Title: An Unexpected Gift
Summary: Ziva unexpectedly gets pregnant. She doesn't tell the father of the child she is pregnant and leaves him.
Rating: M
Disclaimer: I own nothing!
Pairings: Tony/Ziva or Tiva
A/N: I know I'm working on Screw the Rules but, I needed a break from that. So enjoy!
They had to of had unprotected sex. They just had to. Ziva paced back and forth for a while thinking of how to tell the father of the child that she is pregnant with his child. How was she going to tell him? How was she going to explain to Gibbs? Most of all how was she going to tell Vance? No matter what, she'd be put on desk duty, then maternity leave. She had to tell Tony he was the father. They were dating for almost a year now and she couldn't bare it if he broke her heart. She trusted Tony after all he did save her in Somalia.
The next day at work, Ziva walked past Tony's desk and smiled. Tony happened to see her smile and smiled back. Ziva walked over to him and whispered in his ear. "We need to talk. Elevator?"
Tony looked at her with a worried look. "Yeah." Tony whispered back. He got up and led the way to the elevator. They got in and when it started to move, Tony stopped the elevator. "What's up Zi?"
"I'm pregnant with your child."
"What?!" Tony's voice just below a yell. He punched the elevator. "How the fuck did this happen?"
"Well we did have unprotected sex like three weeks ago." Ziva stated.
"Are you sure you're pregnant?"
"Yes, I have an appointment yesterday and the doctor confirmed it."
"Ah jeez." Tony sighed and leaned back against the back of the elevator.
"Are you upset?"
"That you're pregnant?" Tony looked at her. He saw her nod. "I really don't want to hurt you but yes I am." Tony saw the look of hurt in her eyes and immediately looked away. He went to press the elevator start button but Ziva stopped him.
"So does this mean we're over?"
"I'm sorry." Tony took a deep breath then started the elevator. It brought them back to the squad room and he left Ziva alone, speechless. The elevator doors closed and Ziva pressed the emergency stop switch. She slid down the elevator and began to silently cry.
I ruined everything. Ziva thought. She stayed in that position for about another two minutes. She composed herself and started the elevator again. She exited and grabbed her gear. "Gibbs, can I leave?"
"Ziva, is everything alright?"
She glanced at Tony, "No."
"Then go home." Gibbs saw the hurt that her body language gave off.
"Thank you Gibbs." Ziva quickly turned and left the squad room. She drove back to the shared apartment of her's and Tony's. She gathered up her stuff and put it in a box. She left Tony a note saying:
Since we are done, we should no longer live together. I'll stay somewhere else for the time being until I find a new apartment. I do want you to be in this child's life. I do want him/her to know who their father is. I'm sorry it ended like this.
She left and locked the door behind her. She knocked on their neighbors door and he answered. "Hey Ziva, where's Tony? Why do you have a box?"
"We broke up. Can you give him these keys for me?" Ziva handed him the keys.
"Yeah no problem."
"Thanks Joe." Ziva turned to leave. She walked down to the elevator and went down to her car. She drove to Gibbs house, she knew his door would be unlocked. She walked right in and closed the door behind her. She laid down on his couch and took a nap. She awoke when someone shook her. "Tony?" Ziva mumbled.
"No. It's Gibbs." Gibbs huffed.
Ziva opened her eyes. "I needed somewhere to go."
"Ziva, you're family, you are always welcomed here. Now what's going on with you and DiNozzo?"
"He got me pregnant and we broke up." Ziva looked up at him. "Permission to cry?"
"Permission granted." Gibbs opened his arms and Ziva fell into them. She broke down into tears. "Shh. It's gonna be okay. Do you want me to kick DiNozzo's ass?"
Ziva laughed a bit. "No. I left him a note at our apartment." Ziva felt like she was getting Gibbs' shirt wet. "I'm sorry Gibbs."
"It's okay Ziva."
"Does that mean rule 12 is going back in place?"
"Hell yeah." Gibbs made her sit back on the couch. "Ziva, you can stay here for as long as you'd like."
"Thank you Gibbs." Ziva paused as if there was something else she wanted to say.
"Your child can call me Grandpa if you want." Gibbs saw her look up and smile.
"Thank you." Ziva began to cry again. "Gibbs? Does this mean I'll be put on desk duty?" Gibbs just smirked.
Tony walked into their apartment and saw that almost nothing was gone. He closed the door and walked back to their bedroom and found that her clothing wasn't there. He picked up her pillow and took in her scent. God, I'm stupid. I just lost the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Tony thought. He walked to the living room and over to the coffee table and found a note.
Since we are done, we should no longer live together. I'll stay somewhere else for the time being until I find a new apartment. I do want you to be in this child's life. I do want him/her to know who their father is. I'm sorry it ended like this.
Tony crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it, not caring where it went. He grabbed his keys out of the bowl next to the door and left. He ran into his neighbor. "Hey Tony!" Joe greeted him.
"Hey Joe."
"Ziva wanted me to give you her key. So here." Joe held the key out. Tony took it from his hand. He stormed off, got in the elevator, and down to his car. He drove to a bar he usually goes to. He ordered his usual and was almost drunk when he decided to go home. He got home and crashed on the couch. He was too drunk to realize that Ziva wasn't there and she wouldn't be. When Tony woke up the next morning, he had a bad headache. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. He got up and walked over to it. He picked it up and realized that it was the crumpled up piece of paper with Ziva's note written on it. He got up, got some orange juice from the kitchen and grabbed his keys.
He got in his car and drove to Gibbs' house. He knew she would be there. He walked right in. Ziva looked up and saw him. Her smile dropped.
"What do you want?" Ziva asked.
"You. I want you back."
"No. You broke my heart Tony! How can I forgive you?" At this point she was standing.
"I don't know but I do know that I was a fucking idiot for letting you go! Ziva, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm sorry that everything went wrong. I love you." Tony took her in his arms. She struggled at first but then realized that, thats where she wanted to be, in his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I love you too." She whispered.
"Do you want to go home now?"
"Yes. Will you help me though my pregnancy?"
"Of course I will." Tony rested his forehead against hers.
"Thank you." Ziva's voice just below a whisper. Before she knew it, his lips were on hers. Ziva kissed him back. They pulled away and saw Gibbs standing there, watching them.
"Hey boss." Tony said.
"Gibbs, what about rule 12?"
"Theres an exception to every rule." Gibbs smirked and went back down to the basement to work on his new project. Tony spotted her box.
"Can I take your box back to our apartment?"
"Yes." Ziva let go of him and Tony let go of her. He picked up the box and carried it out to the car for her. "We can come back tomorrow for my car." She smiled and they walked out. He put her stuff in the trunk, closed it, walked up to Ziva, and opened the door for her. He walked around to the other side and got in. He drove back to their apartment. The pulled into their parking lot and got out. He got her stuff out of the trunk and walked up to the apartment with her. She smiled when he opened the door for her and put her stuff down by the door. When she turned around she found Tony down on one knee. Ziva put her hand over her mouth.
"Ziva David, will you live with me?" He held up her key that had "sweet cheeks" engraved on it.
AN: If i get reviews I'll continue but it was supposed to be a one-shot. So review!
A/N2: I made some changes of you read this before.