Hello Wonderful people!

I am back, and again sorry for such a long time between chapters, there's plenty of excuses I could use but in reality my writing process as well as my beautiful muses tends to only pay me a visit sometimes... and of course figuring out what the hell i'm doing with what i'm working on is kind of hard, considering i have no idea how this story is going to end up.. it started off as a way to give my own interpretation on how Aido would ask a girl out, and thanks to a comment from one of you beautiful readers it kind of escalated. well, i say kind of...

the point being, at the moment i'm just enjoying dabbling in this world and discovering all the trouble i can get Rose into. *insert evil laugh*

please tell me what you guys think of the story so far, and feel free to write to me and tell how you would like it to evolve and end. after all, its because of you guys that i even keep going with this story! *gasp* maybe you guys are my muses in disguise -.- VERY SNEAKY OF YOU!

anyway... ENJOY!

Aido's head hit the floor with a solid thud, his eyes wide in shock. "WHY THE HELL COULDN'T YOU JUST GO MAKE A SANDWICH!?" I yelled as I straddled his waist and wrenched him into a sitting position using his school jacket.

"I-I-I-you-we… You know about me?" The blonde bastard stuttered before realising what it was he wanted to say. Since my weight being on top of him was obviously blocking blood flow to his brain, I sat up and dragged Aido into a standing position.

"If by know about you, you mean that fact that you're a blood-sucking zombie face… then, yes." I nodded proud of my deductive skills. Little did I know that I was completely off the mark, which I learned in 3… 2… 1…

"I'm not a Zombie! I'm a vampire you baffling, insane, midget!" Aido looked about ready to tear his blonde locks out in both frustration and exasperation, but I was too busy focusing on the word 'vampire' to be able to notice his expression long enough to make fun of him for it. My whole body seized up as a ton of lore and book references poured through my brain, the images and words swirling past my vision, some going too fast for me to comprehend. I was vaguely aware of a finger jamming itself into my shoulder but I ignored it in favour of my brain.

"Does that mean you sparkle?" I perked up at my own question and looked to Aido for answers, but instead of confirming or denying it he just face-palmed and grumbled something unintelligible. I was about to push him on it further when a pale hand attached to a day-class uniformed arm wrapped around my head, blocking my vision and dragging me backwards. "Zero!" I yelled in indignation, recognising the suffocating evil aura that was surrounding me and emanating from my captor.

"It's past curfew." The grumpy prefect uttered his voice reaching new levels of monotone.

"But I'm in the middle of an interrogation." I whined as the doors to the moon dormitory close behind Zero sealing off Aido with his face a picture of bafflement and anger and Kaname the picture of serenity.

"Which can wait until tomorrow." He grumbled, and I sighed before relaxing in his hold, not willing to piss him off anymore… at least for tonight.

*****************************THE NEXT NIGHT *************************************

Kaname made his way towards the Chairman's office with all the elegance granted to him from birth. He had early that night received a note from Cross requesting an urgent meeting with the young pureblood and Kaname was only happy to oblige. He had an inkling that this coming conversation would be about the Fall girl and her reaction to almost being drained of blood. Making his way through the familiar halls of the Chairman's home Kaname came across a peculiar site of one Kaien Cross in bunny slippers and teddy bear pyjamas shuffling towards his bedroom with a white cracked mug in his hand.

"Chairman?" Kaname politely enquired; slightly worried that perhaps he had travelled all the way over here for no reason.

"Oh Kaname!" the old man squeaked and spun rapidly to face the dorm leader almost spilling his hot chocolate all over his favourite pyjamas. "I didn't know you were coming tonight… have you come to visit Yuki perhaps?" Chairman fished around for the reason behind Kaname's surprise visit, hoping it was to see Yuki, and not to discuss Rose.

"No, it seems someone has forged a note on your behalf, asking to see me." Kaname wanted to frown in confusion but held the ever present serene mask upon his face. He had a feeling he knew where this was going…

It seemed the chairman shared the same thought as the Pureblood because a dark look crossed his face, a look that one would only associate with the past experiences resurfacing; past experiences that involve a certain troublesome individual... chairman muttered a single word in his dark thoughts "Rose." And walked towards his office, with purpose filling his body where previously was filled with fatigue.

