Author's Notes

I wrote it just to relax. When I posted the latest chapter for Hermione Granger and the Prince of Serpents, I found myself unable to write it anymore. It's like I invested so much into the story that it left me drained. I need a vacation, but I'll be back :)

Summary. In the wake of being chosen as the fourth Champion, Harry finds himself abandoned by his friends. And then he meets a strange girl, that completely changes his life.


by CreatorZorah

Episode I: My name is Magic

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." ― Albert Einstein

Harry was sitting in the library, looking at the opened book before him. He was trying to read it, but the meaning of the sentences was slipping away, because his mind was far away. After three years at Hogwarts he thought that he found friends, but as it turned out, he was still alone. Ron abandoned him because of the jealousy, Hermione because she didn't want to chose between her best friends. Some wicked logic made her believe that by talking to neither of them, she would make it better. Both of them left him alone at the most perilous time.

He was desperate, because only a week was left until the First Task and he still had no idea what he would face. The more he wanted to learn, the less he was able to focus. He got so nervous after he had read a history book about the Triwizard Tournament. Cockatrices, Dragons, Manticores, Lethifolds, Acromantulas... it could be anything. How would he be able to defeat something like these creatures?

If Hermione had been with him, she would think of something, maybe catch on some hints he entirely missed. If Ron had been with him, the git would say something encouraging and then would do something funny to distract him from the dangers of the Tournament. But they weren't with him.

Feeling helpless, he closed his eyes and banged his head on table.

"Did it help?"

He opened his eyes and, rubbing his forehead, looked up to the one who spoke to him. It was a girl dressed in a weird white robe, pale skin and waist-long blond hair. Her bright blue eyes had a twinkle that reminded him of Dumbledore for some reason. The girl was his age, but he had never seen her before. Had she come with delegations of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons?

"No, not really," he muttered.

She smiled at him and said, "But it did."

"What?" he asked in surprise ignoring looks from other students. "Who are you, by the way?"

Instead of answering she leapt right into his lap, burying him in her hair. As he inhaled her sweat scent, Harry felt her arms around him and before he knew, he was looking right into her eyes. Her lips only a few centimetres from his.

"W-wha-at are y-you d-doing?" he asked blushing furiously.

"Kissing you," she whispered.

The next moment the universe exploded around him, or at least, it felt like it exploded, because nothing else existed for him that moment. No worries, no sadness and no loneliness. Neither Hermione and Ron nor the Tournament were on his mind, only the girl that was kissing him, filling his soul with happiness and freedom.

As their lips parted, she asked softly, "Better?"

"Much better," he wanted to say, but his tongue refused to obey and he muttered something unintelligible.

"I'm glad," she said, flicking him playfully on forehead. "Harry, are you still here?"

"Y-yes," he managed to say, his mind still unable to process what had happened. "W-why did you... you do it?"

"It was my gift to you."

He shook his head trying to get a hold of himself. "Who are you?"

"I'm the one who was with you from the beginning," the girl answered looking into his eyes.

"You're talking in riddles," he whispered. "How could you be with me from..."

Suddenly he was interrupted by someone saying, "Hey, Potter, did you get completely barmy?"

No, this wasn't someone, when Harry turned to the speaker, he saw Draco, who was standing before him with his cronies, posing as if he was embracing and kissing someone.

"Care to introduce me to your imagina... oh, excuse me, invisible girlfriend?" the Slytherin exclaimed mockingly bursting into laughter. "What a pathetic moron."

For some reason, Harry wasn't angered by his words. With the girl in his arms, he felt at peace. He found the Malfoy's words, however odd, and even more so the reaction of other people in the library, even Gryffindors. They were laughing.

"Only you can see me, Harry," the girl whispered into his ear.

He turned to look at her and asked, "What? Why?" Then he thought of something that scared him. "Are you part of my imagination?"

"Everything is imagination," she said, a stunning smile on her face. "And imagination is everything."

"I don't... understand," he whispered utterly confused.

"What do you feel?" the girl asked.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Right, he felt at peace, he was happy, he felt free... "I feel magical," he breathed.

"It the feeling real? And does it really matter?"

"No, it doesn't. I've never felt more happy... What is your name?"

"I have many..."


"But you can call me Magic."

Review, please! :)