A Tale Of Two Wizards

It's 2003. Hermione has passed the first five years after the war helping others. She has realized while she championed others, she hasn't done anything for herself. All that is about to change. Hermione is going to start taking care of herself and she'll have two wizards to help her do it. Emione/Dramione.

All things Harry Potter belong to JK Rowling. The storyline is mine.

Be warned: Rated M for language and romantic interludes down the road.

Chapter 1: On His Arm

May, 2003

Hermione had spent five full years after the war working on rights. House Elf Rights. Wizard Rights. Squib Rights. Werewolf Rights. She had been instrumental in passing several laws championing the rights of others. Her firm convictions were well known and well respected throughout the Ministry and Hermione was still the 'Golden Girl' in the eyes of many people.

Then Hermione had looked around. Most of her friends and acquaintances had settled into something solid. Harry was working himself up the Auror ladder and doing well. Ginny had been picked up by the Holyhead Harpies. She was doing well. Ron was climbing the ladder in MLE. He was doing well. Seamus and Dean had built a brand new wizarding pub from the ground up. They were doing extremely well. Neville and Luna had built Flora and Fauna, a herbal and florist shop. They were doing well.

Hermione felt as though everyone had moved forward while she had remained standing still.

Championing the rights of others had been a schoolgirl ideal, a Hogwarts ideal. Hermione had accomplished those goals and had concentrated so much on the plight of others she had neglected herself. She was ready to set out on her real life path. However, she didn't have a clue as to what she wanted to do. Hermione knew her strengths. She was brilliant, outspoken, opinionated, powerful, well read and a diplomat. She hadn't gotten those laws passed by batting her big, brown eyes. She just had to figure out what should she do with the rest of her life? Hermione had lobbied her last law. It was her time and she was going to sit down and figure out where she wanted to go.

She may not know what she wanted, but Hermione knew what she didn't want. She didn't want to run out and marry the first available wizard. Her first wizard should be a test. Hermione wanted to be a witch on her own for a bit. She wanted to use her brain, her hands, her feet, her charm and every other skill she learned from Hogwarts and real life before ever thinking about settling down.

Hermione had stood in front of her audiences with clean hair, clean clothes and polished shoes and that had been enough for her. Lobbying and the championing of rights hadn't required a lot of fuss with her hair, makeup or clothes and she couldn't remember the last time she had a hair cut or the last time she had purchased a new outfit. She decided all that was going to change and after she finished working on herself, she would then work on a career.


In the following three weeks, Hermione made a spectacular transformation. Where there used to be a plain looking witch with frizzy hair and ill fitting clothes, there now stood a beautiful, self confident witch. She had made a one hundred eighty degree turn in everything. At the end of her transformation process, Hermione had a glow about her. She was radiant. It was a very noticeable change. Hermione Granger had come out.

One of the first wizards to see the results of Hermione's coming out had been Emilio Lozier. Hermione had run into Emilio in Diagon Place. He was the gorgeous, dark eyed, dark haired wizard who clerked for the Wizengamot. Emilio had previously asked Hermione out, but being Hermione she had declined the date in favor of work. That was then. This was now.

Emilio's interest in the former lobbyist had not waned. When he looked at Hermione, he still saw the witch he wanted on his arm. He had been mesmerized by Hermione's transformation and had asked, "May I take you to lunch?"

The new Hermione was all for it. The new Hermione liked being in the company of a gorgeous wizard. She and Emilio went to a restaurant in Diagon Place. It had taken a few minutes for Hermione and Emilio to get past the awkward first interaction phase, but before the end of lunch, they had felt reasonably comfortable with each other.

The lunch had gone well. So well in fact, Emilio had asked if he could take her out to dinner and dancing on Saturday.

Hermione accepted his invitation. She wasn't doing anything else and she could use the distraction. Emilio could help keep her busy while she decided what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. Emilio would be her first wizard. He would be the test.

On the way out of the restaurant while looking back talking to Emilio, she had run right into the back of a wizard. Hermione looked up to apologize and found herself looking into the cool, gray eyes of Draco Malfoy.

Draco had held her gaze for several seconds then commented. "Pardon me lovely. Are you alright?" Then Draco looked more closely. He had run his eyes up and down Hermione. "Is that you Granger? You're looking fit."

"Sorry I bumped you Malfoy," Hermione replied.

