IMPORTANT NEW READERS: This is a sequel to A Heart of a Million Pieces, which is another sequel to An Undefeated battle. I suggest you guys read those before hitting up this story, but if you don't you might be a little confused.

Anyways thanks to all my followers since An Undefeated Battle, you guys are awesome. I did make a sequel just for you guys! SO please enjoy! REVIEW!

Chapter 1

Until Now…

[Stallone's POV]

"Okay we are not living here, this place looks ew!" Evelyn said as she peaked through the small apartment.

"Well after the walls are painted, and the new floor is put down, it will look more appealing." The owner of the apartments stated.

"Baby, I don't know what you are expecting. We can't afford an out of a magazine apartment. This will be fine, and it's only 350 a month with our school discount. It's the best we will ever find, especially in L.A. I don't see why we can't just live on campus."

"Okay and what's the odds on us having the same dorm?" Evelyn crossed her arms.

"You can request who you want to room with Ev."

"They will split us up."

"So, all you have to do is switch rooms with whoever I'm rooming with or vice versa. It's not that big of a deal babe. It's the best choice."

She rolled her eyes and walked out of the apartment as I turned to the lady. "We'll get back to you. Thanks."

It's been a struggle trying to figure out how we are going to get out of our parents house. I was forced to get a job as well as Evelyn, so we could have money for rent whenever we found a place. We both applied and got accepted into California State University and she is so against staying on campus for whatever reasons, but it looks like this will be our cheapest option.

"So?" I lifted a brow as we were heading down the interstate.

"So what?"

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

She gave a small sigh. "It's whatever. I guess whatever is cheaper."

"Campus isn't that bad baby." I said as I reached over and grabbed her hand.

She glanced at our connected hands but still held a frown. "I just don't like campuses. It's like you're at school 24 7. I want to get away, like have our own place. No rules and regulations you know?" She squeezed my hand.

"Ev we're still young. We'll have forever to do that, but for now we need to stay on campus. It's the best thing okay?"

She glance up and me and smiled. "Alright."

"I love you."

"I love you too Prettyface."

[Shiloh's POV]

"Alright everyone welcome, welcome. Take a seat anywhere you like."

I dropped my butt in a chair closest to the door as my bag hit the floor. Today was the first day of my junior year at Hollywood Arts. I never planned on coming to this school but Sunshine begged and begged for me to come audition with her a couple of years ago. I didn't think I would make it, but apparently my acting skills are "outrageously great." I never acted before that audition day, and I never knew I held the talent. Sunshine was also in for acting. Her acting skills are above charts. The girl can change her whole entire self within a matter of seconds and it didn't take the judges 1 minute of her audition to accept her in.

"Alright less talented children, my name is Ms. Vega and I'll be the best teacher that you'll ever have forever."

I scrunched my eyes and glanced up at the familiar voice and my eyes widened.


"Oh hey there baby niece."

"What are you doing here!?"

"Being the best teacher well of course! Now stop interrupting me." She turned back to the class.

"As I was saying, my name is Ms. Vega, but you guys can call me Ms. Beautiful, or Ms. Awesome, or Ms. Gorgeous whatever pops up in your pretty little minds." She chuckled.

"How about Ms. Conceded?" A girl raised her hand and said.

I watched as Trina frowned. "How about you shut up now Now class welcome to Acting 101. Today is the first day so I will let you guys know about me. I have been extremely talented since the day I was born. I can sing, dance, act, you name it, I'm the master at it.."

Oh my god!

"…I have a daughter named Bailey. Some of you may know her, but if you don't then I can see why. She doesn't talk to too many. I decided to teach because I have so much talent to share with the world, and what better way of sharing that talent than by teaching it? By the end of the semester all of you guys should be stars as my talent should rub off on each and every one of you." She smiled.

I quickly pulled out my phone.

Me: Bailey what the hell is your mom doing as my teacher!?

It didn't take long to get a reply.

Bailey: Haha! You're in her class! Sucks for you!

Me: Why is she teaching!? Who even offered her a job!?

Bailey: She claims she has so much "talent" she needed to let some of it out. So she decided to teach. And I have no idea who offered the job. Hollywood Arts must be desperate. Good Luck!

"Shiloh put your phone away! Can't you see I'm talking here! Rude!"

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket.

This is going to be a long semester

[Jade's POV]

"Tori where's my-"

I turned around to see her standing with my shoes held out for me.

"Thanks babe." I grabbed the shoes from here and slipped them on. "Do I look professional?" I held out my arms.

