Pre-chapter nine, review and answer time.
Question: Saturnblue asks: Will Jiraya be able to decode the rune like seals that Harry wrote for his protection in his room?
Answer: wait and read. Really I mean it; read this chapter (non-subtle wink ;-) )
Question: Ndasuunye brought up some medical plot holes in my story. Read his review to get the full rant.
Answer: First I'm not a doctor I just google stuff so when I get something wrong it's mainly because I'm guessing and it makes some sort of weird sense in my mind. That said, there are going to be some plot holes when it comes to some of the medical stuff.
Plus, even though I go back and reread/watch both of the canons for reference there are still things I've forgotten. Basically despite things not quite adding up as you put it. I was just trying to get the ninjas to understand everything that Harry has been through while alarming them about his condition
So I my take on magical healing is this:
It is very powerful but scars can still remain (example Moody is covered in scars). So when I wrote chapter 8 I tried to point out that even though Harry was technically fully healed except for the fact that he wouldn't wake up. There were still old scars that could be found if the doctors did a deep enough examination. Which they did because Harry wouldn't wake up and all their tests were saying that nothing was wrong. Magic, I will use this energy to drive these ninja doctors mad. Mha ha ha
But what I'm trying to stick true to is: science can't detect magic (like the potions) but it can show people errors that magic cause when they find something wrong. (Like Harry's body)
Er… They can use their chakra techniques to examine Harry's body whose magic has left some alterations. They can detect the alterations but not what caused them.
~This makes sense in my mind :-/ just go with it
Still thanks for question(s). It's reviews like these that help make me a better writer, and forces me to reexamine my work with a more critical eye. I hope this helps people understand the madness that is my mind.
Questions: zXEireSkillzXz asks:
Do you have any plans to solve Harry's chakra problem because it seems that you have a real opportunity to get rid of the soul piece (don't know the actual name) in his scar, let him get stronger as well as show the correlation between him and Sasuke?
Answer: Harry is a wizard he doesn't have a chakra problem. Next I haven't fully decided about the Horcrux in Harry's scar. I am juggling a few ideas, though nothing will happen in this chapter. Lastly about the connection between Harry and Sasuke since they are both sort of possessed, I'm not going to give out any spoilers. :-P
Question: Ddragon21 asks:
Is Harry going to be paired with anyone?
Answer: NO! No romance!
Well enough of that, plus there are no more questions. So on with the show, er story.
~ Zeakagirl =^!^=
I do not own Harry Potter or Naruto
A Mistrusting Wizard and the Ninja Who Found Him
Chapter Nine
Yawning Harry blinked, looking around confused he wondered why he was at the hospital, and more importantly what that nurse was going on about? Sitting up quickly Harry got a slight answer to the first question; as he had to lay back down when the room spun around him. If that wasn't bad enough his head decided to pound mercilessly against his skull. Wanting to stop the pain Harry reached into his core only to find his magic dangerously low.
'What the Hell!' Harry wondered as he tried to focus through the pain.
The nurse noticing his distress, handed him some pills and a cup of water before saying something about being right back. Not that Harry was really listening nor did he care as he tried to use his cold hands to dull his growing headache.
Once the door closed Harry doubled checked to make sure he was alone, before immediately drowning down a headache potion.
"Ahh." Harry sighed. In seconds the headache was completely gone, and Harry was able to remember everything that had happened.
Looking himself over Harry wondered why he wasn't further healed. He had taken a healing potion, but it didn't feel like it was still in his system. 'The ninjas probably had something to do with this.' Harry thought irritably as he pulled out the needle in his arm with a scowl. Who knew what was in that drip, but if it was messing with his potion he certainly didn't need it.
Picking up the pills next Harry inspected them. Since he was unable to vanish them, Harry simply tossed the pills behind his bed for the moment. That done Harry took out some more potions and closed his MSEB. Was it a bad thing that he memorized the correct potion dosage from his own experience?
Laying back down Harry thought about everything that had happened. How much magic had he used to end up in this condition? Better question, how much did Sasuke know, and did he survive? Harry wondered worried. That had been the first time he had used magical first aid on someone else, and Sasuke didn't even have a magical core to support him. If he did something wrong would he be able to fix it? Would he even know where to start?
Despite all these questions Harry was still tired and his eyes soon closed once more. He was on the edge of dozing off when the door slammed open causing Harry to sit up quickly in alarm, thankfully this time the room didn't spin around him.
"Harry!" Sasuke called out louder than Naruto.
Well that answered the question on whether or not Sasuke was alright.
"Are you alright? Are you in pain?" Sasuke asked fussing over him worried.
"I'm fine. I had a headache, but now I'm just tired. So keep it down." Harry hissed. Maybe he should send them out for food, at least then it would be quiet.
"A headache? I'll get you some medicine." Sasuke whispered motioning to Naruto.
Irritated Harry watched as they quietly began to search the cabinets clearly not hearing the "had" part. Harry was just about to speak up again when Naruto pulled out a bottle and tossed it to Sasuke. Giving Naruto a nod of thanks Sasuke headed over to his cousin when the bottle was snatched out of his hand.
"Not that bottle!" Tsunade said glaring. "You two, leave! I'll call you when you can come in."
"I think I should…" Sasuke started, but Tsunade grabbed ahold of both Sasuke's and Naruto's shirts and threw them out of the room. The door was closed before they landed.
Turning her attention to Harry Tsunade gave Harry a look when she noticed the removed needle. "Where are you feeling pain?" she asked examining him with her healing palm.
"Nowhere. I had a bit of a headache, but the nurse brought in some pills so I'm fine now." Harry replied.
"How bad of a headache and where did it originate from?"
"I don't remember, besides it wasn't that bad." Harry lied. "Anyway, it's gone now."
"Completely?" Tsunade asked verifying.
"Yep, the medicine worked." Harry answered.
"What about the rest of your body; any aches or pains? Do you feel dizzy, or the need to throw up?"
"No." Harry said shaking his head. "I feel tired and hungry, but other than that I feel fine. Can I leave, its not like I leave the house much anyway, so bedrest won't be a problem."
"No, I like to keep you here for now."
"Why?" Harry asked slightly whining.
"Harry, do you remember what happened?"
"Yeah, well sort of. A ninja attacked Sasuke. I think he had a music note on his headband."
"Yes that right. Do you remember what happened after that?"
"No, why?" Harry asked trying to figure out what she knew.
"You were in a coma." Tsunade answered.
"Coma?" Harry repeated confused before realizing what happened. He had been asleep longer than he thought. 'Bet they never dealt with a magically exhausted wizard before. Fuck! No wonder he was in the hospital.'
