A/N ~ Don't own Glee, other characters not from the show are my invention.

Contains established D/D relationship so Rated M for mature topics – mention of corporal punishment between consenting adults in a relationship.

Prompt from NayaFan

Brittana family / Quinntana Friendship / Quitt friendship ~ This is not a new story, but a repost of my story that I removed for personal reasons. Thanks so much for all the requests to bering it back. I will be updating as soon as possible.

Chapter 1

Brittany gently lowered herself down onto the hard kitchen chair, trying to put most of her weight on her hip. Sipping her coffee and feeling relieved they had gotten her punishment out of the way already this morning. It was torture whenever she had to wait, the anxiety and guilt always ate at her and she longed for the forgiveness and fresh start that came after. She had tried to cover up the effects of the crying but her puffy blue eyes were always a dead giveaway whenever she was sad or hurt or upset.

San always loved her eyes and called them the window to her soul. The Latina said she could see every thought, emotion and feeling the blonde ever had through her crystal blue orbs. Brittany never could keep anything important from her wife, not that she ever wanted to. She was still as madly in love with Santana Lopez Pierce as ever.

DJ was just like his Mami, he seemed to know everything about his Mom just from looking in her eyes. The tall blonde was just as madly in love with their son. The only problem was he was getting older now and it was becoming more of a challenge to keep the more private aspects of their marriage from him.

Brittany shifted uncomfortably, her backside was still on fire and the deep ache in her muscles would be a constant reminder for a few days that the rules were in place for a reason. It would just be a little difficult explaining to her 7 year old that she had spent the better part of the early morning over his Mami's knee getting her backside paddled. It was an issue she had Santana had yet to fully figure out how to handle since the domestic discipline had been a part of their relationship since high school.

She was pulled from her musings when she heard her son come barreling down the steps sounding like a herd of elephants was on his tail, "Daniel Joseph Pierce, what have we told you about running on the stairs?" She grimaced at the strict tone in her wife's voice; it appeared that she was not the only one in trouble in the Pierce household this morning, "Now get back up here and walk down them properly or you can kiss the Xbox goodbye for the rest of the week!"

Brittany giggled as she heard grumbling coming from both of her favorite people in the world. Santana was the first down the stairs and she came over and laid a gentle kiss on her wife's lips and rubbed her back sweetly.

"You doing ok baby?" The brunette asked softly in a concerned tone.

Brittany looked up into the dark eyes she loved so dearly and smiled gently, "I'm much better now sweetie, thank you." She took the soft tanned hand in her own pale one and squeezed it gently conveying her love and gratitude.

Santana nodded and turned to grab a cup of coffee, a muffin and a banana and went back to sit down at the kitchen table.

DJ ran breathlessly into the kitchen and skidded to a complete stop when he saw the look of irritation on his Mami's face, "Sorry Mami." He mumbled looking down at the kitchen floor and rubbing a circle on it with his white athletic socks.

"C'mere buddy." Santana exhaled more patiently gently patting her lap. Her tone was softer and DJ looked up hopefully, maybe he hadn't lost the Xbox yet.

Daniel Joseph Pierce had been a beautiful baby and was now a very handsome little boy. He had blonde wavy hair and milk chocolate eyes. He had lost all his baby fat and was becoming long, lean and lithe like his birth mother. He was a kind, gentle and cheerful little boy but he was also tough and adventuresome and his fearlessness scared both his mothers.

He ambled over and sat on Santana's lap and laid his head on her shoulder as her arm wrapped around his waist, "Running on the stairs is dangerous, especially in socks, your mom and I love you so slow it down a bit ok? For me especially, por favor mijo? I'm getting old; you don't want to give your old Ma a heart attack do you?"

DJ grinned his shy smirk and ducked his head into her shoulder giggling, "You're silly Mami, you're not old, Abuela is old!"

Brittany almost spit coffee out of her nose when she pictured the look on Francesca Lopez' face if she ever heard herself being referred to as old.

"What about me buddy, where's my morning hug and kiss?" Brittany pretend pouted. DJ jumped up and threw himself into his Mom's lap which caused the older blonde to emit a loud groan as her backside collided firmly and squarely with the hard chair seat.

Her son pulled back immediately, "I'm sorry mama, did I hurt you?"

The older blonde felt terrible and pulled her son closer as she ruffled his hair, "No honey, sore muscles that's all."

She looked over his shoulder at Santana and glared at her wife when the brunette smirked and rolled her eyes and said, "Very sore I'll bet at least from the workout I saw!" She stood up and dumped her coffee in the sink, "I'll be down in 15 and we have to get moving, so DJ, breakfast, now!" She pointed to the bowl of cereal with cutup banana in it Brittany had sitting out for him. She headed back upstairs to finish getting ready for work.

Their son grabbed his cereal and sat back down to eat chatting away merrily about his day. His friends were bringing the soccer ball to practice at recess and he wanted to join the new league starting.

