Okay, okay, some of you were right, I am off on some of the pregnancy details and whatnot. I'm taking a course in school that literally is called Child Development, and believe me, I am going to be spot of with all of this stuff from now on, don't hold me to it though. So forget all the months and numbers of last chapter, this is how it should be in the reality world I try to escape.

Disclaimer: Nope, nothing here

This one is dedicated to Sarah

Fangirl friend turned best friend. I don't even know how we started, but I do know I never want us to end. I don't know what I would do without you

Previously on the story I suck at updating: (Found out pregnant with twins, boy and girl)…She had her little man, her baby boy, waking her up every morning with sloppy kisses to her cheek and baby bump, followed by giggles and whispers of "mamma". Yeah she was uncomfortable at times, but she could not ask for more in her life than what it has given her. After all, she did prefer Kate and momma over Detective Beckett any day.

Big. That was all Kate could describe herself as. She felt huge, and the worst part was she was only four months into her pregnancy with twins. Now Castle, he could think of many words to describe Kate. Some pertained to how extraordinary she was, and some that he would mumble under his breath whenever she would snap at him. Rick wasn't one to lie, she was being a handful, but with all she was having to go through plus them raising their son, she had a lot of stress these days.

Rick was rolling around on the floor with Issic when Kate arrived from the 12th, slamming the door rough on her way in, "That's it, I'm done. I just got out with Gates, I asked for early leave. I can't sit through one more damn," Rick covered Issic's ears at the harsh word, earning a scowl from his wife, "case at my desk with my back hurting and head pounding."

Rick stood up, flying their son through the air as he stood, "Look on the bright side, you get to spend every day with these handsome faces!" He said, bringing Issic's face next to his own, both with matching grins.

Kate leaned in and kissed both of their cheeks with a happy smile, "Yes, I suppose I could learn to love spending every day with my little man and my big man. Now, what's for dinner?"

"I figured we could go out, I don't really feel like making anything since we have to get up and go to your appointment tomorrow. Does Remy's sound okay to you?"

Kate nodded, taking Issic out of his dad's arms as he burrowed into her neck, twisting her hair in his chubby hands. While Castle went to get changed, Beckett headed to Issic's room to get him changed out of his play clothes, "You are so much like your daddy, little man," She murmured to him as his bright eyes twinkled back at her, "All for play, but when it's time to actually do something you are a challenge." She said as he squirmed when she tried to pull his arms from his soft, grey NYPD t-shirt. Finally, she gave in and just put clean navy blue pants over his now clean diaper. Moving away to grab his navy blue toboggan, Issic happily laughed to himself, staring at the ceiling in innocent wonder. "Here we go baby," Kate adjusted the hat to cover his brown hair and ears, "Ready to go eat?" Issic made a valid try to say food, but ended up in a jumble of syllables. "Good try, maybe next time." Once at the bottom of the stairs, Kate sat him down and let him walk to Rick. He was getting better but shoes made him more off-balance than just barefoot, making him fall more and defiantly complain more.

Once at Remy's with seats taken and food ordered, Castle and Beckett talked about their respective days, Kate grumbling about the boring paperwork on the exciting case that the boys got to work and Rick telling her about Issic's first ever bite of a smorelette, "He loved it Kate, I swear! You should have seen his eyes light up when he tasted the chocolate."

Kate smiled, finally glad that this would be the last story she had to hear of her son having adventures with her at work, at least until the twins were born. She listened on, stories of their park trip and blanket fort until Issic started to get restless, giving the duo a sign that it was time to get back home.

o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- o

"He's down, finally." Kate said, sinking into the couch next to her husband.

Castle pulled her close, one arm around her shoulders, pressing her head to his chest, "He just missed you today, wouldn't stop saying Momma. I'm sure he will love having you here for the next few months, even if he has to share you with me." She playfully swatted his chest, "I'm serious though Kate," he pulled away from her to look at her sincerely as he continued, "I'm glad you and our babies will be here, safe, instead of at the precinct." Even though he knew she was practically cuffed to her desk, Rick couldn't help but worry every time the phone rang, wondering if it would be a doctor telling him his wife wasn't coming home.

Kate rose, pulling him towards their bedroom, "Come on, Rick, let me show you how glad I am to be home."

Words cannot express how sorry I am for not updating, I don't have anything to say, just the usual excuse of soccer and school. My extreme apologies for this chapter, I feel it isn't what you all deserve for putting up with my crap, but thank you anyways for reading and reviewing, if you feel gracious enough to do. –Lexi K