Author Note: Wow! I cannot believe the response to this story! :) This is my first attempt at writing fanfiction, so thank you so much for the alerts, favorites, and reviews. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. And now the conclusion to "Baby, It's Cold Outside." Enjoy! -Lyric

"Trust me. You won't regret it."

Yeah. Famous last words, Gabriel. Castiel thought to himself. I shouldn't be here. I should just go. I should just politely excuse myself and go home. I could tell him I have papers to grade, or no, I could tell him I have an early class tomorrow morning and can't stay out late. I am a dedicated instructor after all, and it would make total sense. I could get away with that. Then I could leave, and I wouldn't have to worry about seeing his face again…or those gorgeous emerald pools he has for eyes…or that amazing mouth that utters my name and makes my stomach coil with heat….

"Hey Cas, hope you like beer." Smiling, Dean entered the living room and handed a beer to Castiel. Castiel jumped slightly and outstretched his hand for the bottle Dean was offering. "What's wrong, Cas? Were you dreaming about me?" Dean said with a knowing smile.

"Uhhh, I ummm. I ahhh," Castiel stuttered.

"I'll take that as a yes," Dean said as he plopped himself down on the other end of the couch and took a swig from his bottle. Castiel's face flushed red.

"Dean, I uhh, I have to…," Castiel glanced out of the window from across the room and noticed a heavy snow falling outside. Castiel placed his bottle on the coffee table in front of the couch and faced Dean. "I have to go. It's snowing very heavily outside, and I need to get home. I'll just call Gabriel to come pick me up. I wouldn't want you driving in weather like that." Castiel gave a small smile, hoping his ruse would work. He moved to place his hand inside his pants pocket to retrieve his cellphone.

"Hold it, Cas," said Dean, placing his hand on Castiel's. "Look at how hard it's falling out there. You really want Gabriel driving in that? Nah, I think you should just spend the night. I'll take you home in the morning."

"Oh no, I couldn't put you in that position, Dean," Castiel assured him. "I can just take the bus. That way I'm not putting Gabriel or anyone else in a bad position tonight, and I'll be safe in my own home."

Dean arched his eyebrows. "You'd be safe here, Cas," he said.

"Oh no, that's not what I meant, Dean. It's just, it's just that I can't stay. It wouldn't be right, I'd be imposing upon you, I haven't got anything to sleep in or a change of clothes for that matter," Castiel stopped himself. Wait, why did I tell him that last part?

"Well Cas, you wouldn't be imposing because I'm inviting you to stay at my place. And as for something to sleep in, you could always borrow something of mine, and like I said, I can drive you home in the morning. It's no problem, Cas" Dean remarked. Heh, Dean thought to himself, he's so cute when he's flustered. Gabriel was right. Cas is one uptight nervous individual. But that low, gravel voice that shouldn't belong to someone so skinny and those blue, blue eyes that betray his deception. I'll bet he couldn't tell a lie to save his life. And that hair, how can a man who hasn't had sex have natural sex hair? Ohh, I just run my hands through that mass of hair and gaze into those eyes. And then sneak my hand up the nape of his neck to press his head forward. And then..

"So, I'll just be on my way," Castiel stood up from the couch to retrieve his trench coat from the coat rack by the front door. The movement jostled Dean from his daydream as Castiel prepared to leave.

"Wait, Cas. Come on. You can't go out in that. Look, it's cold, it's snowing, and it's no condition for someone to be out alone in. And I'm certainly not going to let you walk down the block to the bus stop, and, by the way, the bus probably wouldn't be on time, and you'd be stuck waiting in the cold and the snow for who knows how long." Dean grabbed Castiel's coat and hung back on the coat rack.

"Dean," Castiel started.

"Nope, Cas. Not gonna happen. Look, you may be a nervous and uptight guy who maybe loves his job a little too much, but I like you. And I would like you to stay. So loosen up, have a drink, I'll get you something to sleep in, and we can just be two guys hanging out for a night while it snows outside."