Both males stormed through the office door to find the chairman's small and unimposing chair had been replaced with an impressive, large and intimidating black throne that had the ability to swivel. An evil chuckle sounded from the chair's lone occupant, and they swivelled around.

Kaname was confronted to see Rose Fall sitting in this new chair that frankly looked like it came straight out of a bad movie.

I swung around to face Kaname and Chairman when I heard their loud entrance into my lair, and opened my lecture to the moon dorm leader by stroking my invisible cat Fluffykins and giving him my best menacing glare that I had been practising since classes had finished. It must have worked because the chairman blanched and Kaname looked affronted.

"Welcome, to my humble abode." I placed Fluffykins on the desk and walked round the edge until I came face to face with the two men, and sat down on the edge. "Please, sit down." I indicated to the chairs in front of them, and they followed my instructions robotically. It seems my minions are responding quiet well to their new master. I held back an evil laugh at their compliance. "So, who wants to tell the truth first?" I crossed my arms and tried my best to look like a scolding parent but Kaname just became defensive.

"Why don't you start Fall-chan?" Kaname spoke in a smooth and controlled voice and I frowned… this wasn't going exactly the way I planned.

Conceding with a nod I began. "I know that this school isn't all it seems and I know Aido is a vampire, I suggest that you tell me what is happening here." My tone brooked no argument.

Chairman took a deep breath that ended on a long and tired sigh and began to tell me the truth about the true identity of the night class, the blood tablets, Zero and I stood there the truth seeping into my mind and connecting all the thoughts and observations that have plagued me. They all made sense now. I sunk to the floor and curled into myself, my eyes straining to remain closed; less they open and reveal the horror that welled within them.

"Are you alright?" Chairman's voice pierced the veil of worry that enveloped me. I peeled my head from my legs and looked up into his worried features and a single thought occurred to me. Aido bit me.

"Am I going to turn into one of you?" I directed my question at Kaname.

"No. Only those of Pureblood status like me can change a human into a level E vampire." He spoke in a quiet and reassuring tone.

I nodded in comprehension of what he said, trying to absorb it all. Hating the sensation of my thought whirling around in my head, I decided it was best to focus on the important facts.

The Night-Class were vampires, including Aido.

Yuuki and Zero know and now I know too.

The Day-Class have no clue of the danger they face.

Yuuki and Zero protect the Day-Class.

Zero definitely needs a hug.

"Do you understand why it's important you keep this a secret Fall-chan?" The Chairman placed a warm hand on my shoulder, and I tried not to flinch back.

"Yeah, I do, I'm still digesting this I suppose." I ran my fingers through my fringe, brushing it off my forehead. I stood up and looked at the men who created this school and came to a decision. "I'm not going to tell anyone about what's happening in this school, because I understand how important this is, for some odd reason; but I'm going to need a little time to come to terms with what is happening… Is that okay?" The two exchanged looks, obviously conveying a secret conversation, before the Chairman turned to me, mirroring my seriousness.

"We can give you a couple of days."

"I can live with that." I went to walk out of the room, making out of the doorway before jerking to a stop. Turning about and stomping back into the office I picked up Fluffykins from his perch, grabbed the back of my throne before backing out of the room. Glaring at its occupants I muttered in a low tone. "My throne! Nobody gets to keep my throne without my permission, someone may ruin it with their cooties… like Aido… damn, Bastard." Kaname's vampy hearing must've allowed him to hear, because I could've sworn I heard him chuckle as the door to Chairman's office closed behind me.

Storing my throne and Fluffykins in one of my nearby hiding spots, I looked at the empty hallway that stretched on both sides of me. To my right led towards the main area of the chairman's home. That being the living room, dining room and kitchen. To my left lay the bedrooms of his adoptive children, the chairman's bedroom and a third bedroom.

Nodding to myself, I made my way towards the left. Confident in my decision. Whether or not my decision would have dire consequences is another story altogether… shaking off any sense of self-preservation – who needs it anyway? - I walk towards the bedroom on the far right and open the door. It make an ominous creaking noise through its entire journey to the other side of the frame.

Strangely enough, the noise only mildly disturbs the lone occupant in the room. I shuffle forward and take in the rare sight before me. The one and only Zero Kiriyuu lay down thankfully asleep in his bed, his face relaxed and soothed out of any from lines. The blanket covering his form all the way up to his shoulder rose and fell with the movements of his breathing. One arm was hanging out of the bed, his fingers brushing idly against the floor, the other was thrown vicariously over his eyes. Blocking them from view. The curtains to the window were drawn back and the moonlight shone through lighting up to room quite nicely. The only thing that could disturb this serene scene was poking the metaphorical sleeping bear… which is exactly what I did.

