Disclaimer: I do not own Gakuen Alice

So first let me start by saying this story is based on one of my favorite movies "Maid in Manhattan" yes it is a JLo romance film and yes I enjoy those types of movies, some scenes are based on the movie (this is only at the beginning chapters) but I try and change them to fit my line of story because in the succeeding chapters I will be going deeper into the story where we will be able to see and know why these characters act the way they do in the story :)

Chapter 1

Morning sunshine entered the room through the curtain slits and Mikan Sakura groggily opened her eyes and looked out her bedroom window. She smiled. Rolling to her side, Mikan checked the sleeping figure beside her and kissed his cheek. She reached out to the bedside table and took her phone. It read…

7:00 am

Sighing, Mikan quietly got out of the bed, carefully trying not to wake up the sleeping figure. She walked out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom across the hall, glancing back on the bed with a smile playing on her lips.

Mikan opened the fridge and looked around, contemplating on what to cook. Eggs, milk and fruits. Mikan smiled and concluded…


She took the essential ingredients from the fridge and the cupboard, and prepared the utensils.

The smell from the kitchen entered the bedroom and the sleeping figure lazily opened his eyes. He slowly sat up from the bed and rubbed his eyes. He groggily stretched his arms and walked out of the room.

"Mom, why are you up so early?"

Mikan looked up from what she was doing. She watched as her ten year old son walk up to the island counter and sit on the stool, resting his head on the counter. Mikan smiled warmly, walked towards him and kissed his head.

"Good Morning to you too sleepy head" she answered.

"Why are you up so early?" the boy repeated.

Mikan ladled another batter on the waffle maker and closed the lid. "Didn't I tell you last night, that I have work today?" she rested her arms on the table and looked at him thoughtfully.

The latter stretched and shrugged.

Mikan laughed and shook her head. "Forgetful like your grandpa" she mused.

Rolling his eyes, Youichi rested his head on his palm and watched as his mom pull out two mugs from the cupboard. "May be that's the effect of you waking me up so early in the morning" he answered irritated.

"Oh okay, blame it all on me" Mikan mocked hurt as she placed the mug of hot chocolate in front of Youichi. "Blame your loving mother for cooking a hearty breakfast" she dramatically sighed.

Youichi stifled a yawn as he watched his mom place a plate of waffles in front of him. She settled beside him with her cup of coffee. She handed him the syrup and they both ate in peace.

He was guilty with the way he acted. Youichi begrudgingly turned to his mother…

"You know, I was kidding right mom?"

He watched as she ignored him. He rolled his eyes, great the silent treatment. Youichi groaned and hugged Mikan…

"I'm sorry, mom"

Mikan smiled and hugged him back. "All is forgiven"

After breakfast and the usual morning routine, "Do you have your mangas with you?" Mikan asked as she opened the door.

He nodded "Could we pass by the manga shop later?" Youichi asked rather hopefully. "I need new ones"

"After work, okay?" Youichi nodded and watched as his mom locked the door.

Mikan and Youichi got out of the apartment and walked towards the Alice Hotel. While on the streets, the two passed by a newsstand and Youichi stopped. He read the headline:

The Reign of Natsume Hyuuga: Heir of the Hyuuga Empire

He scanned the whole stand, Natsume Hyuuga…Natsume Hyuuga…Natsume Hyuuga. Almost all the headlines in each newspapers and magazines were about, "Natsume Hyuuga". Youichi took one newspaper and read the featured article.

Natsume Hyuuga is one of the youngest and most admired young businessman in this century. Five years ago, Ioran Hyuuga stunned everyone by announcing that he will be retiring from the business scene and shall relinquish the business empire to his only son. At an astounding age of twenty, Natsume Hyuuga took over the multi-million dollar empire of the Hyuuga family. As he embarked on his reign as the CEO, everyone was skeptical on the capability of this young man in running such a colossal and dominant corporation. But alas, to all spectators, he had proven them wrong. When Natsume Hyuuga started to play the business game, he knew how to play his cards and he knew how to play it well, outstandingly well. Every move and propositions made were well calculated and no doubt resulted to triumph closing and securing contracts with giant international companies around the globe. In no less than five years, the Hyuuga Empire grew larger than it was even possible and is now one of the most influential companies in the world. All success and efforts of this young man had indeed taken everyone by storm, unexpectedly dragging fame as he passed by. The Hyuuga family name may already be known in every household in the country, but the name Natsume Hyuuga has made a mark in the global scale.

