A/N: Here's a new story! :D This has nothing to do with Kung Fu Nightfall or its sequels, enjoy! :D I don't own KFP.


Chapter 1 - An argument

It's a beautiful sunny day in the Valley of Peace, the golden sun is getting close to setting, the light cast golden light across the Valley, and the light from the sun was beautiful, it was red, golden with some purple light on the clouds mixed in, there were some people out and shopping, but they'll be closing here soon, the Valley looked so peaceful, hence the name 'Valley of Peace'. And, in the Jade Palace, Shifu was meditating while, meanwhile in the training hall, his students, Po, the Dragon Warrior, and the Furious Five are finishing off their daily training. In the training hall, Po and Monkey were sparring with the giant sticks and Monkey of course, is doing better, Viper is doing her training in the Fiery Field of Death, Mantis is in the wooden gauntlets, and Crane and Tigress were doing some sparring on the Jade Tortoise of Wisdom. Then Monkey hit Po on the head with the giant stick making him yell in pain, then Monkey kicked Po away onto the Jade Tortoise of Wisdom, making Tigress and him fall down in a heap. Po was on top of Tigress and she didn't look too happy.

"Ugh!" she said, "Can you please watch what you do, panda?!" Po got off her and said, "Sorry, it was Monkey's fault." He offered a hand to her, but she pushed it aside and got up herself.

"Well," she said, "Be much more careful! Monkey, that means you too."

"Yes Tigress," said Monkey. Tigress sighed and then said, "Okay, that's settled. Now, who's up for one last sparring match against me?" Po jumped up and began saying happily, "Me! Pick me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" Tigress held back a smile and said, "Okay, the final sparring match of the day will be Po vs. me." Then Po jumped out of joy and exclaimed, "Awesome!" Tigress rolled her eyes in annoyance at the panda's excitement, but she decided not be angry. Then Viper stopped training and slithered over to see what's going on.

"So," she said, "Did I hear Tigress announce the last sparring match will be her and Po?" Tigress nodded and said, "Po's so gonna lose." Po then stood up straight and said proudly, "I will not lose! I will beat you!" Tigress chuckled deviously and said, "We shall see, panda."

Then they walked over to where they're gonna spar, and they started on the spinning logs on the Swinging Clubs of Oblivion. Mantis, Viper, Crane, and Monkey were ready to start the sparring match, Po and Tigress stood on opposite sides, not on the logs yet, but on the edge of them.

"Ready Po?" Tigress asked.

"I'm ready, Tigress!" Po said with a smile.

Then they both got on the spinning logs and the clubs began swinging all around them! Tigress kept her balance while Po had some trouble, he almost slipped but he managed to keep himself from falling.

"Had enough panda?" Tigress asked, wanting him to quit.

"No," said Po, "I'm just getting started!" Then he made his way over to Tigress while punching two of the clubs and avoiding one of them, and then they began to spar with each other, and they had to keep their balance! Tigress through some punches to Po, and she avoided some punches and kicks from the panda by jumping onto another log and then she punched a club in Po's face, he held it in pain for a second before leaping into action and began throwing punches to Tigress, who was defending herself. Then Tigress punched Po, who returned it and then he kicked her gut and she didn't even stop fighting him! The two warriors were going really good at offense and defense, they hardly even beat one another up because they were so good. Then Po avoided another punch from Tigress and saw an opening, then he took it and she nearly lost her balance. Po smiled deviously as he got off the spinning logs onto the floor, Tigress said, "Come back here," before going after him. When she reached him, they began sparring again. Po then knocked her off her feet, but then she did the same to him! Po quickly got up and then he did the "Feet of Fury" on Tigress, she kept blocking each attack and then one kick got her right in the face! She held her face in pain before she lunged at Po and knocked him to the ground! Tigress looked at Po and asked, "Had enough? Give it up, panda." Po sprang to his feet and shouted "Never" before lunging at Tigress, but she avoided him by jumping onto the Jade Tortoise. Po went after her and she managed to jump on the other side before he reached her. Po smiled deviously and then he dropped it when he fell into the Tortoise, losing his balance!

"Panda!" Tigress shouted, completely caught off guard, then she went flying towards the Swinging Clubs, then one hit her in the face and then she had to balance herself on the spinning logs! Po managed to get out of the Tortoise to try and help her, and then Tigress slipped on the spinning log and did a full split, that made her hold herself in pain. Then a club came along and hit her, sending her flying into the Jade Tortoise! She flew out of it and went over the wooden gauntlets and then she landed in the Fiery Field of Death! Before she could say anything the machine did its job and then fire FWOOSHED onto her! She screamed in pain, and every time she did, her friends winced at the sight, including Po. Then she stopped screaming in pain and she crawled out of the Fiery Field, completely covered with black soot, but okay. They all ran over to her and Viper asked with fastness in her voice, "Tigress, are you okay?" Tigress coughed as she brushed herself off some, she was greatly humiliated by this. Crane gave her a towel, she took it and began brushing her face off with it.