"What are you thinking about right now?" Tsunade asked making Harry freeze under her suspicious glare.
"I…" Harry began. 'Shit! What the hell do I tell her?' Harry thought panicking.
"It's nothing, just wondering how long I was in the… coma?" Harry asked nervously.
"Almost three days."
'Yeah… that sounds about right.' Harry thought before blinking as Tsunade gave him another suspicious look.
"We'll talk more about this later, but first let's finish your examination."
"Yeah, sure…" Harry muttered none too excited.
Tsunade checked Harry's eyes next before asking him to open his mouth. She glance in for a moment before taking a swab of his mouth and ordered him to spit into a cup. It was weird.
"Am I done yet?" Harry asked.
"Just about, all that's left is a blood sample and you'll be ready for visitors."
Harry winced as the blood was drawn. What was it about non wizard medicine and needles? He just couldn't figure out how impaling a body with anything could help someone heal.
"Alright I'm done." Tsunade said giving Harry a smile as he looked visibly relieved. *Gurgle!* Harry blushed as his stomach made itself known.
"I'm going to send in some food and I expect you to eat all of it. You will start off on soup and soft foods until I say so. Got it?"
Harry nodded recognizing that tone.
"Good." Tsunade said opening the door. "You can come in now." She called out allowing Sasuke to rush into the room. Surprisingly enough Naruto wasn't behind him.
Moving back to Harry's side Sasuke barely spared Tsunade a glance. If it wasn't for the fact that he was still on thin ice he might have never bowed at all.
"Harry, are you alright?" Sasuke asked.
"I'm fine." Harry said again as his stomach growled.
"You're hungry." Sasuke observed. Alarmed he stated to pat down his pockets in search for a snack when a nurse rolled in a cart.
Before long Harry was sipping a broth with crackers on the side. For hospital food Harry had to admit it wasn't that bad. Once finished Harry let out a yawn. Despite wanting to talk more with Sasuke he soon fell back to sleep.
"Harry?" Sasuke said worried.
"He's alright." Tsunade said give Sasuke a comforting smile. "The fact that he woke up is a good sign. He just needs to rest now."
Sasuke smiled at that as he cleaned up after his cousin's meal. Hopefully Harry would wake back up soon, but it was good to know that Harry was alright. Leaning back in his chair Sasuke yawned as watched Harry sleep. Finally knowing that Harry was alright relaxed Sasuke enough that his body was no longer able to fight off its exhaustion.
Smiling at the sleeping boys Tsunade quietly closed the door behind her.
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Moody smiled as Konohagakure came into view. It had been a long journey but hopefully Harry was in inside this place.
Using his almost wandless magic Moody was able to get them through security with ease; not that the guards would remember. Now Moody and Sirius were wandering through the village under some very heavy spells to keep any of the ninjas from noticing them. Sirius had already caught Harry's scent, but it was too soon to tell his location.
It was amazing how peaceful this village seemed, but Moody could see a masked tension and several fully armed ninjas. He also noticed how the village was built in a defensive manner. This village was practically a maze with several places that appeared to be large underground safe houses. Made sense since this whole country seemed to be in constant conflict.
Turning the corner Moody's eye rolled to see someone behind them. "We're being followed." he said quietly not breaking stride.
"Really?" Sirius asked resisting the urge to look around. "How is that possible?"
"I don't know?" Moody said. "Most likely a ninja technique."
"How many?" Sirius asked ready to fight.
"Just one so far. Come on, lets go this way." Moody said. Turning down a path he could see a good sized clearing not to far ahead. It looked like it was used as some sort of practice ground, as they could spot a couple of broken weapons abandoned around the area, while most of the trees showed signs of target practice.
Waiting for the ninja to show his or her self, Moody tapped some trees he passed. Sirius noticed what he was doing and helped lay a few traps of his own, just in time as the ninja appeared in front of them. Moody and Sirius stared for a moment. Of all the ninjas to follow them they hadn't been expecting the blond boy from the kidnaping.
"You!" Sirius snarled, but he stayed by Moody's side even though he was dying to rush over and sock that kid in the face.
"You… know me? Never mind, who are you and why doesn't anyone else notice you?!" Naruto demanded.
"We're travelers." Moody said holding out their entrance papers. "Now who are you to question us?" he asked meeting the boy's eyes. Pushing forward Moody was surprised to find that the kid had a mindscape. Though what kind of life did this kid live that his mind was a sewer. Pressing a mental hand against a wall Moody tried to access the boy's memories.
"So your name is Naruto." he murmured. Unable to access more information Moody withdrawing his hand realizing that he would have to travel deeper into the mindscape. He would have to hurry even with Sirius setting up a barrier around the clearing there was no telling how long until the other ninja in this village noticed the boy missing.
A shiver passed through Moody as he could feel something that set all his instincts on edge, and it only got stronger as he moved further in. If Moody had to describe it he would say the air pulsed with hatred. Despite that it didn't take long before Moody found himself in front of a giant gate. There appeared to be some sort of strange runed lock on it, but he wasn't going to get closer to confirm that.
Keeping his distance Moody was about to search through the kid's memories when a dark chuckling echoed from beyond the gate.
"And who has entered the mind of my jailer? Come closer so I might see you."
'Jailer?' Moody wondered. Spotting a giant eye in the darkness of the cage Moody felt a sense of intense dread but firmly stood his ground.
"Who are you and why are you locked away in this boy?" Moody asked. For a moment he wondered if he made the wrong move when a giant fox came into view. Quickly Moody ran through a list spells he hoped would work against such a beast.
"Who?" the fox chuckled "Most would ask what. Who are you that you don't recognize the Nine Tailed Demon?"
"Demon?..." Moody murmured almost fearfully. "No, I'm not sure what you are, but I've seen real demons and you aren't one of them." Moody said eyeing the beast with suspicion. What was this creature's game?
"HEY! What are you doing in here?!" a voice called out.
"Ah, and my jailer finally arrives. Late as always."
"Hey, shut up you stupid fox! And YOU!" Naruto shouted pointing at Moody. "Who are you and how'd you get in here?!"
Moody stared at Naruto for a moment in awe. Whatever energy the fox was emitting the kid didn't seem to be affected by it.
"Don't ignore me!" Naruto shouted launching a kick. Side stepping Moody was a bit shocked that he was able to avoid the attack. Then it hit him, despite being a ninja this kid had no idea how to properly fight in a mindscape.
"I told you, I'm a traveler and right now I'm looking for boy called Harry." Moody said with a small smirk from behind the boy.
