My Fanfiction-less Buddy wrote this. Both my friend and I hope you like Lab Cats!
Chapter One-Bree
"Let's go!" Davenport steps into the lab carrying a smoothie. Leo trailed behind, holding his own smoothie.
Adam got out of his capsule. "Aww, no smoothie for me? Seriously, no fair! You get all the cool stuff!"
Leo looks around, confused. "You're bionic!"
"Oh right."
Chase swiveled around in the computer chair to face Davenport. "So, what's the catch today? Combining Adam's lasers with my force field to create a nucleic tranquilizer that can shut down anything? Having Bree run on a hamster wheel to power x- ray vision goggles? A..."
"How about a sarcasm creator? Oh wait, that's you." Davenport jokes.
"Now that's pretty funny, Mr. Davenport." Says Adam.
"Bree, how are you?" Mr. Davenport turns to face me. "Usually you but in or complain about how you are trying to talk to Kaitlyn about her boyfriend right now. Then Adam tries to take your phone away and theres a whole bionic fight with someone ending up over there." Davenport gestures.
"I'm fine," I reply. "I may be bionic, but I don't do flying. It's how I do things. And I will not jet you over to the bakery to get you a cookie with that smoothie. I don't have Adam's super strength."
"Oh, ho! In your face, Mr. Davenport!" Adam decrees.
"I'll need a cookie after my smoothie. Now, we need to get serious."
"Let me guess, a mission?" Leo interrupts. "You might need some Back-Up!"
"Leo, go get me a cookie. Now, seriously. A scientist, shortly before I gave Adam bionics, tested bionics out in a cat. The bionics did not immediately kick in, so the scientist exiled the cat. Now, the cat is evil and against humans. This, er, kitty wants to overthrow humans with an army of cats. There is a group of cats in a forest in a neighboring state where the bionic feline is headed. You must get there and unite the cats before autumn starts or the cat will get there and take each group of cats under his control. He has done it before, until they thought he was evil. He has possessed hypnotism and knows all weaknesses and will stop at nothing until he is on top.