Emilio stepped up to take Hermione's elbow. He smiled at Hermione. "I'll have to keep a closer eye on you. I wouldn't want you to fall while in my company."

Emilio nodded at Draco as he guided Hermione out of the restaurant.

Draco stood in the door of the restaurant watching and wondering. When had Hermione Granger gotten so…..so….. so beautiful? She looked amazing.

Blaise who had been in the men's room had come back in time to see Hermione bump Draco stepped closer to his mate. "Was that Granger with the bloke who works on the Wizengamot level? She's become a real head turner."

Draco retorted. "That will need some follow up."

Blaise smiled as he thought, Draco Malfoy following up on Hermione Granger. That's nothing but trouble. "That won't be very productive. Granger seems to already have a wizard in tow."

"I didn't say anything about being her wizard." He snarked. "I said I wanted to follow up. There's a big difference Blaise. As far as Lozier goes, fuck him. He's nothing."

Blaise shook his head. He knew his mate was talking out of his arse. Granger had caught Draco's interest and he wouldn't stop until he captured her. Whether Draco kept Granger after he caught her was another matter entirely, but one thing Blaise knew to be certain. Emilio Lozier was in for the run of his life.


As they left the restaurant, Draco Malfoy flashed across Hermione's mind. Could those gray eyes have gotten more gorgeous over the years? Hermione admitted she thought they had and then mentally slapped herself for the thought. She was on Emilio's arm thinking about Draco Malfoy. This was not the way to begin a new relationship. Hermione pushed Draco Malfoy out of her mind as she turned to smile at Emilio.

Emilio smiled back and squeezed Hermione's hand as he thanked her again for having lunch with him.

Hermione and Emilio separated at the apparition point. Emilio apparated back to the Ministry while Hermione made the short walk back to Diagon Alley.


Hermione decided to do a little shopping. Since she was already in the vicinity of the shops, she would shop.

Hermione had taken her time going in and out of the shops and finally settled on a small boutique whose ads boasted the latest fashions. Hermione browsed through most of the racks and ended up buying a brand new outfit for Saturday.

When Hermione put on the outfit she had been astounded. The dress was called a second skin and really did fit better than her own skin. It was a V-neck, sleeveless bandage dress. They looked so good on her, Hermione purchased two. She purchased one in black and one in royal blue. She decided she would wear the royal blue on Saturday. In her mind, she looked better than those magazine models. She had then purchased shoes, bags and lingerie as well. Hermione wanted to look and feel brand new.

The money she spent on the outfits didn't mean much. Hermione had money. She had received a tidy reward for the part she had played in the war and she had also saved a great many galleons in the ensuing five years. During the last five years, she hadn't spent more than fifty galleons on herself, everything else went into Gringotts. Hermione didn't consider herself wealthy, but she was decidedly rich.

Feeling good after making her purchases, she sat down in one of her living room chairs to savor her life. Emilio came to mind and she smiled. Hermione realized she had smiled more in one day than she had in the past five years, and to think, she had almost passed Emilio up because she was so busy championing for others. She thanked Merlin for this second chance because she had felt glamorous on the arm of the tall, gorgeous wizard and looked forward to their date on Saturday.


Hermione woke up on Saturday in a state of excitement ashamed to admit that her date with Emilio would be her first real date in years. She looked forward to it. Harry, Ron and Ginny probably wouldn't believe she had accepted a date…with a wizard. They had been after her for some time to get out and live. Hermione decided she would start living tonight. Emilio would be picking her up at 8:00 pm which gave her plenty of time to get beautiful.

After eating a leisurely breakfast, she finished some busy work which consisted of sending owls to Ginny, Harry, Ron, Neville and Luna. She also sent a greeting owl to Molly and Arthur Weasley. She and Molly never got back to the warm relationship they once shared because Molly wasn't keen on witches who broke up with her sons, no matter the witch. Hermione decided she could live with that. She just liked to give respect where respect was due. Molly and Arthur had been like parents to her at one time and she would not forget that.


Hermione made a trip to the store to refill her supply of liquor. She ended up purchasing butterbeer, wine, fire whiskey, brandy and champagne and had it all delivered. Her liquor cabinet was now fully stocked for guests.


Hermione started to get ready at 6:00 pm. She used a curling charm on her hair which became a fabulous mass of curls. They weren't the frizzy curls of her Hogwarts days. These were smooth, bouncy curls which framed her face. Last she applied a light makeup with special attention to her eyes then gazed in the mirror in amazement. When had she become…..beautiful? Hermione just couldn't believe this gorgeous woman had been hiding inside her all this time.

