Authors note: Don't mind me; I'm just experimenting with different stories right now. Let me know if a got a fact wrong! I also placed a few movie references, try and find them!
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Don't mind me; I'm just a page break
Harry was scared, maybe he should have grabbed onto Fawkes too instead of insisting that he carry the others to safety first. His arm was aching despite the phoenix tears that had been dripped in the hole in his bicep, and the small twelve year old ambled back to the main chamber to lean against one of the cleaner portions of the marble wall. He avoided looking at the wound, instead allowing his eyes to droop, certain that Fawkes would come back for him soon.
Don't mind me; I'm just a page break
Deep in the tunnels, a strange cavern that hadn't been disturbed in thousands of years, experiences its once sturdy walls falling from the thrashing of the dying snake minutes earlier. A squelching sound echoes quietly through the musty air and very fast clicking echoes quietly as something scuttles towards the source that had disturbed its long dormancy.
The knowledge from its Mother had been transferred to it, the carrier of the new Mother, allowing it to quickly traverse the massive caverns. It pauses; sensing the presence of a good host slumped against a wall. The body is small but the Mother might benefit from a smaller size. Decided, it leaps forward, the eight finger appendages clamping onto the small head and the egg depositor sliding smoothly down the new host's throat. The host seems to be sleeping but the creature makes sure to wrap its tail firmly around the slim neck to ensure it couldn't be removed. Satisfied it couldn't be forcefully removed anytime soon, it allows the new Mothers' embryo to slip through the tube and into the small cavity in its chest. It however refused to fall off to die; it will wait until the Mother has told him She is safe, and will keep the mother-of-the-Mother alive.
Don't mind me; I'm just a page break
Harry was confused; there was something in him, besides the voice that was in his head of course, but it was centered in his chest. He vaguely registered that he was in the hospital wing again; however, the unknown entity in his chest was the most concerning. It didn't seem very maleveant, just very patient and a little resigned about something. Harry cautiously sent a little curl of magic to poke it, is childish nature portraying itself in the action. The things mind gave a surprised feeling, and a returning curl of what seemed to be developing power, gave a curious stroke to Harrys mind. The boy frowned, his mind still muggy, and sent the thing a vague concept of a curiosity to the tendril. It hesitated, before firmly wrapping around Harrys mind and magic.
His mind was barraged with seas and land, large stone temples from bygone civilizations and mind-boggling technology from distant worlds. The scenes were incredible, and the feeling of Home-hivequeenmotherhostfamilypro tectbuildcontent-overwhelmed the boy. He knew Her, just as She knew him. He knew of innumerable brothers and sisters, of hatchlings yet to find hosts. He became aware that the voice in his head was not his imagination, but a lonely soul split from the rest. He knew that the Hive did not to kill the hosts, but had no other way out; it was hard enough to find hosts without killing them all the time. He knew of Yaut-ja using them as ultimate prey, and the few times the Hive succeeded. He knew of the first, born from a humanoid species in another galaxy from the foolish exploitations of the Muggle home planet.
Harry was almost reverent as he placed a hand gently over his sternum, wincing as the Mother pressed back, making the bones creak in light protest. However, the moment was broken when Madame Pomphrey swept in, promptly gasping at the sight of Harry awake. "Mr. Potter! You're alright!" she exclaimed. "When Fawkes brought you back with flames instead of carrying you out, we thought the worst!" Here she gently brushed his hair from his pale and bruised face. "We were so horrified when we saw that, that thing! Attached to your poor face…." The worried nurse drew her wand and began waving it around the room, muttering. Her eyes were large and concerned when the thing-chestburstercarrierhatchling offspringhordes-came zooming into her hands from underneath a bed, stiff with death. Harry just stared at it in wonder, Mother sending image upon image of the many creatures that could result from the hatchlings seeding different creatures. Madame gave him a concerned stare, "Let's just have you go to sleep again child, after this amount of trauma, another day worth of sleep will not harm you." She cast a baby blue spell and Harry descended into his dreams, where a Queen birthed a monstrosity to please its surviving mother…