I'm a bad person, this update was so delayed and I'm so sorry! I'm just going to not promise deadlines anymore because i'm awful at sticking to them. I hope you can forgive me!

Anyway! Enjoy!



The empty morning sunlight shone through the cracks in the blinds, covering Soul's face bright lines. He's eyes peeled open slowly, blinking through the intensity of winter morning sunlight. He squinted, bringing a hand up to run through his disheveled hair, his splitting headache reminding him why he couldn't remember most of the night before.

He groaned, rolling onto his side as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. He sighed; burrowing is face back into his pillows and swinging is arm over the girl in bed with him.





Soul's eyes shot open as he retracted his arm in a flash. He sat up, staring down at the undeniable figure of a sleeping girl beneath his sheets. His eyes darted wildly around his room as he wracked his hung-over brain to remember last night.

Okay. Okay. It was fine, he just got a little drunk, did a few stupid things, no big deal. No big deal. Before he sorted out anything else he'd have to sneak whoever the fuck this was out of his house before Maka caught wind of her.

He groaned.


If she found out about this she'd KILL him. He froze for a moment, swallowing hard as he slowly lifted his sheets off his body.

Oh thank God he was still wearing boxer shorts.

So maybe he hadn't slept with her. Well, he had slept with her, but maybe he hadn't done anything… regrettable. It didn't matter. It looked bad so it was bad and he didn't want to have slept with some girl at all because he was in love with Maka and had being doing everything in his power not to fuck that up. Just thinking about all the girls he had turned down that brought him to this point physically hurt him. Not turning them down, messing up at this point is what hurt him.

But first things first: figure out whoever this was.

Holding his breath he pulled the sheets back slightly, cringing when the girl stirred slightly. Frozen for a few moments gauging the situation he started removing them again. Ashen blonde hair emerged from behind the pillows as his heart pounded in his ears. The girl groaned and rolled onto her side facing him, eyes still shut lightly she exhaled sleepily as Soul's jaw dropped.


So… this was Maka. In this bed. The girl in his bed was Maka and suddenly Soul really wished he could remember what had happened the night before because HOW THE FUCK WAS MAKA IN HIS BED.

He jumped up, hand grabbing his hair tightly as he tried with everything he had to remember something—anything from the night before but it was to no avail. Frustrated he groaned, sinking to sit on the floor.

"Oh. You're up."

Soul's eyes darted to the bed where Maka was now sitting awkwardly, covers pulled up around her.

"Uh—yes," he stammered, not knowing what to say.

"Oh." She said curtly, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. The two stared at each other awkwardly before both started talking at once

"You know last night—"

"I don't really think—"

"Oh," Maka repeated, "Go ahead."

"No, no" Soul stood to his feet, "You first,"

Maka sighed and squirmed uncomfortably,

"I don't know what to say," She admitted, "Do you… remember anything?"

"Ah…" What was the best answer here? "Maybe." Yeah that wasn't it.

"What? How do you maybe remember something?" she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well, okay, no I mean that I—" he stopped and looked at her, pleading in his eyes. She held his gaze, not giving him any ground at all, "I really wish I did," he admitted.

Maka swallowed, finally breaking his gaze and looking down, Soul watched her anxiously, really having no idea what was going to happen next.

"Sorry," she mumbled. She sat up, and Soul noticed (to his utmost delight) that she was wearing one of his t-shirts. It looked big on her small frame and he suddenly wanted to crawl back into bed and wrap is arms around her. He wanted to bury his face into her neck and fall back asleep. He wanted to stay like that indefinitely. He was staring now, and she had noticed.

"W-what?" He stammered, his cheeks reddening a light shade,

"I said I was sorry," She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Okay." Soul shuffled his feet a little, "Wait, why?"

"For all of this!" She gestured to herself in his bed, "I mean, I knew you were drunk and I still… I don't know I just wanted… You were saying all this stuff and I—"

"So we… You know…" He interrupted her


"Like… fucked?"

Maka froze, her eyes wide. A dark blush appearing almost immediately,

"WHAT!" She roared, "NO! Do you think I'm like a rapist or something?! You were SO drunk!"

He burst out laughing; only heightening her rage,

"Oh you think it's funny now?!" She spat, ripping the covers off of herself and standing up out of the bed,

"N-no!" He said through laughter, "It's just—" He erupted in giggles again.

"It's just what?!" She stamped over to him, meeting him nose to nose.

"You think that sleeping with me when I'm drunk would be taking advantage of me, it's just so cute I don't know," He took a deep breath, bringing a hand to his still grinning face, "Man I love you," He said offhandedly.


"Well excuse me for valuing our—wait what?" Maka stepped back, eyeing him,

"I uh—you know. As like… you know. You're my partner and stuff I don't know." Oh fuck sakes, why was he doing this? Stammering over his words like an idiot. Any cool guy would just grab her and kiss her and tell her to deal with it: he was in love with her. That's what he should do. That's what he was going to do right now!

"Oh." She said,

"Yep." He responded awkwardly. Coolest guy alive right here.

They stood in silence for a few seconds before Soul's eyes trailed down Maka, for the first time noticing she was just in his shirt and a pair of pink panties. Well shit.

"I guess I should go get dressed," She chewed her lip embarrassedly and made a little step backwards. Soul caught her wrist in his hand.

"Wait," he said, pulling her closer to him,

"W-what?" She made no motion to remove her wrist instead taking another step towards him, their bodies almost touching.

"I was just, I mean," ugh he was pissing himself off now, just rip off the band-aide you stupid motherfucker, "Don't."

She tilted her head slightly, eyeing him suspiciously,

"Don't want?"

"Don't go." He held her gaze, as her eyes widened slightly, her lips parting as she inhaled quickly,

"But I—"

He turned off his insecurities for a second; let his instincts take over for an instant and really that was all it took. His hands had found her face in a flash as he closed what little distance there was between their mouths.

She was frozen under him for only a moment, a long fucking moment if you asked Soul, before she leaned into him, deepening their kiss.

She threw her arms around his neck and he felt himself grin stupidly despite himself when she had somehow maneuvered them back onto the bed.

Sneaky little thing.

"Stop, stop for a second," Soul breathed, pushing her back for a moment, laughing slightly when she looked embarrassed,

"I-I'm sorry, too much?" She tucked some hair behind her ear and something inside him melted a little,

"No, uh, no I just—when did…?" He sighed, leaning back and chuckling. It was like a fresh start. He didn't notice his hangover, he wasn't stressed, and he didn't regret anything in this moment.

"For a long time I guess," Maka pursed her lips, "Either way, who cares when it happened? I'm in love with you and that's that." She crossed her arms, and bowed her head a little. Her stubbornness overpowering any sense of embarrassment she had had.

Soul grinned at her and her eyes slowly trailed back to meet his gaze,

"What?" she said harshly,

"Nothin." He smirked,

"What?" She leaned in, trying to be threatening. He took his chance, leaning in and knocking her backwards into a laying position on the bed, propping himself over her with his forearms on either side of her head, he kissed her with everything he had.

She had little time to protest, but Soul had the feeling she wouldn't even if she could.

He pulled broke off for a moment,

"Let's stay in bed today," He muttered before kissing her again. He felt her smile and give a little,


He wasn't going to thank his drunkenness for this, but shit, he wasn't about to curse it either.

I mean after all, it wouldn't be cool to not have gotten the girl after all this time.





Thank you guys for reading! Don't forget to review, love to know what you think! Love you guys!