The rest of the day didn't go as well as breakfast did.

While walking to class with Scorpius, people made comments, lots of them. I tried not to let them bother me and for the most part they didn't. But I could tell by Scorpius' locked jaw that it bothered him a lot and that all he wanted to do was punch all of the people who said anything bad to me.

"Scorpius," I said, pulling him to the side of the corridor when we reached Defense. "You need to calm down."

"I can't," he said, his voice rough like he was trying to hold his temper in. "Everyone needs to learn how to shut their mouths and mind their own business."

"I know," I said. "But just ignore them and you'll be fine."

"Rose, I can't do that," he said, running his hands through his hair. He took a deep breath. "I don't know how you do it and make it seem like it doesn't affect you. Because I'm not the one that they're calling a slut and it pisses me off while you act like it doesn't even bother you."

"That's because I'm not letting it bother me," I said. I took Scorpius' face in my hands and went on my tiptoes to kiss him. Once I did, I noticed how he relaxed, but only in the slightest bit. "Remember that none of them know the truth," I whispered. "None of them know what an amazing guy you are and how even though this started with a one night stand, it wasn't just a hook up. Please don't do anything dumb or rash or let your temper get the best of you. It's hard but just brush it off. If you let what they say affect you, than you are giving them what they want. They want to hurt me and make me cry. And I love that you care about me enough to want to beat their asses, but that's not what I need from you."

"What do you need from me?" Scorpius asked, pulling me close to him and resting his forehead on mine.

"I need you to be standing by my side and holding my hand," I said. "Because for the most part, I'm completely alone."

"You're not alone," Scorpius whispered. "You're never alone because I will always be here."

I smiled and kissed him again. "And that's exactly what I need."

I was about to pull away when his grip on me tightened. I gave him a questioning look as he leaned down and smirked at me. "I know you're new to the whole relationship thing and that we skipped a few steps," he whispered. Boy did we ever skip a few steps. Normally you're supposed to date for a few years and then get pregnant, not get pregnant and then start dating. We're a strange couple. "But I would like to be able to kiss my girlfriend before class, if she'll let me."

"She'll let you," I said, smiling. I really enjoyed this side of him, the playful side. It was nice that even with all the dramatics and pregnancy stuff that he still acted like a 17-year-old boy and wanted to kiss me, just to kiss me.

"Good," he said and his lips met mine.

He is such a good kisser. There's seriously nothing more I want to do than kiss him and forget the entire world.

We weren't one of those annoying couples that groped each other while they made out. My hands remained on his neck and his were at my waist, holding me close to him.

I don't know how long we were kissing but it was at least three minutes. People were arriving and going into the classroom and I heard them talking about us. But I didn't care. I was kissing my boyfriend, the best guy in the world and I was in heaven.

"Oi!" I heard Alex say. I heard Chloe's laugh, which told me that they were together again. They had been hanging out a lot today, much to Emily's annoyance. "I would tell you two to get a room but you already have!"

I felt Scorpius smile against my and knew that he gave him the finger. He pulled away and looked over at Alex.

"You're just jealous," Scorpius said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into a hug.

"Jealous that you're going to be a father? Nah," Alex said. I saw that both Emily and Chloe were at his side and Emily didn't seem like she was jealous of Chloe and what happened last night. "Jealous that you're making out with Rose? Maybe a little."

Scorpius frowned and pulled me tighter to him. "She's mine," he said, kissing my head. I laughed and smiled up at him, resting my chin against his chest.

"And what if she wants to try me out?" Alex said, only to receive a hit on the arm by Chloe. "What?"

"That's my best friend!" she said. "And your best friend's girlfriend. I don't want to see you putting the moves on her!"

"I'm sorry babe," Alex said, putting his arm around her. Emily frowned at this.

"Babe?" Emily asked Alex. She looked down the hall and raised her eyebrows. "Hate to break it to you Alex, but I think Potter heard you."

I looked down the hall and saw Albus, Louis, and Audrey standing at the end of the hallway watching us.

Scorpius looked down at me and whispered. "You sure you don't want to ditch?"