My finger created an indent in Zero's cheek as I poked it. "Psst! Zero!" The grumpy prefect stirred a little under my ministrations. "Zero! Wake Up!" I grumbled, continuing to poke his cheek.

"What?" He replied in a somewhat angry yet sleepy manner.

"Are you awake yet…?" I trailed off, as his arm descended down from his face. He turned his head to glare at me with his amethyst eyes.

I knelt down by his head, shuffling my face close to his. "So you are awake."

Zero let out a loud and exasperated sigh. "What do you want Rose?"

"To talk." I answered quickly.

"Now? Couldn't it wait until morning, you know, when we'd both be properly dressed?" I looked down at what I was wearing in response. I wore dark blue cotton pyjamas with a pattern of crescent moons smiling with sleeping hats on them. On my feet I wore ugg boots that were the comfiest things on the planet. What? Wearing pyjamas didn't lessen the effect of my interrogation of Kaname and Cross now did it? I looked at Zero next, he wore long cotton pyjama bottoms with grey vertical stripes and no night shirt.

"You're just jealous because my pyjamas are cuter." I poked my tongue out at him.

Zero sighed again before sitting up and making room for me to sit in front of him. I got up from my kneeling position beside his head and sat cross-legged parallel with Zero.

"Go ahead. Talk." Zero gestured with his head for me to spill my guts.

"So I talk to Kaien and Kaname not too long ago… they told me about the vampires." Zero flinched, anger and suspicious seeping into his expression. "They told me that the night class are made up of vampires, and that they all answer to Kaname; who I leading the campaign to exist with humans peacefully. I know that the vampires feed on these blood tablet thingies to keep their hunger at bay. I know you and Yuuki protect the day-class by patrolling at night… which explains why the both of you are always asleep in class… I mean seriously! It's ridiculous how much you two sleep in class! Since I came to Japan…"

"Rose!" Zero interrupted my tirade with a growl. My eyes snapped to attention on Zero, since I started my ramble my attention was on the sheets, letting my mind and evidently my mouth wander along my train of thought. Zero appeared angry, barely keeping a lid on his infamous temper. "What else vampire related did they tell you?" he hissed out.

I sighed. Hoping in vein to avoid this. I launched myself at Zero, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso in one massive koala hug. I buried my face into his shoulder and mumbled. "They told me all about how you're a vampire too. I'm so sorry about what happened to you Zero.

The prefect in question stiffened in my arms. I felt his hands move to my waist and try to push me off.

"Yeah… that's so not going to happen." I grumbled.

"You shouldn't be hugging me. I'm a monster." Zero spoke, his voice cracking with pain and misery.

"If you're a monster, than I'm the tooth-fairy." This earned a snort from Zero and I smiled in achievement as he stopped trying to remove me and started hugging me back.

The two friends sat like that for an unmeasurable amount of time before the silver haired prefect spoke up.

"Hey Rose?"

He earned a sleepy grumble of recognition in response.

"You're not going to get off anytime soon are you?" He spoke in a way that hinted at him already knowing the answer to that question before it was spoken.

"Nope." Came the decisive reply.

"Didn't think so." Zero sighed before settling onto his back, Rose sliding from her position to curl up tucked into his side, her arms wrapped around his middle in a continuation of their hug. Zero pulled up the blankets around them before Rose fell soundly asleep. The last thought Zero had before joining her was wondering how big of a heart attack would the Chairman have when he found them like this in the morning.

Rosie: aaaaaaand that's the end of that chapter!

Rose: So i'm spooning with ZERO NOW!? *huffs angrily*

Rosie: Don't pick on Zero! Many fangirls would kill to be in your position... myself included.

Zero: *Glares*

Rosie: What?

Rose: *grumbles*

Rosie: would you rather it be Aido?

Rose: HELL NO!

Rosie: That's what i thought *smug* anyway... TAKE IT AWAY ZERO!

Zero: Why?

Rosie: Do it.

Zero: *sigh* TheLastRosetoFall doesn't own Vampire Knight... Only Rose Fall and other OC characters... maybe a little of the plot as well.