Author Update Not a Chapter

Okay, I haven't updated anything to this story in over a year. I am so sorry to all my readers who have been waiting patiently. I had a major writers block and didn't know how to move on with the story. I took criticism too hard and started to question the way I wrote Lelouch. I know he is OOC but its set in an AU so I expect him to be slightly different. I want to portray him as I feel he would act if he liked a girl but I may have done a bit too much. Therefore, I have decided to go through the previous chapters and revise them a bit. C.C. will be the same and Lelouch will be more like himself. He will still have that playful side, but it won't come out as much.

Anyways, once I feel I have fixed the previous installments, the next chapter will be soon to follow I promise. It might be a while because I am busy with school, but I will work to get this out as quickly as possible. For now, I may post another story I've been working on during revising, just to keep my head clear.

For those wondering, I do not plan to have C.C. stay the innocent girl she is forever. She will eventually make her way to the C.C. we all know and love, but only over time. I still want to keep as much fluff in this as possible and I will be posting some more…physical chapters later on which is why I have safely rated this story M for when that time comes.

Please bear with me for now my readers. Thank you to everyone who has ever said anything positive about this story and held on for over a year to find out what happens. I will do my best to not let you guys down. :)