I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while! My laptop broke ;_; ANYWAY I'm just sitting here and decided to post something to give you something to read! Writing this on paper and typing it in the copy-paste box! My friend and I are planning to go shopping so this happened. Enough of my rambling! READ!

Derek trudged behind the small boy, carrying his shopping bags as Stiles "ooed" and "ahhed" at all the shops, occasionally stopping and excitedly pointing at some silly item in one of windows. They've been shopping for about an hour now. Stiles had finally stopped for the moment, saying that he wanted some food, so Derek should wait there. Sighing, Derek flopped on a bench and set the heavy bags down. He closed his eyes, thinking about how much stuff his boyfriend was buying and how much of it he was going to actually use/wear. He then let his mind wander, a rare thing indeed.

He thought about when he and Stiles shared their first kiss, under the willow-tree. They had just returned home from fighting the alpha pack, broken, bloodied, and victorious. Scott had left with Allison to do god knows what, Boyd and Erica had also left together, and Issac left to do whatever the hell it is that Issac does. He and Stiles were alone, sitting under a willow tree while Stiles tended to Dereks wounds. Derek had wanted to tend to Stiles first, his injuries were far worse, after all, but Stiles wouldn't have it. "The Alpha has priority over a human," he had said. Stiles had mumbled as he worked, cursing the pack for hurting his alpha, which had made Derek chuckle. Stiles had jumped upon hearing this sexy-alien laugh. When their eyes locked, Derek leaned forward and caught Stiles lips in the most passionate moon-light kiss ever known.

"Helloooo?" Derek cracked an eye open slightly to stare at Stiles. "You're smiling," he said smirking. Derek laughed, making Stiles blush a scarlet red. Shaking his head, Derek stood up and grabbed Stiles bags. "Let's go home, Stiles," Derek entwined Stiles hand with his free one, and together, they strode out, taking half the mall with them.