I have resurrected! Again! I'm sorry I keep doing this… I feel horrible, and just because of it, I'm going to make sure I give each story extra-long chapters and lots of them! Because I'm also sick and have time to write!

I'm so utterly sorry for disappearing, though, after seeming like I was back from the dead. In short, I've been going through depression, and haven't wanted to do much, but that's no excuse, because this is a responsibility and I need to get my butt writing! Please forgive me? Please?

On another note, when summer comes (if it ever does. We've had so many damn snow days we'll be in school until school starts again) I'll get more time to write (hopefully.) As of now, I may not after Monday, because with School and this after school thing I have to go to daily, I'm gone from 6 A.M.. to 8 P.M. so I'm going to probably do short updates after this week until summer unless I get a good weekend of writing in or something. But I'm really sorry, guys!