Heh… Hi guys… So sorry about not updating for a couple of days! Thanks for the follows and the fav! Reviews help me write quicker! *Your begging for reviews* No im not! *Yes you are.* Get out of here!

Percy followed Reyna through the camp, taking in the beauty of the buildings that they passed. They definetly looked Roman, but they didn't seem right to Percy. The one thing he remembered was a name, Annabeth. He knew her appearance, blonde hair with beautiful grey eyes. And he missed her. She is important. I must find her. Percy was interrupted from his thoughts when they reached the principia.
As the four of them, Percy, Merlin, Hazel and Reyna stepped through the doors Merlin and Percy gasped. On the ceiling glittered a mosaic of Romulus and Remus. The floor was polished marble and velvet covered the walls. At the back stood a display of banners studded with bronze medals, probably military medals.
"It's a very nice place, but I prefer Camelot." Merlin's ocean blue eyes were filled with worry as if he knew that his home was in danger. Percy understood this feeling. He glanced around the room and noticed a door blocked with iron bars in the corner of the room, like a prison. Percy wondered what Reyna kept down there – Monsters? Treasure? Amnesiac demi-gods and a mortal with magic who got Reyna angry? Percy had no idea, but he really didn't want to know.

Merlin had to admit he preferred Camelot to this place. Maybe it was because it seemed more familiar and safe rather than threatening like a war camp. Reyna was stood by a table in the centre of the room. The table was cluttered up with scrolls, books, a strange device and a bowl with multi-coloured objects in. Two dogs flanked the table. But they were metal dogs with ruby eyes that glowed with hatred. Merlin made sure to stay clear of them. Reyna sat on one of the high chairs on the other side of the table. "So…" Percy started to say, until the dogs bared their teeth and growled. Merlin felt Percy tense up beside him and Hazel shuffle on his other side.

"Easy guys," Reyna told the dogs. The stopped growling but didn't take their menacing glare off the two new arrivals. "They won't attack," Reyna told them, "unless you try to steal something, or I tell them to," This wasn't exactly reassuring, it was more of a threat.

"That's Argentum an Aurum." She gestured to the silver and gold dogs.

"Silver and Gold." Percy said. Merlin was about to ask which one was which but realised that was a stupid question. If Arthur were here he would be calling Merlin an idiot right now. The thought made him miss home even more than before so he pushed them out of his head for the moment. Percy was looking at Reyna In deep thought before he said.

"We have met." He decided. "I just can't remember when. Please, if you know anything tell me about-"

Reyna raised her hand to stop him. "Before we get into that, tell me of your story. Oh… and don't lie, my dogs don't like liars."

Percy nodded and started from the beginning when he awoke at the wolf house. He was trained up by Lupa the wolf, until he was ready to go on this journey to find the camp and get to safety. Reyna nodded like this was normal for each recruit who arrived. Well apart from one bit of the story. "No memory at all? You remember nothing before waking up at the wolf house?"

"Strange bits and pieces." Percy didn't want to mention Annabeth just yet. He knew they had met at a camp, but this one didn't seem right. Besides, he was scared that if he told anyone, the memory would disappear just like everything else.

"That's all normal. Lupa trains us up then sends us on our way here. If we make it alive were ready to join the legion. But I have never heard of someone losing their memory. How did you find Camp Jupiter?"
Percy described the last three days- the gorgons that wouldn't die, finding Merlin chained up on the side of the motorway, and meeting Frank and Hazel. Hazel took the story from there. Saying how brave Percy was and how Merlin held extraordinary power that he seemed to use only to protect others. Reyna turned to Merlin. "Your both old for recruits. Your what, sixteen and 19?" Percy nodded and Merlin did the same. Reyna turned back to Percy. "If you spent that many years on your own, you would be dead by now. You're a son of Neptune; the monsters would smell you from an early age and found you already. You must have been somewhere else than the wolf house." Percy just shrugged. " I don't remember anything before the wolf hose." Reyna just stared at Percy for a while before turning back to Merlin. "You said you still have your memory, enlighten us on how you got here."

Merlin explained about following Morgana through the forest and her talking to Morgause. Then being found and left to die at the hands of the serekets. He then explained the golden light that had talked to him. Then Hazel butted in and said it had called him Emrys. Merlin tensed up at that moment, waiting to hear what Reyna was going to say. "It seems you are not lying since my dogs haven't eaten you. What did the golden light say again?"

"Emrys. Your destiny has crossed with a prophecy. You are now part of each." Merlin repeated. Reyna looked at him in a strange manner, like she knew something he didn't. "Well…" She said, pacing in front of the banners. Merlin saw one of them were missing. He was curious. "It seems this golden light is a goddess. And they don't always talk to demigods like this. And never mortals. But you're not mortal, you're a creature of magic. And if the legends are correct, more powerful than any demigod or human to ever walk the earth." Merlin blushed a dark shade of red and Reyna seemed to notice he was making him uncomfortable. Hazel piped up, obviously confused at what was going on. "So… this is the real Merlin, from the legends? And if it is, what is he doing here? Shouldn't he be with King Arthur?"

"It's Prince Arthur, actually. And besides, I'm sure the royal pratness can look after himself for a short time while we figure out what is actually happening." Merlin's voice dripped with sarcasm which was hard to miss. Reyna looked like she was stifling a smile. This made Merlin grin idiotically.
"Hazel," Reyna turned to her, "Take Merlin and Percy to the Temple Hill. Tell him about the legion on the way. Until they find their way back to where they come from, they shall join the legion. Whichever cohort will take them."

As the three of them walked out the door, Reyna shouted to them. "If Octavian lets you live, we will carry on trying to work out the reason you were sent here. It's not a coincidence you were both sent together."

All was on Merlin's mind as they walked away, was if Arthur was still alive and had not fallen prey to Morgana and Morgause.