A/N Sorry, I've been really busy these few days :D ^_^ going put and stuff! Well here you go ! :D

Chapter 12

It's too hard to choose.

P.S I am going to put like emojis to show their feelings… soo (e.g :D :( :'( ) and all those… so .. its not gonna be the real one.. its going to be like typing it out.. so if ur not sure wht the actualy face is… if u have skype, facebook or those u can check :D


"Oh… then.. why did you come back with johnny….? You guys being a couple and all..?"

"Well it's cause throughout the month.. we became really close…"

"So your saying that you let him talk to you… but not me.. ? Wow.. just wow.. . and I thought we were friends…"

After saying that he left me…


"ICHIGO! ICHIGO! WAKE UP! It's your first time back to class after you left a month ago, you can't miss it! ICHIGO!" :^)


I rubbed my eyes and yawn.


I looked at the clock…!

OH MY GOSH! I have to huurryy..!:O

I quickly brushed my teeth, changed, ran down the stairs into the dining.

Whew, I made it just in time for breakfast.

I went to sit next to Hanabusa and Andou.


"Hi Amano san"

"Hi Ichigo chan"

"I finally made it for breakfast! And im not late for the first day! I have a good feeling about today!"

"You wouldn't have woke up without me!"

Everyone laughed around the table, but suddenly it all became quiet they all started looking at the entrance, I turned around and saw Kashino looking at us, but the minute I met his eyes, he turned around ignoring me…. I made up my mind last night… I am going to pretend that NOTHING… NOTHING I say has ever happened between us to… just going to pretend that we're still friends… that I never left because of him… I smiled. :D

"HEY! Kashino here! Theres a sit here, come!"

"YEAH! Kashino come here."

He came stalking to our desk.

"Hi, what? Why do you want me to come here?"

"Oh! Cause we haven't seen each other or talked to each other in like, AGES!"

Kashino POV

"Oh! Cause we haven't seen each other or talked to each other in like, AGES!"

…." So your saying that we didn't talk yesterday?"

…"What yesterday ? No… we didn't talk.. the last time I talked to you was like! OH MY GOSH! So long ago!.. I don't even remember…"

"Amano… Why don't you sound like your usual self…? Are you sick?"

"NO! course I'm not sick, it must be cau-"

"ICHIIGGOO! Hon, I missed you so much!" :D

Hahahaha " Yea me to !"


Why does it seem like Ichigo is purposely forgetting everything that happened between us? Is it all that sad? Do I bring that much sadness to her? Is Johnny really better for her? Should I also pretend that nothing has ever happened between us? Should I go along with it? Im confused… I need someone to talk to with,.. I really do….

After School

…"Andou… Hanabusa… I know right now you're going to think I'm crazy lunatic… but I really need your help.. so please?"

"What with Kashino? GIRLS problem?"

"w-what? No!... fine.. yes… It just that I really like Ichi I mean Amano, and you guys might be thinking.. does he have a fever or something? Is something wrong with him? He dosen't sound like he usually does, he has actual EMOTIONS in his voice… but YES! I really do Love her, before she left, I told her I liked her, and that she could think about it, cause at that time she asked if she could think about it… but the next day I saw her an Johnny together, and he was carrying her bridal style so I thought, oh she choose him huh? And didn't tell me? so I decided to pretend I liked Miya in front of her, and I asked Miya out, I thought she'll realize her feelings for me by doing that, but when she saw us together she just ran off crying! I mean, why would she do that? She was with Johnny wasn't she? So WHY?! And then the next day she just disappeared ! I went to her house after knowing that she went back home, but she didn't even want to meet me, her sister Natsume? She didn't even let me in! but for some weird reason, she came back with Johnny… So they must've met during the time she was away! And then this morning she.. she was just weird! But the point is! I loved her! I really do! I still do love her! I want to go out with her, I don't want to see her with Johnny! I just want her! But... she's with Johnny now, so I'm asking for your help guys! Please?! I just want to be able to see her smile because of me! not cause of someone else… I know I may seem selfish.. but that's what I want… what I truly want! So guys please?"

They looked at me with their jaw dropped almost hitting the ground, but then they start looking behind my shoulder, and had a panic look across their face. I turned around slowly, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was but it was… Ichigo standing there crying.


"..W-why ..D-did y-ou….. *sniff sniff* … why did you pretend that you liked Miya? Of course I'll leave you, the day before you CONFESSED to me, and then the next? You skip school and end up with Miya, together, you didn't even FRIKIN GREET ME! you think I'll be happy? Huh? Happy seeing you together? Of course I didn't and YES I found out my feelings for you! I found out, but did you think I'll tell you? and embarrass myself? After seeing you two together? NO! no ! course it didn't it hurt me like… god so hard to explain ! So I left, of course I did, it hurt me that much to even see you again, I had to, and then OF COURSE I came back with Johnny, cause I used him to get over you! you know how hard that was? So I was prepared when I came back! I thought I would be ready! But all my feelings for you just came back when I saw you, the minute I layed my eyes on you, it just rushed back! I tried to stop it but it didn't work!"

She was breathing hard by the time she finished…

"I-I didn't know…. Sorry…" :(

"….. but it's a yes…. I'M SORRY JOHNNY! But yes! If you ask? It will be a yes… if you ever ask…"


"Oh! Wait.. Amano Ichigo will you do the pleasure of going out with me, Kashino Makato?"

"HAHA you don't have to be so formal :D"

"I-Im sorry I just can't do anything right…." :'(

"I like it :D the formality ! YES KASHINO! I WILL!"

After that she leaped into my arms…


"they sound like a newly married couple, its like he just proposed to her or something…. And he didn't even need our help in the end…"

"yep, I agree, for both of that! We better leave them!"

So the black and green head scurried away.


That was the last chapter if you didn't know… it was pretty long and I thought… mmmm peoples getting bored of it, so I am going to write all the parts I planned on writing into the last chapter! So here you go!

Any Questions? Just ask them, and if I see any, ill just reply you on private! :D ! … Thanks for reading my story :D ! BYEEE!