I shook my head and watched Albus, moving around in Scorpius' arms so that my back was to his chest. Al looked over all five of us and made eye contact with me, only to look away quickly. He looked right back at Chloe and Alex.

"Babe?!" Albus yelled, walking down the hall until he was in front of Chloe and Alex. "What, are you already hooking up with Zambini? That's a downgrade."

"No, I'm not hooking up with Alex," Chloe said back to Albus, matching his tone. I had never seen them argue before and I hated seeing it now. "But it's not like it would be any of your business anyway since you broke up with me."

"Come on, Aud, let's get to class," Louis said, walking by without even looking at me. Audrey looked in my direction and when she saw Scorpius and I, him holding me from behind, she gave the smallest of smiles.

That gave me hope that we could still make up.

"I broke up with you for a good reason," Albus said.

"Bullshit," Alex said, coughing into his hand. He got a warning look from Emily, telling him to stay out of it.

"And you would know all about our break up, would you Zambini?" Albus said, turning to Alex.

"I know that you broke up with her because she didn't tell you Rose was pregnant," Alex said. "That's the biggest dick move I've ever heard."

"Well, it takes a jerk to know one," Albus said, advancing toward Alex.

"Stop it Al," Chloe said, cutting in front of him and putting her hand on his chest. She pulled it away once she realized what she had did and I saw a look of hurt pass through her face as she quietly said, "This is between you and me."

"Yeah, it is," Albus said quietly, looking down at her and even though they were broken up, I could still see the love in his eyes. He looked back up at Alex and said in a stern tone, "It's between Chloe and I, no one else, Zambini."

A stern tone but not a rude one. Al was rarely rude.

"Yeah well she came crying to me last night," Alex said, smirking. I didn't know him well enough, but I'm pretty sure it's safe to say he was trying to piss Al off.

"Alex, stop it," Emily said, giving him a pointed look.

Albus looked over at her as if realizing that this was the first time she was there. "Emily Goyle," he said, nodding.

Emily looked at Al before looking back at Alex. She frowned when she saw Alex checking out Chloe's butt. She turned toward Al and flipped her hair. "Albus Severus Potter," she said smirking at him. "Lovely name you have there."

"This isn't going to end well," Scorpius whispered in my ear. "Emily is flirting with Albus. And it seems like he's going to flirt back."

Al had taken a step away from Chloe and I saw Chloe slowly retreat back to Alex's side, her face hidden from view by her hair.

Albus smirked at Emily, giving her his full flirty smirk.

"He's definitely flirting back," I said to Scorpius. "Should we get involved?"

"It's not nearly as lovely as yours," Albus said. "Emily Aelfreda Goyle."

I saw Chloe look up at Al and saw that she was on the verge of tears. She knew the voice Al was using because it was his flirting voice. It was the voice that he used to only use on her.

Alex nudged her side, asking if she was okay, but I saw her just shake her head, her eyes focused on Al as if she was mentally daring him to flirt with Emily in front of her.

And Al took that dare.

"I believe your middle name means elf strength, am I right?" Albus asked, taking a step closer to her. "That's very ironic, since you are anything but an elf." He looked at her up and down and I noticed that his gaze took in her long legs in her short skit. "Nice legs."

I saw a single tear fall from Chloe's face.

"Like what you see?" Emily asked him.

Chloe was pushing her mouth into a thin line as if suppressing her every urge not to burst.

Albus leaned in towards Emily. "Yeah I do," he whispered in her ear.

"You fucking asshole!" Chloe yelled before walking up to Al and slapping him in the face.

"What the fuck?" Al yelled.

"You. Fucking. Bastard!" Chloe yelled, punching his chest with every word. She was sobbing, heaving and barely understandable. "I cannot believe you! I cannot believe that you would flirt with another girl right in front of me as if I wasn't here. As if, as if." She stopped punching him and put her hands on her face, now covered in tears. "As if I meant nothing to you. As if you didn't love me."

We were all quiet as we watched Chloe and Al.