At 7:15, Hermione put on her dress then poured herself a white wine to soothe the nerves which had suddenly sprung up. Emilio rang her bell at 8:00 exactly. Hermione took a deep breath and went to answer the door.

Emilio stepped into the flat with wine and flowers in his hand.

Emilio Lozier had admired Hermione from afar and for a long time. He didn't care how she dressed or how she wore her hair. He liked her for her. It was still hard for him to believe the gorgeous Hermione Granger was finally turned his way. Emilio would have taken Hermione as she was before, but now, he would try his best not to let her get away.

Emilio complimented Hermione, "You look amazing and that dress fits you so well. These are for you," he said handing her the flowers and wine.

Hermione thanked him for the gifts as she conjured a vase for the flowers. She put the flowers on the table in the living room and left the wine on the kitchen counter with the hope she and Emilio would share a glass later. She grabbed her bag and stowed her wand.

"Shall we go?"

Hermione took Emilio's arm and they were on their way.


Emilio took Hermione to an upscale restaurant in midtown London which she had visited once, but in the past had been a pureblood gathering place not at all to her liking. All pureblood. All the time. Times had definitely changed. There were now purebloods sitting elbow to elbow with muggleborns and half bloods, yet everyone was at ease.

Hermione turned a number of heads when she entered the restaurant receiving outright stares from several wizards. She held tightly to Emilio's arm.


When the greeter realized Hermione Granger was waiting to be seated, he hurried over and led her and Emilio to one of the best tables in the restaurant which was probably done as a matter of PR to let guests know a celebrity was in the establishment. The table just happened to be located in the middle of the room from where patrons could see and be seen.

Emilio was the perfect dinner companion. He could hold a conversation, he was versed on a great many things, he loved to read and he had been raised in Italy. A witch couldn't ask for more. He didn't wait for a server to pour Hermione's wine, he poured it himself. When Hermione got up to go to the ladies, Emilio stood to pull out her chair. All this made Hermione feel very special.

Hermione wasn't the only witch who appreciated Emilio. Numerous witches in the restaurant were appreciating him as well. Some of the witches knew Emilio from the Ministry, the other witches wondered who he was. Some of the witches would probably have approached him had he not been with the famous Hermione Granger. Most witches knew Hermione was as good as, if not better than most wizards when it came to wand work. They felt Hermione would hex first and ask questions later if someone approached her wizard.

Hermione was on her way back to the table when someone called out, "Hermione. A word." Hermione turned to find Draco Malfoy at her elbow.

Hermione raised an eyebrow as she asked, "You know my first name?"

Draco laughed and remarked. "Funny Granger. Of course I know your first name. I'm not dense. I went to school with you for seven years."

Draco put the palm of his hand at Hermione's elbow causing a small jolt in the both of them. Neither Hermione nor Draco acknowledged it, but Hermione felt the pink come into her face.

Hermione cleared her throat and questioned Malfoy. "What can I do for you Draco?"

"Still not one to be outdone. Eh Granger?"

Hermione responded a bit sarcastically. "While this has been fun Draco. I do have a date waiting for me at our table. If you'll excuse me."

When Hermione returned to the table, Emilio had smiled and quipped. "You were gone so long I feared I'd lost you."

Hermione smiled and answered back. "I think you are a very interesting wizard Emilio.

You will not lose me that easily."

Emilio grinned as he leaned over to brush his lips against Hermione's cheek. Just as his mouth moved across Hermione's cheek, a flash went off. Hermione turned to see one of the Daily Prophet photographers walking away and blushed.

Emilio leaned into Hermione's ear to whisper. "I'm not upset if you're not upset. I'm very proud to have you on my arm."

"And I am very proud to be on your arm. With that being said, I must admit I still believe the photographers from The Daily Prophet are all sneaky gits."

They had chatted amicably. Each learning a little more about the other. Emilio called for a scoop of vanilla ice cream as dessert and Hermione beamed. After being around Harry for so long, vanilla ice cream had become one of her favorite desserts. In Harry's case, the vanilla ice cream was usually accompanied by treacle tart.

"Dancing is no longer an option, Emilio cheekily commented. "It is a requirement. We must shake off some of these ice cream calories."

Hermione laughed. "I'm ready to get to the dancing part."

