This is just a little Christmas story. Hope to have it done by Christmas.
Co-written by RatedrKjErIcHo.
Disclaimer: I do not own the WWE or the wrestlers in this story. I own only my ocs. This story is fiction and is to be taken that way. No Copyright Infringement Intended.
Natalie Colburn stood in her apartment and finished packing for the holidays. She was getting ready to spend Christmas with her boyfriend, John Cena and his family. And she was nervous. She had never met any of his family before and she was worried they wouldn't like her and then John would break up with her. She knew how close he was to his family especially his sister, Lindsay.
"Are you almost ready to go?" John asked walking in the room.
"Yes. Did you pack up all the presents?"
He smiled and walked toward her. "Yes. They are packed. Once you're packed, we can get ready to leave." She nodded and went back to packing.
John headed out to call his parents to tell them when they would be in. John was a little nervous too. He loved Natalie and this trip was to introduce her to his family but to also ask her to marry him. The two had met when she went to work as the marketing promoter for the New England Patriots. John was the star quarterback of the team. Natalie had been assigned to John and it wasn't long before John asked her out and they were dating seriously. He had met her family at Thanksgiving and loved them.
He dialed his parents' phone and waited for them to pick up. "Hello."
"Hey, mom." John said to her.
"John, when are you getting here?"
"We're getting ready to leave now. We should be there in about an hour or two."
"Great. We can't wait to meet Natalie. You guys are staying here right?"
"Yes we are. We're staying in the same room, right?"
"Of course." She laughed. "See you when you get here."
"Okay bye." John hung up and headed back into the bedroom to make sure Natalie was ready. "Are you ready?"
"Yes, I'm done." She smiled. He picked up her suitcase and they headed downstairs.
Carol hung up the phone and looked at her family. "John is on his way with Natalie. I expect you to all behave yourselves." She said looking at her daughter.
"What?" Lindsay laughed. "Why are you looking at me?"
"Because you've run the rest of his girlfriends off. I expect you to be nice you understand me?"
"I'm nice." She replied. "All those girls were just after John because he's rich and famous. They wanted nothing but he's money. I just want him to find someone who isn't after his money. That's all."
"Still, Lindsay Cena Copeland, I expect you to be nice to Natalie." Carol said.
"I promise to do my best." Lindsay agreed.
Carol sighed. That was all she could ask of Lindsay. "Alright." She said before heading into the kitchen. She knew Lindsay would do what she wanted. But she hoped she didn't run Natalie off. John talked differently about her than he had of the others. Something told Carol that Natalie was the right one and she had no interest in John's money.
Adam and Lindsay headed upstairs to her room. "Can you really be nice to Natalie?" Adam asked her.
"I'll do my best."
"Lindsay, I talked to John. He really likes Natalie."
"Then it will be fine." She smiled. Adam sighed and hoped she could be nice.
John looked over at Natalie as they drove toward West Newbury. "They're going to love you."
"I hope so." She replied. "I know how important your family is."
"They are important but I love you. And I have a feeling this Christmas is going to be great." She smiled and agreed. She certainly hoped so.
They soon pulled into the driveway. John looked over at Natalie. "Dad will come out and bring us in. Don't be nervous. Everything will be fine." And he hoped that Lindsay was on her best behavior. He got out of the car and opened her door for her. "There's my dad."
She nodded as she looked up and saw John's dad coming toward them. "John, you're here." John Sr said as he hugged him. He turned to Natalie. "And you must be Natalie." He said hugging her. "It's very nice to meet you."
"You too." She smiled.
"Well, let's head in and you can meet everyone else." He took one of the suitcases from John and they headed in.
Carol smiled as she rounded the corner and hugged John. "John, I'm so happy you're here." She smiled and then she turned to Natalie. "And this must be Natalie. It's so nice to meet you dear."
"You too, Mrs. Cena." She said holding out her hand.
"Oh dear, we don't shake. This deserves a hug." She smiled and pulled Natalie into a hug. "Now, I will trust John to get you both settled in and then you can meet the rest of the family."
"Great." Natalie replied as John took her hand and led her upstairs to his room.
"You don't mind sharing a room with me do you?" John kidded her.
"Of course I don't." She smiled.
"So, how is she?" Lindsay asked her mom as she sat in the kitchen. She and Adam had just got in from the store.
"She's nice." Carol replied. "I think she's a little overwhelmed but she seems nice. And I meant what I said, you be nice to her."
"I will." Lindsay replied.
John looked at Natalie as they finished unpacking. "Come on, let's head downstairs." He took her hand and they headed down "Relax, everyone will love you." She nodded as they walked into the kitchen.
"I see you finally decided to come out of your room." Lindsay said to him.
"I was hiding from you, squirt." He said as he walked over and hugged her. "Guys, this is Natalie. Natalie, this is my sister Lindsay and her husband, Adam. Where's dad?"
"Football." Carol replied.
"John, why don't you and Adam go in there with dad? Mom and I can keep Natalie company." Lindsay smiled.
John looked at Natalie. "Alright." He turned to Lindsay. "Be nice." He kissed Natalie as he and Adam headed into the living room.
Lindsay turned to Natalie. She told John she would be nice but she had to protect him from gold diggers. "So Natalie, what is it you do?"
"I'm a marketing promoter for the team." She replied.
"That's how you met John right?" Carol said.
"Yes. I was assigned to him and we worked together then he asked me out and here we are." Natalie smiled. "I'm so glad I was assigned to him."
"I'll bet." Lindsay said. "So you guys have been dating how long?"
"About seven months." She replied. "He met my family over Thanksgiving and they all liked him and he liked them. So, he invited me here to meet all of you."
"Well, I'm glad he did." Carol smiled. "I know my son and he really likes you."
"I hope so because I really like him. He's not like anyone I've dated and I'm just so glad I met him."
"Have you ever dated anyone else you've worked with?"
"No." She replied. "I've always tried to keep my private life and my professional life separate. Until John. And I tried to do the same with him. But he wouldn't give up until I went out on a date with him. And I'm glad he didn't give up. We had an incredible first date and every day and date since has just been wonderful. John tells me you're an artist?"
"Yeah. Adam and I just opened a gallery. He's an art dealer. Kinda how we met. He bought the first piece I ever sold."
"That sounds wonderful. I would love to see some of your stuff." Natalie smiled.
"I think Lindsay can arrange that." Carol said. "Well, everything is in so why don't we go see the guys?"
Natalie nodded and followed Carol into the living room. Lindsay watched her brother hug Natalie. She seemed nice enough but Lindsay had thought Eve was nice until she realized Eve only wanted a rich, famous husband and she had played the sweet girl to try to get John. Lindsay had made sure she showed her true colors and John dumped her. Now, she had to put Natalie to the test and if she truly loved John and wasn't after his money or fame, she would pass. If she was only after it, then Lindsay would make sure John knew it and Natalie would be history.
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