Ok so I realized that even though my story has about 9 chapters it only has a little bit over 5,000 words and that shows that I am a mean writer most of my chapters are short and thats not fair to you guys especially when youre really excited to see i finally updated and its only like 600 words i am really sorry i guess i wasnt really paying attention to this story because i was foccusing on my first one.

well anyway enjoy this chapie :)

Elizabeth couldn't help but feel so...


Her plan was to try to stay low and enjoy being in her brothers presence and maybe tell them who she is and die peacefully but ever since she told Blaine she couldn't help but feel so


Not only did he help her escape from her hell hole he didn't show any pity on her after she told her story to him he stayed with her because he wanted to and she couldn't help but feel so


" Hey wake up sleepy head we gotta go to school" said Blaine

When Elizabeth heard that voice she couldn't help but smile she realized that Blaine is her angel that god sent from heaven. she quickly got out of bed slipped on a pair of grey skinny jeans with my little gold chain hooked onto it and pulled a plain white shirt and simply put her hair into side pony tail. she walked out the door and headed downstairs to meet the boy who uses way to much gel.

" Good morning" Elizabeth said

Blaine looked at her a quick smile appeared on his face and nodded his head continuing making breakfast

Elizabeth sat down on a very expensive chair and watched Blaine make breakfast he was humming a song that she didn't really catch but all she knows he was really into it cause he started dancing

At first he was tapping his feet to the beat of his music then out of nowhere he started shaking his ass Elizabeth had to try her hardest not to laugh to continue watching the show. Once he started shaking his ass he actually started singing and doing his own little moves to the song

~ Hey mickey your so fine you don't understand~ Blaine sang and made a sad face

~ You took me by the heart~ He put a hand over where his heart was located

~ When you took me by the hand~ He took one hand out and put it over the other

Elizabeth couldn't take it anymore she busted out laughing which startled Blaine to stop his singing and dancing and look at the source of the laughing with his whole face flushed red

" Stop laughing it isn't that funny" Blaine muttered

" Dude it totally was especially when you was shaking your ass" said Elizabeth

Blaine turned an even darker shade of red and he twirled around and marched to Elizabeth setting down her plate of waffles with syrup and set his own at the chair to her.

" Not one word okay now shut up and eat" said Blaine

And Elizabeth did what she was told

After school ~.~.~.~.~.`.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

Blaine and Elizabeth walked home together in awkward silence he had a thought in his mind that wanted to tell Elizabeth but he wasn't sure how she will take it.

Elizabeth also noticing the tension decided to break it

" I'm making dinner tonight"

This caught Blaine's attention and made him focus on her

" Wait what did you just say" said Blaine

He watched Elizabeth cheeks turned bright pink

" I said im making dinner is that a problem?"

Blaine shook his head side to side still staring at Elizabeth expression her face was still pink which reminded him of a marshmallow

He watched Elizabeth frown and stomped herself faster toward his house leaving him behind gawking at her he couldn't help but scratch his head at confusion why was she angry?

Elizabeth stopped in front of the door and realized she didn't have a key she quickly dig inside her book bag and pulled out a hair pin and began unlocking the door when she succeed she walked toward the kitchen to begin dinner.

Now that she thought more about it she must've gave Blaine a wrong vibe she must've seemed angry but she wasn't she was so embarrassed she worked up her courage just to say those few words and she snapped at him for no reason now she felt guilty.

Elizabeth shook the feeling off to worry about later she can apologize when their eating dinner so she continued onto her work with new determination she's going to make the best dinner ever.

3 hours and 45 minutes later ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

Blaine walked downstairs well more like rushing he was smelling food and it wasn't the simple stuff like macaroni and cheese or mash potato and gravy no my friend there was


He reached the dinner table with his mouth watering there on the table was yellow rice with vegetables and on another plate there was CHICKEN with gravy smothered all over it.

" Close you're mouth before fly's go in"

Blaine turned his head to the source of the voice and quickly closed his moth and wiped of the saliva.

" Umm did you make this" said Blaine his eyes still staring at the food

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at the question but still answered anyway

" Yep it looks great right"

Blaine nodded his head eyes still on the food Elizabeth watched him staring at liking his lips just imagining how it will taste in his mouth she could tell he couldn't wait to dive in

" Well lets eat ill set a pl-" before she can even finish her sentence a gust of wind passed by and she saw a puppy eyed Blaine sitting down in the table both hand grasping a spoon or fork.

Elizabeth couldn't help but chuckle but grabbed a plate for herself and Blaine

At the dinner table

Elizabeth watched Blaine shoved spoonful's of rice into his mouth it was pretty hard not to watch especially when he's right in front of you

" Hey I wanted to tell you something" said Blaine

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow and nodded as he continued

" I decided I'm going to help you with the situation you're in now"

Cliff hanger ok so schools back and I cant wait and im kind of scared cause its high school well hopefully Ill get over it so after this chapter there will be drama I just wanted things to calm down a bit like a breather for the Glee characters and my OC.