Chapter Eleven: The Curtain Falls, The Play Ends
We sailed back to England two days later. I slept most of the voyage because I wasn't feeling well and I thought I had an idea why I felt sick. I didn't want to tell Sebastian yet though, it was too soon. When we arrived back in England on a sunny afternoon thankfully I was feeling much better. Elizabeth met us at the docks and glanced at me with a questioning look on her face. She took me aside as Sebastian put our bags in the waiting carriage.
"You're pregnant aren't you?" she asked in an excited whisper. I chuckled. Leave it to my lady to be the first one to figure out my secret.
"Yes my lady, I am pregnant. I only just sensed that I am so I haven't told Sebastian yet" I said quietly. Elizabeth hugged me very gently.
"Oh Rose I am so happy for you" she said. I hugged her back and then took a good look at her face. I gasped in surprise.
"Oh my lady you didn't" I said in a harsh whisper. Her face turned a bright red.
"Oh dear girl" I said as I shook my head. I couldn't believe it, her innocence was gone. She and Ciel had slept together while Sebastian and I were gone. The girl I had served was now a woman.
"Just don't tell anyone, it would cause the worst kind of scandal" I said. She still had to appear as if she had not been touched. Not that it would matter in the end.
"I don't plan on anybody else knowing. Consider it a closely guarded secret, like I consider your condition my secret to keep" she said as I heard Sebastian coming to help us into the carriage.
"Yes my lady" I said. Sebastian gently hugged me and then helped my lady into the carriage. Then he helped me inside and sat down next to me. We rode back to the Phantomhive estate in silence. Strange how much Sebastian and I had changed the relationship between Elizabeth and Ciel. Because of us, they had crossed a line that could never be uncrossed. Their fates were even closer to being sealed now. We arrived back at the estate and Sebastian and I went to our cottage. We settled into our home and got back to work. Knowing what I knew about Elizabeth and Ciel, I went to see the undertaker a couple of days after our return. I entered his shop and saw him sitting on a tombstone that wasn't carved with a name yet.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of your company dear flower?" the undertaker asked.
"No pleasure dear undertaker, the end of my contract and Sebastian's draws near" I said.
"I had a feeling that may be the case. No need for jokes or laughter today" the undertaker said.
"Oh really that's a shame. I had something good for you too" I said. The undertaker smiled at me.
"Then please dear flower, make me laugh" he said.
"Pink frilly dress" I said with a cool voice. The undertaker burst out laughing.
"Dear girl when did that happen?" the undertaker asked as he chuckled.
"The pink dress was something Lady Elizabeth made me wear once" I said.
"I cannot picture you in pink" the undertaker said.
"To be completely honest, I hated it" I said. The undertaker laughed again.
"What are you going to do once your contract is over?" the undertaker asked.
"I am thinking that Sebastian and I will leave England. There is so much at stake now" I said as I placed a hand on my abdomen.
"Oh dear Rose, you're pregnant?" the undertaker asked quietly.
"Yes my friend I am. I haven't told Sebastian yet. I just found out a couple days ago. I can already sense though that it will be twins. A boy and a girl" I said quietly. The undertaker took one of my hands and kissed it.
"Good luck dear girl. I will have Ciel's and Elizabeth's coffins ready when the time comes" he said.
"Thank you" I said as he escorted me to the waiting carriage. He helped me in and gave my hand a gentle squeeze before the carriage took me back to the estate. A few days later the end came. Elizabeth, Ciel, Sebastian and I were out at a burned down church when Ciel spoke the words that sealed my lady's fate.
"So much has changed lately my dear Elizabeth. I couldn't be happier" Ciel said. I gasped in regret.
"It's alright Rose, I'm ready" Elizabeth said with a sad smile. I gave her my last curtsy.
"Yes my lady" I said for the final time. I snapped my fingers and my braid fell from its bun and unwound, flowing free. I went over to Elizabeth and cut her chocker off with a sharp fingernail. Ciel gasped as he saw her midnight blue contract mark, I shed my fingerless gloves showing my mark which bound me to her. Ciel ran to her, pushing me aside.
"My dear Elizabeth, why did you do this? I had just assumed that one of your parents summoned Rose" Ciel asked as he held her hand.
"I did it for you my love. I wanted to see you happy again. Now that I have gotten my wish, it's time to make my payment" she said.
"No, I can't lose you too! Sebastian!" Ciel shouted.
"I cannot stop it my lord. It is against demon law and a breach of the contract we made" Sebastian said. Ciel cried out, completely heartbroken.
"Then if this cannot be stopped, our contract is finished Sebastian" Ciel said.
"As you wish my lord" Sebastian said. He walked over to Ciel and with a flick of his finger; he cut the cord that held Ciel's eye patch. The eye patch fell to the stone floor, showing the eye that held Ciel's contract mark. Sebastian took off his gloves, letting the mark that bound him to Ciel been seen as Ciel and Elizabeth embraced.