Emilio called for the server to settle the bill, then they were on their way.

Muttering, Draco watched Emilio smile down at Hermione as they stood to leave. "Smile now prat because you won't be smiling long."

"What did you say Draco," asked Theo?

Blaise glanced at Draco watching Hermione and Emilio leave and offered his opinion. "It's game on."

Theo sat looking puzzled over the whole thing.


Their next stop would be Witch-Wizard. This was the pub Seamus and Dean had built from the ground up. Hermione had heard good things about their pub, but this would be her first time there. The pub featured live and recorded music, a large dance floor and exotic drinks. It was also said to be a nice pub to meet interesting people.

Emilio suggested they take a little walk before going to the pub.

"I would love a walk," replied Hermione.

They took a short walk through midtown London before apparating to the pub where they entered with Emilio's hand on her waist. Hermione wasn't distressed by Emilio's hand on her waist. It didn't feel scandalous at all. It felt good.

The pub was crowded, but they found a table very quickly.

Hermione thought, this must be the club of the hour, as she looked up to see Michael Corner, Anthony Goldstein and Kevin Entwhistle in one corner and Blaise and Theo at the bar. Seamus and Dean who were in attendance watching over their pub waved to Hermione as she passed.

Blaise and Theo being nosy gits sauntered over to Hermione's table where Hermione introduced them to Emilio. Blaise and Theo who recognized Emilio from the Ministry chatted with him for a few minutes before heading back to the bar.

As at the restaurant, Hermione caught the eye of several wizards in the pub and the looks had not been lost on Emilio. He knew the witch on his arm was one of the best looking witches in the pub. He felt proud Hermione was with him.

Hermione and Emilio danced almost every song. After one of those dances, Emilio had seated Hermione, excused himself to the men's and walked away.

Emilio wasn't all the way out of the room before some random wizard wandered over to ask Hermione for a dance, which she declined. The wizard became a little loud and very insistent. Hermione put her hand on her wand, but she didn't want to cause a scene.

Glaring, Hermione growled at the wizard, "Leave this table now. I do not want to dance with you. Do you understand the word no?"

The wizard leaned over to get in Hermione's face. Suddenly, Draco Malfoy appeared out of nowhere and pulled the wizard up by the neck. "Didn't Miss Granger ask you to leave her alone? Do you understand English?"

The wizard was apologizing all over the place, but Draco wasn't impressed. He whispered to the wizard. "Get the fuck out of here. Get out of here now." The wizard scurried off without a backwards look.

Emilio was coming back from the men's room just as Draco turned to say something to Hermione, so Draco didn't have a chance to get the first word out.

Emilio saw Draco standing over Hermione and approached the table with a scowl on his face.

Draco explained that a bore of a wizard tried to accost Hermione, but had been sent on his way.

Emilio asked stiffly. "By you? Thank you for protecting her."

Hermione put her arm through Emilio's arm as she introduced the two wizards. "Emilio. I'd like you to meet Draco Malfoy. Draco, I'd like you to meet Emilio Lozier."

The wizards shook hands without revealing they had previously met.

Emilio inquired if they could get Draco a drink.

Draco declined Emilio's offer. "Maybe some other time." Then walked away without another word.

Emilio led Hermione onto the dance floor as there were still a couple of songs to be heard before the pub closed. On the dance floor, Emilio commented on his failure. "I apologize for leaving you alone. It won't happen again if I can help it. I am your date. It should be me who protects you not the infamous Draco Malfoy."

Hermione was surprised at Emilio's words. "Do you know Draco?"

"I know of him. That's enough for me."

Emilio's answer didn't sound too pleasant so Hermione let the subject drop and snuggled into Emilio's chest as they finished the dance.

After the last song, Hermione and Emilio prepared to leave. Hermione looked across the room intending to wave good bye to Seamus and Dean, but caught Blaise staring at her. She waved at Blaise as well. He held up his glass and smiled.

Over the shoulder of the witch he was talking to, Draco Malfoy watched Hermione leave as well.


Hermione and Emilio left the club the same way they had entered, with Emilio's hand on her waist. When Emilio saw Hermione home, he asked if he could see her again.

"I would like that very much. I'm in the process of trying to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Perhaps we can discuss it and you can offer some ideas."

Emilio grinned as he replied. "It would be my pleasure to assist you. I know it's already early Sunday morning, but how about Sunday brunch. I can bring takeaway or we can go out. I like being in your company."

