Bunny jerked awake, his hand on his heart of which was beating faster than it ever had before. He looked around; afraid that he was back in the warren with his dead loved ones lying around him. He could feel the tears whelping behind his eyes and quickly moving to the front, like a rushing stampede running to their freedom from a cowboy's grasp.
Bunny sighs and wipes his eyes. There's no point in crying…they're already gone. He reluctantly gets out of bed and stretches, his fur bristling at the relaxing feel. Bunny looks at his boomerangs sitting on the bedside table; he was in no mood to wear them. He turns around and heads out the door to get something to eat. His ears lay flat as he quietly walks down the corridor.
When Bunny passed some of the other guardians, instead of saying hello or good morning to anyone he said nothing. What struck the other guardians odd was that he didn't have his boomerangs. Tooth flew over to Bunny, "Bunny, are you okay?" Bunny still didn't make a sound and his ears did pop up hearing someone speak to him. His ears still laid flat, his posture was drooping, and instead of breathing normally his inhales were deep and exhales were sighs.
Tooth looks back at the other Guardians with worry. "…What's wrong with him? ..." North sighs and walks up to her, watching as Bunny walked out of sight. "I don't know, Tooth…I have never seen Bunny look so distressed…" Tooth flutters about frantically. "What should we do? Should we try to cheer him up? Try to talk to him? ..." She goes off on a rant. Jack jumps up to her and grabs her hand. "Tooth, calm down! Maybe he's just having an off day….everyone has them one time or another." Tooth stops her ranting and looks at Jack with teary, violet eyes.
Jack had to reassure Tooth before he would go talk to Bunny himself, "It'll be okay Tooth. Trust me." Tooth nodded and slowly flew away. When Tooth was gone Jack turned to North and Sandy, "Alright. We have to figure out what's wrong with Bunny. You guys try to investigate and I'll go try and talk to him. Okay?" Sandy and North both nodded and headed out to investigate and Jack ran towards Bunny.
"Bunny, wait up!" Bunny stops, but doesn't turn around. He really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, but he might as well. Jack walks up to his side and frowns at the Pooka. "Is something wrong, Bunny? ..." Bunny looks down at the winter spirit and sighs. "I'm fine, mate. Jus' a little tired…didn't sleep well." He starts walking off again. Jack's frown deepens as he follows Bunny to the kitchen. "You're lying…" Bunny turns around and glares at Jack. "I'm fine, ya frosty pixie. Now leave me alone."
Jack smirked, "I hope you don't think I'm going to give up that easily." "You better," Bunny started getting mad. All he wanted to be was alone. He didn't feel like talking, he didn't feel like carrying his boomerangs around, and he didn't care about hardly anything. Jack taunted Bunny, "Or what? You'll slap me with your fuzzy paws?" Now, a fire was lit inside of Bunny and felt like he couldn't control his actions. He turned around, faced Jack, and punched him in the face. Jack fell to the ground, he was shocked. Bunny clenched his fists tight and his anger come out, "I told you to leave me alone! Why don't you just stay out of my business?! All you do is pry, pry, pry! You never let anyone breathe without making sure you know everything that's happening in their lives! Why don't you just get off your high horse already?! I'm tired of it!" With those last words, Bunny stormed off.
Jack slowly gets to his feet, blood pouring from his nose. He glares at Bunny's back. "Fine…excuse me for caring!" Jack turns around and heads back into the direction he came from. Bunny scoffs. "Yeah, I'm sure you cared so much." The Pooka stomps back to his room, appetite having been ruined by the persistent winter spirit.
Bunny slams his door shut and before he reached his bed, he fell to the ground and tears began to flow like rivers. He could hold it back no longer. That whole morning he had pushed back the tears from the constant pictures of his son, Arinya and his wife, Kala rolled through his head like a song on repeat. The pictures of them got worse and worse as they passed on. At first they were smiling like everything was okay, then they slowly got worse. Turning from happiness to pure terror. Even phrases that Arinya and Kala never would have even thought to say followed. Phrases like, "Why did you let us die?!" or "What have you done?!" After a while of hearing those words over and over again, it almost drove Bunny mad. Eventually he couldn't hold back the bottled up emotions anymore and he yelled to the top of his lungs.
When the other guardians heard his scream they ran to his door. North pounded his fist on Bunny's door, "Bunny! Bunny! Let us in!" Once Jack had reached the other guardians, North was preparing to knock the door down. Jack got beside North and looked at him, "We can get this door down together." North nodded and simultaneously took a couple steps back and ran full speed into the door. The door came down with a CRASH! When everyone looked around for Bunny they found him, balled up in the darkest corner of his room, rocking back and forth, his hands over his flat ears.
