Ok, well, I was disappointed in my last chapter, but it seems like I was the only one. I've had LOADS of lovely reviews from everyone. Here is the final chapter, and the sequel will be on its way! Anyway, heres the final chapter/starter for the sequel, enjoy!
Almost a year had passed since Kriss first met Pitch. As promised, Pitch returned every night and thought her to fight her nightmares. No matter where she was, he would find her. He soon learned that weekends she was with her bastard of a father. During the week, she was with her mother, and though she was safe, he still came to watch over her. During the week, the time they spent together awake was so much more fun. He thought her to dance and sing. He told her stories beside the fire place, about the Guardians and their constant thwarting of his plans. Though the knowledge that, in a way, he was the bad guy upset her, she also knew that without him the others would not exist. It's pretty much the yin-yang effect. You can't have one and not the other. She took this knowledge with much understanding. One thing could be said for her; she was wise beyond her years.
One night, Pitch found himself standing in front of Kriss's mother's house. 'Strange...' Pitch thought. 'Why would Kriss be here? It's a Saturday...' Pitch was slightly concerned. It wasn't that he minded his precious charge being away from that sadistic monster. But more that the only time she has been here on a weekend is when she's very ill.
He disappeared from the street, which was a dam sight better than that of her fathers, and into Kriss's bedroom. The room looked as if twins of the opposites lived in it. One half was black and covered in skulls and rock band posters. Punk/Rock Chick style clothes were strewn everywhere. The other half was all pink love hearts and fluffy things, glittery makeup and jewellery lined up neatly on a vanity dressing table. Needless to say, Kriss's style had a touch of multiple personality. One day she'd be in a pretty pink silk dress, with pink fluffy boarders at the end of the skirt. The next day she won't be able to stand the sight of pink, and opts for torn jeans, a band shirt 4 sizes too large and a fake leather jacket. Needless to say, her taste in clothes had MPD.
The seven year old girl was lying on her bed, which had a double sided bed sheet. The pink side was down, facing up black covered in skulls. She was dressed in a short, punky tartan skirt and black leggings, and a black skull shirt, tossing a Barbie doll to one side, boredly. Then she saw Pitch, leaning on the wall in the dark corner of her room. "Pitch!" She bolted off her bed and tackled him to the ground in an almighty hug, grinning from ear to ear.
"Nice to see you too, Nix Regina." He smirked. Kriss never knew the meaning behind her nickname. Whenever she asked, all she knew was, Man in Moon had chosen it for her. "What are you doing here today?" He asked softly, sitting her on his lap. It was more than obvious she was not ill.
"Daddy's gone!" She replied gleefully. "Daddy move away to Brazil and got arrested. He won't be back."
Pitch couldn't help but grin broadly at the news, tears of relief and joy forming in his eyes. Long had he tried so desperately to turn fear onto the worthless creature her father had become. Long had he desired to hear the news that he was gone and for good. His Nix was safe, at last...
But his happiness wasn't to last. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years. Time passed, and as Kriss became more and more part of the "real" outside world, the less he saw of her. She gained few friends and grew up fast. And though they still met each night, it still wasn't enough for him. He longed to be alive to her world, to walk among her friends as a human man. He wanted to be with her as a friend, as family. He loved her like he once loved his own daughter... one he had lost long ago... It cut him deeply to see her drifting away more and more as the days dragged on.
One summer night, 6 months after her 12 birthday, he came to Kriss's window to surprise her.. only to gain a shock himself. There, lying on her bed as she tended to a wound on his arm, was Jack Frost himself.
Pitch froze. He felt himself falling... falling apart... all over again... the pieces of his soul, his happiness, that Kriss had helped him slowly put back together, were being broken and withering away once again, as he came to the realization that his joy and hope ended here. He knew if the Guardians ever knew of his contact with Kriss, they would chase him away. He could never see her again. They could never just let him be happy... But she was...
He looked at the scene again. Jack was smiling, making it snow in her room. Kriss had a bright smile on her chubby little face, laughing and chatting to the teenaged winter spirit. What exactly Jack was doing here in the middle of summer, didn't seem to matter to Pitch... she was happy... without him. He needed no more of a reason to leave. After all... she didn't need him anymore, and he certainly didn't need her... right?
And besides. He would always be there, as long as she remembered to turn the last light out...