"Harry? Why are you looking for Harry?" Naruto demanded turning around to find Moody gone. "Dammit! Come out and fight me, I'll never let you near Harry!"
"Is that so." Moody said blasting Naruto into the ceiling. As the boy fell ropes sprang from the floor and coiled around him like snakes.
"HEY!" Naruto shouted while he wiggled like a worm. As he tried to figure out how to free himself Naruto glared at Moody while the Nine Tails just laughed in the background.
"Ah… a member of that clan. Haven't spoken to one of you in such a long time. So that's why you're looking for the boy; I thought he was behind the recent changes in this village."
"Don't tell him any…" Naruto got out before the ropes gagged him.
"Tell me where Harry is." Moody demanded turning his attention back to the fox.
"Open this cage and I'll tell you anything you want."
"I don't have a key, tell me where the boy is and I'll look for one."
"Your clan have never needed keys. Let me out and I'll take you straight to your boy."
"And what will you do after that?" Moody asked looking at the Nine Tails with suspicion.
"What does it matter to you? This isn't your town. I'll even ensure that you and the boy can leave safely."
"...No." Moody said after a moment of consideration. "I think I'll just question the kid instead."
"But will he tell you the truth? How much time have you spent in here? And how much more will you need to interrogate him. He's stubborn and the ninjas of this village could arrive at any second."
"If you truly know about my clan then you know we have ways of finding the truth. Besides we both know that time moves much slower in the mind. I can make time for this."
Moving to Naruto's side Moody removed the gag with a thought.
"So kid you ready to tell me where Harry is yet?"
"Why are you after him?" Naruto asked looking a Moody confused. He didn't seem like a bad guy.
"I just want to take him home. I'm his teacher." Moody answered.
"I see." Naruto said.
"You will regret this!" the Nine Tails snarled interrupting the two as a red wave surged for them. "That's chakra." Moody thought in horror. Wand materializing in his hand Moody quickly sent an S classed blasting spell that cut through the surge and forced the Nine Tails fly backwards in his cage with a roar of pain
Not that Moody stuck around to see this as he was already hightailing it out of there with Naruto under his arm. "Hold on kid!" he shouted as he apparated around the corner only for Naruto to wiggle from his grasps.
"Get out of here! I've got this!" Moody heard Naruto shout, and next thing he knew he was being ejected from Naruto's mind.
Back in reality Moody only had a second to blink as Sirius tackled him to the ground. Reacting instantly Moody threw up a barrier around them a little too late as Sirius rolled on the ground screaming in pain. If wasn't bad enough Moody could see the kid going through some sort of change as the kid was engulfed in the red chakra and two tails were sprouting from his behind destroying a tree in the process.
"Possession." Moody breathed as Naruto let out a familiar roar before slamming into the barrier. Moody's eyes widened as the barrier cracked and some of the red chakra made it was through. Glancing down at his unconscious partner he realized there was nothing more they could do here, but he could apparate with barrier up. Not that it would matter in a moment.
Wasting no time Moody heaved Sirius onto his shoulder as he gripped his wand tightly.
"Sorry about this kid." Moody apologized as the barrier broke. This would be the second time today that he would use this blasting spell; only this time it was followed by a cutting curse. Blasted backwards Naruto slammed into the surrounding barrier causing it to crack as well. However it was only the cutting curse that kept Naruto down for the count.
Sadly and with a bit of regret Moody watched as Naruto collapsed in a grow puddle of his blood, right before he apparated away with Sirius. None too soon as a second later the area was swarmed by ANBU ninjas.
While they searched the surrounding area, in a different part of the village the back of an alleyway disappeared.
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After making sure there was a guard watching over the boys Tsunade dropped off her new samples at the lab and went back to her office. While those were being tested she took the time to eat her own lunch. Sipping her tea she thought about Harry Uchiha and what answers these latest tests would bring.
No sooner did Tsunade place down an empty cup did Jiraiya entered her office with a bit of a swagger.
"You called for me my sweet." He said giving her a bow.
"Take a look at these." Tsunade said handing over a folder. Opening it Jiraiya looked at the photos before he did a double take as a shocked look flashed across his face. "Where were these taken?" he asked examining the pictures closer.
"In Harry Uchiha's bedroom." Tsunade said watching her teammate's reaction. "They were hidden until Naruto destroyed a seal on the wall. Can you tell what they are for?"
"They look similar to ones used for hiding and protection, but they aren't right. Are you saying they worked?"
"We're not sure. The whole house is strange, though the house was damaged no one notices it until they enter the building. Also before this incident no one can remember when someone besides Harry entered his bedroom. "
"Wow." Jiraiya muttered.
"So what do you think?"
"I'll have to see the house, but this… who was this kid's teacher?"
"We don't know. Harry doesn't say much about his life before he came here." Tsunade said before both of their eyes' widened as they felt a familiar chakra in the distance.
Reacting instantly they were both dashing towards the source. Only to arrive at the scene just in time to see two foreign men disappear. As Jiraiya went after them Tsunade knelt by her godson's side. Who would attacked him with enough force that he had to use the Nine Tail's chakra?
While moving Naruto to the hospital Tsunade stayed by his side, but something was preventing his wounds from closing and he was losing blood fast.
"Stay with me Naruto." Tsunade whispered as she hooked up a transfusion. That done she traded places with Shizune to attempt healing him again. She had just placed her hands down when she had to pull them away as the Nine Tails chakra started to move through Naruto's healing system. Finally he was starting to heal.
"Thank Kami." Tsunade said. Feeling relieved she slumped back into a chair.
"Thanks Shizune." Tsunade said taking a cup of tea. "Did you catch them?"
"No, not even a trail." Jiraiya answered entering the room. "How is he?"
"Better. If you find them be careful. Whatever they did somehow blocked Naruto from healing."
"I see…" Jiraiya said moving to Naruto's side. Brushing Naruto's hair out of his face Jiraiya gave him a worried look. "Might as well finish your check up." he murmured pushing Naruto shirt up. Placing a hand on Naruto's stomach Jiraiya started the examination when he withdrew his hand in shock.
"The seal, it's been damaged!"
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Harry opened his eyes and let out a small yawn. He was feeling much better and his core while not bursting with magic, was full enough that he could defend himself if he needed to. Looking around the room Harry spotted Sasuke setting down some sort of scroll with a smile.
"Are you hungry?" Sasuke asked bringing over a tray of food.
"A bit." Harry answered looking at the food feeling disappointed. It was another bowl of soup. Sure it had more meat in it than the last one, but still; it was soup again. If he didn't get something else to eat soon he felt like he was going drown from this stuff.