"But that doesn't matter now," she whispered, whipping tears from her face. "It doesn't matter if you love me because we're over. I know that but it still feels like you are sticking a knife in my heart because you flirted with her." Chloe took a deep breath and composed herself. "I'm sorry. You're free to flirt with whoever you want. You- you aren't mine anymore." She shut her eyes and I knew that it pained her to say that. "I'm sorry," she whispered before running off.

I untangled myself from Scorpius and ran up behind her. Alex caught my arm and said, "You'll miss class. I'll go after her."

"That's sweet," I said. "But I need to be there for her. Defense can wait."

Alex nodded and let go of me. I turned and saw Al looking at the ground.

I walked up to him and tentatively touched his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Albus looked at me. His eyes were guarded and I knew that he was doing that thing where he was trying to show no emotion, trying to act like he was fine. He knew that I knew that's what he was doing too, so he slowly shook his head and then walked into class.

He still hadn't forgiven me.

But the fact that he even acknowledged my presence made me hope that he would soon.

I ran down the hall and turned the corner to see Chloe, sitting on the ground against the wall, hugging her knees tightly as she sobbed.

I sat down next to her and put my hand on her shoulder. "It will be okay," I whispered, soothingly rubbing my hand back and forth.

"But it won't be," she sobbed. "It won't be because I'm numb. I can't feel anything completely and in the rare cases that I do, I only feel sadness. I only feel the constant pain because I have a broken heart." She looked up and took a deep breath. "I'm just a pathetic girl, in love with a boy who doesn't want her.

"You aren't pathetic," I said quietly. "You just had your first love break up with you. It's only been a day, sweetie."

"But he's doing fine!" Chloe cried. "He's able to flirt and be happy and doesn't even seem to give a shit that he left me completely shattered."

"He's not doing fine," I said. "Even though he hasn't talked to me, I know he's not doing fine."

"And how do you know that?" She asked me. "How could you possibly know that?"

"I know Al," I said. "I know that he loves you. He was upset and maybe he made a rash decision to break up with you, but he still loves you. He nearly bit Alex's head off for calling you babe. Albus freaked out because he assumed you moved on. And just now, I asked him if he was okay and he was doing that thing where he pretends he's fine but he's not. He's not okay. He misses you, I can tell even if he won't admit it."

"I doubt it," Chloe said sadly. "During the past few months, he was off. I don't know what it was but he wasn't himself. He would distance himself and he started saying that he loved me less and less." She rested her head on the wall. "I bet he doesn't even love me anymore."

"I don't think that's true," I said, quietly.

Chloe sighed and I saw tears coming back to her eyes. "I know," she whispered. "But maybe if I tell myself that I'll stop loving him. I'll stop wanting to believe that there's still hope for us." A tear slid down her cheek. "I love him, Rosie. I'm not even angry at him for causing me to be like this, for causing me this pain, because I love him. And a part of me knows that he still loves me because I still see it in him. We didn't fall apart because one of us stopped loving the other. I don't even know why we fell apart. But It's easier for me to believe that we fell apart because he doesn't love me anymore."

"I don't think that's true," I said quietly. "But if it's what you need to believe than so be it. Just remember that it's only been one day."

"And what a horrible one day it's been," Chloe said and rested her head on my shoulder.

I started tracing the ground with a finger and Chloe was so quiet I had thought she had fallen asleep. I was startled when she whispered to me.

"It'll get easier right?"

I looked at her, her make up running down her face, looking at the wall as if it were the most fascinating thing ever. Her eyes were as hazel as ever, but they now held a sadness that wasn't there before. She just looked so brokenhearted and I wanted to do anything to fix her.

"I don't have any experience," I whispered back. "But it has to, right? Maybe it won't be easier in a week or even a few months, but each day it will get a little bit easier."

Chloe nodded and looked back at her hands. "I'm going to sound stupid for saying this," she said quietly. "But I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. I don't know what to do when I have free time, I don't know who to talk to about certain things, and I don't even know where to go. Al, he was such a big part of my life and we were together for so long. I did everything with him. He wasn't the center of my world but we did everything together. I never wanted to be like this, one of the girls whose boyfriend was so important to her that when he's gone, she's lost. But it just feels like he took some part of me and I'm never going to get it back. I just don't know who I am."