"You look sophisticated."

I rolled my eyes playfully. Today I had an interview with the acting agency Beck works for. He said they are looking for new agents and I'm going to try to steal the spot.

"Alright, are you alright? You need anything while I'm out?"

I watched as she shook her head no. She took a step closer to me giving me a peck on the lips. "Good luck babe."

I smiled before turned to leave.

I'll definitely be coming back with a new job.

[Roxy's POV]

"Ahh c'mon!"

"Sorry ma'am but we don't take credit cards here."

"How is a girl supposed to eat!?"

"Calm the fuck down Roxy." Jaylen said as she pulled out cash. "You owe me baby girl." She gave me an evil eye as she handed the money to the cashier.

"Okay that will be just a few minutes." The cashier said as she handed Jaylen back her change.

We took a seat in the corner of the small pizza parlor.

New Text

I glanced down at my phone.

"Who texted you? "

Sender: Michael

I smiled. "My babessssss."

Jaylen rolled her eyes. "You guys are sickening."

"Don't hate Jaylen because you are a sad and lonely individual."

"Fuck you hoe. Mr. Right will come along eventually."

"yeah mmhmm."

Michael: What you up to baby?

Me: Just grabbing some pizza with Jay. Wassup with you?

Michael: Nothin' much. Chillin' with Statige. Y'all wanna go out tonight?"

Me: But it's Monday? Go where?

Michael: Karaoke. The place is always live, no matter what day; yall down?

"Hey Jay you want to go to Karaoke Dokie tonight with Mike and Statige?"

"The fuck? It's Monday. It's lames night."

"I'm taking that as a yes."

Me: We're down. What time?

Michael: 7:00 see yall there.

Me: K. Love you.

Michael: Love you 2 babe.

I smiled as I shoved my phone back into my pocket.

"So you expect me to go to Karaoke with just you Michael and Statige? SIke! Call Stallone and tell her to show her face tonight."

I rolled my eyes. "You call her!"

"I bought the pizza."

"I have to pay you back!"

"Just call her!" She yelled.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes as pulled out my phone and dialed her number.



"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing why?"

"Want to go to Karaoke tonight?"

"With you? Just you and Michael? Hell no." She spat.

"No! With Jaylen and Statige too!"

"Isn't today Monday? What the hell goes on on a Monday night?"

"Dude are you going to come or what?"

"Yeah, I guess. What time?"


"Yo Ima call Dyzelle and Daren and tell them to come to."


With that the line went dead.

"Doesn't anybody ever say by anymore?" I stated as I shoved my phone back into my pocket once more.

"So is she coming?" Jaylen said as she walked back to the table with our pizza.


"Great another boring night with all you lames I labeled as friends. How exciting."

I rolled my eyes.

Tonight should be fun.

[Dyzelle's POV]

"Dude you suck move." I said as I pushed my twin brother Daren aside so I could show off my basketball skills.

I shot a three pointer and it was perfect net. I turned and gave Daren a smile.

"Pure luck." He said as she grabbed the ball and tried the same shot but missed. I snatched the ball back and shot the three pointer once again, and again it was a perfect shot.

"Seems luck always has my side if that's the case." I winked at him as I made my way back inside the house.

"Hey Dyzelle, perfect timing; tell me how this taste." My dad said as he stuffed a spoon full of homemade ice-cream into my mouth.

"Mmmm, that's really good."

He smiled. "Hey where's Daren?"

"Still outside; defeated."

"Whoop his ass is basketball?"

"You already know."

He laughed.

So my name is Dyzelle Love Harris. I'm 18 years young and I also have twin brother, which is of course the same age as me. My parent's hold the names of Andre and Haven Harris. I mean my family isn't exciting, but it isn't boring. We always have something going on and as of right now we just moved into a new house right in Hollywood. We use to live in San Diego but my dad was tired of having to drive back and forth from San Diego to Hollywood because of his job. So he just decided to move here in which I'm totally cool with because the people in San Diego weren't all that fun and it seems here these people are off the wall.


"Hello, hello?" I answered.

"Hey Dyzelle yall busy tonight?"

"Not that I know of. Why?"

"Karaoke. 7. Show."

I laughed. "Okay Stallone. I'll see what Daren wants to do and if I don't show up, then…yeah."

"Ok see you then, maybe."


Hmmmm Karaoke…I'm down.

Thanks for reading! REVIEW please it only takes a few seconds. Reviews on the first chapter are the most important to me. It lets me know if I should continue or not! so please review!