A/N: OKAY GUYS IT'S MY FIRST EVER WILD KRATT FANFIC! Gahhh, I'm sooooo excited! Okay, it's just the story of how they all met. But anyways...HERE WE GO!
Disclaimer: I do not own Wild Kratts...IF I COULD I WOULD BUT I CAN'T SO I SHAN'T.
Third Person (AKA, like a Narrator/Pay Attention in Language Class) POV
Aviva Corcovado clutches the light purple backpack hanging under shoulders tightly. It's her first day of kindergarten. She walks to her bus stop. Her mother kindly walks with her.
"Mama, why do I have to go to school?" her high voice asks as they walk.
"Because, mi hija, you'll grow to be very smart one day, and you'll get a nice husband and wonderful children-"Aviva's mother starts but little Aviva cuts her off.
"Ew! Mama!"
"Well, maybe for now you'll think about that being...weird, but one day, mi hija, you'll really want that!" her mother laughs softly.
"Look, there's Koki!" she changes the subject.
Koki had been Aviva's best friend since they could talk. Aviva's two black pigtails bounce up and down as Koki's poofy little pigtails bounce as well as they embrace.
"Okay, Aviva, be sure you make some friends and don't talk to strangers!" Aviva's mother calls before turning to go home.
"But how can I make friends if I can't talk to strangers?" Aviva says to Koki and they both laugh.
Aviva wore some jeans with little swirl designs with a yellow jacket and sneakers. The shirt underneath was a bright and vibrant purple. Koki had an orange tank over a red-and-maroon three-fourths shirt and some white leggings along with sandals. Aviva notices the two brothers, the one with the green shirt and brown shorts and the taller, older one with sandy blonde hair, blue shirt and khaki shorts, the ones that her dad always talked about. She managed to overhear their conversation.
"Okay, Chris, remember. Just don't talk too much, a'right? Oh, and make sure you don't get distracted by girls! A-aaaaaand, don't get into fights, like at all. Just can run, right, little bro?" The blonde one looks down and ruffles the smaller one's head, the one named Chris.
"Okay, okay! I get it!" Chris exclaims, running his fingers up his bangs, making it spring up.
"Whoa, you know Mom will get you, ya know!" Blonde One exclaims.
"So? You mess it up all the time!" Chris shouts.
"More like, mess it down!" His brother laughs.
A huge yellow bus comes around. Some parents hug their kids good-bye, but Chris, his brother, Aviva and Koki step right on. The spots were limited. This was the last stop before going to the school. Chris's brother runs to the back, with all of his older friends. Koki finds a spot already, with some girl that looks like her, but older. Koki's older sister, Cocoa. There's only a few spots left, but Aviva hurries and sits down before anything can happen. She turns to see who she's sitting with. Some older kid who's probably mad at me for sitting with them, Aviva thinks when she turns. But it's not. It's Chris!
"Erm, hi there," Chris says.
"Hi," Aviva tries to smile.
"I'm Chris, Chris Kratt," he turns to look at Aviva.
Aviva tried to think of anything but,"Yeah, I know who you are!" because that would sound weird. Not a good first image.
"I'm Aviva, Aviva Corcovado," she just replies.
That sounds good enough! she thought to herself.
"I know who you are!" Chris starts.
Well, good thing I didn't say it then! Aviva makes a silent note.
"Oh sorry, I meant...my parents know your parents," Chris realizes.
There was an awkward silence. Chris finally had an idea to talk the pretty girl, even though he had been told not to be distracted.
"What's your favorite color? Yellow?" Chris guessed, by her light yellow jacket.
"No, light purple. I'm guessing yours is green," Aviva smiles.
"How did you know?" Chris gawks at her.
She points to his shirt.
"Oh, yeah..."Chris blushes.
Way to go Chris! Martin would be so proud of you! Chris thought to himself. He and Aviva chatted all the way. And when they finally reached the school, Martin caught up to Chris and Koki caught up to Aviva.
"So, who's the lucky boy?" Koki asks, the same time Martin asks Chris,"So, who's that lucky girl?"
Strangely enough, Aviva and Chris both answer,"Nobody! Just some guy/girl!"
Koki and Martin were totally dubious about that. As the day dragged on, Chris had a growing crush on Aviva. But Aviva thought that Chris was a real nice guy, maybe even a small crush. Whatever it was, throughout the year of kindergarten, Chris and Aviva grew fond of each other, and Koki too. But Martin knows something's up when it's recess. Whenever he goes outside for PE, he see the kindergartners play. At first, Martin thought Chris made a couple of new friends. But throughout the year, Martin realized, the girl with the black pigtails (Aviva) was the girl Chris had a crush on. When Martin realized this, he chuckled softly.
His little bro was growing up already.