"I know who you are," I said. "You're Chloe Miller. You are an amazing friend who put her relationship on the line for me. You try your hardest all the time and Merlin knows that you can handle any situation better than me. You'll get through this. I'll be by your side the entire way."

"Rose, you're pregnant," she said. "You can't be worrying about me, hell, I shouldn't even be worrying about me-"

"I'm going to worry about you no matter what you say," I said. "This baby doesn't change our friendship. I'm going to worry about you having a broken heart and you're going to worry about me being pregnant and we're just going to be two best friends constantly worrying about each other. Understand?"

Chloe cracked a small smile. "Your kid isn't going to get away with shit."

"Do you expect Scorpius to discipline a child?" I said, smiling back. "He would spoil his children so much. Someone needs to make sure they stay in line."

"I'm really glad you found him, Rose," she said, quietly. "I don't think anyone could have been more perfect for you."

I looked down at the ground and smiled.

My life was far from perfect right now.

But Scorpius was the only thing that was even close.


"Okay, so Scorp is a Chaser on the team," Alex said as we sat on the Slytherin side of the stands, waiting for the game to start. It was a few days after the explosion and, for the most part, the Slytherin house had become accustomed to having me around. I never went back to my dorm, so Chloe brought most of my clothes over one day. She had returned to the Gryffindor dorms, since everyone there did not despise her. "And what he is trying to do-"

"I know what he's trying to do," I said. "I grew up with Quidditch. Just because I'm unable to play doesn't mean that I don't understand it."

"Oh," Alex said. "Well then I'll just explain it to Chloe then." He turned to his other side and was about to explain to Chloe when she cut him off.

"I dated the Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team for two years," she said. "I think I understand the game."

"Right," Alex said. "I forgot that Potter was the Seeker."

"A damn good one too," Chloe said. "It will be interesting to see how Emily does."

"It's only her first year," Alex said. "But man, she's a damn good Seeker."

"What's going on with you two, anyway?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" he asked me, looking out at the field.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You know what I mean, Alex. What is going on with you and Emily?"

"Nothing, we're friends," Alex said, shrugging.

"I got a different impression," I said to him. "Seems like you like her."

"Is Scorpius telling you that?" Alex asked me. "Because that's bullshit. Besides, after sharing a bed with Chloe, I'm more into her now anyway." He put his arm around Chloe and winked at her.

She laughed and pushed his arm off of her. "Right. You're safer liking Emily, since she actually seems to like you back."

"What?" Alex said, his cool facade suddenly gone. "You think that she could like me?"

"And you say you don't like her," Chloe said before standing up with the rest of the Slytherin crowd to cheer as the players came out.

"No, seriously, do you think she likes me?" Alex asked me, his eyes wide.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, glad that I wore a sweatshirt under Scorpius's old Quidditch jersey. It was a typical late November/early December day, in Scotland, snow on the field and freezing cold weather.

Alex stood up. "You guys can't do that to me, you know! If you think she could like me then you should tell me. Not because I like her, though. Just so I know."

"Just shut up and cheer for your girlfriend," Chloe said and I saw Alex's cheeks turn pink.

I looked down at the field and saw Scorpius shaking hands with the Ravenclaw captain before getting on his broom. I felt a bit of fear fly up in my stomach, almost as if the baby shared my same anxiety over the sport.

Part of the reason I didn't play Quidditch was because when I was about 8 or so, I saw my dad's old friend, Oliver Wood, get hurt while playing. He fell from about 80 feet up in the air and landed on the ground, not moving. I was really scared because I thought he had died. He just laid on the ground, his limbs in weird directions, unconscious. It scarred me and every time I saw someone I cared about playing Quidditch, I saw them, lying on the ground in the same position.

I put my hand on my lower stomach and thought, It's okay, baby, Daddy will be okay.