"Do you need any medical help, Tigress?" Mantis asked, wanting to help her.

Tigress scoffed as she put away the towel, her face was clean but she was still covered in soot. She briefly glared at Po before Viper asked, "Are you okay?"

"Oh sure!" Tigress said with a frustrated tone.

Po smiled and asked, "If you're okay, why don't we finish the sparring match?" Tigress growled a bit before saying in a mean tone, "I'm gonna wash up before I eat. You fix us dinner while I wash up." She began stomping away and Po asked, "What about..." he was cut off when Tigress shouted, "The sparring match is over, DRAGON WARRIOR!" Then she slammed the door behind her, greatly humiliated at what happened.

"You should talk to her later," Viper advised to Po.

"Maybe I should," said Po, feeling guilty about the whole thing, "I would've told her that I was sorry, but she didn't let me..."

"Just give her some time to cool off," Crane suggested. Po sighed and he knew Tigress needed some time alone, then he said, "While she's washing up, I'll prepare us some noodle soup."

"All right!" Mantis said with a smile, "I can't wait to have some more of that noodle soup!" Po chuckled a bit, but as they walked, he couldn't help but wonder why Tigress has been acting up lately.

A little while later, Tigress, now in a white shirt with short white pants, her clothes to put on after a shower, she looked in the mirror and examined her face for any kind of wound. She did see a mark where the club hit her in the face, but it wasn't serious, it was just a red mark that'll be gone in a day or two.

"How dare he humiliate me like that," she thought with anger, "I'm a warrior for goodness sake and that's never happened to me before. And it happened with that panda!" She clenched her fists in anger and humiliation and continue to think, she felt an unknown rage, that wasn't her current anger come over her and then she punched the mirror, breaking it! Then she threw some stuff and stomped out of the bath house to change into her regular clothing that were in her room.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Po is fixing his regular noodle soup that his father taught him how to make, while his friends, talk with each other about something.

"I can't wait until tomorrow!" Monkey said with a smile, resting his hands behind his head.

"I can't either!" Viper exclaimed with a smile, "The town's so beautiful! The beach, the buildings, everything!"

"I can't wait to try all of the food!" Mantis said with a smile, then Crane said with a smile, "As long as you don't get a stomach ache." They all laughed at that, for they were going on a vacation to a new town far from the Valley, and at China's coastline. Po was still wondering what was up with Tigress, he just couldn't take his mind off the fact that she's been meaner and more aggressive than before the battle with Shen. Then he put the noodle soup in bowls and passed them all out saying, "Order up!"

"Thanks Po," Viper said with a smile, taking her spoon while blowing on the soup to cool it off some. Po smiled and said, "Thanks Viper, I'm always happy to serve." Po was smiling on the outside, but on the inside he felt guilty and he needed to talk to Tigress. He had made her a bowl of noodle soup and it was sitting on the table where her empty seat is. Then Master Shifu walked in and said, "Hello students."

"Hi Master Shifu," they all said in unison. Then Shifu began looking around, he didn't see Tigress anywhere and then he asked, "Might I ask where Tigress is?"

"She's washing up," said Viper, Monkey chuckled and said, "Yeah, after she was beaten by Po." Po shot Monkey a glare and said, "Don't even talk about it."

"Is something wrong?" Shifu asked with a wondered look.

"No Master," Po lied, "She just had a rough day." Shifu rubbed his beard before saying, "Okay. You should know that we're heading to Coastal Town to enjoy ourselves for a week."

"Oh right," said Mantis. Then Shifu joined in and sat down in his seat before he began to eat along with the others.

Meanwhile, in Tigress' room, Tigress has changed into her clothes similar to the ones that were charred in the Fiery Field of Death. She was clean and just looking like herself again. She was cooled off a bit but she just kept feeling this pain in herself.

"What the heck is my problem?" she said out loud to herself, "For two stinking months I've been feeling this anger and pain, and I don't know why..."

She continued to think, she was standing in one place, and then she had a thought come to her. She then sat on her bed and began to meditate. Back in the kitchen, Tigress hasn't returned to her friends.

"I think Tigress has been gone way too long," said Viper.

"I agree," said Crane. Then Shifu rubbed his temples and asked, "What's wrong with Tigress?"

"Well," said Po, "She was mad when I accidentally lost my balance on the Jade Tortoise and she was hit by one of the clubs and she was charred by the Fiery Field."

"Oh my," said Shifu, "Is she okay?" Po shook his head and said, "She's fine, but I don't know what she feels like right now. I think she was humiliated."

"I bet," said Mantis, "She doesn't like to lose to you, you know."

