Zoro began to sit up when he felt an unfamiliar weight in his lap. He looked down, a grin spreading on his slightly tanned face.

He sighed heavily, "I guess training can wait until later," he set his calloused hand on top of raven hair, "I'll just nap along with you for the time being, Captain."

Zoro closed his eyes, relaxing, ready to fall into the abyss known as sleep. Suddenly, he heard footsteps rounding the corner, 'Damn, can't I ever enjoy silence in privacy?' Zoro thought angrily. He opened one eye, only slightly, to see whom it was that had disturbed his rest. Yellow, blue, black, peach. All of the colors of the single person he disliked most on the Going Merry.

He silently clicked his tongue, 'Perverted Cook.'

The footsteps soon came closer and Zoro's anger grew as he now squeezed his eyes shut. There was a light patting noise and he felt a presence right next to him. Luffy mumbled something and shifted, nose dangerously close to Zoro's nether regions. Zoro's face lightened, after all, who could be angry when someone like Luffy is resting his head on their lap?

"I know that you're awake, Moss Head," Sanji whispered.

"Nice guess, Perverted Cook," Zoro replied. Luffy shifted back, making Zoro's scowl return.

Zoro opened his eyes and looked over at Sanji, vein popping when doing so revealed Sanji's position. His legs were crossed in front of him with Luffy's draped over his thighs. Zoro clicked his tongue, the sound now extremely audible.

"Oo, look what I have here!" Sanji now held up his hand, which was attached to Luffy's. Another one of Zoro's veins popped, his lip twitched slightly.

"You can leave now," Zoro was now biting the inside of his cheek.

"Who said I would?" Sanji held Luffy's hand even tighter.

They locked eyes, invisible lightning hung between them. Luffy suddenly shot up, "GUM, GUM!-"

They flinched, but neither broke their intense looks. Sanji's eyes and smirk mocked Zoro, while Zoro only scowled at him.

Luffy stirred once more, woken up by the tension that the air held. After observing his promiscuous position in between his first mate and cook, he grinned. Zoro and Sanji stopped looking at each other, as both of their expressions morphed into a grimace.

Luffy sat up quietly, back facing Zoro. He closed his eyes and grabbed Sanji by the shoulders, pulling on them roughly and falling on top of Zoro. He laughed, the first noise that had escaped him since he woke.

"Erm, Luffy?" Sanji was squished against Luffy's slim torso.

"Get offa' me you idiots!" Zoro struggled against Luffy, but realized it was futile. 'Might as well enjoy it while it lasts, then.'

Luffy crooked his neck to give Zoro a quick peck on his cheek, slowly moving to give Sanji the same treatment. He rolled his hips, affecting both of his victims.

They groaned in unison, Sanji gripping Luffy's vest shuddering. Zoro bit his lip. Luffy was grinning like a maniac, as he usually did at a time like this. He rolled his hips again, hearing a sharp intake of breath and a long sigh. This seemed to satisfy Luffy immediately.

Luffy then sighed, relaxing against Zoro and loosening his grip on Sanji, falling right back to sleep. Zoro and Sanji glared at each other over Luffy's shoulder.

Zoro slipped his arms in between Sanji and Luffy, "Give up Perverted Cook, there's no way I'm letting you keep that spot."

Sanji shifted, but felt Luffy's grip tighten, "I would love to grab Luffy and go, Moss Head, but I can't get off of him."

Zoro looked confused, "It's really easy, all you have to do is lift yourself up and go away."

"That isn't what I meant, idiot! Luffy won't let go," he demonstrated this by pushing backwards, only stretching Luffy's arms, "See?"

They sat in silence for a few moments until a knock on the cabin hatch startled them, "Oi, Luffy, you in there?" a male voice called, "I have a problem to discuss with you… Come on, we can arm wrestle if you want."

It was Ace's voice, and if he walked in, both of the men would no longer have a relationship with their dear captain. Zoro cursed as Luffy shifted in his sleep, "Is he really asleep?"

"Are you getting a stiff one?" Sanji looked horrified, "Don't get that thing anywhere near Luffy, you Perverted Moss Head!" he whispered loudly.

"Hey, you have one too, so back at you Perverted Cook!" Zoro whispered harshly.

"Ah, are Zoro and Sanji down there too? Can one of you open the hatch? It seems to be caught on something…"

Zoro sighed in relief as he spotted a spatula jammed into the door, "Thinking too far ahead Perverted Cook?"

"Thinking cautiously… We have to deal with this somehow…"

"I'm not assisting you if that's where you're going."

"I'm not!" he gulped, "Maybe Luffy will let go if we get him to wake up."

"He'll only wake up if he hears we hit an islan-"

"ISLAND!" Luffy shot up, slamming Sanji's head into the wall. Both men were still constricted, though, despite their efforts.

"There's no island Luffy! We need you to wake up… now!" Sanji rubbed his head.

"Why's that?"

"Idiot, you're sitting in our laps after causing such a thing and still asking that?" Zoro hissed.

Luffy shifted, looking down at Sanji's special place, "Oh."