I prayed to Merlin that he was going to be okay.

He was. But every time that he whizzed through the players or a bludger nearly hit him, I couldn't help but picture him, lying on the ground, dead.

It was rather terrifying.

"And Scorpius Malfoy, races down the field toward the Ravenclaw goals," the announcer said. "You would never guess that he has such a bad personal life right now. I mean, he's going to be a father and to Rose Weasley's baby too. That can't be easy."

"You've got to be kidding me," Alex said. "TALK ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME, DIMWIT. THIS ISN'T SOME GOSSIP SHOW."

"And Rose Weasley's having a rough time too. I mean, her entire family isn't talking to her, hell most people aren't. The only people who seem to have accepted her have been the Slytherins. Never would have seen her there. Oh well, I guess that there was no where else to go for her but the evil guys."

At them mention of my family, I automatically looked the Gryffindor stands, wondering if they were here. I couldn't see them, so I had no idea but I knew that it was probably safe to bet that they were. I wondered what they thought of what he was saying. If they wanted to kill him. I knew Hugo probably would, since he told me that he was there fore me. I still wondered about Al and Louis though.

I miss them.

But they don't want me to be a part of their family.

The Slytherin students around me were infuriated, yelling profanities at the announcer. The weird thing was that they were defending me, as well.

"Don't listen to this asshole," a voice said from behind me. I turned and saw a guy I didn't recognize. "He doesn't know shit. We're not too bad."

"No, you aren't," I said. "I'm Rose."

"I'm Nick Greengrass," he said. "My cousin hasn't found the time to introduce us yet."

"You're Scorp's cousin?" I asked him. He and Scorp looked nothing alike. He had dark hair and dark eyes that contrasted with Scorp's light hair and eyes.

"I see he's talked a lot about me," Nick said, smirking.

Alex turned to look at me and noticed Nick. "Hey Nick. Haven't seen you around much."

"Fifth year is proving to have its challenges," Nick said. "Both academic and in other areas."

"I bet," Alex said, looking back at the game. "Shit, what is she doing?"

I looked out at the game and saw Emily flying toward the announcer, a look of anger and determination on her face. The announcer was still talking about Scorpius and I.

"I mean, her family won't even talk to her," he said. "They're ashamed to be seen with her, simply because she's pregnant. She just disappointed ever single one of them." I winced and forced myself not to let it affect me. He didn't know anything. "She seems like the biggest screw up in that family and that's saying something. I don't blame Louis for saying she's dead to him-"

"WILL YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" Emily yelled as she landed next to him. Her voice was played through the microphone, so everyone could hear what she was saying. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of his seat. He was shorter than her, probably about 5'4'' and looked as if he weighed about 80 pounds. Emily held his collar and looked down at him, a look of pure murder in her eyes. "This is not some fucking gossip show! Talk about the fucking game and not about my best friend's life or his girlfriend's life! You don't know shit about them or their situation or her family, so shut it. Just report the fucking game! Also, don't say anything bad about my house. Because I swear, if you say anything that isn't about the game, I will come up here and kick your ass. I also get the feeling that if you say anything more about Rose, Scorpius will join me." She pointed out to the field where Scorpius was sitting, not too far from me, holding the Quaffle very tightly and looking like he was about to murder the kid. I (somehow) managed to get his attention and told him to calm down. I gave him a thumbs up, telling him that I was fine and he stopped clutching the Quaffle as tightly. "Now, sit your ass down and report the game." Emily let go of his collar but didn't turn away. "But before you do, I have one thing I want to do."

And with that, she kneed him in the privates.

And then she flipped her hair and got on her broom.

The Slytherin stands started cheering like crazy.

"Yeah! That's my girl!" Alex yelled, pointing at Emily.

Chloe and I smirked at each other before smirking up at him.

"Yeah that is your girl!" I said, clapping with the rest of the crowd.

"She's totally your girl!" Chloe said as well.

Alex flushed a deep red. "I didn't mean it like that. She's my girl as in, ugh, as in she's my friend who happens to be a girl. But she's just a friend. Who's a girl."