Hermione smiled at her test. "I'm glad you like being in my company Emilio, but I am going to decline brunch. I need to sleep. Why don't you owl me later today or on Monday. We can do something during the week if you like. Thank you for a very nice time. Goodnight."

Emilio bowed. "Goodnight. I will owl you. Count on it."


The Sunday Prophet featured a very large photo of Hermione and Emilio. Hermione smiled because it was a lovely photo which looked as though Emilio had just finished whispering something naughty in her ear.

The first owl from Ginny arrived around 12:30. The next two owls from Harry and Ron arrived shortly after. They all wanted to know the who, what, when and where of her relationship with Emilio.

Hermione grinned as she answered the owls. She started all three messages off the same way. You nosey gits. Can't a grown witch have an evening out without the unrelenting scrutiny of her three best friends?

She answered Ginny's message a little differently than she did Harry and Ron. The message to Ginny contained Emilio's vitals. Emilio is 6'2" gorgeous, polite, well read and sexy as hell. I met him while I was at the Ministry. He's a clerk for the Wizengamot and I really enjoy his company. And no. I haven't done that. We've only been out twice.

Hermione laughed as she returned Ginny's owl.

Hermione returned a message to Ron and Harry which simply read, You'll meet him soon enough.


At his flat, Draco Malfoy was in the process of opening the Sunday Prophet. He looked at the front page photo of Hermione and Emilio then had thrown the paper across the room.


After sending the owls, Hermione picked up the Prophet to look at the photo again. She got chills looking at Emilio believing that he could become someone very important in her life. Hermione caught herself. Just a week after making the decision to experience life, she was already waffling. Emilio wasn't supposed to become someone important in her life. He was her first available wizard. He was supposed to be a test.

Hermione leaned her head against the back of the couch with her eyes closed and napped for over an hour until a tapping on the window woke her. Emilio sent an owl to tell her he had a wonderful time. He also inquired if she would be interested in lunch on Monday and attending an Upper Level Runes Symposium with him on Wednesday.

Hermione jumped at the chance to attend the symposium. The study of runes had always been one of her favorite subjects. Hermione sent back an affirmative reply to both questions.

Then the strangest thing happened. As Hermione was sending the owl back to Emilio, another owl flew into the flat. Hermione thought Ginny was responding to the owl she'd sent. Instead, the signature showed the message to be from Draco Malfoy. Hermione wrinkled her brow. Draco Malfoy? Why would he send me an owl? The gist of the message was about work. Draco heard she had left her Ministry job and was looking for a strong witch to run his importing/exporting business. He explained the job would entail a lot of travel then extended an invitation for Hermione to visit his main office in Milan.

Hermione was thunderstruck wondering where all this was coming from. What did Draco Malfoy know about her that she didn't know about herself? She didn't know anything about importing and exporting, but she would have to do something with her life. There wasn't any reason not to see what Malfoy had to offer.


Hermione answered Draco's message confirming she would make herself available to visit Milan. They could set up a date which would be beneficial to them both.

Inside of an hour, Draco returned the owl with dates of Thursday, May 10th through Saturday May 12th giving Hermione the option of traveling to Milan by portkey or by muggle airplane. He also asked her to lunch for 1:30 Tuesday at Trattoria Milanese located in the muggle section of London to discuss the position.

May 10th was two weeks away. It would be a chance for her to visit the lovely city of Milan. In her return Owl to Draco, Hermione opted to use the portkey as her choice of travel. She was excited to find out everything at lunch on Tuesday. Not only was she looking into future employment, she was also going to spend two days in Milan. In the next few minutes, Hermione began planning an extensive shopping trip because if she was going to Milan she would need a new wardrobe.

Hermione took a very long soak in the tub trying to imagine what importing and exporting entailed. She didn't even know what it was Malfoy imported and exported. For a minute, Hermione panicked as she wondered if Malfoy was importing and exporting illegal merchandise. She wouldn't put it past him.

Hermione laughed at herself. She was talking about the new Draco Malfoy. The suave, outgoing, friendly, good looking Malfoy. Hermione stopped that train of thought when she realized she had just called Malfoy good looking. Her face turned pink even though she was alone. Anyway, Draco might be handsome, but he wasn't nearly as handsome as Emilio. Then Hermione rephrased, they both were extremely handsome wizards but from opposite ends of the spectrum.