"Don't worry, once you get out of here I'll take you out for some real food. Anywhere you want to go." Sasuke said amused at Harry's expression.
"Yeah sure." Harry said as he reluctantly ate the soup. When he put down the bowl Sasuke gave him a surprised look when he didn't fall right back to sleep.
"You're really awake." Sasuke said smiling.
"Well, I wasn't going to sleep forever." Harry said pushing back the blankets so he could get up. Though when he stood he wobbled a bit to Sasuke's alarm, but was able to gain his balance quickly. Harry rolled his eyes, anyone would stiff after lying in bed for days.
"Maybe you should go back to bed." Sasuke suggested worried.
"No!" Harry said. Shaking his head he slapped Sasuke's hands away. He was going to leave this room even if he had to go through Sasuke to do it. "A walk won't kill me." Harry said already shuffling towards the door. "In fact, some fresh air will do me some good."
Sasuke wanted to argue but changed his mind when he saw Harry's determined face. "Fine, I'll take you up to the roof, but only if you use the chair." Sasuke said jerking a thumb at a nearby wheelchair.
"Fine." Harry grunted making a face, just as long as he got out of this room he could put up with almost anything. Smiling Sasuke helped Harry into the wheelchair, carefully bundling the hospital blanket around him.
When they exited the room Harry saw a purple haired woman in a trench coat give them a look before she gave Sasuke a slight nod as Sasuke rolled Harry past her.
"My new guard." Sasuke said before Harry could ask. "You'll be meeting yours later now that you're awake."
"Why, what happened to my old one?"
"Got moved to another assignment, maybe if you had been guarded longer this wouldn't have happened." Sasuke muttered angrily.
"If a guard had been there would I have used magic to help?" Harry silently wondered to himself.
The wind rushed forward ruffling through their hair the moment Sasuke opened the door leading onto the rooftop. Harry grinned widely instantly feeling better.
"Thanks Sasuke." Harry said taking in the view as they moved outside. They were so high and he was loving it. Getting up despite Sasuke's protests Harry walked over and leaned against the fence.
"Careful." Sasuke called out making Harry roll his eyes again. If this fence could survive ninjas landing on it, then it wasn't going to break from his weight.
"So you're alright then?" Harry asked after a moment. Glancing at Sasuke he wondered if he could examine him without his knowledge. If it came to it he might just have to tell Sasuke a bit about his magic just to make sure everything really was alright.
"Hn, healthier than ever. The first aid really helped." Sasuke said giving Harry a searching glance.
"I'm glad." Harry muttered quietly.
"Harry, you know you can tell me anything." Sasuke said.
"Yeah I guess."
"And that fight… I lost that fight." Sasuke said. "I lost and left you alone to face the sound ninja without me. Then I woke up to find you like that. Harry... you wouldn't wake up I… Harry… what happened to that ninja?" Sasuke asked searching Harry's face for answers.
Harry looked away from Sasuke for a moment trying to think about the best way to tell him. He knew this would come up the second he pulled out his wand in that fight.
"And the hawks they were yours?" Sasuke asked pressing for more information.
"Hawks?..." Harry asked feeling a little confused.
"They found feathers Harry. Plus I'm not blind, I noticed when I started receiving help during the fight."
"Oh…." Harry said. He had forgotten what type of bird Avis has summoned this time. For a second he thought that Sasuke was referring to his animagus form. Guess the ninjas didn't know everything yet, but Sasuke did deserved to know at least some of it. Besides, it wasn't like the Ministry would find out with the way this village kept secrets. The fact that he hadn't received a single letter only proved that he was out of their district.
"Yeah, I tried to help." Harry admitted "But then that bastard stabbed you. He fucking stabbed you Sasuke, and was going to watch you die!" Harry hissed getting angry.
"Did you use your ability to fight him?" Sasuke asked horrified. Sure he knew that Harry was alright and safe now, but the idea of Harry going alone against a ninja that he had trouble with...
"What if I did? Harry spat. "Do you think that he was just going to let me walk away?!"
"No…I urg! Just what happened next?"
"I used the hawks to attack him while I got you to a safe place."
"You carried me?" Sasuke asked staring at his cousin.
"Well yeah, I've spent all this time training with Lee. Getting you up the stairs is the least I can do."
"I see." Sasuke said before frowning. "But why your room?"
"Because it was a safe place!" Harry snapped losing his patience. "By the way, what the hell were you thinking inviting an enemy into our house?"
"You heard me." Harry said "You invited that bastard into our home! Were you bloody Fucking Mad!? Because that's the only way that I can make sense of it. What were you going to do, offer him tea?!"
"I'm sorry?" Sasuke asked confused as he stared at Harry in shock for a moment before he grinned. "Our home." He said.
"Yes I know…"
"You finally called it your home." Sasuke said grinning even wider."
Harry sputtered "Well maybe I did." he said running out of steam. Embarrassed Harry blushed as he started to shuffled towards the door.
Chucking Sasuke followed him. "Sorry, it just made me happy to hear you say that. Come on lets finish talking; besides you haven't told me how you knew I invited him inside."
Harry frowned "Could we finish this later; I'm kind of tired?" Harry asked still feeling annoyed.
"...Fine, let's go back inside." Sasuke said turning to grab the wheelchair.
"Actually we need Harry to answer a few questions."
Harry and Sasuke turned, standing there was the Hokage, one of her masked guards and that purple haired ninja from the hallway.
"Could he do this later?" Sasuke asked.
"No, we need a full account of what happened." Tsunade said.
"I see." Sasuke said as the guard moved in.
Glancing at Sasuke Harry noticed that Sasuke looked a bit upset as the ninja pulled him away. However when Sasuke made no move to stop him Harry knew that Sasuke was just following orders, but that didn't stop him from feeling somewhat betrayed.
As Harry was led through the hospital he inwardly wondered how far he would get if he made a break for it. Checking his magical core he realized not far. He would just have to stall for now. Soon enough they stopped in front of a door, it was sort of plain looking.
When it took too long for Harry to open the door the ninja did it himself and gave Harry an impatient look he could read through the mask.
"Please come in Harry-san, and have a seat." a voice called out from inside the room.
Entering he noticed a blond long haired man sitting behind a desk, with a large cushy chair across from it. Sitting down Harry noticed that the chair was really comfortable. Unintentionally he found himself leaning into it. Looking around the room this wasn't the type of place he expected to be questioned in. It consisted of a tan and green theme that seemed like it was meant to place a person at ease.