Youichi smiled.

"Youichi? What are you doing there? One minute you were following me the next minute you were gone!" Mikan looked worried.

Looking up at his mom, Youichi raised the newspaper he was reading. Mikan looked at it; she blinked and looked back at him.

"You've been reading about Natsume Hyuuga again?" emphasizing on the 'again'

He nodded.

Mikan sighed. Ever since Youichi learned how to read the first article he ever finished reading was about Natsume Hyuuga. Since then, Natsume became Youichi's role model. Striving to be just like him.

"Are you finished reading sweetie? Cause I still have to go to work, and by this time I'm pretty close to being late" Mikan reasoned as she looked at her son.

Handing payment to the vendor, Youichi placed the newpaper on his backpack along with his mangas and grabbed Mikan's hand pulling her forward.

"Let's go then! What are you waiting for Mom?"

With one last look at the picture of Natsume Hyuuga, Youichi pulled his mom and ran.

"Youichi, you stay here for a while okay while I go clean the rooms" Mikan stated as she pulled Youichi in the hotel pastry kitchen.

Nodding his head, Youichi found a comfortable spot and sat down with different mangas in hand.

"Nobara, thank you looking after Youichi" Mikan thanked as she turned to her friend, who was now beside Youichi.

"No problem Mikan" Nobara started "the kitchen can be boring sometimes so, having Youichi here makes the room livelier"

Kissing his head, Mikan walked out and met up with her partner.

After dusting the study table clean, Mikan vacuumed the carpeted floors then fixed the pillows. She moved to the bathroom and looked at her partner on the tiled floor, an amused smile appearing.

"Anna, we still have ten rooms to clean. If you keep that up we won't be able to finish by lunch time"

Anna looked up from the floor with a pout. "You try scrubbing this floor then!" she remarked as she pointed the brush she was holding. "I should be in the pastry kitchen instead of housekeeping" she grumbled.

Shaking her head, Mikan took the brush while laughing. "Fine, you fix the bed while I clean the bathroom, the guests will be back here any minute" Anna nodded and sauntered off to the bedroom, mumbling something about how stupid bathrooms are.

Mikan continued scrubbing. After a while, she heard the front door open and shut close, wiping the floor clean she got up from the floor and proceeded to refill the toiletries. She heard voices.

"You try to walk in the hotel with those stupid people in your way Ruka" an irritated voice growled. "And let's see if your mood won't turn sour"

'Ruka' that was a familiar name. Mikan tried to think of where she heard that name but couldn't quite grasp where she had heard it before. Then Mikan heard someone laugh. "Sorry mate, but that was just so funny, girls scrambling to give you their token of…Love?"

"Whatever, I'm going to take a shower." Mikan furrowed her eyebrows and took a while to register what the guy just said.

When his words sinked in, Mikan tensed.

She quickly arranged everything in order and placed the new towels on the towel holder. Before she even got out of the bathroom, someone was already at the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Mikan bent her head down, too scared to look up. Usually, she was never afraid of any hotel guests but this guy was different. Mikan felt uneasy for some reason. He was intimidating and cold, just by the sound of his voice; the weight of his stare wasn't even helping, he was scrutinizing her and she didn't like it. She looked to her side, her head still low.


A second later, she heard the person grunt but took him a minute to move to the side and let her out. Once she got out of the bathroom, Mikan could still feel the guy's eye on her.

What if he's a pervert? Mikan thought momentarily.

Panicking, she briskly walked out of the suite passing by the bedroom; Anna wasn't there anymore but the bed was done, then to the living room.

A blond guy was standing near the window, his back to her. Probably the 'Ruka' that guy was talking to earlier. Seeing no further reason to stay, Mikan walked out the door.

Once the door was closed, Anna was just outside by the cart. A look of shock and excitement was on her face.

"Did you see them?" she asked practically jumping up and down.

"See who?"

Rolling her eyes, Anna pointed at the door. "Ruka Nogi and Natsume Hyuuga"

She just looked at her, then at the door. She was dumbfounded.

"I never want to clean that room as long as they're staying there"