Dear Readers,

I know I suck at updating. But I wanted to let everyone know that I'm moving all my writing over to Archive of Our Own. I won't make promises to update regularly, but I will try. I wrote these stories when I was around 13, and I've grown as a writer in the past 5 years, so even though these stories will have a special place in my heart since they are some of the first I wrote, I feel the need to revise and rewrite. If you would like to continue reading these, or read new ones, my name on AO3 is emilyelaineinthetardis (or thecutestangelinthegarrison).

Thank you to everyone who ever commented, favorited, or followed any of my stories. It made me so happy to get emails that said a new person enjoyed my story. I hope to see you all at AO3, if not I understand (as I said before, I know I suck at updating, but hopefully I'll be better at it in the future!).

Thank you for the years at , and here's to many more over at AO3.

All the love,