Brittany watched and listened to her son attentively. He was their miracle baby. When they had first gotten married the blonde had just graduated college and was a much sought after dancer and choreographer so Santana announced she would be the "incubator" as she laughingly called it.

Brittany was amazed; children had not really been a big topic of conversation. The couple had focused on college and then the wedding. Santana brought it up in bed one night and had expressed her desire to carry their children so the blonde could focus on her career and Brittany was over the moon with joy and happiness.

Two miscarriages later, the blonde put her foot down for once in her life and insisted she would carry their children. She couldn't stand the look of heartbreak and failure in her love's eyes. She was looking too thin and frail and had a haunted look around her eyes and Brittany was terrified of losing the love of her life to an all pervasive sadness. Pregnancy and childbirth should be a joyous occasion not the torment they were going through.

The blonde had conceived on the first try and her pregnancy was easy and carefree. Santana had been devoted and attentive. Everything had been almost too perfect until DJ's birth when something had gone wrong and Brittany had hemorrhaged and mother and child very nearly died. Santana had insisted that this baby was their one and only miracle and she would not risk her soul mate's life ever again. No amount of arguing on Brittany's part would dissuade her wife from her decision. DJ would be their only child as far as the Latina was concerned.

Brittany watched lovingly as her son finished his breakfast and tried to rush off, "Sink please and push your chair back in before you go brush your teeth." She reminded him gently.

He grabbed his dishes and set them in the sink and grinned shyly before going upstairs to finish getting ready.

The blonde got up gingerly and went to rinse the dishes and stack them in the dishwasher. Santana came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her wife's waist lovingly and kissed her gently on her neck.

"You need to be careful; my wife will be down soon as she is a hot-headed fiery Latina with quite a temper and a jealous streak a mile wide." She turned around quickly from the sink and kissed her wife passionately wrapping her arms around the brunette's neck and pulling her close.

Santana returned the kiss moaning into the blonde's mouth when Britt slipped her talented tongue into her wife's mouth. They loved these little stolen moments of passion. They were becoming harder and harder to come by as their son became more aware of what was going on. He was also quite free with his opinion about kissing cooties.

They tried to be a lot more careful since they had been completely humiliated at both DJ's daycare and a holiday dinner at the Lopez family home. Santana's brother, Alejandro loved wrestling, and would sit and watch it for hours with an adoring 3 year old DJ. Santana hated it and mocked her brother mercilessly for his addiction to it.

One morning thinking DJ was still sleeping and not having had any decent sex in a while, Santana could not keep her hands to herself and Brittany forgot to lock the bedroom door. Neither of them knew how long he had been standing there but right in the middle of Santana's signature move and Brittany was just this close to screaming out her lover's name for the second time, they heard a curious little voice ask quite innocently, "Why are you wrestling with Mama?"

Santana had quickly pulled her head out from under the covers and her wife's thighs as Brittany scrambled to cover anything visible with the sheets. Both women looked over at the foot of the bed and saw the little blonde boy looking at them in wonder with his head tilted sideways trying to take it all in.

Brittany flushed a bright pink as she closed her eyes and sunk back into the bed in embarrassment as Santana flushed a dark red and started swearing in Spanish. The blonde recovered first as she put on her robe and ushered the little boy into the kitchen to make him breakfast as the Latina recovered.

At breakfast DJ listened attentively to his mothers' explain about things grown up married people did in private and nodded and took it all in quite seriously and then went to daycare and explained to anyone who would listen about how his Mami did married people things to his Mama that made her yell his Mami's name really loud. It created quite a bit of fun and teasing and jokes at the Pierce women's expense and Brittany and Santana being young, beautiful, healthy, sexually active women were traumatized for quite some time.

Time passed and things got back to normal, or so everyone thought until everyone was gathered at Francesca Lopez' house for New Years Day dinner. Alejandro and most of the men were in the living room watching wresting on the big screen when Santana walked in the room with a tired DJ on her hip.

She sat him down next to his uncles and was headed back into the kitchen to help with clean up when she heard her angelic little son explaining how his mothers' were the best wrestlers ever but they didn't wear any clothes when they wrestled. Hearing her brothers' choked laughter and being the only girl with three brothers, she knew she would never live this one down. They would be telling this story on her deathbed.

Swearing to herself to put a damn deadbolt on the bedroom door she went into the kitchen, made a stiff drink and resolved to get drunk and forget this day ever happened.

Santana was still kissing Brittany up against the kitchen sink when she heard DJ coming back downstairs and pulled away like she was leaning against a hot stove. Brittany just shook her head in amusement, "He knows we kiss San."

The Latina quickly changed the subject, "Are you going in to work today babe?"

Brittany folded the kitchen towel and nodded her head, "I have two clients this morning and one this afternoon as well as class." Since DJ started getting older and was involved in more activities, Britt had given up dancing and opened a gym becoming a personal trainer and weight loss coach as well as conducted work out classes that incorporated cardio workouts with dancing. The gym quickly became a sensation as Brittany was compassionate and caring and gave her all to helping people. Her classes were fun and lively and her clients knew she wasn't in it for the money, she really loved people.