"Dean, I don't…"

"Oh come on, Cas." Dean grabbed Castiel's wrist and led him back to the couch. He positioned Castiel in front of the couch and lightly shoved him down to sit. "Now, we are going to drink our beers, we're going to enjoy each other's company, and if the conversation sucks, I'll pop Die Hard into the DVD player," Dean said, grasping his beer and seating himself once again on the side of the couch opposite Castiel. "You like Bruce Willis, right?"

"Who?" Castiel asked. "And what is Die Hard? Is it a movie about battling death and choosing to 'not go gentle into the good night'?

Dean looked at Castiel, his jaw slack and eyes blinking. "Dude, you don't know who Bruce Willis is? And who's going gentle? It's Die Hard. John McClane, terrorists take over the office building where his wife is," Dean explains as Castiel's face continues to illustrate his confusion. "You know, 'come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs." Dean says, imitating Bruce Willis's character from the film.

"Sorry, Dean. Is it a good film?" Castiel asked.

"Good?" Dean asked incredulously. "Dude, it is a kickass movie that any red-blooded American man should watch. All right, you know what? That's exactly what we're going to do. We are going to sit here, watch Die Hard, and then I'll get you some sleeping clothes. You'll take the bed, and I'll take the couch."

"But Dean." Cas began to protest.

"Nope, end of story. Now watch the movie, Cas. And should you feel the urge to scoot on over in my direction and lay your head on my chest, you're more than welcome to do that." Dean said as he pushed play on the DVD player remote.

Castiel's head did a double take. "Dean, what makes you think that has even crossed my mind?" Castiel asked, secretly wishing he did have the nerve to move closer to Dean and lay on his chest.

"This is a date, isn't it? Aren't dates supposed to include some form of, I don't know, cuddling? Sweetness? Smooching, perhaps?" Dean gazed at Castiel, arching his eyebrows with a come hither look. The emerald green of his eyes darkened as he waited for a response from Castiel.

"Dean, I…" Castiel paused, debating on what he should do as Gabriel's words echoed in his ears. Look, in all seriousness bro, you need to get out more, be with people, get out and about. Get out of this apartment and live a little. Trust me. You won't regret it.

All right, Gabriel. Castiel thought to himself. I'm going to live a little. And who knows, maybe I will be able to make Dean's world do a little spinning.

"Either that smirk means I'm going to get some sugar or you're gonna turn into bad teacher." Dean remarked, pulling Castiel from his musing. Castiel looked over at Dean, searching his eyes for an answer even though he wasn't sure of the question.

Dean opened his mouth to speak but didn't get the chance. Castiel lunged at Dean, straddling his knees over Dean's hips. Dean gasped in surprise as Castiel brought his face nose to nose with Dean's. Dean stared into Castiel's eyes which were darkened with desire.

After a few moments that felt like years, Castiel finally spoke. "Do you want me to spin your world, Dean?" Castiel asked as his hands caressed Dean's chest and moved upward to grasp his shoulders.

"Oh yeah, I had it right," Dean smirked. "Bad teacher."

"You have no idea," Castiel said.

Dean wrapped his arms around Castiel. He massaged his hand up Castiel's back to rest at the nape of his neck, threading his fingers through Castiel's hair. Tentatively, Castiel brought his lips forward and captured Dean's lips in a slow, sweet kiss.

"I really should go, Dean." Castiel said as he parted from Dean. "It's been a grand evening, but I've got to get home," Castiel said with a shy smile.

Dean saw right through Castiel's ruse. "Oh I don't think so, baby. It's cold outside. And I've got just what you need to keep warm."

Castiel smiled as he brought his lips forward for another kiss, "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."

Author Note: There you have it. What did you think? Please review and tell me thoughts. As I mentioned in Chapter 1, I have an idea for a much darker story version based around this song. Let me know if you would like me to move forward with this idea.