So my friend and I do this to each other all the time, just to screw around. And I thought- What if I made a fic about it? And this was the result. Enjoy! Disclaimer- No I don't own Sherlock. If you're interested go ask Moffat or Gatniss. But not me.

John entered 221b, having just gotten off of his short at the surgery. As he closed the door he noted that Sherlock was typing away on his laptop. He sighed, he would have to change the passcode. Again.

As John was walking behind the chair that Sherlock resided in, a sudden thought struck him. He stopped walking,instead clamping both of his hands firmly on the top of the back of Sherlock's chair.

" Hey Sherlock." He greeted casually.

" Busy." The detective dismissed impatiently, accompanied with a wave of his hand.

" Sherlock." John said again, trying to get his friends attention but not really expecting to.

" I said I'm busy Jo-" Sherlock started.

" You are now aware that you can feel your tongue in your mouth." John interrupted, waiting for a response. Sherlock turned around in his chair some to face John.

" What's this? Some type of se-" He cut off mid-sentence, eyes widening. " Oh God...I can feel it! John! Make it stop! What have you done?!" He asked desperately, a horrified expression taking him over. John, having gotten the desired reaction, merely smiled and walked away wordlessly.

Tell me what you thought! If there's enough demand (meaning two of three people ask for it) I'll go ahead and turn this into a couple more chapters. Most likely a 'Five times_ and one time_' type format. So go ahead and, being the absolutely lovely person you are, press that review button that lives right below this note. Make sure to have a fantastic day and DFTBA!