"Firstly, my name is Inoichi Yamanaka and I am glad to see that you are well Harry-san." Inoichi said filling up two cups with tea.
"Thank you." Harry said politely. He didn't pick up a cup though, just shifted anxiously as he glanced at the exit again.
"Relax Harry-san, we simply need to go over what happened that day." Inoichi said as Harry looked at him with suspicion.
"…Alright, I can do that." Harry said nodding. It made sense, they would need all the information they could get to make sure that an attack like that didn't happen again. "So where do I start?"
"How about when you first knew that something was wrong?" Inoichi suggested when he saw how Harry was struggling to begin.
"It was at the school." Harry said frowning. He had thought long and hard about this and the ninja need to know more than he need to hide, but that didn't mean he had to tell them everything. "I was eating lunch when I realized that it wasn't Sasuke that I was sitting with." Harry said staring off as the details of that day came back to him.
"How did you know that?"
"He didn't act right." Harry explained "And his eyes, they were so… empty. Sasuke's eyes are always filled with emotion; usually annoyance at something someone did."
"I see, did this person ask you anything?"
"No, he just wanted me to leave with him, but Iruka-sensei came out." Harry said. Then he chuckled. He just realized that if Iruka hadn't come out his wish to leave this village might have come true in one of the worst ways possible.
"Harry?" Inoichi asked looking a little concerned.
"I'm fine." Harry said calming down.
"Good, now what did you do next, once you realized that he wasn't your cousin?" Inoichi asked.
"I tricked him and got away."
"Tricked him?" Inoichi repeated back. "How did you accomplish that?"
"He underestimated me, so when he helped me stand up I hit a presser point in his neck knocking him out. Next thing I knew I was looking down at some strange boy with a music note headband."
"That was clever of you, but why didn't you call out to Iruka-san for help?"
"He had gone back inside so what could he have done?"
"I see." Inoichi said thoughtfully. "Where did you learn about this pressure point?"
"From a book." Harry shrugged. "If anything, it was more luck than skill. If that ninja hadn't underestimated me it would have never worked."
"Luck indeed, what happened next?"
"Well I was worried about Sasuke, so I headed home as fast as I could."
"Did you tell Iruka about the situation?
"Why not? This was clearly a case involving ninja. Since you cousin was in trouble wouldn't having a ninja on your side help?"
"...Yeah maybe, I guess I didn't think to turn to Iruka-sensei for help. I just wanted to make sure that Sasuke was ok, so I just ran."
"Did anyone try and stop you on your way?"
"No… it was a quick run."
"Must have been." Inoichi agreed. "So after you arrived home, what happened?"
"I found the real Sasuke and told him about the fake."
"How did you know he was the real one?"
"He just moved right." Harry shrugged "Plus, I asked him a question only he would know just to make sure."
"I see; was Sasuke doing anything strange?"
"No, not that I noticed. I was just glad to see Sasuke safe." Harry said in a hurry. When Inoichi didn't say anything Harry continued.
"I told Sasuke what happened and then this other sound ninja just attacked out of nowhere. If Sasuke hadn't pulled me aside just in time… He was so angry..." Harry said trailing off.
"What happen next?" Inoichi asked snapping Harry's attention back to the present.
"Sasuke protected me. He told me to run when I had the chance."
"Did you?"
"I… I should have, but I didn't. I hid nearby and when the fighting stopped I went to help Sasuke." Harry said feeling guilty. If he had done more maybe Sasuke would have never been stabbed in the first place.
"Did you watch the fight?"
"I hid, but yeah I saw some of it." Harry said.
"Did you try and help Sasuke fight?"
"What could I do against a ninja?" Harry asked.
"I'm sure you could think of something; it would only take another lucky shot. Besides I heard that you can summon hawks." Inoichi said giving Harry a knowing look.
Harry scowled at the man.
"So what do you remember about the fight?" Inoichi asked next.
"The both were so fast I didn't see much. Just a lot of movement."
"Did you see who won?"
"I saw… when I came out of hiding Sasuke was just lying there." Harry said paling a bit as he remembered all the blood."
"What happened to the Sound ninja?"
"Went out a window I think." Harry grunted.
"How did that happen?"
"I don't remember."
"Was it another ninja, your hawks, or something you did?"
"I really don't remember, I was busy tending to Sasuke. He had lost a lot of blood and…"
"And what?"
"Nothing, I… I thought he was going to die. I couldn't let him die!" Harry shouted breathing heavily.
"What did you do?" Inoichi asked calmly ignoring Harry's outburst.
"What?" Harry responded confused.
"You said you couldn't let him die, so you obviously did something that kept him alive. So, what did you do?"
Harry's mouth dropped open for a moment as it sunk in what he just confessed.
"I gave Sasuke some first aid." Harry finally admitted "You know stopped the bleeding and stuff. I not really 100% sure what I did. It was more a panic mode than anything else before I got him to my room."
"Why your room? Why not take him to the hospital, or call a passing ninja for help?"
"I had some medicine from my country." Harry admitted. "And I didn't think about call for anyone; Sasuke was hurt; he needed me! I couldn't just leave him even for a minute!" Harry said feeling emotional. This ninja just didn't get it.
"Medicine? What type of medicine?" Inoichi asked.
"One that helps a body heal and another that replenish blood."
"Do you have any more of this medicine?" Inoichi asked a touch of excitement entering his voice.
"Maybe… I would have to check. If I'm out I would have to get more from my country. I know a great place that sells them cheap."
"You don't say." Inoichi said giving Harry an inquiring look. "So after you treated him why didn't call for help then?"
"I… fell asleep." Harry said blushing. That last statement was spoken with such honesty that it made Inoichi chuckle slightly.
"Did you fall asleep due to exhaustion or because you felt safe?"
"I guess a bit of both." Harry said after a moment.
"What made your room safe? Was it because of something you had done?"
"I replaced the lock on my door." Harry said.
"That's it, you didn't do anything else?"
Harry frowned wondering what Inoichi was hinting at. He hadn't been out long enough for the magic keeping his runes invisible to run out. Right? Merlin, this was why he needed to contact his teacher. His self-studies were only going so far.
"Anything else you would like to add?" Inoichi asked again staring at Harry.
"Nope, after that I just remember waking up in the hospital." Harry said sticking with his story.
"Alright Harry, next I would just like to clarify some details of that day. Is that alright?"
Harry nodded.
"Your story is pretty straight forward. You realized something was wrong so you went home. There was a fight that Sasuke lost. The sound ninja went away out the window, and you took Sasuke up to your room to heal him. Is that all correct Harry-san?"