Tooth flies over to Bunny and caresses his face gently. "Bunny…please… tell us what's wrong. We want to help." She lifts his chin so that she could see his tear-filled eyes. Bunny avoids her gaze and sits quietly. He didn't want to talk; he didn't feel like talking. Why couldn't they understand that? Bunny glares at the fairy and moves away.
Tooth slipped from the air to her knees on the ground. She covered her face with her hands and began to sob. Sandy floated over to tooth and put a hand on her shoulder. He tried to comfort her as best he could. When Jack and North saw how Bunny looked at Tooth, they got angry. As both of them headed for the door, North stopped in front of Jack. Jack looked up angrily at North, "What are you doing? We need to teach Bunny a lesson! He shouldn't have been so mean to Tooth!" North put a hand on Jack's shoulder and calmly said, "I know. The thing is, is that you're going about this all wrong. You and I know for a fact that something is bothering Bunny. He may have hurt Tooth but you should know that by know he's hurting both about what he did to Tooth and whatever has been on his mind. I want you to stay here and help Sandy with Tooth. I'm going to talk to him but I'm not going to hurt him or force him to talk." "But North! What's that going to accomplish?! If he won't talk and you won't force him to how will we know how to help him?!" "The simple fact of knowing and or figuring out that people care about them can comfort them. Now go help Sandy."
Bunny paces around the globe room. He was grumbling and pulling at his fur and ears. "Why can't they understand that I don't want to talk?!" Suddenly, he hears footsteps coming down the hall. He growls and waits for the person to come in, ready to scream at whomever it was.
When North walks in, Bunny let's out his anger, "Can I not get ANY privacy?! Why do all of you want to be in my business so badly?! If you small brained idiots can't figure it out, I'll say it so everyone can hear! I WILL NOT TALK! SO LEAVE ME ALONE!" North slightly jerked back when Bunny called the small brained idiots. He let out a sigh and walked over to the nearest window and sat down. He watched the snow fall and lightly said, "I wasn't going to ask you what was wrong. Neither was I going make you," North sighed once again, "I thought you knew me better than that…"
Bunny calms down a little, but keeps his glare in place. "I've been pestered enough today. I don't want to hear it. So would please kindly leave?"
North shakes his head, "You think I would pester my friend? I hope not. I was just going to sit here and watch the snow fall to help relax my head." Bunny felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He didn't mean to jump to conclusions. It was just that so much stress had befallen him that he felt everybody was going to try to make him talk about something he didn't want to.
Bunny sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm sorry...I'm not quite feeling myself this morning..." He sits down a little ways away. "I had a memory that I would have rather not had..." His ears lay flat in sadness.
North put a comforting hand on Bunny's shoulder, "It's going to be okay." North gives Bunny a warm smile.
Bunny sighs and looks away. "It's not going to be okay...Every time this memory comes up I can't get it out of my head...Decorating the eggs for Easter helps for a while, but it's not enough to help me forget.."
It's one of those times where North became one of the wisest people anyone could ever know, "Unfortunately, you can't forget something that has hurt you tremendously. There are ways to keep it off your mind though. In which you feel you have forgotten the terrible memory until you remember it once again rather if it's in your dreams or it just comes into your head."
Bunny sighs and slumps his shoulders in defeat. He looks at North with tearful green eyes. "I can usually handle it because I'm normally at my warren...but being here with all the added stress just made it worse..." He turns his gaze to the floor. "I didn't mean to blow up at all of you...I know Tooth and Jack wanted to help, but I couldn't handle the pestering...and I just thought you were here to do the same."
North smiled, "It's alright. It happens to most people but… I didn't mean for it to be so stressful here." North looked down and bit his lip, "I'm sorry."
Bunny shakes his head. "It's not your fault. You're always busy." He smiles a little. "Your holiday is Christmas after all...You can't make that many toys days before." North chuckles. "Yes, you are right..." He stands up and wraps a brotherly arm around Bunny's shoulders. "You know you can tell us anything. When you are ready of course." Bunny sighs and nods. "I know...thank you."
North ruffles the fur on the top of Bunny's head, "Well, unfortunately I'm gonna have to go back to work for a little bit, but if you need anything or just want to talk come get me. Do not hesitate. I got your back." North starts walking away but turns his head, smiles at bunny, then turns back around and continues walking.
Bunny smiles as North walks out of sight. He heads over to the window and looks out. Snowflakes dance around as they fall from the sky. Bunny will tell them one day...but knowing that they will be there for him is enough to comfort him.