"Did you know about Sebastian?" Ciel asked her as they held each other.
"Yes my love. I figured it out a while ago. Don't blame Rose though, she didn't say anything" Elizabeth said. Ciel frowned.
"So I end up happy and we both lose our souls and die? It doesn't seem fair" Ciel said as tears streamed down his face.
"When is life fair my dear?" Elizabeth asked before she kissed him tenderly.
"At least we can die together" Ciel said as he looked at Sebastian and then at me. We looked at each other and then went to our former charges. They embrace and then we ate their souls. They died smiling, holding each other in a tender embrace. I wiped a tear away from my face.
"Good-bye Elizabeth" I said as I gently took her out of Ciel's arms and laid her lifeless body down. Then I laid Ciel down next to her.
"We have a lot to do" I said quietly.
"Yes but we will get it done" Sebastian said.
"I don't want to stay here after the funeral" I said.
"Why?" Sebastian asked.
"It won't be safe" I said.
"What is the matter my love?" Sebastian asked in concern as he came over to me. I guess now was as good a time as any to tell him my news.
"I'm pregnant" I whispered into the wind. Sebastian's face lit up and his eyes gave off a beautiful glow. He gave me a gentle hug and laid a hand on my abdomen.
"How did I miss this?" he asked lovingly as we gazed at my still flat abdomen. That was when I noticed that his contract mark was gone. I glanced at my hand and noticed that mine had vanished as well.
"My love I wanted it to be a surprise. Plus I am not that far along yet" I said with a little smile.
"I never thought that we would be parents. It makes me so happy. Is it a boy or a girl?" Sebastian asked. I blushed.
"Both" I said. Sebastian stared at me, completely stunned.
"Twins?" he asked. His face still looked totally surprised.
"Yes dear, twins. That is why we can't stay here. Demon children are so rare, so two at once will have the demon world out for our blood and our children" I said.
"What do you think we should do?" Sebastian asked in concern.
"I have an idea, but we need help. We need to see the undertaker" I said. Sebastian nodded.
"Do you think he can help us?" Sebastian asked.
"Considering what he really is, yes I believe the undertaker can help us" I said.
"Then call for him dear" Sebastian said. We gathered ourselves and I called out loudly.
"Undertaker, we need your help" I cried out. The undertaker appeared and looked around. That is when he noticed the bodies.
"That time already?" the undertaker asked sadly.
"Yes it is. Could you help us please?" I asked.
"Of course dear flower" the undertaker said to me. He disappeared with the bodies and Sebastian and I returned home. The news of Elizabeth's and Ciel's deaths spread like wild fire. Everybody was talking when the funeral happened one week later. So many people turned out, even the Queen of England was there. Sebastian and I watched as the undertaker closed the coffins and then took them out to the graveyard. Ciel and Elizabeth were buried right next to each other, as a reminder of their love. The next day Sebastian and I were at the undertaker's shop again.
"Ah my favorite demonic couple is here. What can I do for you?" the undertaker asked.
"We need a favor" I said.
"Is that so? I shall listen to what you need after you make me laugh" the undertaker said.
"Voyeur cat" I said with a wicked glint in my eyes. The undertaker howled with laughter and I mentally chuckled at my silly shinigami friend.
"What do you need dear flower?" the undertaker asked me.
"We need our names stricken from the demonic books so we can never be summoned again. Also we need a spell to cloak us from demonic discovery. The lives of our children depend upon it" I said calmly.
"Give me a couple of days to get you what you need. In the meantime you can stay next door. I have heard that some of Ciel's and Elizabeth's family members are hunting you for answers about their deaths. You don't need that kind of trouble right now" the undertaker said.
"Thank you" I said, touched by his concern.
"Any time dear flower. I shall retrieve your things for you and I will return that pin for you Sebastian" the undertaker said as he pointed a finger at the Phantomhive head butler pin that my husband still wore on his suit jacket. Sebastian took it off and gave it to the undertaker.
"Thank you for what you are doing for us" Sebastian said as the undertaker led us into the house next door.
"I do not do this for you Sebastian. I do this for the flower. Even though she is a demon she reminds me so much of my late wife. This was our house when she was still alive" the undertaker said. I blinked in surprise.
"I am so sorry that you lost the woman you loved" I said as I took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"So am I" the undertaker said as he showed us to a room. Then he left us. The undertaker closed the door on the happy couple. He had work to do. First he needed to go get Rose's and Sebastian's things and return the pin. Then he needed to find a witch that could make a powerful protection spell. He pondered the problem as he drove a carriage to the Phantomhive estate. The estate was empty, all the servants dismissed except for Tanaka. The undertaker gave Tanaka back the pin and then went to get Sebastian and Rose's belongings. He put them in the carriage and then set out on the path back to his shop. Half way back, he stopped because there was a woman sitting in the middle of the road. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes that glowed in the light.
