Hello! Here is Chapter 10! I would like to take a moment to apologise for Chapter 9. I was hoping to make this a surprise, but there were some people who thought that Chaoter 9 could be better, so I am gonna let you in the secret. One of the scenes in Chapter 9 is crucial for a possible sequel. So, without furthur adue, Chapter 10!



The Black Emerald


Hurricane Victoria


Chapter 10

Sonic sat on Chris's roof, not moving at all. He couldn't believe that he lost Amy, again...


"GIVE HER BACK!" Sonic hollered.

"Sonic!" Hurricane hollered. Sonic watched as Violet and Amy dissapeared.

"GIVE HER BAAACK!" Sonic hollered, running after Amy, but it was too late. Sonic fell to his knee joints


Everyone else stood in the driveway, watching Sonic. Hurricane held her head low. Without Sonic's knowledge, the window opened, to reveal Knuckles, as he took a seat next to him.

"You ok?" Knuckles asked. There was a moment of silence.

"...I can't believe she's gone, again..." Sonic muttered. Knuckles placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get her back." Knuckles said. "We always have." Sonic looked up at the sky.

"...Your right,..." Sonic began. "Let's go find the other chaos emeralds." Sonic jumped from the roof, and landed on his feet. He ran to the room that was above the garage, and grabbed the sword in it's green sheath. He noticed that you can place the sword on your back, and that the sheath had what looked like a harness that wrapped around your body, and clicked in the middle so that it doesn't fall.

"That's the Sonic I know!" Knuckles said, jumping to the ground. Out of the blue, Rouge flew in.

"Oh, Knuckie..." Rouge cooed. Knuckles's cheeks grew red. Chris, Tails, and Hurricane began snickering.

"Biante flodia shantie goanta!" Hurricane mumbled, which earned her a look from Knuckles.

"English, bitch!" Knuckles said. "English!" He turned to Rouge. "What?"

"The Master Emerald is back in one piece!" Rouge said.

"Your kidding?!" Knuckles squealed. Rouge nodded her head. He looked at the gang.

"Let's go!" Sonic said. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Hurricane went for the X-Tornado.

"Why is she going?!" Knuckles growled when he saw Hurricane.

"I wanna help find Amy, too!" Hurricane said. Sonic looked at Hurricane, and made a desicion.

"You can come with, IF you behave." Sonic said, and watched Hurricane fold her arms.

"Hmph... Fine." Hurricane agreed. They all climbed aboard, and got the runway cleared. After a few minutes, they took off, and went for the skies. Cream sat in the livingroom, in tears.

"Is Amy going to be ok?" Cream asked. Vanilla sat next to her, with her arms around her, trying to comfort her.

"They will find Amy, I'm sure of it." Vanilla said, trying to get Cream to look on the bright side of things.


Violet had brought Amy to the abandoned planet, where their uncle was hiding. Amy laid on a platform, as their uncle repaired the wound she had recieved. Amy was stripped of clothing, unconcious, but breathing regularly.

"Uncle Sartoona..." Violet said, catching Sartoona's attention. He turned around, and looked at Violet. He walked up to her.

"You nearly killed our meaning of a living prisoner!" Sartoona growled.

"Forgive me, Uncle!" Violet pleaded. "I have no idea she was going to-" Sartoona slapped Violet across the face, so hard, it caused her to fall to the floor. Violet looked at Sartoona with fear. Sartoona left the room.

"Stay here, and let me know if she wakes." Sartoona ordered. The doors closed behind him. Violet rose to her feet, and walked to Amy. She stared at Amy's chest, whith the black emerald visible. Violet looked at the door, and back at Amy.

'...I have to free her...' Violet said. '...She doesn't deserve this!' She took her hand, gripped the emerald, and tried to pull. Black energy came pilling out of her, and threw Violet to the farthest wall. Then, the energy returned to the emerald. Violet was in shock. 'I forgot, you have to be of royal blood AND pure of sin...'


The X-Tornado flew to Angel Island, and saw it floating. Sonic and Knuckles were dumbfounded.

"The Master Emerald is back to it's original form!" Knuckles muttered. Sonic whistled. Tails landed on Angel Island. Everyone landed on the ground, and climbed up the stairs. They made it to the top, and saw the Master Emerald, glowing it's beautiful shine.

"Wow!" Hurricane said. Knuckles placed his hand on the Master Emerald.

"Welcome Back!" Knuckles said. All of a sudden, the Master Emerald's glow got even brighter.

"...The Guardians are the Servers..."

"The what?" Tails asked.

"Knuckles, what was that about?" Chris asked.

"I don't know." Knuckles said. Hurricane began wondering around the Master Emerald, and found the red chaos emerald. She picked it up, and returned to the group.

"Hey," Hurricane said, catching the boy's attention. "Found this around the corner." She held out the emerald. Sonic garbbed the sword's handle, and pulled it out of it's sheath. He held the blade to the emerald. Out of the blue, the emerald glow red, and began to turn into energy. The emerald's energy went to the second whole in the blade, and was absorbed by the blade. Now, there are two emeralds within the emerald. Blue, and Red.

"Five more to go!" Chris said. Sonic slid the sword back into the sheath, and looked at everyone.

"Are you guys up for an adventure?" Sonic asked. Everyone nodded their heads. "Let's do this!"

Chapter 10! I will get the go on Chapter 11, hope you all enjoy!