Harry nodded again.
"No one helped you carry Sasuke up the stairs?"
"I've been training with Lee so I'm stronger than I look." Harry boasted a little.
"Harry, I'm going to show you some pictures and I want you to tell me if they help you remember anything else."
Harry felt nervous as Inoichi placed the first picture on the desk.
"Anything yet?" Inoichi asked.
"No." Harry said shaking his head "I just didn't realize you could see so much damage from outside the house, but other than that nothing new."
Inoichi placed a couple more pictures of different points of the living room where the fight had taken place. Though Harry felt his breath hitch when he saw the large stain of blood in one of the photos.
"How about now?"
"Pale faced, Harry shook his head as he kept silent. Glancing at the next photo placed down Harry mouth tighten as he looked away from the photo showing where he had burned that fucking bastard.
The next photos showed his bloody foot prints and the blood drop trail from Sasuke.
"That's from when I took Sasuke up the stairs." Harry confirmed.
"And this one?" Inoichi asked place down a photo of the top of the stairs."
"I tripped and Sasuke went sliding into my room."
"What about this one." Inoichi asked placing down a photo the second floor broken window."
"That's where the ninja exited. He left in a hurry."
"Really? I guess he did." Inoichi said looking at the photo. "Harry, now I would like to tell you about some things that I've notice from these photos. Like take these ones." Inoichi said pointing to the photos showing the blood trail. "Do you know anything about blood splatter patterns?"
Harry shook his head wondering where Inoichi was going with this.
"Blood splatters can tell a lot of things, such as how bad a wound was. How fast a person was traveling and even… how high that person was." Inoichi said causing Harry's eyes to widen. "Strange thing is, the height Sasuke traveled is a greater height than you."
"Tha…That's impossible I carried Sasuke. There was no other way I could have gotten him up those stairs." Harry protested.
"While also traveling so smoothly that Sasuke traveled at a constant rate?"
"I… ah."
"Then there's this photo. You had such a strong reaction to this burned area. It was the also that same reaction you had when you looked at the broken window you claimed the sound ninja went out, but where did the burn come from? Sasuke never mentioned it during his report, nor did he mention any fire breathing hawks. Also how did you manage to get all the way up the stairs before the ninja of that skill level went out the window?"
Harry opened and closed his mouth saying nothing as his heart beat rapidly in his chest. However Inoichi wasn't done yet as he placed even more photos down. Harry's felt his heart stopped as he caught sight of photos of his own room.
"You know, your room has the most interesting decorations." Inoichi said not taking his eyes off of Harry.
Still as a statue Harry continued to say nothing, but inside he was full on panicking. This was not how it was supposed to go at all! Oh Merlin, what else did they know? How the fuck did they find his runes? Did someone get past his magic? Harry's eyes shifted around the room as he found it hard to breathe. He need to leave Now!
"Calm down Harry." Inoichi said as Harry shoved the table away leaping to his feet.
Harry wasn't listening, feeling trapped he was already scrambling towards the door with Inoichi right behind him.
"Stay away!" Harry shouted, his magic flared sending Inoichi flying away from him. Knowing that he didn't have much time Harry dashed for the door. Gripping the handle he wasn't surprised to find it locked. "Aloho…" Harry began when he was pulled backwards.
"No! Let ME GO!" Harry shouted struggling. Palming his wand Harry aimed behind him, sending Inoichi flying further and this time into a wall. Inoichi was ready despite that and quickly launched himself from the wall and was back at Harry's side in seconds.
Instinctively Harry raise his wand again only for it slapped out of his hand. Grabbing it Inoichi looked at the stick in his hand with curiosity. Before he was forced to drop it when it burned his hand. Though as the wand rolled away from Inoichi he immediately forgot about it.
Not done Harry tried fighting dirty. However Inoichi wasn't a jōnin for nothing; defecting Harry's attacks Inoichi had Harry quickly restrained.
"Shh, it's alright. You're not in trouble." Inoichi said in a soothing voice. "Just breathe. That's it, in one two, and out one two. In one two, and out one two."
Even as Harry's breathing slowed to match Inoichi's his magic flared out a few more times. However his core already low to begin with didn't have much effect, so Inoichi was able to hold on until Harry ran out of energy. Glancing around his office Inoichi looked at all the damages. There were cracks, things thrown about, burns everywhere and his door... it was completely destroyed. Inoichi was sort of amazed that he was still in one piece.
"Feeling better?" Inoichi asked once Harry had gone still.
Harry just glared as he tried to suppress the fear that he was feeling. His mind raced trying to figure a way out of this mess. There was no way that he could over power this ninja never mind the ones in the hallway, and his magic was now completely depleted. What was he going to do? What could he do? With all of his planning he hadn't planned on being dis-wanded like this. However no matter what happened next, he had to get his wand back.
"Well, that certainly answers a lot." Inoichi said smirking as Harry's glare deepened.
"…So, what happens now?" Harry asked after it became apparent that Inoichi was waiting to see what he would do next.
"Now, we talk about what just happened, and why you felt the need to hide your abilities. Harry I want to help you."
Harry scoffed. "And what will this help cost me?" Harry asked.
"Just your time and effort." Inoichi answered causing Harry to scoff again.
"Harry you have a gift. A gift that you have used to protect yourself, and the real reason that you felt you could fight against that sound ninja. Harry you have what is called a kekkei genkai an ability that is usually passed down from a parent. Harry is this why your aunt referred to you and your mother as Freaks?"
Harry twitched. "Don't say that word." He muttered angrily. Closing his eyes Harry's fists tightened into balls for a moment; before he took a deep breath as his head slumped in defeat. "Fine… I have a gift, just like my mom." Harry grudgingly admitted. "What's it to you?"
"As I said I just want to help. You seem to understand your gift, but your control could use some work. We'll have to teach you to control your chakra and find you a teacher."
Harry snorted.
"You don't think you need a teacher?" Inoichi asked.
"I've managed just fine up till now." Harry replied.
Inoichi gave Harry a deadpanned look. "Harry for being self-taught…"
Harry snorted again. This time Inoichi got this odd look in his eyes. "Someone taught you." He said in a tone that was almost dead.
"Of course, my teacher is a great man. A bit paranoid, but I'm starting to understand where he's coming from."
"How long has this man been teaching you?" Inoichi inquired.
"For a while, I guess." Harry shrugged.
"Harry what is this man's name?" Inoichi half way demanded.
"Why, so you can trap him in this village as well?" Harry asked defensively.
"No Harry." Inoichi said trying to get him to understand. "What do you know about chakra?"