After her bath, Hermione fixed herself a simple supper of cold chicken sandwiches then picked up a book called Runes Extraordinaire which she had purchased a while ago. Wanting to have everything fresh in her mind for the symposium, she spent several hours immersed in the book until she fell asleep.


The next time Hermione opened her eyes it was 9:30 Monday morning. Hermione couldn't believe she had slept that long. She had a lunch date with Emilio.

Hermione jumped up off the couch and was headed for the bathroom when an owl began tapping on her window. Hermione opened the window to let the owl in. As soon as she retrieved the message, the owl flew away.

The Owl was from Emilio letting her know he would pick her up for lunch at 1:00 pm.

It was only 10:45 so she had plenty of time. Wanting to look good for Emilio, Hermione chose her outfit with care. It felt good, but it also felt strange for her to want to look good for someone. She hadn't felt this way since…..since….well never. Ron never cared what she wore. At least he never mentioned her wardrobe. Truthfully, Ron never mentioned anything. Hermione sighed. How the hell had her thoughts led her to Ron?

Hermione chose a pair of gray skinny jeans, a gray and black striped sleeveless jumper which she paired with gray and black ankle boots. Her bag was black.

Hermione looked in the mirror and blushed. She thought she looked hot, but then thought she was becoming much too self centered. Her makeup was next then she did her hair framing her face with curls, but letting the rest of her hair hang straight down.


It was coming up on 1:00 and Hermione felt butterflies growing in her stomach.

On the dot of 1:00 Emilio rang her bell. Hermione opened the door to find him wearing a lightweight gray suit. "That is a handsome suit. It seems we couldn't get any more coordinated if we tried."

Emilio smiled when he saw what Hermione was wearing. "Great minds think alike Hermione."

Hermione picked up her bag before sliding her wand into her wand pocket. Even though they were only going to lunch, Hermione Granger would always be prepared and would always carry her wand.

Emilio held out his arm. They were ready to go.

It was an extended lunch during which they talked about the Runes Symposium.

Hermione gushed. "I am so excited to be able to attend the symposium."

Emilio simply smiled at her enthusiasm. Lunch, symposium, pub, Emilio didn't really care where it was. He was just happy it would be with Hermione.


When they finished lunch, Hermione invited Emilio to her flat to discuss ideas about her career options.

Emilio was happy to be invited to Hermione's flat which made him feel like he was making progress with her. They left the restaurant and apparated back to Hermione's flat.

Once they got settled, Hermione asked Emilio if he would like a drink. He surprised her by asking if she had any muggle beer.

Hermione apologized. "I'm sorry. I don't have any muggle beer."

"I'll bring muggle beer the next time I come."

Hermione turned red causing Emilio to backtrack. "I didn't mean to imply anything. I just hoped I would be invited back."

Hermione laughed. "For a minute there, I thought you were trying to move in."

"I like your flat, but it's a little small for two people." Emilio quickly replied. "I have visions of you moving in with me."

Hermione who had been caught by surprise remained silent.

"That was a joke Hermione. Just a joke. Although I do fancy becoming more than friends some time down the road."

Hermione blushed. "Are you chatting me up then?"

Emilio simply replied, "Yes."

Complete silence.

Hermione felt it was time to change the subject so she asked a question. "What do you see in store for the witch you are trying to chat up?"

Emilio laughed. "I'm glad you asked. I was thinking about a career as a Gringotts Liaison Runes Specialist. You would decipher runes so Curse Breakers could move on to the next job. It would entail the Goblins adding one more position after the Runes Specialist and the Curse Breakers. I envision the line positions as, Runes Specialist, Curse Breaker and then Treasure Collector. In that order. The three levels would allow the process to move a great deal faster than it moves now. You tirelessly championed for Goblin acceptance and Goblin Rights. Although Goblins think themselves above us, they love you for taking their side."

Hermione gasped in awe. "You have put a great deal of thought into this Emilio. Thank you very much."

Emilio shrugged. "For you anything."

Hermione then revealed her job offer from Malfoy. "Draco Malfoy sent me an owl yesterday."

Emilio stiffened at the mention of Draco's name.

Hermione plowed on. "He offered me a position running his import/export business. We have scheduled an appointment for Thursday after next. I'll be traveling to his main office in Milan and I'll actually get to spend two days in Milan. Isn't that lovely?"

Emilio was at a loss for words. He couldn't even begin to think how not lovely this was. Hermione would be alone in Milan with Draco Malfoy. Emilio couldn't fathom just how fucking not lovely this was to him.

