(A/N Hey here are some short for you guys….requests from my friend who read my journals….my stories before they are posted….they wanted me to share these shorts with all of you fanficers! So don't thank me thank them! J )

Title: Thanks

Tony and Rhodey sat at the kitchen counter cutting vegetables for Mrs. Rhodes. Pepper was there too only she was making an apple pie. Today was Thanksgiving a day to cook and eat and give thanks with family and friends. Tony looked up at Pepper and smiled, she was humming to herself as she cut apples for the pie. After the invasion things became a bit strange between them, a good kind of strange. They haven't talked about the kiss or anything yet mostly because they haven't been alone.

"Starting to smell really good in here guys!" Howard said walking into the room followed by David Rhodey's dad.

Pepper smiled at the two adults as she put the pie into the oven, only that the smile didn't reach her eyes. Tony frowned feeling sorry for the girl he was slowly falling in love with. He knew that Pepper's dad was called away for a very important mission, he had to go to Russia and that's all they really know. Tony wanted Pepper to be happy today so he decided to cheer her up by flirting with her it's one of his new favorite things to do. He loved that little playful smirk she get's when they start flirting. So he reached his hand over the counter and was about to stick his finger in the chocolate sauce she was currently making only to be slapped on the hand by the wooden spoon Pepper was holding.

"No samples Tony!" Pepper said pointing her spoon at him like it was a weapon. Tony smiled and laughed. "Ahhh come on Pep! Pleeeease!" He asked using Pepper's method of begging. Pepper smiled a little and shook her head. "No chance Tony!" She said pouring the chocolate sauce onto some sugar cookies in a criss-cross pattern. Tony gave a little pout knowing Pepper would find it amusing and she did. Pepper chuckled and picked up the tray of cookies, she walked over to the fridge and put them away. Tony took the opportunity to reach over to the chocolate bowl again, but he was caught again by pepper who slapped his hand with the spoon again.

"Tony for a genius you're a dumb ass." Pepper said sighing crossing her arms as Tony held his hand rubbing the pain away. Rhodey, Howard, and David laughed at the comment, Tony pouted at Pepper again who merely rolled her eyes with a smirk on her lips.

"ANTHONY EDWARD FREAKING STARK!" Roberta yelled from the other room. Tony's eyes widened and he turned around slowly "Oh no what did I do now….?" Tony asked a little scared. Suddenly a goose waddled into the kitchen; Everyone's mouth hung open, David snorted into his coffee while everyone else but Tony started laughing hysterically. Roberta marched into the room holding a note an angry look on her face and handed Tony the piece of paper.

Hey Tony!

New Prank WAR! I tried for a turkey but they were sold out. HAVE FUN! PRANK WAR!

From, Happy

Tony sighed annoyed and looked at the goose and at the note, then back at the goose, then at Roberta. "I'll take care of it…" he sighed and Roberta nodded. Tony groaned and hopped off his stool and chased the goose out of the room. For an hour they heard crashes from the other room as Tony tried to capture the goose Happy sent for his little prank war. The goose waddled past the doorway with Tony tiptoeing behind saying "Here Goosey, goosey…" and just before Tony lunged on the goose he yelled "GOOSEY!" (A/N Lol you can thank Charmed for that scene….lol and those of you who know which season and episode of Charmed that is you get a cookieJ) Everyone in the kitchen started to laugh when they heard a crash and the honking of the goose.

Pepper grabbed a roll and went to the doorway of the kitchen and got on her knees. The goose honked and waddled over to her and took the roll. Pepper smiled as she pet the goose; she picked up the animal and tossed him outside. Tony walked into the room his hair messier than usual, Pepper giggle and patted his shoulder. Tony smiled at the redhead and pulled her into a hug and kiss on the cheek. Pepper blushed scarlet afterwards. "You are what I'm thankful for…." Tony whispered into Pepper's ear before entering the kitchen to take one of her cookies from the fridge.

Title: A Little Cold…

Pepper sneezed before she entered the armory she felt like absolute crap. She walked into the room to find Tony working on his armor and Rhodey nowhere in sight. "Hey Tony!" Pepper said ignoring the pain in her throat and head. Tony looked up from his work and smiled at the redhead. "Hey Pep." He said putting down the blowtorch. Pepper looked around "Where's Rhodey?" she asked.

"He has a history debate thing today." Tony said typing something into the large computer. Pepper nodded and sat down. Pepper wrinkled her nose and sneezed, Tony laughed and turned around "Bless you!" he said with a smile. Pepper wrinkled her nose again and sneezed. Tony tilted his head and said "Bless you." again then he started thinking Wow she is the cutest when she wrinkles her nose like that… Tony blushed at his thoughts and walked toward Pepper and knelt down next to the chair she was sitting in. "You ok Pep?" he asked now noticing she was a little pale. Pepper just nodded.

"Ya just a little cold that's all…" she lied with a fake smile. Tony frowned and stood up nudging pepper's leg with his knee indicating he wants her to scoot over. Pepper sighed and scooted over and Tony sat down next to her. "Pep…you and Rhodey know me better than I know myself sometimes….and I want you to know that that goes for you guys too…I know you just lied…and I know you don't feel well…and I care about you…." he said gently and took Pepper's hand giving it a little squeeze. Pepper blushed and gave Tony a small hug. Tony hugged Pepper back and rested his cheek on her hair "I care about you too Tony…." Pepper murmured lifting her head to look him in the eyes.

Tony couldn't look away from her; Tony cupped Pepper's cheek and felt how warm she was. "Pep…you're really warm….when was the last time you checked your temperature?" Tony asked getting up going over to a desk. Pepper shrugged silently cursing her cold for ruining her and Tony's little moment. Tony walked over to Pepper again holding a first-aid kit, Tony pulled out a thermometer. "Here keep this under your tongue for five minutes." He said sticking the thermometer into Pepper's mouth.

Pepper sat there with her arms crossed for five minutes while Tony sat next to her rubbing her back. After the five minutes were up Tony took the thermometer out of her mouth and read the number. Tony looked at Pepper worriedly "Pep….you should lie down…" he said. Pepper gasped when Tony picked her up bridal style and brought her into the little infirmary they had in the armory. Tony gently set Pepper down on one of the beds and a computer automatically came to life with Pepper's vitals on the screen. "Tony I'm fine…" Pepper said not even believing herself, "Pep you have a hundred and four temperature! That's not good at all. You need rest and someone to take care of you…." he said tucking Pepper into the bed.

"Wow you're such a worry wart…." Pepper laughed then coughed. Tony smiled and sat down on the side of her bed "you kind of have to be when you love someone…" he said with a smile. For the first time ever Pepper Potts was speechless. Tony started to worry she didn't feel the same way but that worry ended when Pepper hugged him. Tony smiled and pulled away, he got up and went to a counter and picked up a little cup, and bottle of water. Tony handed the cup to Pepper and opened the water. "Take those. "He said.

Pepper sighed and dumped the pill into her mouth; she took the water and washed them down. Tony sat down again after he put Pepper's water on a table. "Get some sleep Pep. You look so tired." He murmured brushing Pepper's hair back behind her ear. Pepper scooted down into the bed and looked up at Tony who was looking at her with love in his eyes. Pepper's eyes grew heavy as the pill started to work. "Sleep tight Pep…love you…" Tony whispered. Pepper smiled "love you too." She said as her eyes closed. Tony smiled, leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Pepper's lips.

(A/N I'm going to be slowly adding to this…soooo I hope you guys liked it….Ya cheesy but cute I guess. Please review and again sorry for the grammar mistakes….)