Shifu sighed and said, "Panda, you go talk to her. I want you to make her feel better and undo any damage you caused." Po stood up, bowed before his master and said, "Yes Master Shifu." Then Po picked up Tigress' bowl, it was still hot, and then he walked out of the kitchen. A little later, Po entered the student barracks, and he could see Tigress' candle still on, he then walked up to the door, knocked and he didn't hear a response. He shrugged and knocked again, nothing. He tried again and nothing. Then he opened the door to see Tigress meditating. He then walked into the room, put the bowl of noodle soup on Tigress' dresser and he walked over to her. She was beautiful looking when she was meditating, Po smiled a bit before he began to shake her lightly.

"Tigress," Po said softly, "Tigress." He continued to shake her lightly and he said her name again, then her eyes shot open and she punched Po, but she didn't know it was him.

"OWWW!" Po yelled in pain, holding his nose. Tigress then saw it was Po, she remained emotionless and said, "Oh, it's just you, Po." Po held his nose while Tigress asked, "What do you want? Haven't you done enough?"

"Tigress," Po said, still holding his nose, "I brought you some noodle soup to eat. And I also want to see what's happening with you."

"What do you mean?" Tigress asked.

"I mean," said Po, "You've been meaner to me for the last two months and all I've been trying to do is be nicer. What's up with that?"

"Why do you ask me, panda?" Tigress asked, remaining emotionless, "I'm a hardcore warrior and I will always be."

"Everyone has emotions, Tigress," said Po, "And I..."

"And you what?" Tigress asked with a louder tone, "Do you know what you just did to me in there panda?!"

"Tigress," said Po, "I came to..."

"Humiliate me again?!" Tigress shouted, "Look panda, I've not EVER been humiliated like that in the training hall, or in front of the others! What do you got to say for yourself?!" Po was a bit surprised to see Tigress angry, he hardly sees her this angry anymore. Then he managed to say, "No, I did not! I came to bring you some noodle soup and just talk to you."

"After what you did?" Tigress said in a somewhat harsh tone, "I don't need talking to, Dragon Warrior!" Po remained calm and then he asked, "Can't you just eat?" He held the bowl up to Tigress, she looked at it for a moment before turning her head away saying, "I'm not hungry."

"It's not healthy to skip a meal," Po said softly, "Now come on and eat." He held the bowl in front of Tigress' face and she said in a mean tone, "Get it...away from me..."

"Come on," Po gently urged her, "It's..." Then she slapped the bowl and the noodle soup went into Po's face make him scream in pain! It was so hot!

"JEEZ! Tigress! What's your deal?!" Po shouted in anger and pain as he brushed his face off.

"I told you I'm not hungry!" Tigress said with a cold tone, looking at Po with angry eyes.

"Then what's your deal?" Po asked, trying to calm down, "I just want to know what's been going on for the last three months so I can undo any damage between us."

"Look panda," Tigress said coldly, "You don't know what I've been going through! I've been through too much!"

"Then what?" Po asked, "If I can just know what's been going on I'd want to help." Tigress bit her lip and let out a low growl, she hardened her heart remembering how Po humiliated her, she was just so angry and frustrated that she couldn't control it. She then hung her head low and said, "Go."

"But I want to..."

"I said go!" Tigress screamed.

"Darn it Tigress! Do you know that I'm trying to help?!" Po screamed in anger.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Tigress roared, making Po jump back in shock, then he grew angry and shouted, "FINE! By the way. Some warrior you are! You cannot defeat the Dragon Warrior!" Tigress gasped and screamed out, "HOW DARE YOU!"

"I dare because you're acting like I'm just trash!" Po screamed in anger, "And since you think that, you stink at friendship and funship!" Tigress growled again and said, "I know! And you stink as a friend!"

"Well that doesn't matter anyway because I don't want to be friends!" Po said out of anger, not thinking at all. Tigress growled and said, "Get out! We're through! Out of my room!" Then Po stomped out of the room and slammed Tigress' door leaving the bowl and noodle soup mess on her floor. Then Tigress grabbed her candle, blew out the flame and when she did she threw it at the wall, breaking it. Back in the kitchen the others were wondering how the talk went with Tigress. Then Po came stomping back in and Viper asked, "How did the talk go?"

"It went terrible," Po said in an angry tone.

"What happened?" Shifu asked. Po looked at him and said, "She doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. I wouldn't try to talk to her, she's being such a meany." Then Po grabbed himself a bowl of soup and began to leave.

"Where're you going?" Shifu asked.

"I'm sleeping somewhere else tonight," Po said, not looking back, "I don't want any part of Tigress for now." Then he left, and the others were just shocked that something like this happened. As Po walked down the hall, he began to feel guilty for what he said to Tigress, he wished he hadn't said any of that nonsense. He knew he had to apologize to her soon. But he figured to let her cool off after today.

"Why did I even say such things?" Po asked himself, now really guilty about the entire event.

A/N: Well, what do you think of the first chapter? Let me know please, and where the characters in character? And Po was just angry just so you know. :)