Sorry if you don't like my fanfic! The rightful owner is Hiro Mashima! I am just doing a fanfic! This is the first fanfic I've ever done so leave a review it'd be pretty helpful to get some pointers since I'm new to this thing! Thanks :) Hope ya enjoy!

Chapter 1:

Lucy's P.O.V.
I walked in to the guild, sat down at the bar, "Can I have a vanilla milkshake?" "Sure." Mira nodded and smiled at Lucy. "Here you go Lu-chan." Mira said, "Oh thanks." I started drinking the milkshake. A pink haired mage stood up on a table and shouted "Everyone! I have an announcement, today Lisanna is joining our team!" I spit out my milk shake, WHAT? "Well what about Lucy?" asked a member of Fairy Tail, "Well I'm sure Lucy would be just fine with going on solo missions now, right Luce?" I made an unsure face, "Come on please Luce! Please?!" Natsu pleaded, "Okay fine." I said still making an unsure face.
~2 weeks later~
Ever since Lisanna replaced me I am invisible to Fairy Tail, they don't notice me when I walk in from a life threatening mission and come back covered in bandages. The only people that talk to me is Mira, Wendy and Levy. Mira talks to me when I order things but besides that she doesn't bother to ask me anything, Wendy and Levy actually care about me, they're concerned when I walk in covered in bandages but they're both going on a mission that lasts 3 months so know one really talks to me.
I walked in to the guild and I felt a bit dizzy, it felt like I'm going to faint, I blacked out. The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor. I fainted but no one seemed to care, I stayed in the same position waiting for someone to notice me instead someone stepped on me, Natsu. "Let's go on a mission!" Natsu held out a flyer for a mission, "Sure." Gray said, "I don't mind." Erza nodded, "Yay!" Lisanna jumped. "Why don't we leave to the train station now?!" They all agreed and walked out of the door stepping all over my back leaving dirty foot prints on my shirt.
Maybe I should just leave this guild because I don't like being treated as a door mat. No, I still have Wendy and Levy it's worth staying in this guild for them.
~The next day~
I came to back the guild from a mission that left wounds all over my body and my clothes torn up. Maybe I should just go home and come back tomorrow, and walked out of the guild but I felt dizzy again.

Normal P.O.V.
Lucy walked out of the guild feeling dizzy again but fainted this time she hit her head hard. When she finally awoke there was a pool of blood forming around her. Is anyone going to notice me? Am I going to die? No I am not going to die, I just need to get up and go to a hospital. Lucy stood up in attempt to get to a hospital, she ended up falling back in to her pool of blood, is anyone going to notice this dying girl here? No Lucy they won't notice they haven't noticed you in 3 weeks they won't notice you now. Lucy thought as she started licking her lips. A hand appeared in front of her, she looked up to see Rouge. "Your bleeding a lot, just let me take you to a doctor." She reached out for his hand, to her surprise he picked her up bridal style, "Uhh.." Lucy said while turning red, "Your in no condition to walk, you might end up falling."
~At the hospital~
"Thanks for helping me Rouge." Lucy said, then smiled. "If I may ask why were you lying unconscious in front of your guild?" Rouge questioned, Lucy started to tear up, "I'm sorry to cause you so much trouble but the guild was ignoring me for some reason, I don't know what I did wrong!" Lucy said as she started bursting in to tears. "I thought that Fairy Tail wasn't suppose to hurt their nakama?" Rouge asked, Lucy ignored the question and said "Why did you help me? We're enemies after all. You could have just left me there to die or watch me die. Why?" "Well I couldn't stand seeing a girl like you die." Rouge answered. "Well if you want to quit Fairy Tail your welcome to join Sabertooth." he said, "I can't, I can't leave them they're my family, although they did ignore me, family is family." Lucy said while crying, "But if they were your family they wouldn't have just let you die in front of the guild?" Lucy remained silent, Rouge is right, if they were my family they would have noticed that I fainted. "See, I'll give you time to think but just so you know Sabertooth has changed they aren't as mean as before." Rouge walked off saying "If you change your mind I'll be waiting at the fountain, Monday at 5:00."

Lucy healed up in 1 week and she went out and went to Fairy Tail, it was Sunday she had a day to decide. She walked in to the guild and sat down at the bar and waited for someone to greet her. The whole entire day she sat there waiting for someone to talk to her, no one talked to her the entire day. She has made her decision, "Master." She said while entering his office, "I want to leave Fairy Tail." She said without hesitation, "Why my child?" Macrov questioned, "I feel like, like I don't belong here anymore, like know one cares about me." Lucy said while tearing up. "My child I don't want you to suffer, I want you to be happy so what ever decision you make I hope you're happy." Macrov said wisely. "I've already made my choice, I'm leaving and joining Sabertooth." Lucy said, "My child I don't want you to leave and join Sabertooth but if you think that's what'll make you feel better, I hope your happy there." Macrov replied, "But I before you go it pains me to do this but I must remove your guild mark." He put his hand over her guild mark and removed the guild mark, it was dissolving in to the air.
After the master removed her guild mark she left to her apartment. Lucy packed all of her belongings, and started writing a letter to Fairy Tail.

Dear Fairy Tail,

Once you've read this letter I'm probably gone by now, I've left the guild. I left because family is family, you guys were know family to me these past weeks. I came in the guild covered in bandages but know one came to help. Oh and another time I fainted in front of the guild but you guys were too busy to notice and I ended up being used as a door mat. OH and another time I fainted outside of the guild, this time I hit my head hard and made a big pool of blood. Did you guys decide to help me? NOPE! You guys left me there to die! But thanks to a friend from a different guild I'm not dead.
Everyone I will miss you, if Erza, Gray, Natsu and Lisanna are reading this give the letters on my bed to Wendy and Levy and only Wendy and Levy read their letters.

The invisible girl, Lucy
As she finished up the letter she started tearing up. No, I must show Fairy Tail that I'm strong. I must not show any weaknesses to them, they don't deserve my tears. Lucy thought as she started wiping up her tears. She fell asleep in her empty room, on her empty mattress.

~The next day~
Lucy woke up and decided to take one last bath in this apartment, she took the bath for a long time, savoring every moment, since she knew she wasn't ever going to come back. She got out of the bath and decided to go shopping, she shopped for lots of new clothes, shoes, hair ribbons, and under garments. Before she knew it, it was already 4:50, shoot, it takes 20 minutes to get to the fountain from here. Lucy grabbed all of her bags and started running towards the fountain. I guess I'll make it there in 5 minutes, she smirked. As she ran and ran to the fountain Lucy felt free. Before she knew it, she was already at the fountain, she saw Rouge sitting there quietly. She approached him silently, "Hey I made it just in time." Lucy said as she smiled, "Yeah just one more minute and I would've left." Rouge said then smirked. "Okay then let's get going."

Sorry if you thought that it was too cheesy or something, if you have something to suggest then please do so. After all it is my first fan fiction it'd be helpful if you gave me pointers. It took me 3 hours to finish this, I had to blast up Fairy Tail music to inspire me, it did work though! :D