Frozen Hearts

Summary: The first time he met her was when she was making hearts out of the snow and tears falling down her cheeks. He wiped the tears away and let the snow fall in hopes of comforting her. The second time he met her she was crying again, in-front of graves, but when he wiped her tears away this time she looked him in the eyes and he knew she could see him.

Crossover: Inuyasha/Rise of The Guardians

Genre: Romance/Hurt/Comfort/Drama/Angst

Pairing: Kagome/Jack Frost

Rating: M


The first time Jack Frost met the black haired blue eyed girl was when she was softly walking through the snow. She had boots and a coat on, but no gloves or hat.

Her cheeks were flushed and eyes downcast as she walked over the shrine grounds.

He had watched her sit in the two foot snow, not caring if her clothes got wet, or that the snow was cold. She seemed to be in a daze as she let her bare hands play in the white fluff.

It seemed like he watched her for hours just sitting there, not caring to move, even when the girls mother called for her, but when seeing her not listening to her, the mother left the girl alone.

Jack had watched her pat the snow together like she was making a snowball, but she seemed to actually be shaping something. Her fingers were slightly red as her hand clutched around the compacted snow.

This made Jack Frost curious as he moved closer to her, he landed next to her and frowned when he heard her sniffle.

Was she crying?!

Crossing his legs and sitting in front of her, he saw that she held a heart made of snow in her hands. Her head was bowed as tears ran down her cheeks landing on the white heart.

Leaning down he sighed as moved his hand to try to brush her tears away, he knew it wouldn't work, but he wish he could.

His eyes widened as his hand did touch the girl's cheek, it didn't go through the girl. That was something that had never happened before.

The young girl raised her head, looking around as if she felt the touch.

Jack sighed sadly, he should have known that she couldn't see him. No one ever did.

Taking a deep breath he jumped back, as a gust of wind blew about before snow started to fall from the sky.

He hoped that could at least cheer the girl up.

Jack watched as the young girl watched the snow fall, tears stains still on her cheeks, and he smiled as he saw a small smile gracing the girls lips.

She may not be able to see him, but she knew he was here it seemed as he heard her whisper a small, 'Thank you...'

For some reason, those two words had filled him up with so much happiness, he was always happy, and jovial, making others laugh as much as he himself did, but this was different, he felt different...he felt warm...

With a few flips and twirls, Jack Frost was off with the wind as his guide, looking forward to wherever it took him.


"Have fun outside?"

Kagome Higurashi, eleven years old, with raven black hair, and icy blue eyes, was a small and petite girl. Looking up at her mother as she walked in, she noticed the upset look in her eyes, "Yeah...I did."

A look of confusion passed over her mothers brown eyes, before sad look took over, "Kagome, can we talk?"

"What's to talk about?" Her hands went up and she brushed them over her arms, "I'm going to go take a warm bath,"

Rai watched her daughter leave the kitchen and head upstairs to the bathroom. Sighing, a few tears of her own slipping out from beneath her eyelashes.

Kagome was upstairs leaning against the bathroom door, trembling as a new wave of tears began to fall down her cheeks, she didn't understand why her mom couldn't just let her be. She didn't want to talk about it, she wanted to forget about it. Was that too much to ask for?

Her small hand moved to her cheek, it was still oddly warm, and still, numb from the cold. She knew she had felt a hand, fingers that had brushed away her tears. She wondered momentarily if it was her father, but she brushed that thought away as quickly as it had come, her father was dead, and she couldn't continue to linger on false hopes that he might somehow come home.

"Daddy..." She sighed as she tried in vain to stop her tears, but they didn't want to cease, so she changed tactics, turning on the shower, she didn't bother to remove her clothes, she just sat down in the corner and let the warm trickle of the shower fall on her, easing the pain in her heart with the soft tapping of the water against her skin and the walls around her. She let the world around her start to fade into darkness, momentarily she wondered why she had chosen such a time to get sleepy, and hating that her chosen dreams were of nightmares, nightmares of her father, memories of her father turned into shadowy messes...


Akuma: Hey guys, here is Chapter one of our first InuYasha/The RIse of the Guardian fic! YAY! Tell us what you think, and leave us a Review! JA NEI!

Yuki: Yay! First Chapter done! Hope everyone likes it...we have A LOT of Inuyasha/Rise of the Guardian fics...I have over 15 summaries...and Akuma is the same. Sooo, yeah! Read and Review! Tell us what you think~!