Emilio had dealings with Malfoy in the past. He didn't care for the way Malfoy treated people, especially witches. Several years ago he and Draco had gone toe to toe over one of Emilio's witch friends. It hadn't turned into a duel, but Draco, having got the gist of what Emilio meant dropped the witch. The witch told Emilio he had overstepped himself by confronting Draco and soon transferred out of the British Ministry to take a position in the American Ministry. He wouldn't even get into that business between Draco and his sister.

Emilio nodded at Hermione. "How interesting. I was born and raised in Pavia, Lombardy. My family estate is there. It is beautiful country. My mother and father reside in Pavia for most of the year. Milan is fast paced, but you may love it there. What does Malfoy import and export?"

Hermione was at a loss. "I don't really know what products Draco imports and exports. I imagine I'll find out tomorrow. He has invited me to lunch to discuss the trip."

Emilio frowned. He didn't like the sound of this. He finally had his chance with Hermione and Malfoy was trying to step in between them. Not without a fight. He wanted Hermione and he wanted a chance to build a relationship with her. He wasn't about to let Draco Malfoy interfere no matter what he to do. A germ of an idea began to form in Emilio's head, and he began to feel a bit better about the whole thing.

Hermione and Emilio chatted about the comings and goings at the Ministry. They also discussed more about the upcoming symposium. Hermione showed Emilio her book Runes Extraordinaire and he began flipping through the book.

"I'd like for you to meet my best friends Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley. I'd like for us to get together. If we can't get together before I go to Milan, we can plan for the following weekend."

Emilio smiled broadly. "I have seen Harry and Ron about the Ministry. Just about everyone knows who they are. It would be my pleasure to meet them."

Hermione believed Harry, Ron and Ginny would like Emilio.

Emilio stayed through supper, after which, he and Hermione spent hours discussing Gringotts, runes and exotic locales.

At 8:00 pm, Emilio stood to leave. "In the restaurant I took liberties by kissing your cheek. I regret not asking first, but tonight I am asking. May I kiss your cheek Hermione?"

Hermione blushed as she nodded in the affirmative. Emilio stepped forward, put his hands on Hermione's shoulders and kissed her cheek. When he stepped back, Hermione noticed a flush on his face.

Emilio quietly remarked "I look forward to the day when I'm allowed to kiss your lovely lips. I will pick you up at 9:00 am on Wednesday. Goodnight."

After he'd gone, Hermione gave in to the weakness in her knees. She sank down onto the carpet and remained there for a good five minutes whispering to herself. "You may be kissing my lips sooner than you think Mr. Lozier."

Hermione wrapped her arms around herself and let the joy flow through her. For the first time in a long time, she was happy with her life as well as her companion. Emilio made her happy and she believed she made him happy as well. Time would tell.

Hermione went to bed that night a very happy witch.


Tuesday dawned bright and beautiful. Hermione ate her breakfast wondering what she should wear for her lunch with Draco. She mentally went through the things in her closet and stopped at the little black bandage dress. If Hermione knew anything, she knew the restaurant Draco Malfoy picked to have lunch would be upscale. She wanted to fit in.

Hermione ran a hot bath so she could completely relax. As she laid back in the tub thinking about Emilio, the place between her legs began to throb. The more Hermione thought about Emilio, the more she throbbed. When her clit stood straight up, Hermione had to take measures. She spread her legs and closed her eyes imagining Emilio between her legs sucking on her erect knob and began to rub herself and her nipples. The more she rubbed, the clearer Emilio's face became. Little sighs of pleasure slipped from her mouth as she got closer and closer to climax. At her climax, Hermione cried out, oh Emilio, but instead of Emilio's face looking back at her, she was looking into the gray eyes of Draco Malfoy.

Hermione was still climaxing as she jumped out of the tub. What the hell was that? I'm seeing Draco's face as I cum. She sat down on the side of the tub trying to get her breathing back to normal. A few minutes later she stepped back into the tub. This time turning on the shower.


Hermione was dressed and ready by 1:15. At the last minute she decided to send an owl to Emilio to say hello and wish him a good day.

At 1:25 she flooed to the coordinates Draco put in his message. The Trattoria Milanese was a beautiful restaurant, and just as Hermione expected. It was a very upscale place. Hermione wasn't worried. She knew she was oozing class and good looks and would fit in nicely.


