you know where Rachel is?"

"Why? Do you need another spanking after earlier?"

"No, I just want to talk to her. Since when did you suddenly become interested in me and my own problems?"

I rolled my eyes and nudged her, "I've always cared. I just didn't think you wanted anyone to care. Plus I'm sure Brittany would still scold me for slapping you so I'm just making things right. What happened in the auditorium? I ran away from there as fast as I could once I saw your face."

"Nothing.. I left soon after you did."

I could tell she was lying through her teeth. I could tell she wanted to talk to Rachel because of the things she probably didn't mean or just slipped out...

[Quinn's POV Earlier That Day]

"Every week I would write you an email and send you a text message. You ignored every single one. Why?"

Quinn saw Marley pull on Santana's arm from the corner of her eye. Rachel stood there quietly and was ready to take whatever Quinn threw at her with the vicious words that were sure to come, "You know, when we all moved away to our colleges and chasing our dreams, I thought you'd send me so many updates that I wouldn't be able to keep up or tolerate you anymore. I thought that you'd annoy me so much that I'd just ignore you. After a few weeks I started wondering why I didn't get any of those annoying messages that would be so thorough about your day and emotions. I started to crave for at least a few words from you. Anything to tell me that you were happy and having a blast living out your dream. I hoped you'd write about how you missed me and our talks. But I didn't get any of that. I'm the one that sent you all those annoying thorough messages. I tried to tell you I missed you without really telling you. Where were you?"

"Everything was hard with Finn-"

Quinn pulled back with her eyebrows rising, "Are we back to that? Are we back to Finn becoming the problem in our friendship? To him being between us and our hand in his on both sides?" She stepped up so close to Rachel that she could feel her breathing, "I didn't think I'd be the one begging for an explanation about why you moved on without me."

She leaned in and Lingered around her lips for a few seconds before kissing her as soft as a whisper. Quinn turned quickly and walked away before Rachel had the chance to say anything.

[Santana's POV]

"Just let me know if she shows up okay?"

I crossed my arms and nodded. Soon, the house was full of all the old and new glee kids off in their own groups. I impatiently waited for Marley to show up and when she did I basically ran over to her and being slightly buzzed, I almost knocked her over with excitement. I really needed to get a grip on myself.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I couldn't leave my house until my mom thought I ate enough for two people."

"You're here now. Do you want anything to drink?"

She nodded and followed me into the kitchen. I picked up a beer from a random case and handed it to her before grabbing one for myself. It took us exactly 2 hours before we both were falling over each other to my room upstairs. On my way up I heard Sam and Brittany talking.

"...Turned out my compass was in my pocket.."

Brittany nodded drunk to Sam, "Mine is attached to my backpack just in case that happens."

I rolled my eyes and pushed Marley into my room with drunken force and she landed in my bed, "Finally."

Marley laughed at how impatient I was and stroked my cheek, "We have time. I'm not going anywhere."

"I just think that we shouldn't wait either..."

Before she could say anything, I bit her neck on her pulse point and I felt her automatically submit. I kiss at the mark I made and trailed up to her ear to gently suck on her earlobe while my hands roamed her waist. I lifted myself away from her earlobe and looked at her.

"You're beautiful. I wouldn't change anything about you."

She stroked my cheek again with her face turning red and bit on her lip, "I've never..."

"Never what?"

"... Been in this uh.. position. I mean, not only with a girl but with.. Anyone."

I pulled back a little and saw her expression look almost scared, "We don't have to. I'm not with you for the sex."

She nodded before answering in a whisper, "I want it to be you."

That was all that needed to be said. I ran my hand up her stomach while lifting up her shirt and flung it off somewhere in the darkness. I lowered my hand to do the same to her pants and heard the soft thud as it hit the carpet. I watched her eyes roam the planes of my body as I took off my clothes with a desire growing. Feeling myself heat up at the sight of her wants written on her face, I practically ripped off my underwear. I glide my index finger up her core gently while she closed her eyes and threw her head back. I found her bundle of nerves and gently glided my finger against it. It didn't take long for her hips to buck and her body to shake from pleasure. We both moaned in unison. I tried my best to keep our moans from getting to loud but it seemed impossible. There was still a party going on a few feet below us.

I slide my finger inside her causing a gasp and another moan. I gently rock back and forth inside her while leaning in to kiss her hip bones that were prominently showing with definition. I heard another gasp as I trailed kisses to her clit and moved my tongue in sync with my fingers. She bucked faster but still gentle as I felt her walls close in. She practically screamed as I pumped myself faster into her and pressed just the right spot with my tongue and fingers. It was a few seconds before she started coming down and went slack on my bed.

I trailed kisses up her body until I found her lips and stayed there for a bit. When I pulled away from her she tried slowing down her breathing, "That was.. Wow... Let's do it again."

[Quinn POV]

Quinn saw Rachel walk in with hesitation. It looked like all that newly found confidence shed away and she was back to being the loud but yet still quiet girl with no sense of social construct. She strutted her way over to the old glee kids and all of a sudden the new Rachel was back and she was overly confident and radiating sexy. It was like a shades being drawn to see sun light and shut suddenly. Quinn watched her talk to old friends and some new students before she looked in her direction. She saw her smile falter for a split second before going back to talking to one of the new kids.

She waited until she was headed to the bathroom before pursuing her. Quinn heard the door close as she followed Rachel and let herself in without knocking. She quickly turned and locked the door before seeing her standing there with an expression that was hard to pick apart.

"Rachel, I just wanted... I was.."

"You kissed me."

Quinn exhaled and nodded, "I did."


She felt my shoulders shrug as she couldn't find any words in her frantic brain. She'd been coming up with so many different excuses since she walked out of the auditorium but they all seemed to falter in her head.

"You answer by shrugging? You can't just go around kissing people Quinn! When I was in New York, I found confidence and a new voice for myself. I show up here and you make me feel like that sad girl in sophomore year that hoped for anyone to notice me."

"I noticed you." Quinn blurted out.

She covered her mouth as Rachel looked at her with surprise and anger, "Of course you noticed me. Who didn't know that the head cheerleader Quinn Fabray hated me?"

Quinn felt anger flood her eyes and spill over, "I never hated you. I admired you. I had to get a nose job, go to fat camp, and change everything about me to get the confidence you already had. I envied you.

"That doesn't explain why you kissed me."

Quinn felt herself exhale in disbelief and blurted out what she couldn't admit to herself, "I kissed you because I realized I've been in love with you since you wanted to get a nose job and we sang that duet together. I'm sure I was in love with you long before that but that's when it hit me. Then Finn kept happening and engagements and colleges and I couldn't get a word in edge wise with you. You left me before you left this town."

[Santana's POV]

"So I'm really your first?"

Marley nodded into my neck. We were tangled in my bed with pillows scattered and both of us looked like pure sex. Marley kissed my neck and trailed down to my collar bone. I let out a moan that I didn't try to cover up. We were enveloped in each other and it didn't take long for Marley to slide her fingers into me for the third time tonight. I bucked my hips into her while moaning in her ear and wrapping my legs around her. I felt myself build up quickly and thrusted harder into her. I let out a scream but didn't let her fingers exit out of me until my heart steadied.

"Are you sure I'm your first? Because that was-"

Marley interrupted by kissing me and smiled, "I have an amazing mentor."

A/N: Don't forget about the sequel to this "Always You" (It's all Brittana) and my other fic: Shake It Out.

Oh! and don't worry about Quinn. She'll be in the sequel too thanks to many people wanting her story on the side. She deserves a happy ending I think.