"It a combination of physically and spiritual energy that is then used to perform ninja techniques." Harry answered remembering Iruka's teachings.
"That is correct, however when a person uses chakra, it passes through veins called coils."
"So…" Harry asked.
"Learning to use chakra can be dangerous not only because you deplete your reserves, but if you try and access it the wrong way it could cause terrible permanent side effects. Harry, while you were in that coma an examination was done. Your coils are extremely damaged."
"What! What are you talking about?" Harry asked completely confused. He didn't even use chakra.
"The way that you are using your gift, we believe you are forcing your spiritual energy to compensate because you don't know how to access your physical energy. If you continue this way you will end up killing yourself and if you're not careful others as well. This is basic knowledge anyone learning to use chakra has. Yet you're tell me that you were taught this way on purpose!"
Harry flinched at the intensity of Inoichi's tone. Seeing this a guilty expression crossed Inoichi's face.
"I am not angry at you." Inoichi said looking tired. "I just need you to understand."
Harry just stared at Inoichi for a moment as he processed what he had just been told. Then he realized Inoichi thought his magic was charka. If that's what happened when someone used chakra the wrong way it was no wonder Iruka had warned him from learning on his own.
"No you're wrong." Harry said staring Inoichi straight in the eye. "My teacher always has my best interests at heart and besides that my gift isn't chakra it's… magic." Finally admitting Harry smiled. He had been sitting on that secret for so long it felt good to finally tell someone. Maybe he should tell Sasuke next.
~ page ~ break ~ page ~ break ~ page ~ break ~
As Inoichi sat down Tsunade took one look at him and sighed. "That bad?" she asked.
Inoichi nodded. "Harry did help defeat the sound ninja, and I was able to observe his kekkei genkai first hand. It's impressive, he threw me across the room without look or touching me." he said.
"Really, did he use hand signs or was it just instinct?"
"Instinct, I got the feeling Harry didn't have complete control. We'll have to test him when he's fully recovered to get a true assessment of his skills. Though while he is tested we'll have to be careful, Harry was taught to only use his spiritual energy."
"What! Who would dare!?"
"I was unable to gain the name of Harry's… Teacher, but I did learn that this person is an older male that Harry respects. It will take time to figure out everything that man taught him, and hopefully we can figure out from there what his plan for Harry was."
"Great…" Tsunade muttered "Take all the time you need, I was already planning on sending Sasuke to you. So I'll leave it to you how to handle both boys."
"Thank you Hokage-sama, I'll see to it."
"What else?"
"This is something of a concern and may tie into the mystery teacher. Harry knows what charka is, but believes that he's using something completely different. He, completely believes his ability is magical in nature." Inoichi said his voice dripping from disbelief. What had that so called teacher done to this boy?
"Did you explain?"
"Yes, and like is said he knows what charka is; he just refuses to consider that it's what he's been using. He willing to learn to use chakra if he has to, but feels that since his abilities doesn't use chakra; our teachers can't help him with his control."
"That's… concerning."
"Yes, from how he spoke, I believe that he been using this far more often than we know and will continue to do so if he can get away with it. Harry will have to be watched closely to ensure that he doesn't inflict further damage on to himself. I can't be certain, but it would explain the seals that cover his room. Though if his seals are this powerful with just his spiritual energy; I can't imagine how they will be after he gains a real teacher. I would like to see if Jiraiya would take him on as a student. If just using his ability is doing that to his body, I fear what his teacher taught him about seals."
"Jiraiya is already planning on examining the house. He's a bit busy right now."
"Yeah I felt that. How is Naruto doing?"
"Better, whoever those two were they have ability especially dangerous to Naruto condition. Jiraiya is still at his side fixing the damage."
"I see."
"Did you get anything from Harry that might be connected to them?" Tsunade asked.
"No, he has psychokinesis as well as a slight psychokinesis ability. However nothing resembled the information about the attack from those men."
"Alright let me know if you learn anything new."
"I will. Though I do have some good news Harry admitted to healing Sasuke with a foreign medicine."
"Thought so." Tsunade muttered. "By the way how is Harry doing?"
"He sleeping right now." Inoichi said. Smiling he bowed as their meeting ended.
~ page ~ break ~ page ~ break ~ page ~ break ~
Sirius trotted through the town with his tail wagging. Turning a corner he sniffed the air before barking twice. The wall at the end of the alley shimmered for a moment as a hand reached out and dragged him through.
"I said two soft barks." Moody growled as Sirius changed forms.
"Sorry." Sirius replied sheepishly.
"It's fine, doesn't look like you attracted any attention." Moody said as his eye swung around surveying the area before lingering on Sirius.
When they had arrived in that alleyway Moody had gotten to work immediately and that may have been what saved Sirius's life. This red chakra boiled the skin, and when Sirius had pushed him down he had gotten hit on upper half of his body while Moody's only damage had been to his good leg.
Focusing on Sirius first it was only through the use of magic that allowed Moody to undo all the damage. Though if he had thought about it he would have placed Sirius in sort of trance so he would have never gotten the idea to do some recon by himself. Although now that Sirius was back it looked like he had worried for nothing.
"Yeah, well I was careful. There's good news though; I smelled him. I think I found where he is or was staying, but until my nose finishes healing I'll have to go inside to be sure." Sirius said.
"Good, how far?"
"Five blocks. Though it looks like the house is empty."
"Didn't smell any nearby."
"...None at all?"
"Yeah, so what do you want to do?"
"We'll proceed with caution." Moody said after a moment of consideration. "Trap or not that house is our biggest lead."
Giving Moody a nod Sirius transformed back into his dog form while Moody pulled down his hood.
On the way they passed by several ninja, but none of them seemed to have to Naruto's ability to see through their spells. So they were able to make it to the house without any problems.
"Here, Harry has been staying here." Sirius said once he could talk again.
Moody look around the area warily. Sirius was right there weren't any ninjas guarding the house, but why? Turning back to the house his eyes narrowed when he saw some sort of runed papers on all of the entrances. Getting closer Moody could see that it was the same strange style, but much simpler than the one he had found in Naruto's mind.
"Can you destroy it?" Sirius asked.
"No need, these runes only keep people from entering the muggle way." Moody said before apparating inside; a second later Sirius joined him.
"Do you smell him?" Moody asked as they got their first look of the inside of the house.
"Yeah, it's old though, by around a week or so." Sirius said before a panicked look crossed his face. "I smell blood."
"Is it Harry's?"