Draco stood when he saw Hermione coming. In the blink of an eye, Draco had looked her up and down and brought his eyes back to her face.

"Right on time Granger. I would have expected no less. You're looking fit"

"Thank you Draco. I try my best."

"You're best is absolutely fetching," Draco replied. "Would you like a drink before lunch?"

"I'll have a white wine please."

Draco raised a finger to summon their server. He ordered a whiskey for himself and a white wine for Hermione. While they waited for the server to return, Draco explained a little about DLM Import/Export.

"We buy goods from all over Europe and The US (Import) then we send them to whomever is looking for that product (export). I'm hoping to cut down in the future, but right now the job calls for quite a bit of traveling. That is the nature of the job. You would be headquartered in Milan, but you would travel to different provinces, cities and states looking for deals on products you think the wizarding world would buy. I want to add a muggle side to the house. I would need your help with that as well. Should you decide to take the position, you would be a very busy witch."

Draco stopped talking while the server laid out the drinks. Hermione glanced at Draco when she lifted her wine and had immediately gone beet red.

"What have I said to bring about that lovely shade of red?"

Hermione blushed even deeper. "I just had a stray thought. Nothing to do with you Draco."

Draco smirked answering in his finest Malfoy drawl. "I don't believe that for a moment. I am sitting in front of you. I am doing the talking. Suddenly you look like a beet. A gorgeous beet, but a beet nonetheless. Tell me what I've said to embarrass you and I'll be sure not to say it again."

Hermione knew it had nothing to do with what Draco had said. It had everything to do with his face appearing before her at an inopportune time. Hermione tried hard to compose herself without success. Finally she excused herself to the ladies.

While she was gone, Draco tried to figure out what he had said to elicit that reaction. After a couple of seconds, Draco realized that Granger must be looking at him in a different light. This was essentially a business lunch and Draco's thoughts were on business. That was how he'd missed the signs. Could Granger have a thing for him?

Draco admitted something to himself he would not admit to anyone else. Hermione most definitely appealed to him. Contrary to what he told Blaise, he would like more than to follow up with Granger. Had they been in a pub, he would have picked up on it immediately.

Draco laughed to himself. "Getting slow there old man."

This was still a business meeting. He would follow up on the other thing at a later time. Perhaps when they were in Milan…...or before.

A very composed Hermione returned to the table ready to order lunch. Draco studied her from under his lashes. She was so damn beautiful. Draco hoped she was looking at him in that other light. He could handle that. He wanted to handle that. He planned to handle that.

Draco spoke more about the position requirements. "More than likely Hermione, you won't have many chances to get back to Britain. You may be able to fit in a short visit here and there, but as a rule, you won't have much leisure time. Not for the first six months anyway. The pay is excellent which we will discuss if you decide to seriously consider my offer. You will probably need to buy or lease a flat in Milan or somewhere in Lombardy. I would be available to help you find suitable living arrangements if needed."

"That may not be too much of a problem," Hermione advised him. "Emilio was born and raised in Pavia. His family has an estate there. I could probably stay with them. That's something I would have to discuss with Emilio."


Draco saw his plans of dating Hermione going out the window. Fucking Lozier got in my way once, but he will not get in my way again. When we get to Milan, I'll show Granger who is the better wizard.


Everything Hermione heard sounded good. It wasn't a position she would want for the rest of her life, but it might be interesting for a couple of years. She only had one more question for Draco. "What is the start date for this position?"

"90 days from our visit to Milan which would make it August 10th. If you accept the position, you'll need time to get yourself straightened out here as well as in Milan. If you need more time on either end, it can be arranged. I'm flexible."

Hermione wanted to say several things about Draco's flexibility. Instead, she just smiled.

At 3:30, Hermione thanked Draco for lunch and got up to leave.

Draco stood as well. "How soon will I hear from you?"

"I want to be thorough in my thinking Draco. Let me see Milan first. If all goes well, we can discuss it after that."

Draco mumbled to himself as he watched Hermione walk away. "Not only has that witch gotten into my head, she's also disturbing my trousers."

Draco called the server for another whiskey. He wanted to savor his lunch with Granger. As he sat there savoring, random thoughts passed across his mind. To get to Granger he would have to figure a way around the fucking, prat Lozier.

To Draco's way of thinking, Lozier wasn't wizard enough to keep him from getting what he wanted. Never has been. Never will be.