EDIT: Sorry about the text error that had taken over the document earlier! Hope you will be able to enjoy it now - without straining your eyes!

A/N: Hey, all! Just wanted to do the obligatory apology as always; the one where I finally have time and feel like writing more on these stories and then beg for all of your forgiveness for not having posted anything for at least six months… you know the one. So, I have been going through my Sophomore year in college and trying to keep up with all the crazy that comes with Pre-Med while simultaneously trying to sneak in my Creative Writing minor classes. Being honest, I don't even think about these stories when school is in session, so winter break and summer break are about all you guys will ever get out of me – apologies. So, without further ado, I present to you the next chapter of whatever story of mine you are currently reading.


That got both older males interested. Sanji returned to his groping, Tracing along the pant line of the jean shorts. Zoro was keeping his eyes locked on Luffy's face, he was never able to look away when they got started. Luffy was always so expressive during moments like this, a blush evident on his tanned face, mouth half open and releasing occasional moans, eyes closed, and brows furrowed together. Zoro continued nipping and sucking at the tempting juncture between neck and shoulder.

Sanji glanced up at Luffy, frowning at the green mass forming hickeys on his beautiful skin. Luffy was already sweating, ebony hairs sticking to his forehead. Sanji almost moaned at the sight and he would have, if it weren't for the presence behind his lover.

Sanji removed Luffy's shorts, smirking at the expected lack of underwear. Luffy only went commando when he planned to enjoy some alone time with one of his two "favorite" crewmates. A moan was heard and Sanji glanced up again, noticing Luffy's eye's – half open – fixed on him and Zoro's fingers pinching a pink bud roughly.

"So, the rules are whoever gets him to finish faster wins. You're not allowed to mess with him while I'm doing something and I'm not allowed to do it either. We'll have two rounds, mouth and hands only and all the way."

Luffy was rolling his eyes, praying the two would just get on with it and fuck him already. He knew they would get competitive, but he didn't know they'd be teasing him so much in the process. Zoro was grinding into his behind, obviously uncomfortable, but he still let out a grunt of approval to Sanji's terms.

Luffy's legs were hardly holding him up anymore, so he gestured for Zoro to sit. He did so, sitting with his legs crossed, and Luffy sat next to him before lying on his side. He twisted his waist, arranging himself for easy access for Sanji's favorite position for teasing his lower half. Sanji nodded in appreciation and Luffy began working on Zoro's member, happily licking lines up and down the appendage. Sanji started his work on Luffy shortly after; mentally keeping time because he knew the moss head wouldn't be concerned with it.

Zoro didn't moan, not so much anyway, he grunted. Whenever Luffy hit a spot just right, he would release a soft grunt, followed by a long sigh. Luffy's hands kneaded his inner thighs, a habit the man had grown accustomed to over the months they'd been together. Luffy's mouth was the perfect combination of soft and warm and it never failed to make the swordsman squirm. He was thankful Luffy had decided to relieve him first.

Sanji was only partially hard, a slow starter, but as he stroked Luffy, the tightness in his slacks grew. Luffy was fairly quick to release, followed none too shortly by the green haired body builder he serviced. Sanji was proud of himself for not having to use his mouth or Luffy's entrance to have him finish and sat back on his heels, the only of the three fully clothed. He unbuttoned his shirt and Zoro pulled his own shirt off, Luffy kicking off the rest of his shorts.

Sanji pulled Luffy toward him and stood, his bare chest hitting Luffy's glistening back squarely. He held Luffy's chin, turning his face toward him, and they shared a long and languid kiss. Zoro scoffed, "Has to be at the same point he was with you before I start."

An eye roll followed his demand, but it was accepted as it was only fair. Sanji kneaded pink buds and Zoro groped a tan behind and licked trails up Luffy's stomach. Soon, Luffy was standing at full attention, mewling beneath the movements of the two around him. He was beyond caring about the two teasing him, lost in a pink haze of pure pleasure and love for the two before him.

A warm mouth covered Luffy's member completely and he released a rather loud moan before a hand moved to cover the noise, Sanji whispering, "The others might hear," and kissing the nape of his neck in apologetic motions. Zoro's teeth grazed Luffy and a stifled groan attempted an escape, his back arching, bottom colliding with Sanji's clothed groin. Luffy took this moment to unzip Sanji's pants and begin stroking the cook, wanting someone else to be a little messed up with him.

Luffy's eyes focused on Zoro, running all over his body, pausing over his crotch which was already begging for attention. In a normal situation this would be the moment when Zoro's control broke and he flipped Luffy over, roughly taking him. In this situation however, Zoro's pride wouldn't allow him to be outdone by the perverted cook. Zoro paused a moment to drag his fingers through the spill on Luffy's chest and took the opportunity the thrust them into Luffy.