Chloe rolled her eyes. "You two are getting married."

"Alex who are you marrying?" Nick asked from behind me.

"No one," Alex responded.

"He's marrying Emily Goyle," I said to Nick. "And they will be happy together forever."

"I hate you, Rose," Alex said. "I'm going to tell Scorp to dump you."

"He would never do that," I said and hugged Alex. "And I love you."

Alex grudgingly hugged me back. "I guess I love you too."

I smiled into the hug and almost forgot all the things that the announcer said.

Alex gave great hugs.

They weren't Albus' or Louis' hugs, but they were close.

If they didn't want me to be a part of their family anymore, fine.

I'll get a new one.

And Alex will be my pseudo brother.

Take that, Potter.


"Are you sure you don't want to come to the party?" Scorpius asked Hugo and me in the library that night.

"I don't care, I just don't want her to be alone," Hugo said.

Scorpius looked at me.

"I don't want to be at a Slytherin victory party," I said. "I figure I should let your house have something all to themselves without me crashing it."

"Come on, you know they don't care if you're there," Scorpius said. And it was true, they didn't. Besides if I went, I not only had Scorpius, Alex and Emily to talk to but my new friend Nick as well.

"I know," I said. I walked up to him and put my hands on either side of his face. "I'll be fine. I brought homework and nothing can happen to me because Hugo probably won't let me out of his sight. I'm not going anywhere." Scorpius still didn't like leaving me on my own for fear I would run off. Unfortunately, Hugo didn't like leaving me on my own either, so I was often babysat by one of them.

I enjoyed when Scorpius watched over me.

Okay, so maybe it was because we made out for most of
that time.

It's just better than hanging out in the library.

I never thought I would say that.

But it's true. If I had been dating Scorpius for most of Hogwarts, my grades would have tanked because I would be too busy making out with him to do anything else.

Scorpius sighed. "I'll be back in an hour."

"Stay for as long as you want to," I said. "I'll just be here."

"Good," Scorpius said and leaned down to kiss me. He started to pull away but I pushed my lips against his and started kissing him more deeply.

Merlin, his kisses are intoxicating...

"Um, guys," Hugo said and Scorpius quickly pulled away from me, a blush on his face. I couldn't help but frown a little. "I'm still here."

"I'm sorry," Scorpius said to Hugo.

"I'm not," I grumbled and Scorpius laughed.

Scorpius kissed me on the forehead. "I'll be back in an hour." He walked away from me. "Bye Hugo."

I turned back toward Hugo and saw him looking at me with a disgusted look on his face.

"Please never make out with your boyfriend in front of me again please," he said. "It was very disturbing."

I smiled at him and sat down. "Sorry." I opened my book and Hugo groaned.

"You're actually going to study?" Hugo asked me. "Can't we talk or something?"

"Well, what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"I don't know."

"Oh well that's helpful."

"Well what do you want to talk about, Miss High and Mighty?"

"You're the one that wanted to talk!"

"Yes and you are the smarter one so you should come up with something for us to talk about!"

"Hugo, I wanted to study."

"Studying is boring."

"You're right, there are a lot of things I would like to do more."

"Alright like what?"

"Like make out with my boyfriend."

"Ew," Hugo said and buried his face in his hands. "That's disgusting. I can't believe you've done that with a boy."

"Hugo, you do know I'm pregnant right?" I asked him. "Mum and Dad told you were babies come from didn't they?"

"Rose, I refuse to think of you and Malfoy doing...that."

"Wow you're so mature, Hugo."

"Shut up, Rose."

"No you shut up."

"And I'm the immature one?"

"I never claimed I wasn't immature."

"Um, hi."

Hugo and I stopped our brother/sister banter to look up at the new person who had joined us in the library. I felt a knot in my stomach at the sight of Lily.

"Hey Lils," Hugo said, nodding in her direction.

Lily looked nervously at me. "Hi Rose."

"Um, hi Lily," I said. It wasn't that I wasn't happy to see her. I was ecstatic to see her, especially since she was talking to me. She wasn't treating me like I was invisible like she had for the past few days.