"What about you? Late night tonight?" Brittany asked back.

Santana was a teacher at the high school and was the coach of the cheerleaders and they had a regional competition coming up so practices were running later and later the closer they got to the competition.

"If you hold dinner till 6pm I will be here." She leaned forward and kissed her wife goodbye, she could never get enough of Brittany S. Pierce.

"Ew, that is so gross, I bet Mama didn't even brush her teeth yet. Besides everyone knows girls have germs."

"Get in the car and one day you will find out kissing girls is fun and you won't care about germs or cooties." Santana said ushering her son out the door grabbing lunches, briefcases and backpacks as she went leaving Brittany laughing merrily in the kitchen.

Brittany checked the time and realized she had time to kill so she headed upstairs to take a shower. She was not quite certain how hot water would feel on her punished backside but she knew a bath would feel worse.

She compromised on a warm shower and stayed in just long enough to wash her long blonde hair. Even the warm water raised the temperature on her ass and she only stayed in as long as she could bear it.

Gracefully stepping out of the shower and wrapping the long luxurious bath towel around her slim athletic body she walked into the bedroom to straighten up before her first client. She had taken a few kickboxing classes to get certified to teach so she could add more classes to add to the diversity of the gym. It had just been something to do but she found she loved it and how toned and sculptured the workout had made her body. Santana had certainly appreciated the results as well. The blonde blushed thinking about just how the brunette had expressed her admiration.

Brittany quickly made the bed and headed into the walk in closet to get changed when she saw the belt hung casually on the dresser knob. She looked at it with a feeling of regret and remorse. The belt was only used for the more serious offenses and lying to Santana was one that would find her face down getting flayed by the leather belt every single time. She hadn't even meant to lie and it was certainly a stupid lie at that.

She knew by the silent rage on Santana's face in the car ride home she was in serious trouble. Brittany tried to explain but the brunette stopped the car and turned to look her wife in the eyes, "Was it the truth or was it a lie? It's not really a gray area Brittany, its black or white."

Brittany had looked down in shame knowing how disappointed Santana was in her behavior. It had been over 6 months since her last punishment and she knew this one would be serious. The Latina hated lying and it was a serious offense in her eyes. It was the biggest rule they had in fact.

They had been out to dinner with some of Santana's friends and colleagues when a very simple lie Brittany had told to get them out of another boring dinner party had exploded in her lap and she felt dark coffee eyes boring into her as she was unable to cover the lie and she knew she embarrassed her wife in front of her friends.

Driving home in silence, Santana reflected on how to make this happen. Brittany would be punished for lying; she already knew that but DJ made the situation a little more sensitive. She paid the teenage babysitter and then sent her repentant wife to their room.

Santana cracked open a beer and sat on the couch and tried to calm down. It wasn't that it was a big lie by any means and she really didn't want to go to another boring faculty dinner as well but Brittany knew better and this time she had embarrassed her in front of her coworkers and friends.

Having relaxed enough to discuss things with her wife she reluctantly climbed the stairs to their bedroom. Santana was surprised to find Brittany in her pajamas and standing in the corner, she hadn't instructed her to do that. She was taken aback to realize Brittany expected to be punished this evening.

"Come to bed Brittany. I am not calm enough to do this tonight." Santana said firmly.

"But San…." Britt tried, hating the wait for a punishment especially knowing it was deserved.

"No Brittany, besides we can't risk waking DJ. I just carried him up to bed and he could come looking for us at any moment. We'll take care of this in the morning."

Brittany reluctantly had to agree with her wife on that, DJ was a light sleeper like she was.

The beautiful blonde tossed and turned all night long feeling guilty and anxious. She was relieved when Santana woke up early and told her to grab the belt and meet her in the spare bedroom in the basement.

They had set that room up originally as a guest room for Francesca as she loved to come and spend time with her grandson. It had become a convenient room to handle private affairs such as these punishments as well.

The belt had been painful and as it cracked down on bare skin, Brittany gripped onto the comforter on the bed with both hands and swore out loud to never lie again. She cried and promised as the leather cracked down over and over. Trying not to cry too loud and wake their son. She lie crying over Santana's lap receiving the comfort and forgiveness she had so desperately craved.

Standing in her closet and putting away the implement she worried that the time was coming when they might have to end their D/D arrangement and Brittany was afraid to give up the one way they had with coping with mistakes with love and compassion. She knew people didn't understand but it was a loving arrangement and it had always worked for them. It had brought them closer together and she feared the end of the arrangement.

Brittany smiled, she trusted that Santana would always find a way. For she knew that Santana had always put her family and their welfare first and Brittany trusted that with all her heart and soul.

She got dressed and headed to work feeling lighter and happier than she had in a while.

Thanks for reading let me know what you think.