- Chapter 3 -

Thank you again to everyone who has been so encouraging to me. This chapter was incredibly difficult to write and I have decided that this will be an end to this story. I believe I have taken it as far as it will go. That's right, this one is complete. :)

Merlin rolled his eyes skyward, and chuckled softly at his friend's antics. The accusation, while untrue and a bit mean-spirited, had served its purpose; everyone in the room seemed to breathe a little easier at this slight step back toward normalcy.

Well, everyone except a rather annoyed-looking Queen.

As the knights had a brief chuckle at Merlin's expense, Gwaine sobered as he truly had time to process what his loyal friend had been through.

Setting aside his amusement, he turned to the Queen. "I still don't understand, though. Why would Morgana want to kill Merlin, of all people?"

Gwen looked thoughtful. "Arthur, when did Merlin tell you that he suspected I was in league with Morgana?"

"The day before we left for the lake," Arthur replied, not seeing what that had to do with anything.

Gwen once more turned her attention to the man in question. "And Merlin, when did you first suspect I was working against Arthur?"

"After Arthur was poisoned and you threw me in the dungeons, my lady," Merlin admitted.

Arthur turned shocked eyes toward Merlin, "That long ago? Why didn't you tell me?"

Merlin cocked an eyebrow and sarcastically stated, "Yes, because that always works."

As Arthur merely continued to stare uncomprehendingly at his manservant, Merlin sighed and elaborated, "Remember Agravaine?"

A light dawned in Arthur's head, "You tried to warn me about him long before he revealed that he was working for Morgana."

Gwen added, "Agravaine complained to Morgana more than once that their plans were ruined because Merlin watched him too vigilantly."

Gwen watched as her husband digested this piece of information while Merlin looked on with a sense of satisfaction as Arthur realized that Merlin had been right all along.

When Gwen was sure that Arthur had processed this last revelation fully, she continued, "And I don't even know the full story behind all the times he thwarted Morgana's plans while she was still here in Camelot."

Arthur spun around, "What do you mean?" He turned back to Merlin, "You knew about Morgana, too? Why didn't you...never mind, I think we've covered this already."

Merlin took a little pity on Arthur when he saw his discouraged face. "I actually wanted to tell you about her, but, for once, I took your advice and exercised a little self-preservation."

"What do you mean, mate?" queried Gwaine, when Merlin's thoughtful silence became too long for the curious knight to bear.

Merlin snapped out of his memories and gave a rueful smile. "Well, let's just say that Morgana made it quite clear that I would not have much time to say goodbye to my head if I were to reveal her secret to anyone."

"She threatened you?" Arthur and the knights chorused in almost perfectly synchronized disbelief.

"Explicitly," Merlin stated, then thoughtfully added, "She can be quite menacing when she puts her mind to it."

"Well, apparently, you would know," huffed Arthur, still reeling from this day's previous revelations.

Gwen interjected, "Yet even with Morgana's threats hanging over him, Merlin released your father from the mandrake's curse, shattered her army of skeletons, and destroyed the immortal army that Morgause and Morgana had used to take over Camelot."

"WHAT?!" Arthur looked at his servant in all-out open-mouthed shock.

Merlin squirmed slightly, and shrugged, "Gaius and I discovered a weapon that could defeat them, so Lancelot and I fought our way to the throne room and knocked the cup of life from its pedestal."

"Why were YOU the one to take on this fight, Merlin? Surely I would be a better choice to fight my way into the castle."

"Well, sire, we were not sure it would work and I did not want to risk your life for nothing." Merlin winced, "Also, the weapon may have been slightly...enhanced...by magic. Long before then and not by an enemy of Camelot," Merlin rushed to add, stretching the truth just a bit.

Arthur turned away, his shoulders straightening as he once again took charge of the room. "Well, Merlin, I am afraid I cannot overlook your actions in this matter," Arthur stated, voice booming through the hall.

"We have heard your confession, and, as your king, I must pass judgment." Arthur turned slowly back to Merlin, who was cringing slightly expecting time in the stocks, if not the dungeon, for his use of a magical weapon.

"I, Arthur Pendragon, King of Camelot, do hereby sentence you to lighter household duties, one day off a week, and a feast held in your honor.

Merlin jerked, surprised and, as Merlin gazed at him in wonder, Arthur finally said the words that Merlin had been waiting for years to hear.

"Thank you"

A HUGE thank you to my reviewer Mediatrix for providing the inspiration for this last chapter. And once again thank you ALL for being so supportive. I don't know when a plot bunny will pop into my head again, but I hope to see you all fairly soon. :)

Now, I must away to watch tonight's episode! :)