"Rose, I'm so sorry," she said and her eyes started filling up with tears. "I'm such a horrible person. I don't know why I would treat you that way, it was horrible of me. You're one of my best friends and you're much more of a sister to me than a cousin. What the announcer said today wasn't true, I'm not ashamed of you. If anything I'm so proud of you. You are so strong, going through all this and you have almost no one since all of us turned our backs on you. I'm so sorry for that. I understand if you never want to speak to me again but I really miss you Rose and-"

"Lily!" I said. "I forgive you!"

"You do?" Lily asked me.

"Yeah," I said. I stood up and hugged her. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too," Lily said, hugging me back. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, at least you came around," I said, thinking of Al and Louis.

"They'll come around," Lily said facing me. "No matter what either of them says, they love you. They were going crazy at the game today. Louis almost killed the announcer himself. They miss you, Rosie. Al's having a hard time with the break up, but he won't talk to anyone about it. They both need you."

"I know," I said. "But they're the ones who need to forgive me and I'm fine with waiting for them to."

Lily nodded and looked at Hugo. "Does this mean we're back to normal? I don't like only getting small talk from you."

Hugo smiled and pulled her into a hug. "Yeah, we're back to normal."

"Good," Lily said. She was about to continue speaking but another voice spoke first.

"So I was thinking that maybe you could help me out here, Scorp, please? Come on cousins help each other out with this sort of thing. It would be much easy for you to talk to her and maybe she can talk to-" Nick stopped talking as soon as Hugo, Rose and Lily and I came into view. His face paled slightly and he gulped. "Hey Rose, Hugo." He looked at Lily uneasily. "Lola."

"It's Lily," Lily said, clearly annoyed. "My name has always been Lily."

"...Right," Nick said, looking slightly nervous. "I knew that."

Lily rolled her eyes and looked at Scorpius, who was standing next to Nick. "I don't think we've officially met. I'm Lily Potter."

"Scorpius Malfoy," he said, shaking her hand.

"So you're dating my cousin?" Lily asked him and he nodded. "I'm not going to give you a huge list of rules you need to follow; Al can do that whenever he gets his act together. But treat my cousin right, or I swear I'll be your biggest worry."

"Alright," Scorpius said. "I'll treat her right."

"Good," Lily said and turned toward me, puling me into a hug. "Night Rose Bud. I've missed you."

"Night Lily Pad," I said back, squeezing her before handing her off to Hugo to say goodnight.

"You coming back up to the Gryffindor common room?" she asked him.

"Yeah, I'll walk with you," Hugo said, before hugging me and kissing my head. "See you tomorrow Rose. I'll eat breakfast with you and Scorp."

"Good," I said. "I've missed you over there."

"Is it okay if I come to?" Lily asked and I smiled and nodded at her.

"Nick why don't you come to?" I asked him and I saw Lily's face deflate a bit.

"Um, yeah, sure sounds great," he said, his face flushing slightly.

"Come on Lils we better go," Hugo said. "Bye Scorp, Nick."

"See you tomorrow!" Lily said.

"Bye guys," Scorpius said.

"Bye Lily," Nick said, awkwardly scratching his neck. "Bye Hugo."

They walked out of the library and Nick turned toward Scorpius. "I told you I wasn't lying!"

"Lying about what?" I asked him.

Scorpius clamped Nick on the shoulder. "Dude, even I can't help you there."

"Um does someone want to clue me in?" I asked.

Scorpius smiled and put an arm around my shoulders. "You don't even want to know."

A/N: Yay new chapter! Finally! I had about half of it written, but I didn't really like it. So I ended up deleting most of it and starting over. I was having intense writers block and hopefully it is gone for sure!

So what do you think? Was it worth the wait or did it absolutely suck? What was your favorite character? Line? Quote? Couple?

Please review! I'll try to update quicker this time!

For those of you who don't know, this story is on HPFF! It's up to chapter 13, but I'm super close to finishing Madness right now that all my focus is on that!