I seriously don't have time to write these days, but when a plot bunny demands attention, there's no denying it.

Chapter 1 is quite short but it is more of an introduction than a real chapter. Hope you like, and as always reviews and constructive criticism is welcomed.

Disclaimer: Sadly, not my characters, not my show.

New Beginnings Chapter 1

"I wish you hadn't taken the role, Rachel. I don't like it. Can't you tell them you've changed your mind?" Finn griped.

Complete shock and confusion clouded Rachel's face as she stared up at Finn. "But Finn, when I told you about the audition you said how great it was that I had got a callback. We celebrated with champagne when I landed the role, and now, a week into rehearsal, you're telling me I should give it up? What's changed in the past week? Why are you being so ridiculous?"

"Kurt took me to see the matinee performance today. The part you're going to play…. she… she shows her breasts on stage! And that scene with Milker or whatever his name is, you never told me about that either!"

"Yes, I did! I told you all about the part." Rachel's voice was now fraught with frustration, an all too common happening these days whenever she and Finn talked about anything.

Before Rachel could launch into a detailed "I said, you said" recreation of the conversation she was referring to, Kurt chimed in, "She did you know, I was there when she told you all about the part, in fact she described the entire plot in great detail."

Finn rubbed the back of his neck like he always did when cornered or embarrassed. "Well, maybe…maybe you did. But you know how you go on and on about that theatre stuff, and sometimes I just tune out."

"More like all the time you tune out" Kurt whispered under his breath. It was Rachel's final year at NYADA, she had just landed a leading role on Broadway as a replacement for the actress who was leaving in a matter of weeks, and Finn was raining on her parade as usual. It was making Kurt feel positively stabby.

"That's the problem; you never really listen to me or understand me. All you care about is your own career and your stupid video games and... and sports!"

"Ah, Rach, don't be like" but it was too late. Rachel had grabbed her jacket and stormed out in grand diva fashion, slamming the apartment door behind her.

Finn sank down in his favorite chair and gazed up at Kurt like a hurt puppy. "Is it wrong that I don't want to have my future wife in that role? Guys will be ogling her boobs, and besides, how do I know the guy she has to play that scene with won't hit on her."

Kurt looked at his step-brother in disbelief. "Finn, a couple of days ago you met Tyson, the actor who plays Melchoir and you already know Jeffrey his understudy, you can't seriously tell me you believe they are straight and even remotely interested in Rachel romantically."

"Are you sure?" Finn shot a dubious look in Kurt's direction.

"Considering they both propositioned me within the first half hour after I'd first met them, yeah, I'm sure!" Sometimes Kurt wondered how Finn made it through a day, he could be so obtuse. The city moved too fast for Finn, he was like a fish out of water in New York and always would be.

Although he cared about his step-brother Kurt was not blind to the fact that Finn was just not right for Rachel, nor for that matter was she for Finn. It was never going to work; he just wished they'd hurry up and realize that fact for themselves.

"Oh. Okay, you would know then. But I still don't think she should take the role."

"It's not your decision to make, Finn. Rachel has always wanted to be a star, and you've always known that about her. The role is a really good one, and the show is still doing well, so it's a wonderful opportunity for her to make a real name for herself in the part and for it to lead to other roles. This is her big break. You need to seriously think about why you are with Rachel if you always want her to change to fit your ideas and wishes. Why are you two dating again and talking about marriage if you don't like each other's choices or enjoy the same things? Why aren't you with someone who has similar interests and goals to yours? You either have to learn to accept and be at peace with your differences or, if you can't, then let her go and find someone who is a better match for you." With that Kurt grabbed his satchel and left Finn to ponder his parting words.