Convulsions hit the raven-haired teen and he released into Zoro's throat, the first-mate taking it all. Sanji laughed, a little breathily, basking in his own climax, "I won the first round, Moss Head."

Zoro looked him squarely in the eye, "You won't be winning the second."

He took Luffy and turned him over, setting him on his knees, and took his ready self, thrusting into Luffy without hesitation. He took him roughly, both on their knees, Luffy reduced to a drooling, flushed mess. Sanji watched, distractedly, as a bead of sweat made its way down Luffy's front side. Luffy gestured for Sanji and immediately took him in his mouth, bringing Sanji's to attention as his pants finally fell to his ankles and he kicked them off and pushed his rolled sleeves up further before wrapping his fingers in black locks of hair.

Luffy screamed almost silently around Sanji, an entrancing sight, and Zoro let a loud grunt loose through his gritted teeth as they both released. Luffy looked almost ready to pass out, but kept himself upright for he knew what was coming next. Sanji noticed his drifting eyes and sat on the ground in front of him, pulling him onto his lap and taking his mouth, settling Luffy slowly onto his member. He lifted his captain slowly before allowing him to fall back down, setting a lazy pace and keeping from overworking him too much.

The two moved together in perfect sync, nipping at each other's lips whenever Luffy was fully seated. Sanji didn't appear to blink, keeping his eyes locked with Luffy's, the most intimate way to make love in his opinion. Eventually, though time always seemed to pass slowly when they connected, they climaxed simultaneously, holding each other tighter through the blissful and uncontrollable convulsions.

Zoro was lying on the ground, breathing heavily through his afterglow, "I won the second round, Perverted Cook. What now?"

Sanji was at a loss, he could believe that he took longer than the moss head in the second round, but he also didn't know what could possibly break a tie between them. All three were too exhausted to continue tonight, so they would just have to determine the winner another day.

Luffy hugged Sanji to him and fell backwards, pulling him along. Sanji slid out of him and rolled to the side Zoro wasn't occupying and the three lay in comfortable silence. After a moment Luffy laughed, "Told you," a breath, "I like it both ways."

His companions couldn't help but chuckle at the comment and they took a moment to relax, Sanji lighting a cigarette and Zoro and Luffy taking a short nap.


The next morning, after they had cleaned up in the bath separately, the crew sat at the dining table eating their breakfast. Luffy was full of energy, as per usual, and Zoro noted the extra food on his plate as he devoured omelettes in whole pieces. Zoro picked at his food, which had returned to normal ration size, as usual. Sanji continued preparing the makings for lunch in the kitchen.

Nami looked suspiciously between the three of them. Each had stumbled into the dining area with contented smiles on their faces earlier and the tension from yesterday seemed to have disappeared. She soon dismissed it as them being their unusual selves and continued eating. Ace was a might more skeptical but decided it was normal enough for idiots in love to walk around with goofy grins in place, but he still needed to have that conversation.


After the others had cleared out, Ace loitered around the table and cornered Sanji as soon as Luffy passed through the door, "Hey there, Sanji!"

"Um… Ace," he greeted, apprehensive to the tone Ace's voice was carrying.

"We need to have a little chat about my dear little brother if you don't mind," Sanji swallowed dryly, hoping this wasn't the talk he thought it was, "You see, I love him dearly, you know that," Sanji nodded with emphasis, "I would kill for him, you know that," he was most definitely stating facts, not asking questions; Sanji nodded, "If anyone made him cry I would take their well sharpened kitchen knives and cut off their family jewels and burn them alive, you know that," Sanji was sweating, now one hundred percent sure of what this conversation was in reference to, "Well, as long as you know. Bye, Sanji, and thanks for another delicious meal!"

Ace left the kitchen, a gleaming smile on his freckled face, ready to have the same conversation with the first mate. This time, he would be taking beloved katanas and chopping off arms. Ace skipped along to the crow's nest, where he knew the swordsman took his after breakfast naps.

Luffy's lovers steered clear of him until his dear older brother had left them, hoping to avoid losing both him and their precious appendages, much to Luffy's annoyance.


A/N: That was a difficult one to write without too much detail! Please warn me if you think it was too much and I will reexamine it so it can stay on this site. If you want more detail just ask, I am willing to post a version with more on AO3 if enough people ask! Sorry about saying I was going to update within a week and then not doing that. Busy is busy, but I do try! Hope you enjoyed this story as it has now come to an end! Thank you for all of your support over the years and do leave reviews and read my other stories if you have the time!

Finally, I have a request! If anyone who reads and enjoys my stories or even just this story that has artistic ability would like, I would really love some story-specific cover images for my stories. If you were to do this, you would be allowed to request a fic or a bonus chapter (something that doesn't necessarily have any effect on the current storyline) for a story I have already written. It would be very much appreciated and you would receive full credit for having created it!

Thanks again!