"No." Sirius said after a second. "Though it's as old as Harry's scent. What happened here?" Sirius wondered. Had Harry been here when whatever happened? Sirius hoped not, but knowing his godson; Harry had probably been right in the middle of it.
As they made their way through the house Moody noticed many runes on the walls. "This room's Harry's." Moody said once they got to the second floor. Looking around the room it only took him a moment to spot the damaged baseboard.
"Wow!" Sirius breathed looking at all the runes. His godson had talent. Turning his attention away from the runes he opened the closet to find it empty. Not surprising since Harry had Moody for a teacher.
"He did good work a few mistakes here and there but it's good to see that he kept up with his studies." Moody murmured as he looked over his student's work. Harry must have spent a lot of time in this room, but Moody wondered if Harry did it willingly.
"Ooh, I remember this one." Sirius said pointing at a particular rune with a smile.
"Hold up, we've got company." Moody said as his eye focused on part of the room.
"Oh, noticed me? Did you?" a man with long spiky white hair said coming out of the shadows. "So who are you and why are you in this house?"
Stopping on the porch it took only seconds for Jiraiya to undo the seals to let him into the house. Walking in Jiraiya looked around a bit shocked to see all the damage. Sure he had been told about what would happen when he entered the house, but to see it for himself… If this kid did this he was taking a second student.
Turning around Jiraiya started to examine the doorway when he heard a faint noise coming from above him. There was someone already here, and they were in the boy's room.
Keeping to the shadows Jiraiya entered Harry's room without making a sound. From the ceiling he was able to observe the two men, but how did they get in here without breaking the seals. Eyes widening Jiraiya recognized them, they were the ones who had hurt Naruto.
Though he wanted nothing more than to jump down and destroy them, the fact was that they fought Naruto when he was using the Nine Tails' chakra and won. In need of more information Jiraiya watched as the older man examined the seals on the walls; while the other was looking through Harry's closet and drawers. When he found nothing he pointed at one of the seals with a grin; before saying something in a foreign language. Jiraiya didn't recognize the seal, but could these two be from Harry's original country?
After quickly running through some hand seals Jiraiya placed his palms on the ceiling only to blink as the Summoning Toad Mouth Bind didn't work. Another few hand seals later and he found the he was unable to summon regular toads as well, nor could he make a clone. Why was this happening, was it because of that unknown seal?
Having no choice Jiraiya hoped that whatever was affecting him affected them too as he reached for a kunai. Jiraiya prepared to attack when one of the older man's eyes turned stare at him. Since he had been found Jiraiya dropped down causing the younger man flinch in surprise. That made Jiraiya feel better about this situation.
However the younger man quickly gained control of his features as he settled into a strange defensive stance besides the older man.
"So who are you and why are you in this house?" Jiraiya asked his eyes flickering between the two.
"Travelers, we're looking for someone. A young boy, goes by the name of Harry." The older man said in Japanese.
"Harry?" Jiraiya asked in a deliberately confused tone "Don't think I know this kid, but maybe I can help. Why don't you tell me more about this kid, and why you're looking for him."
"Fuck you, I know he's been here!" The younger man snarled.
"Here? How do you know?" Jiraiya asked immediately labeling him as a hot head.
The younger man opened his mouth to say something else before snapping it shut with a glare. "We have our ways." he huffed.
"Your ways?" Jiraiya repeated raising an eyebrow "Well my village's way isn't to release information about children to traveling strangers. Especially those who attack our people!"
"Attack your people. Your people are kidnappers and Harry Potter is ours! So if you think for a second you can keep us from taking him, come on over and do something about it." Sirius said while making the come and get it hand gesture.
Jiraiya stared at the younger man for a moment wondering if they had managed to set up a trap. However he couldn't leave such a threat alone so he moved forward to attack and froze… Blinking confused Jiraiya looked around as he tried to move, but the only thing he could move was his face.
"What did you do?" he asked seeing Black openly grinning at his predicament.
Moody smirked as the ninja fell right into one of his student's traps. Surrounded by runes this ninja should have never tried any aggressive moves. In any other room in this house the ninja would have had the upper hand, but this room was a wizard's playground.
Stepping forward it was easy for Moody to locked eyes with the ninja glaring straight at him. Pushing forward Moody was surprised to find himself being blocked. He was able to gain some information like the fact that the ninja's name was Jiraiya, and he knew where Harry was, but not the location itself. Stepping back he looked at the now furious ninja in confusion. He had heard rumors of mind readers in this village, it felt like this ninja had been trained by one. Damn, this changed things.
Waving his wand Moody spelled the ninja's mouth to freeze open as he reached into his pocket to pull out a small vial of clear liquid. After three drops were swallowed he released the spell and took a step back.
"What is your name?" Moody asked after a few seconds.
The ninja struggled for a moment but grunted out "Jiraiya." as a look of horror dawned his face.
"Are you a ninja?"
"Yes." Jiraiya said even though it was clear he was trying to fight this.
"Do you know of a boy called Harry Potter?"
"Do you know his location?"
"Where is Harry Potter?"
Jiraiya struggled fiercely and managed to start gathering some chakra without hand seals. "In the village." He answered.
"Where in the village is Harry Potter?" Moody asked pointing his wand at Jiraiya not sure what the ninja was up to.
"The hospital!" Jiraiya shouted.
"Where exactly in the hospital?"
"I don't know for certain." Jiraiya managed to say.
It was at that moment that Moody felt that something was wrong. Instantly reacting Moody cast a stunner that hit Jiraiya, but it didn't stop the explosion the ninja had already set in motion. Nor could they do anything when the force of the explosion sent Jiraiya through the wall and into the nearby street.
When the explosion went off Sirius had throwing up a shield to protect them. He hadn't been able to include Jiraiya, but it turned out the ninja hadn't needed his protection.
"Did he just blow himself up to escape?" Sirius asked staring impressed at the spot Jiraiya had just been.
"Don't know, don't care, we're leaving now." Moody said ramming his wand into one of the runes on the wall. The room shook for a moment and then all of the runes melted leaving black sludge gathering at the base boards. That in turn started to burn away without harming the wooden floor. By the time Moody and Sirius apparated away there was no trace left of any runes in the entire house.
Hey readers, that was chapter nine. It took a while, but most my time was mainly spent writing that interrogation. Seriously, I started working on that scene back when I was beginning to write chapter eight. And for those of you who have been with me since chapter seven, you can tell how long that's been. So drop a review and let me know what you think. I worked hard really, really hard on this chapter and these reviews are my only rewards. Or mention something else you liked, didn't like or have questions about. Please?
Well until next time ZeakaGirl out. =^!^=