"A goddess told me that you needed my help" the woman said. The undertaker raised his eyebrow underneath the hair that covered his eyes. As a shinigami (otherwise known as a god of death) he didn't trust goddesses very much. They were always meddling in affairs that shouldn't concern them.
"What help could I need?" the undertaker asked. The woman laughed softly.
"You are hiding a much sought after demonic couple. They need to vanish. I can help" the woman said. The undertaker smiled slightly.
"Then make it so" the undertaker said. The woman chanted something in another language. Light flashed in the sky and then she smiled.
"It is done. The demon's names have been burned from history and no demon shall ever be able to find them once they leave England" the woman said.
"Where should they go?" the undertaker asked.
"They should go to Ireland. We have a safe place waiting for them there" the woman said.
"Who are you?" the undertaker asked the woman.
"Right now I am a messenger of fate. But the rest of the time I am Venus, the roman goddess of love" she said with a laugh and then she vanished. The undertaker swore quietly as he scratched his head. Just how many goddesses where in interfering with Rose and Sebastian? He wasn't sure if he could trust them, but he would have to for Rose's sake. He shook his head and then returned to his shop. He delivered Rose's and Sebastian's things and then told them the "good" news.
"The two of you have guardians somewhere. A woman I met on the way home cast a spell that burned your names from history and that blocked you from being found by other demons once you leave England. There is a place waiting for you in Ireland" the undertaker said. He didn't feel like telling the happy couple that their guardians happened to be goddesses. I smiled at the undertaker as he stated the news. I was so grateful for his help.
"Thank you so much. I don't even know how we can repay you or whoever is watching over us" I said as I gave the undertaker a hug.
"I am happy to help out my dear flower. You leave for Ireland tomorrow. Please get some rest" the undertaker said and then he left the room. When he got back to his shop he found a note pinned to one of the coffins. He unpinned it and sat down to read.
"Dear undertaker, thank you for helping the couple we are watching over. In time you shall find what you seek most. Keep your heart open. Good luck and may fortune be yours. Sincerely; Fortuna, Roman goddess of Fortune and luck." The undertaker took a moment to stare at the letter. This made three Roman goddesses that were protecting a pair of love struck demons! He could understand them protecting Rose, even though she was a demon she was different. But why were they protecting Sebastian? Was it because of the unborn twins? He just didn't know. The next day the undertaker took us to the port. Sebastian and I boarded the ship to Ireland after I hugged the undertaker good-bye and we never looked back. We landed in Ireland and were greeted by the person we least expected, the goddess Laverna.
"Congratulations are due to the both of you. The road that led you here was not easy. We have high hopes for both of you" she said. Sebastian and I glanced at each other and then at the goddess in surprise.
"It was you!" I gasped in surprise, realizing the truth.
"Myself, the goddess Fortuna, and the goddess Venus my dear" she said. Sebastian looked at me in confusion. It was time to tell him what I had just figured out.
"The goddesses manipulated our meeting. They wanted us to be together. Our love and our children are meant to be an example to change demon kind. What the goddesses didn't expect was that every demon would want to kill us for what we have done" I said angrily.
"We are sorry about that. We granted your wish for privacy and brought you here so you can live in peace as an apology for our miscalculation" the goddess said.
"While I am grateful to you for your apology, I never want to see another goddess as long as I live" I said hotly.
"As you wish" the goddess said and she disappeared. Sebastian took my hand and gently pulled me into his arms.
"While the goddesses may have manipulated our meeting, they can't manipulate our feelings Rose. We are immune to the love spells others cast. My love for you is real and it always will be" Sebastian said as held me. I looked up at him and gave him a gentle kiss.
"That is true. I am so glad I have you. You are my true love Sebastian and my love for you will never change" I said. We finally looked around us and realized we had been moved. We were in a beautiful field full of wild flowers. Behind us was a lovely house, the perfect place to raise our children. We entered the house and started our new lives. Nine months later I gave birth to our twins. I named our son Rayaziel and our daughter Suspiria. Both twins had raven hair but Rayaziel had my ice blue eyes while Suspiria had Sebastian's red eyes. Sebastian was completely devoted to and enchanted by his children. I couldn't have asked for a better demon to be the father of my children. Several years after they were born we showed them how to protect themselves. We didn't want either of them to be hurt the way I was. Seasons came and went, years passed. Our children aged to the point where all demons stopped aging and they went out on their own. They knew not to leave the country and they could protect themselves from any other danger now. Sebastian and I were alone together once again.
"What do we do now?" I asked as Sebastian held me one night as we watched the sun set.
"We live my dear. And we love" he said as he brushed a piece of hair away from my face. I smiled at him.
"We will always be together and we will always have this love" I said as I kissed him. And we did. We never bothered to change the names we had been given while we were contracted because we had met, gotten to know each other, and loved each other under them. They meant something to us, something that could never be taken. I was Sebastian's Rose and I always would be until the end of time.
The End